Long-promised Answer: My Experience With Self-Initiation

Hi, everyone 🙂

This post will be a short one, for it is a long-awaited answer to the question above regarding self-initiation (you can find more about initiation: here and here).

My answer is: Yes, sure!

I have a personal experience regarding the self-initiation, not only when it comes to Fire Elemental practice, but also concerning meditation with Tarot Major Arcana, working with Norse tradition, and with Magic(k) in general. However, in this post, I’ll concentrate on Fire Magic(k) specifically.

How did it all happen?

I had practiced all the exercises I ‘ve mentioned in previous posts, sometimes changing or adding new details, but it was a steady, continuous daily practice. The initiation itself happened during one of my fire meditations. It wasn’t an arranged occasion; it began with an impression like my collarbones suddenly were set on fire, with a very distinct strong heat, combined with an sensation of a heavy weight. It was as if I had a hot metal platter placed on them. I put my palms on my collarbones to reduce the heat, but the sensation persisted, nothing changed. A bit later, I saw certain signs and pictures in the fire flames. The fire, shadows, soot, and logs combined into a certain image, which was important for me on my path, a sort of personal revelation. I also saw three signs in the flame and logs, which somewhat reminded me of the fire signs in astrology, with some tiny differences. For instance, I rather discerned a sphinx, than the typical lion. I knew that these were confirmation of initiation, especially since at exactly that moment I also felt tingling, which together with heat or warmth often shows the signs of subtle energy at work.

Photo by Akil Mazumder on Pexels.com

What changed?

Speaking about the effect: definitely better intuition/vision, especially when meditating with fire, doing card-reading with a candle, or performing pyromancy reading (reading based on the observing the flames): I notice and understand more signs in flames. Moreover, I believe I’m better at feeling and wielding energy. I notice more during the healing sessions, and I often ask fire to increase the energy flow, and people notice it. I can make myself warm quicker and take energy from fire when I feel down… It is helpful in magic(k)al rituals too; like cleansing, changing, or performing candle spells – I intuitively feel how and what to do, what to add, where exactly to cleanse or to send energy. Another interesting change I’ve noticed is that fact that I discovered how to do fire sigils (I’ll write a separate post on this).

Finally, and what surprised me the most, I’m calmer. Usually, we hear that fire is dynamic, untamed, explosive, and dangerous force, but in my case, it strengthened my rational part, self-control, and I have a better sense of personal borders – The Emperor Arcana energy (disclaimer: I’m also on medication, I practice Reiki, I visit psychotherapist, and I do yoga, so it is possible that it is the combined outcome of all these things. Still, I feel calmer while working with fire).

I think that it is. My next post on self-initiation will be about the Tarot Arcana meditations (entering the archetypal doors) 🙂

PS: What about you? Have you ever experienced something like self-initiation? How did it go? How did it influence you?

Thank you for reading this post and exploring my blog!
Warm regards,

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

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