Do I remember the time before the internet? Yes. Do I miss it? Not a chance.

Daily writing prompt
Do you remember life before the internet?

I remember these times, sure, as we got an internet connection in our home by the time I was 13 years old. Was it such a good time, though?

People write about “real connections,” playing in the sand and running around with true friends, calling each other and talking all night… I was “different,” lonely and separated from others since a very early age. I don’t want to write another tearful post; I simply didn’t feel this togetherness. I played alone, confined and lost as always in the mesmerizing realms of my imagination.

I was that kid who played with imaginary friends, that’s true. We all had superpowers, and traveled to different, better worlds, having adventures together…

I never played on the playgrounds unless my mom forced me to. Actually, my best memory of that is how I ran away from other kids and made a ship out of my handkerchief, making it swim in the large pool. My mind turned it into a great boundless sea.

I definitely preferred sitting at home, in silence, lost in imagination. A real dialog between me and my grandmother back in those days:

‘What are you doing sitting all alone there?’

‘Please don’t bother me, I’m thinking.’

I was out of my mind with Disney cartoons (there were also some post-socialistic ones on TV; I admired Czech Krtek the most, but still, Disney was my best choice). In all honesty, I could be ill and out of power, but they would heal me in an instant. That was real healing power/restoration magic!

I was curious and inquisitive, so I loved the channels about nature, history, and similar stuff. Once a big fan of Sailor Moon and Pokémon (Aleksandra and Laura know), I remember how furious I was when my father called this ‘nonsense.’ He always “knew the best,” of course.

Bookworm – that’s who I also was! And I still am! Since I learned how to read, it was difficult to pull me away from books. But in those so cherished times without the internet, all these books were expensive. My family members were initially relieved because why invent some other present for my birthday? There was already a perfect one! But I read all the children’s books I found on the shelves, then all the adult novels, and there was a problem because I had nothing to read.

Than my grandmother took me to the library.

How I hated that place! First, I always finished reading books before the term had passed; second, why would I want to part with something I treasured so much? I wanted all these books to be mine! Only MINE! My preciouuusss. I mean I’d willingly work there, but I hate, when the books are not mine and my reading habits depend on someone else.

I read all the time. I read even in school during classes and recesses to hide from loneliness, pressure, and bullying… The books were my comfort zone. At a certain point, teachers started (and never finished) complaining and trying to punish me by depriving me of reading. I was the only one whom they prohibited from reading, instead of forcing me to do it, like they did to other kids

Also, before we had the internet… I actually don’t remember how it really was, either my grandparents bought me a computer, or it was commissioned by my mom’s work; still, it stood right in front of me, square and white. There was an Aladdin game there, which I played all the time instead of doing math 😀

Later, I added The Sims, Heroes of Might and Magic, Warcraft III, and so on to my collection. These games circulated in our class, and I had a friend (only one, and she was constantly mad at me for something, but we also had nice discussions while drinking tea) from whom I borrowed them back then.

Eventually, you know what? My life improved significantly since I got the internet. I had unlimited access to books and music. I met lots of like-minded people, and I actually made many friends and could develop my hobbies and passions. I learned foreign languages, drawing, and practiced yoga thanks to this magical thing. I met my husband because of the internet. Finally, I’m sharing all these memories with you because of it 🙂

Do I remember the time before the internet? Yes. Do I miss it? Not a chance.

PS: Pictures are either generated by WP AI picture generator or found in Google

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