
The clearest and fearless reflection of infinity,
There is no time, nor space within, nor remnants of proximity
Only unending light and joy mingled with sadness,
Enchanting rhythm of the unbounded vastness...

As if my heart leapt from the sky abruptly and exaltedly
Flew far away inspired, bright, than stopping, falling haltingly.
Bewildering and shocking passers-by
My shadow dances in the mirrors of their eyes.

As always laughing, chanting - then... it dies!
An instant and eternal burst of happiness!
Awe-stricken I am looking at the sky
My eyes are questioning the open heavens' emptiness.

While I am reaching out to your sacredness
Begging to cleanse me from the everyday profanity...
In a quick instant of my usual day insanity.
Though I have tried the mead of poetry one day
(Of doubtful quality anyway)

I've never drunk the finest wines of music - so you say.
My words are craving for you, melody, please stay,
But do you ever really need me?

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

Continue reading “Music”

3. Fire Magic(k): Discovering Energy Work

Before starting to work with the fire element directly, for instance, by letting it enter your aura, chakras, or accumulating this energy in your own field, I advise exercising a bit with energy work. By that, I mean that we will learn to feel, accumulate, consciously use, and send Prana/chi, or if you wish, “the universal life force.” Prana is the reason why things happen, move, and live, so it gives them motion and fills them with life. It’s everywhere, so we don’t need any special divine channel to generate and gather it.
We can generate it through physical exercises like yoga or tai-chi or by sensitizing hands, concentration/visualization, and breath work.

There are two main purposes for gathering Chi. We can do it to set our intentions into motion and make them happen, or we can initiate a transformative process (inner changes) by doing this. Both can be used for magic(k), spiritual growth, or healing.

Wait, but how is it connected with fire? Because setting things in motion, keeping them alive, inducing changes, feeling with drive, healing, and spiritual transformation are things we usually associate with these processes. Additionally, it is better to learn first how to wield and feel neutral prana, which is safer than rushing with the elemental energy of fire.

Photo by Pixabay on
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Paleolinguistics, anthropology, socionics/mbti

Daily writing prompt
Are there any activities or hobbies you’ve outgrown or lost interest in over time?

I believe I’m quite a consistent person in this respect, if I pick a hobby it stays long with me. I’ve noticed that someone wrote in a daily prompt that they lost only the hobbies that were artificially endorsed by their parents… To tell you the truth, my parents didn’t care, and I was left on my own with my choices. Reading, or to be more exact, obsessive reading was my only way (except for my dreams) to get on with the life full of bullying – I was and I am strange and not really a people person. It also helped me to cope with unending family dramas constantly heated up by my relatives… I simply needed a way of escape from this difficult word, therefore I read. I was reading and reading. Reading when I woke up, eating breakfast with a book on my lap, dreaming on the road to school, hiding books during classes, diving into the narrative during recess, reading instead of doing homework, and forgetting to sleep because I must have finished this very particular book…

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2. Fire Magic(k): Associations

Finally, I’m back with more exercises that can help in attuning ourselves to the fire element!
This step is about getting attuned by fire, by seeing, feeling and finding its representations in our surroundings.

It’s actually very simple: the fire correspondences are red color, dryness, heat, triangle form, dynamics, a source of high energy and light. So… the weather is dry and hot? It’s the fiery weather. Red light, a red t-shirt, hot pepper, spicy food, a red and triangular flaming cone, shiny signs, sunlight, heat outside, electricity, or a lightning bulb – all these could be the manifestations of the fire element.

Try doing this exercise on a daily basis; probably, you’ll come up with more of these analogies. The most important is to reach the effect that you’ll recognize and be drawn to this energy automatically, without conscious effort.

Continue reading “2. Fire Magic(k): Associations”

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