🗡️Paul Atreides From The Dune Novel Series By Frank Herbert🏜️

Daily writing prompt
Write about your first crush.

Hi, everyone!

Answering today’s question, let it be Paul Atreides from Dune. Not Timothée Chalamet, but the book character from Dune novel series by Frank Herbert, which I read for the first time when I was in my teens.

No doubt, he was utterly compelling to me. I’m easily attracted to charismatic leaders, and he was also very intelligent, decisive, shrouded in mystery, noble, an exceptional warrior and politician, and his spiritual aspect and gifts were really something captivating… And he was a pale brunet, which I find aesthetically pleasing.

Summing up, he was everything I found attractive back in those days.

So, you got it – Paul Atreides was a book character that agitated my romantic imagination when I was a teen (There was also the Phantom of the Opera, but let’s leave that for the next post).

Never cared if he was a positive character or not… You can be deeply moved by a false messiah 🥰

from here

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

🪐Planetary Square-Based Sigils: Inspired By My Notes✍️

Hi, everyone!

Previously, I’ve written a post about sigil magic with some simple instructions from my notes. If you are interested in the topic, please check it out 🙂 I’ve explained the most crucial points there, though I’ll just repeat that the sigil is a graphic representation of our intent.

The planetary squares are numerological representations of planetary energy, doors, and keys with which we access it.

It is worth emphasizing, though, that this is not just sigil magic; it is planetary (or astrology) magic, combined with ancient (Kabbalistic) numerology. In Higher/Ceremonial Magic (hermetic orders), these squares were also used to summon the spirits, but I personally prefer using sigils as talismans/amulets, or magic that affects events/inner world, and I’ll describe it all from this perspective.

There are seven planetary squares in total, based on the same number of classical planets in Western Astrology. Each of these squares represents a unique numerological combination for the corresponding planetary energy. In other words, these are energy matrices that give us the fuel for our aims (sigils). The outline of each square is based on the planetary number (Kabbalistic numerology: 3=Saturn, 4=Jupiter, 5=Mars, 6=Sun, 7=Venus, 8=Mercury, 9=Moon; it’s all based on Sephiroth) and all their derivatives.

There are many mathematical equations that determine how each square should look (square from planetary numbers, the same sum in all lines, etc). However, we already have them nice and ready, like freshly baked pizzas just delivered to our doors. We can slice them and enjoy their deliciousness without thinking about which type of flour they used to make the dough. The squares are ready for you to work upon.

Though, if you are interested in details and history, take a peek at Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa, The Key of Solomon, or The Magus by Francis Barrett (by the way, heavily influenced by Agrippa).

Each planetary square is used for different purposes, as each planet has its own magical specialization. Once again, each pizza has its own flavor; it’s for you to choose which one you wish to consume right now 😉

Sun: Prana/Ki, Vitality, Ego, Power, Success, Leadership, Ambitions, Charisma

from this page

Moon: Prophecy, Sleep, Emotions/Subconscious/Psyche, Femininity, Fertility, Changes, Memories, Roots/Family, Care

from this page

Mercury: Intelligence, Communication, Writing, Contracts/Agreements, Information, Science, Memory, Learning, Exams, Connections

from this page

Venus: Love, Creativity, Art, Female Sexuality, Pleasure, Beauty, Luxury, Social Affairs, Reconciliation, Inspiration, Attractiveness

from this page

Mars: Masculinity, Sexuality, Strength, Lust, Anger, Destruction, Medical Issues/Healing, Winning, Persistence

from this page

Jupiter: Success, Money, Growth, Abundance, Influence, Luck, Travel, Spiritual Matters

from this page

Saturn: Real Estate, Banks, Debt, Obstacles, Binding, Protection, Time, Wisdom, Discipline, Cutting Cords

from this page

Now, after we’ve chosen which energy suits us the most, we create an intention: come up with a word or phrase that reflects your wish precisely. Then, we add some basic Western Numerology to it. Take a look at the table below: each letter of the Latin alphabet (it can be any alphabet, actually; the table is universal, just arrange the letters in their prescribed order between 1-9 numbers) is connected with a certain number from this table.


table from the cottage mystic site. I also was inspired in arranging planetary qualities by this author, though changed and added missing information according to my knowledge.

