⏰Reading, Meditating, Thinking… And The Collection Of Memes💻

Daily writing prompt
What are your daily habits?

Hi Everyone! 🙂

Let’s see what today’s prompt brought us… Thankfully, these are just habits, not duties 🙂

So… I read daily in three languages, about 30-50 pages per book, depending on the day. As you can guess, I usually read three books at the same time. I typically do this in the garden, but I can enjoy the process anywhere. I easily detach from whatever is happening around me and plunge into the narrative.

Earlier, I also read in German, but I kind of relinquished learning this language, as I have no spoken practice with real people. Thus, I couldn’t develop my skill above the upper-intermediate level. And I normally can’t stand talking with AIs, as they are boring and morbid. So, only three languages are left for me at the moment. I’m thinking about returning to extensive language learning though 🙂

I try to meditate daily, though I’ve been persuading myself to do this for almost a week already with no result. I normally do Yoga, Reiki, and other spiritual practices, which usually mean a lot to me and support me psychologically.

I play video games, mostly different parts of The Sims (except for 4th, which I can’t stand), Skyrim, and for nostalgia’s sake, The Heroes Of Might and Magic III. I also have ESO, Mount and Blade, Minecraft, and other games installed on my computer, but those are left for rarer occasions.

Additionally, I ruminate a lot, worry, and daydream – I love imagining different things and stories. Sometimes I’m so captivated, I forget where I am!
I over-interpret people’s behavior and enjoy pondering upon philosophical questions, analyzing everything over and over again 😀

Finally, I adore listening to music and walking in nature, taking occasional photos: I mention it a lot here on my blog, so you know it 😉

photo by MarvellousNightmare

I was caught by the rain on my way and got drenched completely 😀 As if after an intensive shower 😀

PS: After reading the last chapter of my recently posted short story, my husband asked me directly if the sorceress was, in fact, me, as she gave off a lot of my personal vibe. Of course, she wasn’t my twin or the personal projection of myself, but I must admit that the most female characters I write about have a lot of my energy and character features. It is easier for me to write this way, and it is difficult to create someone very different from what I am.

So, I thought carefully and set myself a challenge: my next story, I will write about a strong, independent, feminist woman. I don’t know what will come out of it, but if I managed to make male protagonist quite tolerable (?), why shouldn’t I succeed with a stronger female character? 🙂

After all, a good writer should be like a good actor, able to describe and impersonate everything. So wish me luck!

Thank you so much for reading this post! 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

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