Elements and astrology: footnotes (Fire)

Key ideas: light, heat, danger, burning, expansion, warmth, protection, war, religion, divine, inspiration, enlightenment, passion, sex, energy, rites and rituals, holiness, clearness, death, rebirth, sacrifice, might, power, sun, stars, happiness, laughter, truth.

Please, take a look here, before you start and if you want to read my thoughts about air signs 🙂

Fire is the most unearthly element as it is represented by plasma, something that you can’t touch. At the moment when hominids just appeared the fire wasn’t yet harnessed, it came from the sky, at the gods’ will, an impulse, a whim. So it was marvel, and danger at the same time. Something that could protect, warm you up and kill you. It was the God’s will. It could heal and clean your wounds from rotting. It was a real magic, and it is still associated with magical rituals. The people with emphasized fire element in their natal are energetic, hot-headed and impulsive as the fire from the heaven, at lower level of development they love risk and danger, but it will be them who will embark the spiritual journey, lead people and protect your land, fight for their truth. They have a good hold of energy, so they can be mages, energy healers and prophets (divine fire) or sportsmen, surgeons. The expansion and enwidening their horizons is vital for them as the fire is very difficult to prevent from spreading vaster and vaster.

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Always eager, always full of passion, “fire people” can achieve impossible things if they put all their enthusiasm to something, they have almost unlimited sources of energy and belief in themselves or their cause which guides them all the way. They are idealistic and usually they don’t want to consider the realistic or/and the materialistic aproach (depends on other elements of their natal chart)

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Think about burning fire and the dance of its flames gives you warmth and light, how it improves your mood and brings dynamics into your life. The children of this element are also warm, dynamic, artistic, expressive, cheerful. It is a warm, emotional element, and it is important to remember that these are expressive, dramatic emotions cascading openly, which cannot be mistaken with the inside changes and the soft and deep feelings of the water element, the children of fire cannot be restrained, and yes- yes, they do not have and ability to wait and to be still! If the fire becomes passive it extinguishes, it dies, so do not try to make them be silent and passive. They like to act, and they even should act and give light in every possible sense: on the stage, in the surgery, on the war, or by being a spiritual teacher (devending on the level of development). Fire is also closely connected with sexual act, so they truly live in it enjoy the passion, quickly fall in love and quickly get rid off this feelings, wanting and searching new hearts to conquer (not always true, should be confirmed by other elements in the natal chart).


Surely, there is different fire: the full blown danger scorching everything that lives to death and dust, warming and lighting fire of your house or cheerful fires of the festive streets, healing fire, firearms, and holy fire, fire of truth. All of them can be everything depending on their level of development, although we usually associate Aries with the killing/healing/conquering fire, Leo with the festive/passionate/creative fire and Sagittarius with the expansive/ritual/divine fire. Last, but not list, the fire coming after the darkness was always connected with the idea of rebirth and better days to come: usually we see either the solar god ressurected after the death (night/darkness) or it is a legend of ressurecting fire bird. So, the Fire Signs may think of themselves as of the Phoenixes: they always rise anew, cleansed, full of heat and light after the dark periods in their lives (sure, Scorpion is also a Phoenix, but I’ll leave it for the next time).

Photo by Arthur Ogleznev on Pexels.com

You may apply that description to yourself if you:

– Have Sun, Moon or Ascendant in one of the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius);

– Have at least two personal planets (or one personal planet and the ascendant Ruler) in the air signs;

– Mars and/or Jupiter should have a lot of aspects, especially with your Lights (Sun and Moon).

– Also if one of these planets is emphasized by essential (signs-related) or accidental (houses-related) dignity, conjunctions with Angles (Asc, MC, IC, Dsc) and sometimes stars and certain degrees.

– Accentuated Fire Houses (I, V, IX). In that case you will have qualities, interests and values of the air signs, but you will not have the specific air energy in you, unless you have other indicators or emphasized air elements in your natal chart.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
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