Cord Cutting Sigil by MarvellousNightmare

This cord cutting artistic sigil works on many levels: you can get rid of toxic relationships, or any other kind of addiction, memories, or even it could help in work with the unwanted character traits or traumas (in serious cases, it is advised to be under the observation of a specialist and to use this sigil as an addition to therapy or medicine)

The sigil works gently and is meant to heal memories and sadness (check spruce and eucalyptus), connected to the area you want to get rid of. Then it cleanses this connection, especially toxicity and negativity connected to it out. And finally it protects you from the source of your worries. The effect may be described as the end of sadness and a significant inner distance and reluctance towards the object of our magic. Or, simply as if a door that was once open is now closed.

How to activate this sigil? 🤔

  1. 👀By simply looking at it: I mean observing either the graphic sigil or the drawing, with your gaze unfocused or trying not to blink. Concentrate on your aim. When the picture/symbol moves or becomes distorted, it is activated. You can do this when needed and as many times you want.
  2. 🕯️Carve the graphic symbol onto the black (best for cutting cords/getting of negativity) or white candle (universal). Rub your palms until tingling, then cradle the candle in them, transferring the energy from your palms to the candle, filling the symbol with power. During this time, you may visualize your aim, or if it is too difficult, just repeat what you want to achieve out loud (up to 10 min). Later, anoint candle with eucalyptus essential oil, dress with the spruce needles, than let it burn till the end. Do not touch the leftovers with your bare hands; instead, wrap wax in something and throw it under running water (yes, the toilet is fine) or bury them in the ground. In the end wash your hands and candle holder with salt. You may also use photos if you feel that it’ll create a better effect.
  3. 🍁 Trace the symbol with water and let it dry, or draw it on paper and tear it into pieces, letting them fly with the wind. Then, forget it ever existed. In this case, I insist on destruction, like in Chaos magic, because we are getting rid of something we don’t need, and we do it by affecting our subconsciousness, among other things.
  4. 🎨 Look at the symbol and draw or paint a picture of what you associate it with (of your own choice). That is how I activate sigils 🙂

Good luck 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
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