Contribution, Help, and Boundaries

Daily writing prompt
What do you do to be involved in the community?

I believe I engage in community a lot, mostly by performing charity work, for instance giving money for charity both for people and animals. I always had an urge to support mentally ill people specifically, as I’m one of them, even though I’m quite stable now, comparing to what it was. I wanted to become a clinical psychologist and help such people as myself, but that dream is unfortunately past me now.

I helped on register check at blood and marrow collection facility, as I’m not allowed to donate this myself (because of bipolar affective disorder).

I contributed a lot performing free Astrology and Tarot readings, healing sessions and other magic(k)al (runes, sigils, etc) help for people. Surprised? Don’t be, I’m this strange kind of a person 😀 I felt it was my mission, I’m aware that it constitutes a part of my spiritual task even now, but today I very well convinced, that I have a life beside that, and this earthy life is equally important and I should never ignore it, especially when I comes to my love life (my husband <3), home and close ones.

It was free, but I did a very detailed and thorough job on a constant basis. Of course, I was depleted, and mentally damaged in the end.

Nonetheless, I continue to perform charity sessions, but only during the Full Moons, for than our energy is naturally heightened, and I can omit causing damage to my inner energy sources. All other times I insist on the energy exchange (may come in different forms).

Nowadays, I perform free Full Moon sessions on WP as well, and I’ll continue to do it, and encourage you to check it out if you are interested 🙂

I also share my knowledge, techniques, and works on my blog, hoping they will help others in their magic(k)al practice or even simply in increasing their well-being. Check out the latest one 😉

On WP, I also try to support my fellow bloggers by leaving comments and answering their comments under my posts thoroughly and genially (I don’t use bots for this or other AI; I seriously sit and contemplate). It takes a lot of time and energy, sure, but I don’t like leaving it like that. I have a fear of rejection myself, and I don’t want anyone to go through the same. I’m planning to continue promoting the blogs I find interesting as well 🙂

The most important lesson that I’ve learned from giving, helping, and contributing is that we should have strong and healthy boundaries first. Otherwise, we won’t be able to help ourselves, and likely we will cause great damage to our own well-being. I’m also afraid of saying ‘no’ and not being enough, but I know that I must say it and set boundaries for my own safety and health, even though it causes me great pain.

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