Symbolic creativity

Daily writing prompt
How are you creative?

I am symbolically creative. I mostly express my creativity through writing, but even if I’m drawing it’s usually also full of symbols. Perhaps it is caused by the amount of books read by me, or maybe it’s just the way my head works. If I’m not mistaken it’s left-hemisphere type of creativity. This makes me a good interpreter of poetry and art, a decent translator, Tarot/Astrology reader, and also a mage. I see the world as magical and full of symbols and meaning too, I need to see sense in all that surrounds me 🙂
I can’t help it, that’s who I am, I can’t separate this way of perceiving reality 🙂 If you are curious about my ways of being creative – simply read this blog 😉
You are welcome!

Mercury Retrograde (13.12.2023 – 01.01.2024) for introverts :)

The retrogrades are usually of bad repute. We often hear advice like : “don’t start anything on the Mercury retrograde, don’t reconcile with ex-loves and ex-friends. Never start anything, especially when it comes to studies or documents, or signing agreements, never argue” and lot’s and lot’s of similar stuff.

When it comes to the Mars retrogrades J. Wilson even writes that it is similar to Mars in perigee and believes that this period is associated with an increase in crime, brutal murders, and disasters (!).

Photo by Taryn Elliott on

The majority of people are actually afraid of the retrogrades and associate them with the worst possible times and events. The media only make the scale of this panic worse.

But is it really so frightening? Personally, I think that before starting to panic we should understand what planetary retrogrades usually are.

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Artistic sigil “Inspiration”

I created this sigil using the letters from the word “inspiration“: taking the letters nsprt after eliminating vowels and repeating consonants. As always, I combined the letters into one whole shape. Later, I looked for artistic patterns to craft an image charged with creative energy and the power of the visualization. Moreover, I always seek the additional clues to sigil activation in the artistic representation of this sign.

Photo by samer daboul on
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