Tarot Pictograms and Correspondences in Magic(k) for Sigil-making and Artistic Approach :)

Hi everyone 🙂

Mystery Monday is here, and it is a time to come back to the divination topics 🙂

I hope this post will be simple and concise, despite the fact I usually enjoy writing longer ones 😀

This post was inspired by our discussion with Judith on her blog 🙂 She proposed a very interesting, creative, psychological, and deep practices of working with Tarot (Tarot Dreamscapes in this case). Check it out if you are interested in this topic 🙂

It is true that when we discover the possibility of magic or spiritual work related to Tarot, we usually start with the physical use of the palpable paper cards. We carry them in our pockets (as simple as it sounds, it actually has powerful effects), put them under the pillow, attach them to candles, or sprinkle with water… Some spells even require burning the cards, or planting them somewhere, or sending them with the wind.

And of course, it leads a point, when we realize, that it’s a terrible waste. Some of us print cards for this purpose; I personally was initially inspired by the sigils and started to create sigils for each Arcana, but it was long and tiresome work, to be honest. Thankfully, I’m not as inspired by Chaos magic(k) to destroy these signs each time I use them, but still.

Soon enough, I realized that if I came up with this idea, someone else should have done it too, and searched the internet with “Tarot Gliphs”, “Tarot Sigils”, “Tarot Pictograms”…. and I found many variants of that.

Like this one, for instance (found it on Pinterest). It’s the easiest and the most intuitive one, I suppose. You can not only visualize them as seeds, but also draw this symbols on fruit pits and plant them – literally. Or draw it on your skin before falling asleep instead of putting a paper card under your pillow:

Or we can try using the correspondences from this table:

From janeadamsart.wordpress.com

I saw a similar table in some works on hermetic/high magic(k) Golden Dawn related books, and I personally have it stored from D. Kraig’s book, but in my native language. Of course, some of these correspondences from the second table may sound weird. My version of the table also features colors, plants, and smells attached to the Major Arcana (which helps me in my meditation rituals).

It’s all about our power of association in this case that makes it work (similarly with sigils in connection to our aims, or sympathetic magic(k)). If we can draw the Fish-Hook, Hebrew letter Tzaddi, or simply the Star, while visualizing the Star Arcana and concentrating on all its qualities, we can use these symbols interchangeably with the palpable cards; the effect will be similar.

I used these symbols as part of my sigils in which I tried to reach for the Tarot Arcana energy, or treated them as sigils, drawing them on every suitable surface or carving them in the candles, or wherever needed. It was a game changer for me. I believe these symbols can be used in any form artistic approach to Tarot magic. It was always displayed in front of me, since I have begun my Tarot-journey; I’m surprised that it took time for me to understand it!

By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist One of my old works using Tarot symbols; it’s a bit weird, I know 🙂

Something that can also be used for Minor Arcana (it’s from Elemental Powers for Witches by F. Barrabbas, but I guess it also can be traced back to hermetic magic(k) as well):

Wands – Red, Cups – Blue, Swords – Yellow, Coins – Green.

🟢Ace – circle;

💡Two – light;

🧿Three – eye;

❌Four – cross;

🧙‍♂️Five – stave;

🪞 Six – mirror;

❤️ Seven – heart;

📜Eight – scroll;

⭐Nine – star;

🌸Ten – flower.

We can play, experiment, and create using these possibilities a lot. This approach works for me in magic(k), and I hope it can be an interesting solution for you as well 🙂

At least, why not try it and see if it’ll suit you? 🙂

Thank you so much for reading this post!

PS: Yep, I followed Mrs. Claire Gutknecht‘s advice and experimented with AI picture-generator, and found the style I actually like, so I’ll use it – especially since the facial features of most of the women generated in this style remind me a bit of myself 😀 This girl has something with her hands though, but whatever, it’s AI.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

17 thoughts on “Tarot Pictograms and Correspondences in Magic(k) for Sigil-making and Artistic Approach :)

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    1. Thank you so much, I feel very flattered! There is still something off with the hands though; I noticed later when I had already picked this picture for the post, but perhaps I’ll improve with practice 😅

      You are welcome! I take pleasure in sharing and supporting other wonderful and engaging blogs 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Describe details you don’t want in your image. Add a prompt like “exclude from image ugly, deformed, noisy, blurry, distorted, out of focus, bad anatomy, extra limbs, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn hands, missing fingers, nudity, nude”.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. I love this, and I feel honored to have been part of your inspiration in putting this together. There is so much valuable information here! I will be studying these signs and sigil for a long time to come. I appreciate the link you included to my blog post. I’m excited for the opportunity to share my love of tarot with other enthusiasts. I’m so glad we’ve connected here in this “blogosphere”, and I look forward to exchanging many more ideas in the future.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much!

      I think it’s great that we can inspire each other to write these posts 🙂 I’m so happy it proved to be valuable, and I hope it will be useful for everyone looking for such pieces of information. I adore sigils, and I will continue writing on this topic as well (and share my own works with you) 🙂

      You’re welcome! I also like to share useful and simply great blogs with others, so all pleasure is on my side!

      I also look forward to our creative exchange and inspiration!

      Take care 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sure you would be a great teacher, at least here you don’t have to see us staring at you, or worse just looking at our phones lol

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Lord! I must’ve dreamt that I commented on this post, I know I read it. LOL. It must have been the day I got off work late 😅 Very insightful and interesting post, a lot of work went into this, and it is so appreciated and something most definitely that could be referred back to as a guide. Sigils and symbols definitely carry a lot of power as it relates to our work with energy, with candles, or evocation. 🙂 My favorite is the 🧿 and of course, the ❤️ but the 3s especially carry a lot of significance for me – thank you again for this, you are awesome and a wealth of knowledge 🙏❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, your opinion is very important to me ❤

      It happens sometimes on WP, yesterday I responded to your comment about Odin, and it somehow disappeared. I'm glad you find this valuable ❤

      I love these symbols as well, and I probably know why you like 3s so much 🙂

      A random thought just crossed my mind that we can note our birthdays or life paths 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 😆 you probably do know why i like 3s so much, you are too good! Yeah, WordPress can be pretty weird sometimes, I can swear I wrote something and then it just poofs like magic (and not in the good way!) lol
        Keep writing, of course ❤️ in your time, too. I love to read what you have to write!
        And yes, the birthday and life path can be most insightful! I am thankful you’ve drawn attention to mine, it is so, so very much appreciated 😊 🙏❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I have never given much thought to the intersection of sigils and Tarot – I think partly because I don’t yet feel confident, so I held back. After reading this though, I wonder now if I was approaching this the wrong way, and that the use of sigils would be actually assist me in my journey. I’m going to continue to think on this and see how I might be able to incorporate sigils into my Tarot learnings. xo

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I believe that, as with everything in magic, you should try to see if something works for you. My post is not a directive, but a proposition of something I found useful for myself. I use sigils quite often in my personal practice, so this link worked perfectly for me. However, it’s up to you to decide if you want to include it in your practice 🙂

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting on this post!
      Take care 🙂


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