Write the numbers down, substituting the letters of your phrase with them. For instance, I used the word “inspiration” and now we have the following numbers: 95179912965.

Now, let’s cut our pizzas… meaning that let’s create our sigil by tracing the pattern of these numbers on the Venus square (we usually draw a little circle at the beginning of the sigil, marking the beginning, and a short horizontal line at the end of the pattern to show where the energy finishes its flow).

I tried by best, but I don’t have a steady hand for a perfect lining.

Redraw the ready pattern. You can put the sigil on any material of your choice; it is already charged by planetary energy (!) and you may wear it as a talisman if you like. However, if you want to intensify (additional energy!) the planetary influence and connection to the sigil energy source, you may paint it in green or rose color (still using the example of the Venus square), perform this magic on Friday, during Venus planetary hours (yep, I also promised to do a post on these ones to Laura), or when the Moon is in Taurus or Libra signs. You may choose apple tree wood or a copper base to carve it upon, anoint it with Rose or Jasmine essential oil, or carve it into a rose or green candle.

In other words, you may support this Venus energy source with additional planetary energy correspondences if you wish.

I think that is it. Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed it! 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

📚I’m a Passionate Reader! + My Thoughts on The Whole Truth About the Planet Ksi by J. Zajdel📖

Daily writing prompt
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Hi everyone 🙂

I’m back to blogging after this somewhat lengthy weekend, and I’m ready to share my thoughts, art, and experience with you 🙂

First and foremost, I’d like to answer briefly to this prompt.

My favorite thing about myself is that I always think with my own head and I’m not easily swayed by the opinions of other people. Additionally, I’m curious, inquisitive, experimental, and I’m constantly trying to broaden my horizons, which leads me to the fact that I’m a passionate reader 😉 And I love this about myself very much.

from https://www.empik.com

Speaking of which, this weekend I finished reading The Whole Truth about the Planet Ksi, written by Janusz Zajdel, a prominent Polish sci-fi and dystopian writer. Recently, I’ve written about his short story collection The Farewell Letter. For those who may not know, let me briefly remind you, that this author was a important figure among Polish sci-fi writers, helped and cared about younger writers a lot.

Having worked in radiology safety and as a university professor, he tried to combine or even balance the fictional part of science fiction with scientific facts and rational logic. Zajdel‘s dystopian works reflected his criticism of the Polish socialistic reality of his life, and also the way any propaganda fogs people’s minds. He died of lung cancer at the considerably young age of 46.

Speaking of The Whole Truth About the Planet Ksi, it is mostly a dystopian novel with some sci-fi elements (transplanetary travel and colonization of other planets than Earth). It revolves around the ideas of how totalitarian societies are created and why they thrive even if people suffer. Lies are a better basis for creating such societies because lies are flexible, and truths are often stiff and inconvenient. If you provide people with some outside enemy, the people will be connected, trusting, and praising the tyrants as their only protectors.

The story unfolds through two perspectives: one is an expedition head, Sloth, who was sent to check what was going on with the group of colonists sent to planet Ksi, and the second perspective is that of the original colonization group’s captain, whom we know as 11, or great grandfather.

Sloth is neutral, rational, and quite mature. He values the years that are left to him, remembers totalitarian societies on Earth, and does not rush into decisions or quick actions. He prefers the marveled eyes of women to any political power, giving us the impression that we can trust him.

On the contrary, 11 has lots of dishonest desires and unhealthy ambitions, betrayed his friends, enemies, and people of this globe several times, and actually helped terrorists establish this totalitarian, even feudal, society, where your rank is based on the number tattooed on your forehead. This makes readers doubt his perspective on things; still, he was the one who saw everything from the very beginning.

The author of the book does not force an opinion on you; you may choose what to think of the main character and even of the future destiny of the planet Ksi. When the second expedition arrives to spy on the Ksi’s society, they also are not sure of their next course of action regarding this society. They want to help, but they are unsure of how to do it without turning out as alien conquerors who took away the last straw of hope from this planet’s population.

