Tarot: My Path, Decks, and Practice (Introductory)

Hi again πŸ™‚

Now, as I promised to share my divination reflections and experience with you on Mondays, I’ve decided to make the introductory post on Tarot and everything connected to it. This is for you to get to know each other better and share some facts about MarvellousNightmare being a Tarot reader πŸ˜‰

First of all, I’ve had a long interest in Tarot and magic in general, but started actively performing readings for others since 2010. Initially, I did this for people I knew, then there was an epoch of free consulting via the internet (remember the time of forums?), later I tried to establish my own reading business practice. Now, I treat it as my passion.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

Even though my great-grandmother did classic card readings for people, and my mom performed something of this kind for her friends, no one really cared to teach me. I’m sincerely marveled when I learn that some people are led by hand by their parents or teachers, but I’ve learned it all myself from books (my favorite author, whom I also consider to be my teacher, is Hajo Banzhaf), forums (it was really very evolving to watch how very experienced people perform these readings, learning their unique tips and methods they developed for years, I picked a lot from them, they all are also my teachers), and of course, through very intensive practice. Because only practice shapes our unique path and practice. And each and every Reader has their own way and methods of work; there is no Universal one.

That is due to the fact that every act of divination is our own, peculiar, and unique way we create so we can talk with the Absolute. It’s about how we, personally, tune it. There are no identical ways of feeling things, no identical styles of writing or drawing, and no identical ways of reading. We can learn basics, but through practice, we shape it according to how it would work better for us. The most important thing is to feel comfortable and that it works for us and our clients.

I don’t only perform Tarot Readings; I also have a classic card deck, Lenormand deck, Elder Futhark Runes, and even my own chestnut oracle. Mostly, though, I use Tarot for readings because I have the most experience with it. This is the reason why I will also write mostly about Tarot practice in my posts about divination.

Nonetheless, it is important to remember that Tarot is not only about divination; it is a very powerful tool for magic(k), meditation, some religious practices, psychotherapy, and artistic work, and I will also write about that πŸ™‚

By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

I have six Tarot decks which I use in my practice. You’ll definitely become familiar with them, as I’m planning to make a separate post where I will write about each of them in a nutshell and share my experience and thoughts from the practice connected to it. In other words, I’ll write short reviews. I’ll also use them in my readings (I’m firmly planning to perform and share on my blog), so you’ll see them from every angle πŸ™‚

But as for now, in short: The Classic Tarot (based on The Tarot of Marseilles), Thoth Tarot, Tarot of Dreams, The Mythic Tarot, The Pictorial Key Tarot, and Tarot Cats πŸ™‚ Some of them you can see in the picture above (yes, it is my Tarot trunk, and I recently covered it with stars and constellations).

Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com

What else shall I write about my unique Tarot-related experience? Well… I use my own spreads mostly, and I often do so-called “free-style” spreads. I don’t use reversed card meanings, mostly due to the fact that I tend to rely not only on classical meanings but also on the pictures, the details shown in them, faces, poses, colors, everything. I feel that reversed position somewhat disturbs this connection (personal impression).

Additionally, there are complementary techniques that help to understand whether we have to deal with a positive or negative meaning of the card, even without reversed positions πŸ™‚ I’m also safety obsessed, especially when it comes to protection, energy exchange, and becoming dependent on readings – you’ll also read a lot about that here πŸ™‚

Well, I think that’s it. Do you have some experience with Tarot? Did you have a teacher or are you self-taught? What is the most important lesson you’ve learned? What topics would you like to read about and discuss? If you like to learn more Tarot and my experience connected to it, you’ll find it on Mondays πŸ™‚

Β© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

9 thoughts on “Tarot: My Path, Decks, and Practice (Introductory)

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  1. Very interesting and informative post. I don’t really know much about Tarot reading and will be learning as you teach. Does your kitty do readings or just bat the cards around? πŸ˜†πŸˆ

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Of course, I have the kitty tarot deck! πŸ˜† and I love the Thoth tarot! Fascinating and as usual, very deep and informative background! 😊 Also, quite interesting that you don’t read reversals! (I do) but I also know and understand why some people don’t. Looking forward to reading more of what you have in store, and nice to know the background and origin of how you started on your path πŸ™ ❀️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you!

      Actually, I did use reversals at the beginning of my practice, but with time I understood that it rather disturbs me than helps.

      Each of us has our unique way of talking with the Universe πŸ™‚

      I’m glad that you liked my origin story πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your dedication and passion for Tarot shine brightly through your post! It’s evident that you’ve cultivated your expertise through a blend of self-guided learning, drawing inspiration from family traditions, and immersing yourself in the wisdom shared by fellow enthusiasts. Your commitment to your craft, from exploring various decks to crafting your own spreads, reflects a deep respect for the art of divination. I admire your holistic approach to Tarot, recognizing its multifaceted applications beyond traditional readings, encompassing realms such as magic, meditation, and therapy. Your willingness to share not only your knowledge but also your personal insights and protective practices adds a valuable dimension to your offerings. I’m excited to follow your journey and delve deeper into the fascinating world of Tarot through your insightful reflections every Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

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