Do We Need Initiation? And What is Initiation?

There are plenty of different approaches to initiation in magic(k), healing, and in esotericism in general. Some people firmly say “yes”, while others respond with “no”. In most cases, what they have in mind is the ceremonial procedure, and they forget that constant practice can also initiate you into the subject you are passionate about. It just takes more time, generally combined with a bigger crisis.

I also know people who insist on not letting others into their energy. It is important to know – and I believe that it is the basis of energy hygiene – that some people won’t ask your permission. If they want to mix things up for you, they’ll just take any of your Instagram or Facebook photos where you look straight into the camera and where you are shown in your full height, with your arms and legs uncrossed, and they will do whatever they like with your energy. So protect yourself on a constant basis if you are afraid. It is just a reminder that in our times, you won’t be fully safe energetically even if you simply omit formal initiations. But of course, it’s your choice and your decision, which I fully respect.

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In the past, it was a necessary procedure — in ceremonial magic(k), witchcraft, various mystical, spiritual and occult societies, in religions (such as christening), or even in becoming a shaman — initiations were crucial. Not everyone was allowed to wield sacred tools, delve into hidden knowledge, or even use spells or prayers. Only those who were permitted, who were an inseparable part of these traditions, who were aligned with their path by their energy, heart, and belief system, could approach and attempt such things. This kind of initiation required a transformation, a deep change in your personality. Yesterday, you were a simple woman, but today you are a mighty witch! And you think like one, and feel like one, so you are part of a coven or a family line, and when you are in this state of conscious, you are allowed to wield different, unearthly energies. Your senses are sharpened, and some family spirits also help you on your way. No, you don’t need any special herbs; you are a magic(k)al being now. The same goes for priests of any religion; when they are in church or any other temple, they are representations of the sacred, the voice of God – and that is why their prayers and rituals work (just an example). Also, this practice allowed only the right people to join their orders (education also helped to keep laymen away).

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Additionally, let’s not forget that we undergo such transformations in our mundane life: we become graduates, employed, married, parents—these are also initiations and transformations. You become someone else, and you see the world differently when you graduate, for instance. The knowledge you gain, all the sleepless nights, exams, and finally the thesis – all of that changes your mind, your perspective, and you can understand and do things that are unreachable for other people. They can’t, but you can. Moreover, it is especially important for some professions: only now you are allowed to use your knowledge and perform certain practices.

Finally, let’s not forget about the ancient rites of initiation, among which becoming an adult is probably the most well-known. They helped with transitions to a new age phase with new tasks and a new way of life, without the discomfort, doubts and crisis related to this. Back then, people even changed their names after initiation as a sign of the new life, of the new person they had become.

Coming back to magic(k).

Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on

Nowadays, people have plenty of choice when it comes to initiation. We can still take part in ceremonial group initiations, “one on one” initiations, or self initiations… We also have full access to the market where we can learn that a formal initiation is required for using the Lenormand card deck, which is not true. People argue about the amount of money they need to pay for that as well. Although, in my humble opinion, the change in you and the ability to access subtle energies are the most important things.

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  • We have to be reborn in the new role and can use its attributes (psychological adjustment).
  • It helps us deal with the crisis connected to our new role or new task.
  • We have access to subtle energies, special knowledge, and senses.
  • In case you work with a certain way of magic(k), you’ll be given keys from these gates, so you can access it much, much better (access).
  • Another possibility is spiritual travels, which can now be done safely.
  • In case you work with elemental, angelic, and other kinds of spirits, initiation also gives you their support.

Once again, you don’t need a special ceremony to be attuned/initiated (there are exceptions though). Knock loudly and persistently to this door, and finally, you will be heard (knowledge + constant practice), and – who knows? If you are good or stubborn enough, you may be presented with the keys.

In other words, you need initiation in order to do magic(k). You cannot omit it. But initiation can be a result of your own work, and there are fields that are accessible. Your inner transformation, skills, experience are of more value than soaking in a bath full of milk and rose petals for one night in order to become a witch and then doing nothing.

Wait for the second part 😉

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

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