And I really appreciate this approach, this conversational, theorizing way which lets us, readers, decide for ourselves. The language is descriptive, the protagonists are multi-dimensional, and their emotions are genuine. Readers can empathize with their doubts, turmoil, and longings

The society, though a bit caricatured, actually reminds us of the ones we have on Earth, and the author precisely demonstrates how they function. Yes, something like this, theoretically speaking, may have appeared in space at the early stages of colonizing. Well, such states are and were here, near us on Earth.

However, I had uncertainties while reading the book. For instance, how did people age in space in this book? I thought that outside Earth’s gravity we remain unaffected by the flow of time (perhaps someone with a physics background can explain this to me). Another moment: planet Ksi had only a 16-hour-long day, I get it. However, human biological hours should still remain 24… Am I right?

Additionally, the first generation of colonists was deprived of technology, which is understandable, but couldn’t they hunt with some handmade primitive tools? I believe J. Zajdel had explanations for that, but unfortunately, it is unlikely I will ever ask him…

Overall, I took great pleasure in reading this compelling dystopian novel. It broadens your perspective and encourages you to think, speculate, come up with your own choices and solutions. And prompts us to analyze the roots of various social issues and the ways many modern totalitarian societies function and continue to develop.

The Whole Truth about the Planet Ksi reminds me a bit of Eden by S. Lem, so if you are a fan of those authors or you really enjoy reading dystopian prose, it may be a great pick for you😊

Thank you for reading this and I hope I’ve answered this prompt!

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

☀️Solar Return Astrology Reading For My Best Taurus Friend A.🌌

My dear friend A.!

As you begin your new Solar Year, I want to share some insights from your astrological chart to help guide you through your Saturn Return. This can be a difficult period of time, as it is mostly an exam determining if we have lived our lives according to our spiritual task and if we are ready to become mature adults. In your case, it is happening in your first House, so it will examine everything connected to your individuality and self-expression.

In your Solar Return, Saturn is also placed in your 1st House, being at the same time the 11th House Ruler. In other words, your maturity may be connected with freeing yourself and gaining more independence in your life (especially emphasized by Pluto in the 11th House of Solar Return – some transformation may come in terms of freedom), and putting more emphasis on your needs and self-expression (4 planets in Solar Return’s 1st House, natal Sun in progressed 1st House, 1st House Ruler in 1st House, natal Sun conjuncts transit Jupiter). It can even be a good time to gain certain popularity (progressed stellium in 10th House).

Additionally, consider developing in a spiritual, magical way, and investing in your higher education (be careful though, progressed Jupiter – 9th House Ruler is in the 8th House), you may be in a very shaky position in your University, still invest in that. If you move forward in accordance with your spiritual mission (any mission or long-term plan will be beneficial for emotional stability – double Moon-MC conjunction), you won’t lose that much and won’t face many tough situations and decisions which are normal during Saturn Return.

This Solar year will be a very active, energetic, and communicative period of time (Aries Mars and Mercury in 1st House of Solar), but at the same time, it can be deeply emotional. Actually, I’d advise you to take care of your mental health, and don’t put too much pressure upon yourself (1st House Neptune, Saturn and Moon in the 6th House). There could be some problems not only with upset nerves but also with your stomach, headaches, blood pressure, and inflammations/infections (negatively aspected 6th House progressed Mars) so try to apply lots of care to yourself.

This period of time is favorable for making money (2nd House stellium in Solar return, with Jupiter and Venus, Solar Mercury conjuncts Venus). Furthermore, the 6th House Virgo Moon and 10th House progressed stellium may denote some changes regarding your career life. You may find lots of comfort in your work, which may support you on an emotional and subconscious level. Though stay vigilant about financial matters, manipulations, and obsession on that point, as you have Solar Lilith in the 2nd House. Some money may also come as a surprise (2nd House Uranus).

Maybe it’s a good time to re-evaluate your value system and develop your talents. The period is good for creativity and earning popularity because of it.

