I don’t, and you’ve made me furious, Daily Prompt

Daily writing prompt
Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?

Literature Wednesday continues ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, now you’ve irritated a quite patient and understanding me, Daily Prompt. Are you proud of yourself?

I’ve read too many books, mostly fictional, but there are quite a lot from other fields. It never really occurred to me to split them into quotes and worship these thoughts, torn away from the whole, later. Because I’ve learned from the wholeness, and I’ve learned to think with my own head.

Sure, I sometimes quote different authors, but I did it while writing my diploma, and I do it sometimes while writing posts where I used different notions or methods unique or borrowed from a certain author. I also can use a quote or two in conversation, and then it is natural. But still, I don’t worship them and don’t make these quotes something ultimately sacred.

These are just thoughts, sometimes wise, sometimes brilliant, but they aren’t here for praising them, they are meant for us to learn from them. I get it that people like when their own thoughts match the ones produced by the minds of famous people, that it makes these thoughts closer to absolute truth, but it is not my approach at all, sorry. I prefer thinking with my own head, and I appreciate when people do the same.

What makes me furious, though, is not excessive quoting, but the wrong quoting, when the thoughts are attributed to the wrong author. And what sets me ablaze is the fact that people try to win my attention by sending them, along with these images of morning coffees, kissing angels, passing kindness to 40 more people…

Seriously, I ardently hate that because by doing that (and I’m perfectly aware of that) you are saving your time and energy, and treating me in a generic way, exactly the same as you treat another 50 people on the other end of the internet. In most cases, I just stop answering that because I don’t know what I can say so I don’t offend this person.

One of my highest values is authenticity, so if anyone wishes to be my friend, I expect that person to be authentic, speak with their own words, express their own thoughts, and write or tell me: ‘Hey, how are you’, instead of these coffees and gifs because I want to be just as authentic and real in return.

Thank you for reading this! ๐Ÿ™‚

21 thoughts on “I don’t, and you’ve made me furious, Daily Prompt

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  1. Good response and I will agree with you pertaining to authenticity; that being said, I will never turn a blind eye or deaf ear to a kind word or flowery sentiment. I don’t believe we get enough of those. โค I did get a hearty laugh from your statement, not excessive quoting, just wrong quoting (lol).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So, there’s this person on WordPress who keeps bombarding me with super flowery comments, then they ask for a follow. But guess what? After I follow back, they have the nerve to unfollow me! So, you know what I did? I just blocked them, so they can’t drop any more comments.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I feel really sorry for you, and I also perceive this behavior as dishonest. You did everything right; let them see the outcomes of their actions!

        I myself see this often on my blog; some people subscribe, then unsubscribe, and so on. I guess it may be connected with the fact that they decided we share plenty in common after I wrote that my favorite dish is spaghetti in a daily prompt, and then noticed that my blog includes niche topics. I don’t know for sure, why they do this…

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I have heard of “glitches”, but passive-aggressive following and unfollowing should be a post! I’m living for this (lol) !!!! P.s I have some horror stories too, you could add. (i.e. phantom messaging, chronic bitcoin spam, etc., etc. ha-ha)

        Liked by 2 people

    2. I appreciate the compliments and the kind words in general, and willingly share them with others ๐Ÿ™‚

      What I meant, though, is that I prefer to receive them in someone’s own words, as a product of their individual minds, for I value authenticity above all ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Daily prompts can certainly be annoying at best! Lol. Iโ€™m stuck on this one too, kinda. I drafted something and I donโ€™t like it, itโ€™ll sit in the drafts with the 30 others I suppose lol ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ haha โค๏ธ

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    1. The very topic is annoying to me because I’m tired of receiving these pictures and incorrect quotes from people with whom I’ve talked only 2-3 times in my life. It’s something similar to monkeys’ grooming each other probably, for they feel that if they send me this quote, I will automatically befriend them, just like all other people to whom they send these pictures on repeat. Everyone is groomed โ€“ mission accomplished. Not for me.

      But I personally prefer getting to know people, talking authentically, using our own words, discussing interesting topics ๐Ÿ™‚ Sharing our own thoughts and conclusions ๐Ÿ™‚ Coming back to monkeys, they also put some effort in grooming, by the way, they don’t not copy paste it thoughtlessly ๐Ÿ˜€

      I see that people treated the answer more about their life motto than the quotes themselves. I’m for individual thinking โ€“ it may be faulty and stupid, but it is mine and mine only ๐Ÿ˜€

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  3. Yeah, I totally get what you’re saying. It’s frustrating when people on WordPress leave comments that don’t even relate to your post. It’s like they’re just copy-pasting the same comment on every post they come across. And what’s even more annoying is when they ask you to follow them. I mean, sure, I’ll follow back, but it’s really irritating when they just unfollow you after you’ve followed them.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Absolutely, it really is about quality over quantity, isn’t it? Those who truly appreciate your work and stick by you during tough times are the ones who matter most. Their support can make all the difference.

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