
Daily writing prompt
What are you good at?

I don’t want to turn this into one of those blogs that like to scratch and cut open their wounds, but since WordPress is interested in my response to this question, here it is. When I thought about it during my walk today, Nightwish – End Of All Hope started playing (my main playlist is set to random). It almost perfectly suits what I’m writing. If you don’t want to check it out, that’s fine 🙂 But if you like it, you’ll know.

I’m good at resurrection. In my previous post, I discovered so many heart-warming comments about being content with simple pleasures, being inspiring, having beautiful outlook on life and being normal (though what is normal?). It was amazing and very supportive – thanks for being here for me 🙂 I’m glad to receive all these kind words and treat it as a sign of my own mental health-related progress 🙂

I wasn’t always like that. In all honesty, most of my life, I was deprived of simple pleasures, calmness, sanity, support, and care. I’m a person who literally ate paper, or flower mixed with water (fried or cooked) because of starving and having no other choice. I was told that I don’t deserve to be loved, wasn’t hugged, and was constantly told that I was boring, monotonous, and worse. There were much darker days, though. In my own home, where I should have found safety.

I never found any support or contentment outside home, as I was bullied at school (I constantly cried, so children thought it was funny), and then at my first University. It was a nightmare on Earth, and my love relationships before I met my husband were highly toxic. I wasn’t good at ending them (by that I mean being with someone who mistreated me for 3.5 years because I was insanely afraid to break up and literally hating the hell out of him).

I cried for months curled on my sofa, and then, all of a sudden, I had so much energy burning inside me, sizzling, dazzling, making me tremble and lie awake all night due to insomnia. During the daytime, I walked—no, I flew—from one end of the city to the other, winged and drunk on heavy music playing in my ears. For about 8 hours or so, I almost ran through the whole city, crossing it over and over. No one cared.

People used to call me weak back then, but then I started hearing different opinions:

“She is so different from you. You don’t accept her, but she never stops being herself. She is very strong in her own way.”
“You had a terrible start in life. How did you turn out so warm and empathetic?”
“You were broken so many times. Why do you still hope, believe, and trust people?”

Because I had no other choice. It was always so simple: either I fall down and die, deprived of even a glimpse of hope, or only a small part of me will die this time, but I’ll change and resurrect again and again, be reborn and continue to hope, to dream, to see some sense, to find more sense, and finally to discover some higher sense in what surrounds me.

And it helped me to go on. To open up to this world like a flower each time it is touched by sun rays. To get up after failures, and and not afraid of building something new. To find joy in the simple things finally, because even simplicity is transcendent with divinity, with spirit, with the Higher Sense. I see its reflection in all: in love, in books, in discussions, in art, in flowers, in sea waves, in music, even in good food.

The Higher Sense. That is why I’m into spirituality and magic so much—I tried different approaches and I found my own way of talking with the Absolute, eventually. Nonetheless, I respect other people’s approaches and beliefs. We each have our own way of talking with the Absolute. This helped me to go on, rise again, and resurrect when I was surrounded by darkness, despair, and destruction.

“And in this connection with something that reaches far beyond the limits of human existence, way beyond the limits of everyday life, I finally understood what I really always wanted: to experience again and again this moment, the delight of being the one with the immensity and elusiveness of the Universe. To be deprived of this feeling – the very experience of its absence – means loosing the only link to the world that goes beyond the illusory mundane reality, be confined to remaining in a meaningless dream that is already inexorably coming to an end….”

I wrote it 10 years ago, it is a translated quote from my old short story “Escape”. But it is true even today. I am like a lighting bulb which is always connected with the current (magic/divine), therefore I’m good at resurrecting, changing, resisting, shading old skins, believing, seeing wonder in small things, getting better, accepting my emotions and desires, appreciating, empathizing…

I will always rise again, from dust, from coals, from suffering. I’m good in resurrecting. Just my eyes are a tiny bit sad sometimes.

All pictures were generated by me in WordPress AI picture generator, though I should admit that I liked Deep AI versions of me better, anyway I was inspired by Laura and decided add a personal touch to my posts 😀

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

24 thoughts on “🔥Resurrection

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  1. I am a highly sensitive person and even though I did not survive through every heartbreaking thing that you did, I was firecely bullied at school until highschool, where I connected with my music and theater friends. The scars of bullying have lifelong effects on us, and I’m so sorry you’ve been through the fire for so many years from childhood on. I love hoe you use resurrection, like you were resurrected from the fire andike gold refines in fire, so did you. I want everything to be good for you now, you are loved. 🌿🌷💪🏽🥇🎗️💛🌸🌺🌻🌹

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi, Carrie 🙂

      Oh, I’m a highly sensitive person too! You see, I later also found friends with similar interests and music tastes. Yes, it’s true, this scars us for (possibly our entire lives). I’m really sad to hear you had similar experiences yourself, and I hope now life treats you better. We are not alone in this, and that notion should support us, right? 🙂 I have psychotherapy on a regular basis.