Something may change in your private relationship. First, your attractiveness is increased now, and there are many possibilities for flirtation and new acquaintances, though you may be somewhat lost in the wide number of them. You are more open to understanding the opposite sex, but at the same time, there are some undercurrent conflicting tendencies you should be aware of – T-square Venus-Mars-Jupiter – it makes you irritable and unstable in your relationship, and instead of solving the problems you may try to look out for easier variants. Still, you are emotionally open to it, craving it, and it may attract some person into your life (7th House Moon 5th House Ruler). On the one hand, it will be a relationship full of emotional support; on the other, these emotions may become somewhat manipulative once in a while (7th House Lilith), so be mindful of that.

Your friendship circle will change, and some lessons may come from the past, which will also be connected with independence. Progressed Saturn in the 12th House may also accentuate the need for solitude, deepening spirituality, and a serious approach to your faith.


All in all, it’s a very important time, full of transformative events. Concentrate on yourself, your independence, spiritual mission, and inner world. This will help to avoid tough lessons and decisions. This time may be lucrative, and you may find a suitable job position that will give you lots of satisfaction. Take care of your emotional health. You may find a partner, but be mindful of manipulations and arguments.

I wish you plenty of luck this Solar Year, take care ❤

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

🕯️Call of Destiny: Omens And Dreams (Part One) 〰Fantasy Story by MarvellousNightmare 〰 Aridia Cycle📜

Part Two
Part Three

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination.

‘It’s hot as in Rogterr’s fire palace,’ Agenit muttered wearily, lazily untying his scarlet ceremonial robe, embroidered with golden patterns and the speckles of the sun stone, and carelessly throwing it on the floor. Such a simple gesture, but it expressed all that he thought or felt about the priesthood. Dressed in simple pants and a linen shirt now, no one would ever discern him from some potter or carpenter from the town. The man wiped his forehead with a relieved sigh. He was himself at last.

The room’s air was motionless and stuffy, and the heat intensified with each second. Slanting sun rays fell through the narrow window, as if burning through the floor and the opposite wall in brilliant torrents of smoldering light.

Agenit was a gifted and skilled fire priest, so heat was but a temporary nuisance for him, as he knew how to adjust his body to high temperatures. He could absorb the blazing heat and replenish his depleted magical reserves, which he hastened to do.

The priest sat down in a pool of light, with his eyes closed, and took several deep breaths. He could shift his state of consciousness almost instantaneously, and in a few minutes, his mind became entirely entranced.

Agenit’s inner fire was burning strong. What was the outer elemental flame flame, but a reflection of his inner one? What was his inner blaze if not part of the universal one? The scorching heat grew more intense, burning and causing pain, until it ceased to exist. Now, only one fire remained, just oneness, unity, and connection. And it became expressed in blazing, dynamic, smoldering brilliance, which was engulfing his mind, and eliminating all idle thoughts, his separate sense of “Self.”

As soon as it was achieved, the energy from the larger, natural element replenished his inner reserves, cleansing, reviving, and incinerating his doubts and fatigue. And then only the loud pounds of the heart remained, and as soon as they went silent, the priest opened his eyes.

It was much better now, and after a while the man jumped to his feet. Sure thing, he was a child of fire, a son of mighty Rogterr… At least all priests of this deity called themselves so.

Nonetheless… As a human being, he appreciated the mild coolness of the wind and soothing touch of the water, their delicate, soft caresses… Sometimes, Agenit simply missed the sea, the cold, repeating rhythm of waves crashing at the shore, the thick, mysterious, dark passages of the pine wood that always gave him shelter and a place to play when he was a boy… Before they brought him to the temple and made him accept these wretched vows…

The birds’ melodic chirping and the relaxing stillness of the room suddenly became shattered, drowned in the sound of a passionate foreign song coming from the town’s central square. String music was electrified with drama and expressiveness, full of intensive and clear power. It was so distinct and overwhelming, as if it were everywhere, ubiquitous and entrancing.

The female voice seemed to reach out to him, imploring, seducing, and enchanting him to leave this life behind to follow this mysterious temptress from overseas wherever she might go.

