Dandelion Sea, Feather from the Sky, Ruins, and Other Photos by MarvellousNightmare

Yes, it was this place which inspired my story 🙂 Horror elements were the product of my imagination though 😉

It fell on me from the sky! Could it be a sign (that it’s too hot even for the birds)?

© Photos by MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

18 thoughts on “Dandelion Sea, Feather from the Sky, Ruins, and Other Photos by MarvellousNightmare

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    1. I don’t believe in the existence of coconuts! Haha, it’a joke :D,

      It has a funny origin story – we spoke simultaneously with my husband, I mentioned ‘coconut’ and he spoke of something that didn’t exist. It was a moment I tried to come up with something unique for my blog. The combination of these words fascinated me, and I thought that was it!

      It’s puzzling, funny and definitely unique 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Beautiful, amazing, lovely photos! ❤️ can’t say that enough, you take some amazing ones! 😊
    Ruins are a favorite of mine too, but I’m sure that’s no surprise lol! 😆
    I had a white feather in my path several times, supposed it means you are “on the right path,” one falling on you though? You must be divinely aligned! 😊 ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

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