3. Fire Magic(k): Discovering Energy Work

Before starting to work with the fire element directly, for instance, by letting it enter your aura, chakras, or accumulating this energy in your own field, I advise exercising a bit with energy work. By that, I mean that we will learn to feel, accumulate, consciously use, and send Prana/chi, or if you wish, “the universal life force.” Prana is the reason why things happen, move, and live, so it gives them motion and fills them with life. It’s everywhere, so we don’t need any special divine channel to generate and gather it.
We can generate it through physical exercises like yoga or tai-chi or by sensitizing hands, concentration/visualization, and breath work.

There are two main purposes for gathering Chi. We can do it to set our intentions into motion and make them happen, or we can initiate a transformative process (inner changes) by doing this. Both can be used for magic(k), spiritual growth, or healing.

Wait, but how is it connected with fire? Because setting things in motion, keeping them alive, inducing changes, feeling with drive, healing, and spiritual transformation are things we usually associate with these processes. Additionally, it is better to learn first how to wield and feel neutral prana, which is safer than rushing with the elemental energy of fire.

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There are some exercises you can practice:

  • Rub your hands energetically and set them apart. Do you feel the tickling or burning sensation between your palms (it can be different depending on a person)? Try to open your hands wider and then slowly move them close, than again wider and closer. In most cases, people feel as if there is something between their hands, like a balloon or a wall, some kind of obstruction. Concentrate on this feeling as well as on this tickling for a bit. Later, breathe in deeply and on breathing out, send the energy to your left palm. You’ll probably feel something like a soft touch of a feather or that of the wind. If you felt nothing, try to do the same but send the energy to your right palm this time.

    Little tip: it is normal that one of our hands is more sensitive than the other. This hand is called a “power hand“. It doesn’t always correspond with the hand you use for writing, although I see in some books that these notions are frequently mixed up. To make your hands more sensitive to prana, you can either cup both of them, bring them very close – one above another, but leave a bit of space between them. Move them towards each other; you’ll feel a tickling sensation or a soft obstruction. Another exercise is very straightforward – press your thumb end in the middle of each of your palms (you have a palm chakra there) and just stay like this for a minute. And then do the exercise above.
Photo by Artem Saranin on Pexels.com
  • Rub your hands again, cup them, and set them apart (as wide as your shoulders). Hold them in front of you. Set them wider, then set them closer, and repeat: it should be a rhythmic motion. Now imagine that you are holding an energy ball between your palms. It’s best if it is white/blueish or golden. Now bring it higher, then move your hands lower, while still concentrating on this sensation and visualization. Make it travel through your body – send it to your head, then to your chest or arms. Be mindful of what you feel.
    In the end, bring it to your solar plexus and let it be absorbed by your will/energy/ego center: Manipura chakra. If you have a friend who is also interested in these exercises, you may sit facing each other and send the energy ball to each other. Try not to reveal where you send it and let your partner guess.
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com
  • Close your eyes and sit quietly for a while. Now make your hands sensitive by rubbing, cupping, or pressing the thumb over your hand chakra and move your hand forward. First straight, then very slowly move it left, then towards the right, then up and down. At some point, you’ll feel a delicate border. It is your aura. Similarly, you can try and feel it all around you. You’ll notice that the feeling may change, and at a certain point, there will be no feeling at all (block), or cold (low energy), or heat (lots of energy). It’s all important. Try it later on other people (ask for permission first), animals, plants, objects, and see the difference. Some people see it when they sense it; maybe you can also do the same 😉
Photo by Ravi Kant on Pexels.com
  • Now that you know how to generate energy in your palms, feel it, and send it further, you can charge talismans by cupping them in your hands or holding your hands over the object. Charge intention candles (usually by bathing them in energy through cupping) or simply send energy to your intentions (generate a ball and send it to your intention), and perform the very basics of bioenergy healing.
Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com
  • 3 exercises by I. Regardie:

    1. Imagine a ray of light coming from the sky. It ends just above your head. Let this stream of light go down the left side of your body and land at your feet. Now, this light ascends by the right part of your body towards the point above your head, where it first appeared. Repeat 6-10 times.

    2. Now the very same light is at your feet. Imagine it ascending towards your head along your spine and then running from the top of your head down to your feet by the front side of your body. Repeat 6-10 times.

    3. Up the legs and spine: chakra ascension – imagine this light going up and filling each chakra (or sephirah – as you wish) on its way. On the top, it should open and burst into a colorful fountain, which then you should absorb with your auric field. Repeat 6-10 times.

    D. Kraig claims that the extra energy generated by this exercise can be used for healing.
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com
  • Speaking about healing, I’ll place here a very raw instruction, the very basics of it. Nowadays, energy healing uses energy centers, energy bodies, auras, colors, ways of increasing or decreasing energy, hand positions, ways of combing, cleansing, cutting, and charging, meridians, mudras, breathing techniques, and so much more. Present-time energy healing is based on several different systems of healing, rooted in Eastern practices mostly. Nonetheless, some basic healing can be done by localizing the weak place and simply sending energy there – by placing hands or hovering them over this body area, or sending energy on distance using your mind. Try to find weak places with your palms – scan above the body (cold/numb/pulsating pain) and send energy there, do it on breathing out until this area is warm. You can mend tears in the auric field with the extra energy in your hands in a similar fashion. That is how healing was done traditionally.

    Most importantly, if you want to try using this technique, you should remember:
    1. Never do it without permission; never touch the patient’s body without permission.
    2. Never perform it on other people when you are ill.
    3. Wash your hands up to the elbow with cold water (best with salt/rosemary/lavender essential oils) to disconnect from the foreign energy field.
    4. Never interfere with the official medicine prescriptions (!!!)
    5. This is just a tip, not a certified course; this information is very basic and may not be enough for a complete session. Please remember that.
Photo by Polina Kovaleva on Pexels.com

Additionally, I recommend you to try kundalini yoga, namely the 3d chakra kriyas, because it corresponds to fire element and our energy. There are two versions of kundalini yoga: one from Sikhism tradition and one from Hinduism (quite extreme, better not practice alone), so find what suits you the best 🙂

With that see you in the next post 🙂 Keep your constant practice 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

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