Awe-stricken, the hypnotized man looked out of the window.

He could observe from afar the crowd gathering around the musicians, swaying, gazing, mesmerized, bound to every word, every sound of this pure sorcery… And he found himself as if anchored by the window, looking, hoping, longing… Until the sudden silence filled the space again.

The crowd cheered, clapping. The whole commotion was so contrastingly unrhyming, rude… even primitive in comparison to the melodic wonder he experienced a second ago, that he felt deceived and all at once irritated.

‘Don’t they have any other work to do?’ the man winced, slightly envious.

Anyway, this musical magic disrupted the natural rhythm of his day. Agenit shook his head, trying to concentrate on his thoughts.

Even from a distance, he could discern the figure of the singer: a slender woman with darker complexion, her long dark hair flapping against the wind. She resembled a vivid, colorful tropical bird, strayed away from the forest by some awful mistake and now cornered by a gaping, cheering, dancing crowd, as if caught in a vibrant net…

What wouldn’t he give to stroll among them in broad daylight, to be free, released from the solemn walls of the sacred temple, unrestrained by the dogmas and oaths? To escape the pretenses and make-beliefs of the priesthood, which always lost their power as quickly as no one seemed to be watching. Lies charged with idle glances and contemptuous talks.

At least, why should he pretend? Agenit often ran away disguised at night, when all other priests seemed firmly asleep in their beds. He climbed down the quarters’ wall, then usually jumped over the fence – thin, delicately wrought, interlaced with golden ivy that burned like hell when touched with bare skin…

Come on! Could this southern stinging plant prevent him from escaping? It only scared nine-year-old neophytes just accepted into the temple, still believing, full of shock and wonder.

Later on, the man normally hastened down the crowded streets, drinking the finest wines, savoring delicious food in the company of music and laughter in some shady corner taverns. And he enjoyed life there until soft haziness overcame him.

In addition, he always found reason to fight with a drunken opponent, victoriously showing off his sword skills and magical excellence. The round of applause and shiny female glances were fitting rewards in dangerous endeavors. And then… The pale moons, glistening stars, and whispering sea waves kept their secrets well.

In short, Agenit had blazing, scorching blood in his veins; the flames of passion surged through his soul, making it simply impossible for him to be pacified, restrained, and confined within the paper-rolls of sacred texts and dusty temple walls. He wanted, craved, and was obsessed with freedom. A true child of fire was he…


Ok, I did it! This story is based on my novel, which currently exists in my head only 😀

I decided to give it a try; otherwise, I guess I’ll never write it. Let me know what you think, and whether it is better with pictures (all generated by me in WP AI Picture generator) or without.

Thanks for reading and enjoy! 💜

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

🔥My Poem “Fire”

Daily writing prompt
What are you passionate about?

Hi, everyone!

I wrote a long post today as an answer, but deleted it all. Perhaps, it wasn’t meant to survive and see the light.

I’ll share with you my old poem instead, I consider it to be one of my best – so why not repost it?

And it is about passion, fire and whatever meaning you will see in it 🙂



I love to gaze at your bright flames
Which shine like gems pierced by sun rays.
I’d dive into these blazing waves!
I love to think that you might save
My soul if I could be so brave
And enter, welcoming your light,
Which cleans, then heals, kills and revives.
Please let me rise from dead, my fire,
Warm up and make me whole… Enlighten,
Enlighten me!
Burn like the deadliest desire,
Soothe me like divine love… Inspire,
Inspire me!
Make me the flame that flies so high!
I wish I were a gleaming star,
A shiny sparkle carried far
By wind. My dazzling, glaring passion,
I cannot join your wild expression -
It’ll kill me. So, in my obsession,
I’ll light the candles white and ashen.
I’ll stare and dream, and dream, and dream….

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

✨Sigil Magic(k): Instruction From My Personal Notes ✨

Hi everyone 🙂

I decided to share with you my knowledge and methods of creating sigils. I personally haven’t posted anything on this topic for a while, but I use this method a lot, as it is very artistic, intuitive, and powerful.

