The Chestnuts of Celestial Time (Part two)

The first part is here 🙂

Or rather The Seashells of Celestial Time 😉

I live not far away from the sea shore so the seashells are as common here as the chestnuts, nonetheless, there is more to it. The chestnut symbolizes growth, development, connection to the earth and the sky or between the earth and the sky (tree grows up to the sky). And, as everything in nature does, they are connected to cycles of life: nut-sapling-tree (which then abides the four seasons’ cycle and also gives new fruits) – death – new life (as young trees surrounding an old one, or a fruit/nut). Seashells connect us to the sea or ocean, something which is connected to eternity, oneness, source of life, and also dreams, imagination, emotions, mystery – as we usually see mainly the surface of the water when we see it from far or without taking a closer look.

Photo by Victoria on

In this instance shells are used to make a reading a little bit more detailed. Personally I decided that for me yellow seashells are connected with money or health, pink ones refer to love, emotions, art, and white ones reveal rather intellectual, rational qualities. Spiral shells I’d classify as ones that indicate house, family or domestic matters, because they look like a good place to hide, or, because of its spiral shape, with spiritual life, time cycles, reincarnation and Universe. The double shells or connected ones, personally I would associate with harmony, agreement/togetherness, but at the same time they are complete and slow, very gentle. There is not much movement, action in the harmony. It can be present there of course still but rarther in a delicate way, not agressive or impulsive. The separate shell is active, reckless, impulsive, ready to show initiative. The broken shell signifies obstacles, conflicts, misfortunes, sudden endings.

Photo by MarvellousNightmare on MarvellousNightmare’s Dreams

When it comes to spreads it’s better just to pull three chestnuts which will show you the answer to your question, the very essence of it. You can also read them chronologically, like in card reading: past-present future. I wouldn’t recommend pulling more than three chestnuts because there are not so many of them and the answer will be too general. If you need more details, just add a shell to them, it will specify their meaning, like in the case of Roots+Apple+Snake: it creates the Biblical scene of temptation, and if you add a pink shell, it will directly refer to the sexual temptation, something “forbidden”, unfair or taunting in romantic relationship, or depending on a question it may even advise you to use sexual energy in art (sublimation). Also third person affecting relations.

In case you add a yellow shell to your chestnut sequence the meaning changes. If you ask about health it will show you a solid, successful treatment. When it comes to money it indicates success achieved but in not a completely honest way. Also it refers to sales, advertisements, and all areas where you tempt clients and pay for that (best job for you).

With white shell added to the combination the area may be connected to conventional psychological studies, thourough analysis of archetypes, instincts in your psyche. Traditional work with your shadow, graduating from school or University or enrolling in one. I may also denote medicine, hospitals and even archaeology.

Spiral shell added to this combination will indicate a complicated relationship in the family, someone lying and manipulating, as a result of this there is a possibility of the family split, loss of connection between its members (The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden). In terms of spirituality this combination may indicate Kabbalah, religion (especially Christianity and Judaism), European Esoteric and Hermetic Orders, work with Kundalini/Chakras, alternative medicine.

With a broken shell you get a dangerous situation, where someone tries to use your trust and manipulate you into unwise actions which may potentially ruin your life, also a definite end of something as a result of manipulation or unfair behaviour of the person mentioned above. You may lose everything, especially the sure, stable and comfortable life to which you were used to.

Photo by Dmitry Demidov on

1. Of course, in case you need it, you can pull more than one shell, the best solution in this case is perhaps, to add one shell to each Chestnut, so there should be three of those.

2. Use your imagination. The examples I’ve made for various combinations are just the possible keys to interpretation, just try to trust yourself.

3. The best use of this Oracle is to determine the quickness of events, time frames, how to work with your psyche, dreams and emotions. Although, if you have a good associative thinking it could prove useful for every type of question 🙂

4. You may create your own set of the seashells, it’s up to you. The most essential thing is a set of the Chestnuts, everything else may be adjusted according to your tastes, the seashells are used only to make the answer more precise/detailed.

5. If you want to help me testing my little invention and have a free Chestnut Oracle reading 😀 then please contact me via , I expect it to be a group of no more than ten people though, so… be quick! 🙂

Finally, in case you have any questions reguarding that tool, please, don’t hesitate to ask 🙂 See you!

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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