Fire Magic. Introduction.

A brief introduction: I’ve decided to continue moving my magic notes to this blog, and it’ll probably be a bit chaotic, because I truly plan to follow my inspiration for this matter. Lately, It was very difficult for me to start anything, and when I tried to write something, it turned out quite terrible, so I’m allowing myself just write what I want and I’ll proceed with that 😀

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Regarding elemental magic… I’ll only write about the fire magic, because I love it, because I have the most experience with it, and because working, meditating, or siting near the fireplace, candles or open fire feels like home to me, like my natural abode… As a result I succeed in it more. Like every decent Phoenix I’m enchanted by fire, and I’ve always felt natural inclination towards it. It is simply the power which makes my heart beat faster and louder.
I’ve gathered all the information I’ll share in the later posts from various books and traditions, websites, myths from different cultures and rituals, from higher and lower magic(s), yogic mantras, kriyas and asanas. I also a plenty of my own observations and things I’ve learned during my meditations. If I’ve quoted any materials directly from the source, I’ll provide a reference, as always 😉

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I know that this blog is quite a calm one. Actually I just hope that people who find their way here are meant to discover this place. However… You might be a complete beginner. Than you should know that fire is in its civilized form has very high vibrations (next to light) that are not universally beneficial for everyone. In case this frequency is not good for you, you may have headaches, the world will be swirling and swaying before your eyes. You may become irritable and lose interest in life (as it happens it is similar to what I experience with low vibrations).
Fire also has it’s shadow side: war, destruction, pain, violence, anger, impulsivity and problems with self-control… Always keep in mind fire is not a toy!!! Show it the respect it deserves. Always remember to strictly follow fire safety rules on both physical and spiritual levels. Fire is an energy, so I believe it would be reasonable to learn the basics first. Namely how to feel the energy, how to work with energy, how to protect yourself, before you start practicing the fire magic. I’ll give the descriptions or links to these exercises in the next posts 😉

Photo by Abby Kihano on

It’s fine, but what is fire symbolism and magicall about? As for now, I’ll summarize it briefly:
– Transformation and initiation;
– Protection (especially from dark forces) ;
– Healing;
– Cleansing;
– Spiritual development (expansion);
– Energy/passion/inspiration;
– Love and passion;
– Sexual chemistry;
– Soul of the house (Hearth, etc);
– Creation;
– Divination;
– Celebration, happiness
– Blessings and honoring divine;
– Destruction;
– Pain and illnesses;
– Brutal force/tyranny;
– Narcissism
– Death and rebirth;
– Tiredness, fights, wars, impulsiveness, maniac states/madness.

I’ll write more on each of these aspects, but I’d rather not share with you much information on destruction or the darker sides of fire. I’ll give some advice on how to avoid them. + the next post will be about the symbols and correspondences of fire, including perspectives from Hermeticism and astrology 🙂

Feel free to write any questions or thoughts you have in the comments; I’ll really appreciate them 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

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