You can’t really spoil a sigil or do it wrong, because when we perform sigil magic, what matters is establishing a connection and link between three levels:

  1. Personal subconscious and mind
  2. Collective unconscious (also subtle plane, where the lines of possible events form)
  3. Events and possibilities in real life

You create your own unique link, the representation of your own willpower and imagination. So, you set the rules, put lots of creative energy into it, and make this work your way. You trace the pattern of your future events (or something inside your mind, some issues, schemas you want to work upon if you use the Chaos Magic method), breathe energy into it, and create a physical representation of this process—a sigil.

I’ve mentioned chaos magic, but there are plenty of approaches to sigil magic: people summon spirits using sigils, work on their psychological issues, treat them as manifestations of their will, and so on. In this post, I’m talking about treating them as talismans/manifestations of your will, and it will be in the form of an instruction, which I actually copied from my notes. Sorry if some places will repeat.

Enjoy 😉

It is impossible to make a sigil wrong because it is a reflection of the threads of possibilities forming in the subtle plane, plus how we subconsciously feel/see them. This symbol marks the link between this process and our will (the new node/thread we created ourselves).

found in google

Ways of creation:

  1. Rose Cross with Hebrew or English letters (write down a word or phrase, cross out vowels, connect the consonants in the order they follow. The pattern you receive is your sigil).
  2. Planet squares (here we reach out for the energy of the planet which can support our sigil. I’ll write a separate post on them because it is complicated).
  3. A phrase containing your intent (we cross out the vowels and repeated consonants, we combine the rest of the letters in a pattern, or we break letters into pieces and combine them in a pattern/drawing).
  4. Intuitive – we draw as our intuition tells us to draw (something like automatic writing. We also can retrace the shape of flowers or symbols this way).
  5. Nature/elements (we look for patterns when meditating on fire/water/earth etc. They can act like sigils, and they are already charged with elemental power).
  6. Bindrunes, glyphs, runes, planet/card pictograms, nodes (they are a variant of sigils in a way, but we also can combine them into patterns).
  7. Verbal sigils (instead of a pattern, we make activation words, mantras, poems, stories from letters).
  8. Hyper sigils (we make an image from the pattern – draw it or paint. This also works as a way of their activation).

from beantale.com

Where do we write the sigils?

We can use paper, wood, water/coffee/tea, cake in the oven or any other food, canvas, stone, candle, wear them as a pendant, draw on the earth, sand, grain, leaves and petals, glass, skin (including your own), nails, set as a wallpaper on your phone, or draw in the air in front of you – there are no restrictions.

generated by me in WP AI picture generator

Methods of activation:

  • We can draw in a circle to have control over them – optional.
  • We draw in the symbols of the planets or the elements – at the appropriate hours, days, transits, with mudras if you wish.
  • We activate them with elements, sun or moonlight, by burning down candles, with salt, light, essential oils, colors, breath, body heat, carrying with us, herbal juices, or tinctures.
  • By saying a verbal formula (verbal sigil or spell), with music, singing, dancing, drawing, painting, giving energy, or Reiki.
  • By destruction, burning, drying up, sinking in the river, melting the wax, tearing paper, pinching yourself (then we usually destroy and forget, it is not about self-harm, it’s about creating an emotional link through the shock – you may press ice to your skin, or watch something funny or shocking instead, it’s up to you).
  • Looking for a long time until the image starts to melt away; generally, we give sigils powers with gazing.
  • Snapping fingers – just like that.

I promise I’ll write more on this topic. For now, thank you for reading this 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

❄️Between the Winter Death And Spring Rebirth🌷

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite season of year? Why?

Hi everyone!

I feel like I answered this prompt once, but who knows—maybe my preferences have changed since then.

Actually, I love all the seasons, every single one of them. So, I enjoy summer because of its warmth, fruits, and swimming, and autumn because of its awe-inspiring decadent golden mystery… ❤ All times of the year are charming and have their own enchanting mood and advantages 🙂

Nonetheless, you wanted me to specify, so I picked these two most favorite seasons of mine for you. 🙂

Before answering this prompt, I checked my old poems and photos, so enjoy! (Stoa – Soft Snow/My Dying Bride – The Cruel Taste of Winter).