      It’s very beautiful what you wrote about gold being refined in fire; I think it describes all of us who went through such experiences. These lessons were needed to refine us, like the fire refines the gold 🙂 Perfectly said!

      Thank you so much for everything you wrote and your wonderful, kind wishes! I wish the same to you! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. You have done well to have overcome such a terrible childhood and school years. I’m happy that you are in a better place and have a good husband. You are very knowledgeable and seem to have your life in control. I learn a lot from your posts and am glad to have found your site 😊

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Awwww thank you 😊 🙏 and your story is absolutely beautiful and it is a perfect way to use this prompt, to show that you’ve risen above so many challenges and will continue to rise above. Hopefully the very difficult part is over, and you can continue to ascend higher as I know you are a powerful energy healer 😊
    Also I so agree with your statement about not turning it into one of those blogs that scratch and cut open their wounds, I like to try and keep mine lighter and more positive as well, because spirituality, isn’t that what we’re aiming for? And as those can be tiresome to go over and over again, never learning anything and never being able to heal. It’s hard, definitely, but you show you can walk through the fire and are resilient. ❤️ 😊
    Great post! Thank you again 🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are always welcome, Laura ❤

      I hope that the most difficult part is over, but who knows what Scorpio Rising with opposition between Sun and Pluto may encounter on her path? 🙂
      I'm thankful for these hard lectures, because they placed emphasis on what is important in this life, made me open and receptive to others' feelings. I need to say, that I'm also grateful to my grandfather, he couldn't be always with me, but he tried to support me nonetheless. The kindest man I knew.

      Yes, healing is about moving towards light… Well, it is about moving, changing, transforming and never about being fixed 🙂

      Thank you so much for everything you wrote and constant support from your side ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I am gutted by the childhood you had. I feel for you so much I’m actually crying. 🩷🌸 Or am I crying because in spite of all of that, you found your way? You are simply beautiful, inside and out.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, Kymber, thank you so much for you supportive, heart-warming words! I didn’t want to make you cry 😦
      I believe some lessons (I prefer to consider this events to be lessons) are very important for our self-development, I’m just grateful to be where I am now 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  5. What a completely gorgeous piece of writing! I’m so sorry for the terrible experiences you’ve gone through and am honored to celebrate the kindness that pours forth from you now.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Likely so. Hopefully ‘too much happiness’ can also accomplish that same or similar result. Would like to try it. LOL

        Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s incredible how you’ve transformed your pain into a profound appreciation for life’s simple pleasures and deeper meanings.
    Thank you for sharing your story with such honesty and depth. Keep shining and rising—you are a beacon of hope and inspiration!🎉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so grateful for this comment! I never though of my texts as hopeful and inspiring before, but I’m so delighted I can write something like this, that my life experiences can be so full of light and supportive for others!
      Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I’m so sorry you went through all that. You deserved better. I relate to what you mean by not having any other choice but to get up in such dire circumstances. You’ve explained it so well. I’ve many people be confused or be in disbelief by it but it’s nice to come across someone that just gets it.

    Thanks so much for sharing💖

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you!

      It’s fine, I consider these events to be a lesson for me, something that shaped me into what I’m now. I described it… just how it was, let my emotions, memories out. I’m glad it resonated with you, as I reached out to similar souls and people with similar experiences.

      I’m also happy that you understand. The very fact of understanding is heart-warming and means a lot for me. Sometimes, even when we feel alone, we are not 🙂

      You are welcome, and thank you for reaching out to me 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. 🌿🌷💛 thank you for writing me back! I believe the harshest Winters bring the most beautiful Springs. I put that in my blog yesterday along with a collage art that I made. Anyway, I want everything good to be yours and I am so sorry for the pain you’ve known, but happy it’s over. Know joy! 🤗🌸☀️

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You are coming into your power and what a glorious sight to see! The hardest roads have the most exceptional views! I predict smooth sailing! ❤ Can’t wait to watch the unfolding of a bright star that you are!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It will !!! and you are going to light up this drab world (lol) 🙂 … heaven’s light is beyond words, colors, music, art, science combined times all that !!!!

        Liked by 1 person

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