I’m ambitious differently

Daily writing prompt
How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals?

In a world where everyone pursues their ambitions, giving up on everything else that surrounds them, I happen to be different. But that, I mean that I had given up my goals multiple times because of people or because of my emotional issues.

But these were “outside” goals, because the career and the fact of having a diploma are things that are valued by society.

My real inner ambition is self-development, which includes accumulating knowledge, being a better person, or sharpening my skills. This is something no one can take away from me (unless I suffer from memory loss in the future); this is my place of power; this is the real me.

How often do I say “no” to things that keep me away from it? It’s a natural thing for me to give up my wish for entertainment like playing video games or watching something funny and to read or exercise my occult, language or artistic skills instead. I do it on daily basis, and I’m perfectly used to it.

Recently I’ve also resigned Facebook (said “no” to it), and now I have plenty of time for developing my writing and drawing skills – and I’m determined to do it every day 🙂

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