Total Solar Eclipse in Aries 08.04 – Astrology and Tips :)

Hi everyone 😊
Lately, I haven’t felt like writing esoteric-related posts, but the last Tarot-Reading post inspired me to write a bit about the Solar Eclipse, with tips about what to expect and do’s and don’ts.

First of all, a total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and from the Earth’s perspective the Moon hides the Sun. You can find more scientific information here.

From the astrological point of view, the Sun represents our will and character strength, vitality, and ego. It symbolizes the life force. The Moon, on the other hand, stands for intuition, instincts, and emotions. When sunlight is blocked by the Moon during an eclipse, our emotions block our will power, our decisive traits are dominated by instincts, and impulses, and, most importantly, our life forces are depleted.

Additionally, both solar and lunar eclipses are always aligned with North and South Nodes (Rahu and Ketu), also known as the Moon Nodes. These astrological points indicate our spiritual growth, and actually any development over time, from the past (S. Node) to the future (N. Node). Therefore, everything that happens during a Solar Eclipse directly affects our future. However, it’s important not to mistake the eclipse for the New Moon. It’s not the best time for manifestations and first steps, unless these steps involve demolishing our everyday reality and get free from the restrictions which deprived us from choosing our true path and fulfilling of our mission.

Photo by Ludvig Hedenborg on

Why does this happen?
If we delve into mythological symbolism, we’ll that Solar and Lunar Eclipses were often perceived as reflections of the devastating activities of celestial beings or implied the apocalyptic themes. It was either the dragon who ate the Sun in Chinese mythology, or Helios’ or Amaterasu’s anger at humanity in Greek and Japanese mythologies, or Ketu/Rahu/wolfs attacked and swallowed the the Sun or the Moon in Hindu and Norse mythology. The symbol of the Sun being devoured by the hideous beings of darkness is the most popular one, and for the most cultures, the Eclipse signifies destruction, darkness, anger and death. The fact that the Sun reappears (is saved) in the sky symbolizes rebirth, new birth, or forgiveness. So to speak, manifestations or hasty actions may create a new path for us, but only after demolishing everything that restricts our actions. If you are into Tarot, it probably easier to describe what may happen by the combination of The Tower and The Star arcana energies: a beautiful rebirth after complete ruin. If you are not into Tarot, think of the Phoenix, but with a special emphasis on the dying part.

Solar eclipse in Aries:
If you have personal planets or your ascendant in the Aries sign, be especially cautious during the Solar Eclipse time, you actions could significantly reshape your future. Aries is the sign of energy, action, bravery, creativity, and individuality, so you should be particularly careful in these spheres of your life. This sign is known for its impulsivity, anger, over-sexualization, chaotic and destructive behavior at its worst, so try to be patient and relaxed. Avoid quarrels and acting on a whim, as it could create a lot of mess in your life. Just take some time to rest.

Photo by Anete Lusina on


  • Get plenty of rest.
  • If you have been stuck in an unpleasant situation for a long time, or feel limited/imprisoned by your life conditions, manifest a new life or changes;
  • If you live on the American continent, buy yourself proper glasses and enjoy the view 😉


  • Don’t manifest if you are not ready to say goodbye to your present routine.
  • Don’t charge your crystals, instruments, sigils, or perform sun salutation asanas, or breathe in solar prana. Eclipse energy is low in life force, and has destructive and chaotic qualities.
  • Don’t make major important decisions, don’t quarrel, and don’t act impulsively.

My Experience:

Personally, I experienced the destructive side effects of my actions when the Solar and Lunar eclipses were in my Sun and Ascendant signs, so I’m cautious during this time. However, you may have had different experience of going through the Solar/Lunar Eclipse, and if you don’t feel like following my advice, follow your heart 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

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