You always will be judged, the World changes rapidly, so be true to yourself.

Daily writing prompt
What’s something most people don’t understand?

No matter how hard we try to be liked and accepted by others, someone always will be displeased. Moreover, we will inevitably be the villain in someone’s story, because everyone is different; we are motivated by different things and our values and ideals aren’t the same. We can try hard, but we will still end up hurting someone. The only solution for this is to be true to your own values and ideas, and lead your life according to them. If you don’t betray your own code of honor, you’ll be able to love and forgive yourself. And people… Concentrate on attracting and be liked by the true ones, not by the society in general.

Social values and the understanding of acceptable changes rapidly. Nowadays, everything is fleeting – trends, art, technology, diseases, approaches, roles, politics, propaganda, censorship, beliefs – it all passes in a blink of an eye. The reason why so many people struggling with anxiety and depression is the fact that evolution didn’t prepare our kind for such adaptation requirements, for such a level of flexibility. These changes create a sense of existential futility and shallowness. We can’t take anything for granted in this world. We can’t win the absolute recognition of each and everyone. What we have today, we might lose tomorrow – this is true for our career, social recognition, money, age, and the people around us. Everything passes away. The only thing we can do to not go completely crazy is to be true to ourselves, never expect too much and value the moment in which we live.

We are all different: some are believers, some are materialists, some prioritize career, some value love and inner development more; there are strong men and women (Yang), there vulnerable men and women (Yin), we come from different cultures, we have different preferences and expectations. This is not something we should hate and fight about; it’s a temperament/genetics with which we are born, the experience we go through in life and, according to my views, it’s our soul. These are things which make each of us unique. If you wish to change the world according to your ideals, you won’t make everyone happy – forget about it. There will be the same proportion of unhappy people; only the roles will be reversed because that’s how we function. And every internet fight (in a world full of unjustly real wars) you engage into, you lead for yourself, not for a “better” world. Why not simply respect the fact that we are different, we are unique, and accept yourself and let each other live and pursue happiness in the way we see suitable for ourselves?

Despite today’s popular agenda, collectivism is not the answer. Collectivism endorses mobbing, crowd aggression towards anyone who is different, and bullying in general. Collectivistic societies are easier to rule; they are more susceptible to propaganda they value power and tyrant leaders. When people know they don’t work for their own achievements, they are less motivated for honest work. The fact that the Western world is so accepting and free now is due to the fact that it was initially shaped by individualists. I myself was born in the ex-socialistic country, and I saw the worst sides of collectivism (these two things are often interconnected)…

Of course, I respect different views on this subject.

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