✨Sigil Magic(k): Instruction From My Personal Notes ✨

Hi everyone 🙂

I decided to share with you my knowledge and methods of creating sigils. I personally haven’t posted anything on this topic for a while, but I use this method a lot, as it is very artistic, intuitive, and powerful.

You can’t really spoil a sigil or do it wrong, because when we perform sigil magic, what matters is establishing a connection and link between three levels:

  1. Personal subconscious and mind
  2. Collective unconscious (also subtle plane, where the lines of possible events form)
  3. Events and possibilities in real life

You create your own unique link, the representation of your own willpower and imagination. So, you set the rules, put lots of creative energy into it, and make this work your way. You trace the pattern of your future events (or something inside your mind, some issues, schemas you want to work upon if you use the Chaos Magic method), breathe energy into it, and create a physical representation of this process—a sigil.

I’ve mentioned chaos magic, but there are plenty of approaches to sigil magic: people summon spirits using sigils, work on their psychological issues, treat them as manifestations of their will, and so on. In this post, I’m talking about treating them as talismans/manifestations of your will, and it will be in the form of an instruction, which I actually copied from my notes. Sorry if some places will repeat.

Enjoy 😉

It is impossible to make a sigil wrong because it is a reflection of the threads of possibilities forming in the subtle plane, plus how we subconsciously feel/see them. This symbol marks the link between this process and our will (the new node/thread we created ourselves).

found in google

Ways of creation:

  1. Rose Cross with Hebrew or English letters (write down a word or phrase, cross out vowels, connect the consonants in the order they follow. The pattern you receive is your sigil).
  2. Planet squares (here we reach out for the energy of the planet which can support our sigil. I’ll write a separate post on them because it is complicated).
  3. A phrase containing your intent (we cross out the vowels and repeated consonants, we combine the rest of the letters in a pattern, or we break letters into pieces and combine them in a pattern/drawing).
  4. Intuitive – we draw as our intuition tells us to draw (something like automatic writing. We also can retrace the shape of flowers or symbols this way).
  5. Nature/elements (we look for patterns when meditating on fire/water/earth etc. They can act like sigils, and they are already charged with elemental power).
  6. Bindrunes, glyphs, runes, planet/card pictograms, nodes (they are a variant of sigils in a way, but we also can combine them into patterns).
  7. Verbal sigils (instead of a pattern, we make activation words, mantras, poems, stories from letters).
  8. Hyper sigils (we make an image from the pattern – draw it or paint. This also works as a way of their activation).

from beantale.com

Where do we write the sigils?

We can use paper, wood, water/coffee/tea, cake in the oven or any other food, canvas, stone, candle, wear them as a pendant, draw on the earth, sand, grain, leaves and petals, glass, skin (including your own), nails, set as a wallpaper on your phone, or draw in the air in front of you – there are no restrictions.

generated by me in WP AI picture generator

Methods of activation:

  • We can draw in a circle to have control over them – optional.
  • We draw in the symbols of the planets or the elements – at the appropriate hours, days, transits, with mudras if you wish.
  • We activate them with elements, sun or moonlight, by burning down candles, with salt, light, essential oils, colors, breath, body heat, carrying with us, herbal juices, or tinctures.
  • By saying a verbal formula (verbal sigil or spell), with music, singing, dancing, drawing, painting, giving energy, or Reiki.
  • By destruction, burning, drying up, sinking in the river, melting the wax, tearing paper, pinching yourself (then we usually destroy and forget, it is not about self-harm, it’s about creating an emotional link through the shock – you may press ice to your skin, or watch something funny or shocking instead, it’s up to you).
  • Looking for a long time until the image starts to melt away; generally, we give sigils powers with gazing.
  • Snapping fingers – just like that.

I promise I’ll write more on this topic. For now, thank you for reading this 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

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12 thoughts on “✨Sigil Magic(k): Instruction From My Personal Notes ✨

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    1. Thank you, Stephanie! 🙂
      I’m happy my notes are useful 🙂
      As you’ve mentioned it I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make a master class post with step by step photo + instruction, or something… I’ll reflect on it.

      Liked by 1 person

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