Ancient Helmet And My New Drawing🎨

Daily writing prompt
If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?

Hi Everyone,

I don’t know what kind of intelligent answer I could possibly produce for this prompt. And I marvel at the sight of people who managed to do so. Round of applause

So I asked this question to my husband, and he chose the Roman or any ancient helmet as his eternal outfit. Please count it as my reply 🙂

As for me, I’d better boast about my latest drawing. I’m an amateur artist, as you possibly know, and I draw mostly for fun. The shadow play and lights are my biggest weakness, but I tried really hard, using almost exclusively my imagination:

drawing by MarvellousNightmare

I hope you’ll enjoy it. This is also an illustration for the final chapter of my short story False Memories.

I should definitely exercise drawing more regularly; however, I have been rather preoccupied with some other aims and passions lately. Nonetheless, I went through a tiny crisis this Full Moon, and I guess I have my priorities slightly readjusted… which means you’ll see more of my creative attempts 😅

Thank you for checking out this post 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

34 thoughts on “Ancient Helmet And My New Drawing🎨

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  1. Ha Ha . Love the Roman soldiers helmet.

    Yeah, this question had me a bit puzzled 🤷.

    Your drawing turned on really wonderful. Can’t wait to see it with the story.

    Have a Great Day 👍🏻🤗

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    1. 😀 Weird prompt for sure.
      Thank you so much! I actually attached the link to the whole story in the post, you can read if you want, I hope you’ll enjoy it 🙂
      Quick disclaimer though: it is a horror story, based solely on my imagination; nothing like that has ever happened in reality.


      1. Wonderful! So excited! But I’m not looking until tomorrow after work when I have bright attention, in contrast to today when it is hard to string sentences. ❤

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      1. Not really an interpretation, just what’s there I suppose. Our unconscious tells us things without our knowledge, it’s a lot cleverer than us! Just have to take your time and look again. Maybe I can go slightly deeper…

        On second look, the woman is holding the knife in her left hand, so it’s not her full power and is awkward. Or it is a mirror of herself somehow. Unless she IS left handed, and different from most of the crowd. The knife is held upward, and is of a phallic shape and size, and the way it is held is quite aggressive, the fist is rounded and a ball of intent, but still held low in a questioning way, what is it that she’s attacking? Herself? There is no other target. Would you hold a knife that way for defense? Probably not. Or is she confused about what is happening, and frightened? Or frustrated and angry? There is also extra shadow around the knife. It is harder to see for her, maybe she doesn’t want to know what she’s doing, or doesn’t know what she’s doing. Note the moon is in a waning crescent, not waxing, so it’s the end of the cycle just before a new moon. What is ending? The moon of course relates to the female. The light from the moon lights some of the floor and a square on the left wall, it is very limited on what it is showing, with very fixed boundaries, and it is finding it hard to show the full picture, just parts. Is her female side only illuminating part of the picture? Also there is only one curtain, so there was no way to completely close the window from it’s light, the moon was always going to shine, and has been shining for this cycle. Whatever is happening is inevitable, or so it seems. Can the feminine moon not be shut out? The curtain is lightly and neatly tied like a conscientious young girls hair, all to one side, the right side. There has been an attempt to innocently look neat and correct, to be nice, but it could not be fully done, the moon always shines through. The shading is all in the direction of the end wall.. that is where the drama is heading, to her shadow with the knife, except the floor is horizontal. It is stopping her. The basis of herself is stopping her moving forward. The white mat equidistant to the walls on the floor is like a lightened void within the darkness, and there is no shading to stop her, it is almost inviting. It has been perfectly reasoned within the boundaries of the room to help her progress forward, it is taking fear away from the room, it is solid, yet, there is pure nothing, white with just a few imperfections. Can it carry her? The light from behind, her past, shows she has come through a door to this room. She entered it on purpose, she wants to know what is in here, the empty room with just her shadow. Her past light is showing as a neat square and part of her future on the wall ahead, right beside the shadow of herself. Is this wall where she ends? We all end eventually. Is it possible to change a shadow on this wall? Who has the power to do so, can she see what she is doing and change what she is doing, or see herself as the holder of the knife? There is only one person who can affect the shadow.

        Please take with a grain of salt, I hope I haven’t hurt you or anyone else, it’s just interesting to really look at a picture and tell the story you see, I hope you get the enjoyment I did out of this 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, you don’t hurt me at all; it’s an amazing interpretation. You are very insightful and see beyond the surface! The drawing was actually meant for the last chapter of my short story, which is psychological in itself, and probably reflects my inner issues/conflicts. I think your description suits my inner world quite well, and I’m very impressed that you dedicated so much time to writing this detailed, deep, mind-blowing analysis. Thank you so much! 🙂

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      3. Thankyou, once I started it just kept going, I wanted to get everything in. Just the way I am. I’m glad you liked it, it was quite fun for me too. There are still a few things I missed, but just observations, and I don’t want to put any interpretation on anything in a public forum! Not sure my interpretation would be right as I don’t really know you, so it would only be speculation.

        I’m glad you could understand it too, not all would.

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      4. I get it, I also tend to write a lot 🙂 I also understand, that some observations may be way too personal to share them in comments, however I don’t hide that I have certain mental issues and diagnoses, but I’m doing quite good at the moment. You know, judging by what I read, I can conclude that your interpretation skills, even though they may be a speculation, are very good, lot’s of respect for that!
        Well, I could 🙂 I’m a passionate reader, and I’m good with complicated texts too 🙂

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  2. I wonder if these helmets actually saved any lives. Besides your spouse, you don’t really see any old Roman Soldiers wandering around with them on.

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