November Tarot: Inner Changes ;)

Inner changes? But why?

Because of the November month which is under the rule of a Scorpio sign, the sign of changes, transformation and rebirth. Another reason is some astrological changes which affect me this month. I’m not a Wiccan, Samhain also partly inspired me. The spread analyzes my inner changes from now till the beginning of the next November.

So what do we have here?

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1. Which qualities will I leave in the past?
The Six of Swords + The Five of Swords + The Eight of Swords = The Sun (XIX)
All of these cards show getting rid of running away from the problems and painful failures as well as fears and blockages, the situations in which I feel I can do nothing, I am paralised. The memories of painful experiences and convictions for instance that that I’m a loser, and the negative emotions always dominated my psyche. The fact that I’ve pulled only Minor Arcana for this question means that those obstacles weren’t something unavoidable. I could have actually get rid of them myself much earlier. The sum of these cards equals The Sun (XIX) and it shows that my childhood and also the lack of responsibility for my own failures will leave me.

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2. Which qualities will I learn in future?
The Five of Cups +The Priestess (II) + The Temperance (XIV) = The World (XXI)
Sure, the Five of Cups is sad, bitter and full of tears, but in my opinion this card is much better that the Five of Swords. Here I can cry my pain out, I don’t hide it and bear it with me: I cry and the pain will go, then due to the rest of the cards we see the deep analyses of my subconsciousness and good intuitive insight as for the pain, letting it out, and integrating the experience in my psyche, making it part of the whole, and by doing that I’ll calm it down. Actually, from these cards I can see the wisdom, inner harmony and intuition, spirituality, which will deepen in me. The sum of these cards equals The World arcane, and that indicates the calmness and increased harmony (The Temperance) and intuitive capabilities too 🙂 The World gives the sense of completion and unity with the Universe as well as the contactability. I hope that those cards show that I will engage in the spirituality more and be a better psychologist.

3. How did the surroundings see me in the past? – This energy will leave me.
The Sun (XIX) + The Ten of Wands + The Seven of Wands = The Hermit (IX)
I think that I was perceived as a very energetic (all cards are connected to the fire element) and a little bit hard, dominating person, who could easily make others tired. In combination with the cards from the first question I can assume that due to the bad experience from the past I was always in the defence position, always ready to fight in order to protect myself. The sum of these cards (The Hermit) shows that I was alienated from other people because of that.

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4. How will my surroundings see me now? – This is the new energy which I will have.
The Moon (XVIII) + The Four of Cups + The Six of Cups = The Wheel of Fortune (X)
As a very dreamy, creative, emotional, feminine and pleasant though, full of illusions and introversive, hiding part of my inner world, especially minding The Priestess in the second card sequence. Both the Moon and the Priestess show the increase in my psychic abilities and femininity, passiveness and the impression of mystery, with quite childish and relaxing hues 🙂 The sum of these cards shows changeability, being lucky, and also increases the psychic and spiritual influences in me. Perhaps it shows that these changes are very new, but important for my development.

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5. A piece of advice for this period of time:
Ten of Cups + The Knight of Wands + Ace of Monet + Three of Cups = The Temperance (XIV)
To enjoy being with my husband, family and close friends, to really put my energy and enthusiasm to that. To be open to new possibilities and friends, to deeply enjoy it 🙂 The Temperance indicates calm harmony in it, the sense of unity and serenity.

So, that’s it 🙂 I’ll try to verify it one year later. What’s more, please, don’t be shy and comment on it, it doesn’t matter in which language you will do it, I just want to know your perspective, this will make me very-very happy 🙂

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