Child of Earth and Fire

I’ve asked my friend for an opportunity to share my analyses of her natal chart in my blog, and she agreed 😀 It is very general analyses and to be honest I do it after a break in interpretations, still I’m very excited about doing it 🙂 So, if you love reading astrological interpretations you are welcome and please enjoy! 🙂

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Firstly, it’s important to notice that we see the chart with the dominance of Earth and Fire elements which give this person ambitious, self-assured character that is aimed to achieve success or perform a great work here on Earth (also emphasized by stellium in Capricorn), on spiritual or material plane and loads of energy and diligence will help her in this task. Additionally, this is a chart of the individualist, as the majority of her planets are gathered at the left hemisphere. It is a very strong character and very assertive. She will trust mainly herself and her vision, and will act according to her wishes, not because of her attachments or friends/family’s opinions.

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The ascendant in Sagittarius, as well as the Sun in this sign endow her with a cheerful, expansive manners: she is inquisitive, and her knowledge of the World is deep, and she forms her own opinion and philosophy based on this knowledge, which has a significant impact on her worldview. Among her interests you will find spiritual and cultural topics, she can be a natural teacher. She often comes to decision or behaves based on her personal understanding of justice or according to her own philosophy: the fact that the horoscope ruler is situated in the 2nd House shows that the values and the morality are crucial for her, so she can act based on the moral values or anything she considers valuable and true. Her intelligence is underlined by Mercury in the 1st House (as a trait of personality), Mars in Virgo and the 9th House, and by the Stellium in Capricorn.

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Coming back to the Sun in the 1st House we can say that it doesn’t only give her this very genuine, authentic union of personality and character, but also an innate ability to shine (somewhat Leo-like). It is difficult to pass her by unnoticed, she is very charismatic and dramatic, and she definitely feels good being in front of people, acting. She likes to be recognized and she’s very ambitious. The only Sun’s aspect is a square on Mars, which definitely adds some drama and impulsiveness, as well as sharp power and life in action, she may be quite aggressive sometimes, uncontrollably. This aspect puts additional stress on the power and prominance of her character.

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As for Mars itself it is situated in 9th house, which shows her eager energetic input towards exploring new horizons, getting new educations and building her worldview, or even exploring spirituality. The True Node is also situated in 9th house additionally shows that it is her mission. In other words almost all of her natal chart is fixed on either educational or philosophical matters simultaneously combined with deepening into analyses or values. Her analytical insight is emphasized by Mars in Virgo which makes her very observant, precise and rational in her actions, activities and work: and actually it is her work style – attention to details, logic and accuracy. As an addition to her spiritual inclinations, the Mars in Virgo combined with trygons from Neptune and Jupiter is a good combination for yoga or energy healing abilities. Mars has a sextile with Venus, which combines the male and female parts of her psyche, making her understanding of man and endowing her with attractiveness.

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By the way, the Venus has the best aspects of all here, and despite the fact it is in exile (by sign – Scorpio) which simultaneously conjunction with Pluton gives possessive and jealous trait to her love behavior, the sextiles from Jupiter and Neptune give her enthusiastic, romantic and benevolent approach to love. She has a big, compassionate heart and tries to devote herself to her loved ones, making them happy. It also increases her artistic talents and helps their expression, atmospheric deepness, and Jupiter may help to achieve recognition in the artistic field. It also promises happiness in love and this is especially true as the Pars of Fortune has an exact conjunction with her Venus. Scorpio also gives a great stability to her feelings. The fact that Venus is situated in 11th House also speaks of the importance of equality in her relationships, of friendship between her and her partner. She also has a great ability to engage in collective creative processes and has a lot of good pleasant friendships, and a lot of female friends.

Having a combination of Venus in Scorpio and Moon in Capricorn signs she can be quite somber, dark and full of melancholy and that is her female image, her main archetype. Nonetheless, her solar sign – Sagittarius – can easily dissolve this gloominess and give her a great amount of positive energy 😉

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The Moon shows our passive side – psyche, emotions, comfort, subconsciousness, as well as family and Mother archetype and with the Moon in Capricorn it is normally a complicated matter, usually created a “cold” environment for growing up, distant mother, and judging by the square formed by the Ruler of IC and Sun, there could be also problems with father, and this aspect emphasizes the initial irritability of character, it could be simply a result of tough childhood or genetics.

The Moon in Capricorn is usually prone to phobias and melancholy, its owner has a kind of sad emptiness inside or feels that he must carry all calamities of this World on his/her shoulders. The usual treatment for this is either concentration on achievements and career, or the greater purpose, some kind of mission. In this case the main problem is that the Moon has no other aspects than the conjunction with Mercury. The emotions don’t have so many fields of expression, except for the speech, thoughts, analyses. This is a perfect position for a writer (especially with MC and Node in Libra and really good aspects of Venus, which is also the ruler of 5th and 6th Houses), and for a person who likes to reflect on emotions a lot. This also gives her a great imagination and intuition 🙂 Mercury in Capricorn is also quite philosophical and gives a good intelligence, although quite a great amount of perfectionism 🙂

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Jupiter has plenty of good aspects, which gives her great moral values, luck, harmonious philosophy and a nice way of self representation (the Ruler of Ascendant). Though, being in Capricorn it is always somehow restricted by rules and traditions, not so free and expansive as in its natural state. The fact of it being in 2nd House gives her a lot of luck in terms of money and the importance of values (not always material, especially that she also has Uranus and Neptune there), and prompts her to broaden this part of her life. It also may denote the financial (2nd house) success (sudden and from unknown sources as may be understood from Uranus and Neptune in this House) and good career path, especially because of the positive aspect with the ruler of MC.

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The Saturn is not very very strong in Aries and sometimes simply denotes restricted power or the fear of power/initiative, and perhaps, due to the sextile with the Uranus it also may show a great inner freedom from restrictions (which is also normal for Sagittarius sign. It is situated in the 3rd House which shows the need to deepen knowledge, give structure to all kinds of information passing through her life and also deepen and stabilize all kinds of conflicts. Saturn may create complications during the trips and some kind of inner restrictions in terms of contacts.

That is it, it was very general, so perhaps, if my friend chose a specific field of interest, I’ll write more on this topic 🙂

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