I wrote this poem about winter, for instance:

I woke up, and I saw: the rain ceased crying,
In this gray season when whole nature's dying,
So interesting a view: the sun's rays shining,
Dissolving gloominess. The awe inside me,
My very being is lit up. How can I measure
This beauty? Every leaf was turned to treasure
Of ancient kings, who thrived in their leisure,
And now are long forgotten. The only pleasure

That's left is beauty of the sun translucent rays,
With frosty shades that paint in many ways
This landscape. All reminds me of those days
I was in love with Winter: gazed... and praised
Her art: the silver sparks of snow, gentle lace
On windows, as you know. The shiny coat on branches laid.

And me, enchanted, lost in her magic, icy maze,
Half-drowned in freezing sea of soft and tender snow.
Do you remember me? It’s shame I didn’t know...
And that I didn’t paint. Oh, I would show
The sorcery of ghostly, charming glow,
For those who’d neither seen it nor would follow…

Thus, deeply touched by magical sundown
My only wish was: please just take me home.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn't Exist

Some photos:

Why do I love it so much? I believe it is because the world is represented by a different quality; it is covered in silver and white, it is brilliant and magical. There is a shade of solemn wonder in it. The winter nature is under a fairytale spell—sparkling, shiny, ethereal, otherworldly. As if there is a portal to a different reality opening, waiting for us to navigate and explore the different worlds. And each and every time we have a snowy winter, my heart is full of this anticipation. It has been with me since my childhood days when I believed in and searched for these magic doors and realities.

I’m also bewitched by the winter fires: crackling wood in the fireplace, colorful lights on the Christmas tree, yellow windows shining in the early dusks of winter. This fills me with a wonderful, warm coziness, and of course, I’m mesmerized by this glow and twinkling.

And I’m out of my mind with snow, a glistening, soft blanket covering the sleeping earth, and bare trees, adding a shade of cosmic, starry wonder to them. The delicate stardust spilled over the Earth—so I see it. My husband hates the snow because it is unsafe to drive during this time, but I live for it.

And here comes the spring:

Autumn solemnly came back to reign in its kingdom,
Gilded leaves covered and buried the withering flowers.
Strikingly beautiful, living in sorrow and sinking...
Dreams, constant traps, deathly fears… You're counting hours.
Anticipating the future, you are like frozen,
Previous cycle is finished, the deeds of past will repeat,
No blinks of sun, no more joy, but you have been chosen.
Now you should wait for abduction, for a desperate pit.
Being removed from above, hidden deeply in darkness,
You are not able to breathe, seems, you'll never escape,
Where're you lost, blooming Kore, captured, buried in madness,
You'll become one with this World, step by step, day by day.
But time will pass, Persephone, and the gates will be open,
Ices of Lethe will be melted, new life will begin,
Then, getting rid of all fears and having new hope,
You will awake and exclaim: let’s enjoy the new Spring!

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn't Exist

Some photos:

In truth, I adore spring as well, as it is an enchanting time of the Earth when everything returns to life from this death magic spell (winter). I always feel it so deeply; it affects me emotionally so much that I feel one with nature. I want to run barefoot in forests, gather flowers, and feel like I’m newly born.

I feel pulled to nature and its rhythms then, and this is the time of the year I become a real pagan. I’m just open to the spirit of this undercurrent unity that transcends the Universe.

Another reason may be that I was born in spring.

That is it! I hope I answered this question, so thank you for reading this post!

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

🎵Musical Dreams ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁

Hi everyone,

This time I decided to write here about my two latest dreams connected by the same theme: music. What I mean is I literally dreamt about music, heard it as a background of the dream in one case, and it was a major theme of the dream in another case.

My first dream’s main theme mostly revolved around the song Persephone by Wishbone Ash.

