A dream – Grandfather, green dress, priestess (27.05)

I went forth and forth looking for my grandfather. Wherever I turned though, how many many times I called him – I found nothing and nobody. I knew he was dead, even in my dream, but I hoped to meet him at least there. I climbed up the hill, the grass turned to silver-green waves. I felt so overwhelmed with loss and despair, that I laid down on the grass and flowers and cried. I cried until I felt cleansed, going through catharsis. Standing up I said loudly: “You will still be forever in my heart!”. Later on I saw myself in the mirror, I had a green dress on me, a very long one, and my skirt touched the floor. I passed a dark hall, and I knew I should open the last door on the left. In front of the door I met a girl, I don’t know her in reality, but she asked me about whether I’m any sort of nun, if I wear such a dress. Opening the door, I answered: “I’m a priestess’ ‘.
I entered the spacious, good lighted room with columns and interesting frescos, and kneeled: “Help him and bless him, Amma. Let him be happy”

Continue reading “A dream – Grandfather, green dress, priestess (27.05)”

A dream – Lady with Monkey

I don’t remember how and why I got there, all I remember is the warm, slow sea waves gently bathing my feet in the warm water, fires and lights in front of me… Or, perhaps on my left on the shore. There were a multitude of buildings and houses emerging behind my back, also shiny, shimmering. I lied down, on the sand watching, observing the reflections on the stars swimming deformed in the water. Strangely, I didn’t want to sleep. Thus, after some time I, curious and oblivious, went towards these shining lights. The further I went, the louder the music played, or, should I say a barbaric mixture of sounds, which appears only when two hundred songs are played all together. Splinting headache. Auch.

Still I entered this spot, I was way too attracted by the light and laughter.

  • Ah, it’s you! – A very young blond girl smiled openly. – We were waiting, join us.
Continue reading “A dream – Lady with Monkey”


You see, it’s time for us to finally say farewell
Pressure and lies don’t equal love. Additionally, I would tell
You.. Stop your preaching - just for once, unchanged dull echo, rusty bell
Tolls, falls like all your absences. Did you once dwell
Upon your flaws and deeds? You would ignore,
Menacing me and all whom I love more…
Then you. In other words, stop threatening this World,
In the old-time belief that I am your possession.
'We share the same blood!' which flows like black depression
And every time you try devouring me,
Like mythic Saturn ate his own children
To make me be the things you only see.
Thus every time I'm turning into stone
Detached, unpleasant, cold, aloof, alone,
You have no choice then, but to set me free.
And I’ll never fill or reflect your Capricornian solitude...

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

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