🍎Impossible Task?🍒

Daily writing prompt
List your top 5 favorite fruits.

First of all, this task is impossible because I adore eating fruits, vegetables, salad mixes, and even drinking herbal teas, so I guess I’m the wrong person for this prompt. It’s so difficult to encapsulate it all and make a short list. But I’ll try for the sake of the prompt and see where it leads us!
Deep sigh…

🍎Apples. But not just any apples, you know. I like them local, seasonal, the rosy-red ones that have a touch of strawberry and rose to their taste. I generally find red apples more delicious than green ones, but in the end, I enjoy eating all of them – I can eat a lot of these fruits; it’s difficult to say stop for myself in this case 🙂 I’m also a great fan of apple juice, but by that I mean the unfiltered kind 🙂

🍒 Cherries. I’m crazy about cherries, especially the smaller ones, with a bitter and sour undertone to their utmost sweetness. Eating cherries is like consuming the food of gods; they smell stunning too, and their blossoms are absolutely gorgeous and fragrant. I adore them.

🍇Grapes. Yes, grapes. Eating grapes is like absorbing the sunlight in all its mighty radiance. What more can I add? I live far from the south, so grapes are usually good only during the summer times, when it’s their season. I enjoy both local varieties and those from abroad.

🍊Oranges, tangerines, pomelosCitrus fruits. Absolutely love them since earliest childhood, and it was always difficult for me to stop eating citrus fruits; I could eat the whole package, kilos of them when I was little. Well, I ate kilos of them the last time I was in the hospital as well; I even chewed on their peel, which is unhealthy, I know.

🍑Peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums – they are from the same tree family as well. I love their juicy, tender, delicate, but at the same time rich flavor.

Additionally, I adore eating raspberries, strawberries, currants, pomegranates (delicious as hell, but the outcome of this looks like I murdered someone in that room and drank their blood😅), bananas, gooseberries, blueberries, and many more.

That said, I’m a great fan of fruits 🙂 Except for kiwifruit, as I’m allergic to it.

23 thoughts on “🍎Impossible Task?🍒

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      1. Im dying to drink lots of freshly squeezed super sour lemonade with a bit of mint, but im also too lazy to do anything right now 🤭

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I tried my best! So many people complained about this one, but it is a nice exercise for writing skills in my opinion.
      Better than a favorite brand, for sure 😀
      Also, I enjoyed reading the answers of others; you had a very peculiar taste, which reminds me that I forgot about pears 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  1. This is a fantastic post. Sorry for my previous comments – I’ve just realized (i think)
    if i reply in “reader” instead of thru my email which i prefer,
    my messages should not be as confusing.
    Might have something to do with me managing everything on my iPhone 4.
    But anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I really really love actually absolutely adore this post and I’ve never thought about fruit the way you write. It is like poetry- effervescence for my tastebuds-so thank you I hope this is clear.
    I’ll find out after I send it 🤭
    Good night, dear. 🌙

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so pleased that you liked my writing 🙂
      It is fine, I guess. I understand what could cause you to answer that way. I was a bit scared, but don’t worry – I understand!
      Thank you for your kind and cordial reply.
      Take care! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It is fine, don’t worry about it, seriously, I’m very understanding 🙂
      There were times of my life, I also wrote messages to people, which could potentially stir undesired emotions, so honestly, don’t worry at all 🙂 I know that it is not your fault! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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