Dangerous, But Beneficial

Daily writing prompt
Have you ever broken a bone?

I was 20 years old when I was hit by a car. I remember how I flew up and hit the asphalt, landing on my arm. I guess my head also met the Earth, for I had a bruise on my temple and it hurt mercilessly. Thankfully, I was underweight, so the fall and bump itself didn’t end up lethal; I just broke my collarbone, my shoulder, and my arm. These bones were cracked and shattered into tiny pieces, which is typical for elderly people but not for the young girl I was then: that’s how a predominantly vegetarian, monotonous diet rich in pasta and fruits (with rare chicken and fish additions) ended up for me.

I still remember the moment I was lying on the Earth and trying to stand up ruthlessly. Every, even the tiniest movement hurt like hell, to be more exact, like the last ring of Dante’s hell. The lights changed, and the cars started in my direction. That very instant, I felt I was doomed, and I realized how acutely and desperately I desired to live.

I managed to farewell this life several times – this moment was actually so quick, but lasted long in my consciousness, when a woman ran on the road and started waving and signaling cars to stop. She called for an ambulance too and covered my body with her coat. I never managed to ask for her name, but she saved my life.

I’m thankful to her, and I’m expressing an endless and profound gratitude by writing this post. She may never know of this, she may never be here on WordPress, but I’m sending unbounded positive energy and kindness to my savior!

This occasion changed my life deeply, and started a chain of positive events that transformed me and my existence on every level and led me to where I am now. It may have been a very dangerous experience, but with time it proved to be beneficial in the long term 🙂

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