Am I a Good Friend?

Daily writing prompt
What quality do you value most in a friend?

Why is it always about “me, me, me”? “I expect, I want, I look for.” “I value.” It is generally the same story when it comes to friendships or love.

I don’t really like the perspective of this question. For me, it is rather an introspective matter. Am I a good friend? What can I give others?

Though, probably it is best to begin with the essence of friendship. What is it? I suppose, just as with love or any other kind of human relationship, we all have a very subjective perspective on this matter. What is friendship for some people isn’t necessarily the case for others. There are instances of one-sided friendship, and I personally had an instance of this in my life.

There was a certain girl who enjoyed showering me with tears via phone for about 6-8 hours a day. I saw a friend in her, whereas she was constantly looking for friends somewhere, but never finding one. I’m a very patient type of person, but everything has its limits. Seriously, at some point, I just wished her “to find her own people” and stopped answering her calls.

Photo by Zachary DeBottis on

It was a time when I had my own fascination with trying to reach and fight for friendship and respect from people who were emotionally inaccessible in general. I fought for the love of my own parents through connecting with this type of person… Well, I had my own issues.

When I was 17 or so, I remember feeling that I missed something in my life. I felt a lonely, unfilled void inside my heart, and I usually told everybody that I was looking for a “true friendship”, which I characterized as understanding beyond limits, reading each other’s minds, feeling the same emotions with the same intensity, and of course, having deep, philosophical discussions non-stop. I was justly asked if what I was looking for was really a friendship. I was lonely and I craved understanding. I guess I was looking for the Divine acceptance and love in its true form (Dead Can Dance – Agape, my favorite band, by the way), but I looked for it on Earth, in it’s material reflection.

I don’t perceive friendship in such an exalted, idealized way anymore. People tend to romanticize relationships, trying—again—to reach out for glimpses of divine love in them (take the idea of twin flames, for instance).

Photo by Simon Berger on

Now I think of friendship as walking the same road and supporting each other along the way. Intellectual connection is important, yes (maybe that is what makes this road “the road”), but so are loyalty and trust. If I perceive someone as my friend, I can forget about little irritating things or some discrepancies in our views. I value the person, and I want to continue walking the same road. As simple as that. And of course, equality is really important, even though I’m naturally attracted to stronger characters.

Still… I wish I could call myself a good, valuable friend. I’m well-read and have hobbies, sure, but I can be monotonous and gloomy. I can be loyal and protective (Leo Mars), but I’m passive and keep to my mysteries (what do you expect from a Scorpio Rising and Capricorn Moon?). Relationships with me are shaky, and even though I’m supportive and full of empathy, it can sometimes turn out to be a toxic trait. I don’t party, I’m not an easy-going type of person, nor am I chill. I’m complicated af, and it spreads to my sense of humor as well (either too dark or too tragic – imagine Young Werther becoming a comedian for one day).

There is always room for improvement, I guess. I wish I were a better one, but whatever I try, I still turn out to be imperfect. I have a small number of friends, but I have some, and I’m grateful for that ❤ Some people can accept my imperfections after all 🙂

18 thoughts on “Am I a Good Friend?

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  1. I don’t think there are any “perfect” friends. We are human, and we all are imperfect ( I sometimes think I’m perfect, but it’s not true 😅). If you have a few friends that accept you, that’s all you need, in my opinion, too many friends is too much work 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You gave me a good laugh with this “sushi” meme. Thank you for that. To me, you seem like a decent and good friend to have. Everybody has his own difficult personality traits, it’s just a matter of compatibility with someone. When your bad sides match other’s, you’ve found yourself a friend! Maybe it’s not just that, but I think that is an important part of an equation. I like Dead Can Dance too btw! Their live version of “Black Sun” is perfection. But they are a little dark and pessimistic for my taste. What you said that you expected at 17 seems like something that cannot be found in life, at least not with people. Or at least I never met people with whom I could find something like that. You need to fill that void with your love for yourself, or a love from something divine, or both. Did you fill that void in the end? Are you fine now with that need in your life?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I’ve learned from experience that “matching shadows” could be very toxic.
      Dead Can Dance is a music of my soul, especially Opium, I’m a big fan of darkwave in general.
      It lasted longer than that, I’ve carried this void with me for a long time, but just as I wrote in my previous post, eventually I’ve learned to recognize the divine love and acceptance everywhere, even in small things + I’m not lonely anymore, I’m married and I have friends 🙂


      1. I didn’t mean “matching shadows” in a way that you project the content of your shadow on someone else and vice versa, I said “When your bad sides match other’s, you’ve found yourself a friend”, thinking on a situation where your bad sides don’t burden someone else, and his/hers bad sides don’t burden you, when both of you found each other’s flaws acceptable. It seems your life has developed really well. I’m a bit jealous, but also really happy for you, honestly happy cause I wish you well. I hope things keep working out for you, and I hope you’ll keep living a happy and fulfilled life. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Awwww thank you ❤️ and all the points you made are great as well in the post, I just wanted to provide an answer your title of the post haha 😆

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  3. You’re awesome and wouldn’t want you any other way! P.s. That trail makes me want to walk with you under the tree’s and talk mysteries for hours! Then we can order sushi (LOL), I can’t roll it right either (hahaha)!

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  4. >> If I perceive someone as my friend, I can forget about little irritating things or some discrepancies in our views. I value the person, and I want to continue walking the same road. As simple as that. <<

    I could have snipped so many lines, yet this one speaks deeply of who you are as a person.

    I've never heard this band, so thank you for that too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess I’m the old-school type that values the people by my side more than the fleeting search for adventures and novelty, and perfect, yet unreachable compatibility 🙂
      Oh, Dead Can Dance plays the music of my soul. 🙂 Definitely worth checking out 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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