Kinds of Initiation

Continuation of the previous post about initiations, and more information about Fire Magic(k)
So, initiations can be divided more or less into:

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1. Ceremonial group initiation: Normally, these happen in magic(k)al orders, or witchy covens, reiki classes and other spiritual gatherings. Honestly, I’ve never experienced a group initiation, and I definitely know that it might not be not so comfortable for me. However, I’ve read a lot about it and understand that it could be a very strong and deep experience. First of all, it’s usually pre-set and very dramatic, almost theatrical in nature, specifically aimed at making us more open to new energies and entranced in order to connect with the archetypes in our psyche, as well as the outer and inner sources of power. This type of initiation can be a powerful source of transformation. For some people, it is also a very important experience because then you are influenced by group energy and face archetypal trials and figures, not only inside, but also on the outside. Moreover, for some people, it is important to become part of a community where they feel supported by teachers and surrounded by potential friends.

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2. Individual initiation conveyed by another person (passing on a magic(k)al gift from a parent or teacher):
This is also a widely known procedure, both in the past and the present. We might think that online distant initiations are something new, but they are not. In fact, it was actually common before the internet, for an old witch to pass her gift to her granddaughter, even if she was on a different continent at the time. She didn’t require her granddaughter’s consent, she had the right of blood. So, it exists, and it works, I can confirm it from my own experience (in my case, it was Reiki). While receiving individual attention, our minds are more or less calm. People tend to trust one person more than a group: we are less nervous, less intimidated. Though I’m aware, that there are those who genuinely adore being in touch with a community (extroverts and Cancer/Leo Moons). Anyway, it’s nice when you are led by one teacher who shows you the way and gives you the keys to all doors when you are ready, with individual approach. Sadly, this is not always the case; most spiritual teachers want money and they don’t really care whether you are ready or meant for something. They also may not be interested in passing on their talents to you.

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3. Self-initiation through tapping into energy, either trough meditation or archetypes/doors. Actually it’s more or less what I’ll write about being attuned to Fire Magic(k). You can do it yourself, or someone can guide you. This includes shamanic meditations, astrology/Tarot/archetype/elements/angelic meditations. Their advantage is that you are taught by revelation, by the archetype itself that leads you on the road which is definitely yours and endows you with the gifts and knowledge which are meant for you only. Unfortunately, if you are a beginner or just a little emotionally or mentally unstable, you can observe your illusions. This is the case when it’s better to read books/practice, have a good critical thinking, have a teacher or a friend by your side, or a therapist – any possible way to step down to Earth for a moment and contemplate if what you saw has anything plausible in it. Guided meditations of this type affect people who a listeners by nature very deeply.

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4. Gathering knowledge and turning it into skill through practice. This also initiates you step by step, slowly but safely. It’s actually the safest way of dealing with Magic(k) – until you realize that books also require some steps beyond the theory. But yes, by constant and thorough learning and exercise routine, you can attune yourself and gain certain powers – and from this we should begin: first, read the Eddas, then have meditations with Odin. Good examples of this kind of practice/initiation are yoga, acquiring fluency in a foreign language, learning to draw by yourself, and so on. The important thing: theory should go hand in hand with practice. If you don’t use the information, you’ll lose the knowledge of it.

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5. And there are “natural initiations” like when a baby is born lifeless and breathless but is brought back to life, or you are struck by lightning, caught be fire, or in a car crash, and later you suddenly have visible magic(k)al talents or inclinations. All those “chosen ones’ stories” happen sometimes. One of these actually happened to me (I was born dead but brought back to life by medical personnel), and I really doubt it can happen to anybody randomly. So maybe these initiations will come to you at a certain point in time, or maybe not. Check your natal chart for Uranus aspects to personal planets, check your ascendant and its Ruler, and if you notice no traces of Pluto, Neptune, or Uranus, probably it won’t happen to you. Then just go and knock on these doors of initiation and see if you’ll be let inside. Or find someone who’ll let you in.

Ufff… I finally did it 😀

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

3 thoughts on “Kinds of Initiation

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  1. love this
    This blog post was incredibly informative and provided a great overview of different types of initiations. It’s fascinating to learn about the various ways that individuals can experience initiation and connect with different energies and archetypes. My question for the author is: Do you have any personal experiences with self-initiation through tapping into energy, and if so, how has it impacted your practice of fire magic? Wow, this blog post was incredibly informative and provided a great overview of different types of initiations. It’s fascinating to learn about the various ways that individuals can experience initiation and connect with different energies and archetypes. My question for the author is: Do you have any personal experiences with self-initiation through tapping into energy, and if so, how has it impacted your practice of fire magic?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, John 🙂
      Thank you very much for your commentary – they are always welcome here!
      Regarding your question: yes, sure, I wrote about it from my own experience, and actually, I planned on writing more about it in the next post 😉 But that’s fine 🙂
      I have several routine activities that help me create a tighter bond with the fire element, among which is, for instance, meditation on fire. I don’t have access to an open source of fire, so I meditate on the fire in our fireplace – it also creates a strong connection and a powerful experience. The self-initiation happened during one of those meditations, it wasn’t planned: it began with the sensation as if my collarbones suddenly were set on fire, with a very distinct hot sensation, combined with heaviness, as if I had a hot plate placed on them. I put my palms on my collarbones, and the sensation was still there. Later, I saw certain signs and pictures in the fire flames. I think it was a very individual message, so I’m not sure if I’ll mention it in the post. But it’s still possible that I will.
      Speaking about the effect: definitely better intuition/vision (I see more and understand more in flames), better energy feeling/recognition. I can make myself warmer quickly and take energy from fire when I feel down… It is helpful in healing and magical rituals too (like cleansing/charging) And so on, and so on 🙂
      Feel free to subscribe to my blog 🙂


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