There's a light that shines on Persephone
Always a fire in her eyes
And the last time that I went to her
I could tell things weren't right
I just don't care to see your years go wasting
There's no longer magic in your eyes
In your time, you could outshine everybody else around
But your off-stage ways might be a bore
You take a bow, you take a fall
I just don't care to see your years go wasting
There's no longer magic in your eye
I came to be here in the footlights
To live with you through every song
And your face displays a peaceful field
I can't believe the curtain has to fall
Now I know your years were never wasted
Tonight I saw the magic in your eyes

It is important to notice that I often associated myself with this goddess and her archetype, both because I’m a vulnerable woman and because I’m torn between contrasts, mainly between life (light, spring, creativity, love, life, maniacal phase, urge to create) and death (darkness, magic, transformation, painful past experiences, depressive phase, urge to destroy).

Goddess of the Spring and the Queen of the Dead, Eros and Thanatos of Freud: all these are close themes to my heart. In Norse mythology, we have Hel as a similar archetype, yet she is not so vulnerable.

And of course, because I’m caught in the constant cycle of rebirth, though aren’t we all?

The second dream had music in the background, namely Witch of Endor by Bloody Hammers (careful, some doom metal is here):

Ignoring divine instructions
Souls being released by my sword
Guidance from above departed
All my questions returning ignored

Yeah solution is raise the dead
And find the conjuring witch of Endor
Reigning in hell
Solution is find the conjuring witch of Endor

Pushing onward through the hail storm
There will be no turning back
Seek the eyes of the fallen prophet
My only chance in this attack

Ignoring divine instructions
Souls being released by my sword
Guidance from above departed
All my questions returning ignored

Yeah solution is raise the dead
And find the conjuring witch of Endor
Reigning in hell
Solution is find the conjuring witch of Endor

In the wake of this injustice
A beaten path to the unknown
Awaiting holy apparition
And my guidance to be shown

The story behind this song is a biblical one. It describes King Saul’s failure to connect to God before going to war; he receives no answer. He had previously driven out all magicians and witches from Israel, but he wants to receive help from the witch/sorceress of Endor, as it is his last straw of hope. So he disguises himself and reaches out for her help.

You can read more in the Bible or go through this link to become acquainted with the whole story…

As for my dream plot, I was actually a sorceress confined in the catacomb, waiting for execution by being burned. At the last minute, I received help from the guard. He let me out and showed me a way of escape through the tunnel. There were others waiting for the same fate, but there was no opportunity to save them, although I cried and implored this man to help them as well.

The tunnel was very narrow and dark. At some point, I needed to use some force to climb further. I even thought I was condemned to die this way. But finally, I found a clearing and appeared in a shady basement. I found the stairs there and climbed up further and further until I found a door.

I pushed it and entered a large, magnificent, well-lit hall, full of people with suitcases. It was something like a waiting room of some famous, high-class hotel. I moved around, tried to talk with people, but they avoided talking and drew back from me. I felt really sad, lost, and rejected.

There was no visible reason for this behavior, as despite climbing out from the catacomb, I was nicely dressed, and my hair was clean, thick, shiny, and reached the floor. However, I felt as if the word “witch” was branded on my forehead. So, finding neither solace nor any kind of reply, I retreated to a corner near a large bay window. There was a desk nearby, at which I remained further on, leaning on my elbows, lost in sorrow.

I watched the crowd, feeling, living through their pain and joy. I started reaching their minds telepathically to feel connected, to create an illusion that they were my friends, that I was not alone. I especially enjoyed observing and connecting with an old woman and a little girl, who sat facing each other and playing chess, surrounded by large bookcases. They were secluded in this corner in a way.

The figures were silver, and they clicked melodically against the chess table. “Reverend Mother” (I love Dune) crossed my mind, and at that very moment, I was blocked out of the old lady’s head. She turned back and looked at me sharply.

I wiped a tear from my cheek. I got a roll of paper out of nowhere and started writing, to calm myself down, to muffle the pain overcoming me. It helped. I wrote a letter, or a book, or a post—I’m not sure, but it was the best thing I ever wrote; it was something exceptional.

And at this realization, I opened my eyes, the music still playing in my mind.

I have some ideas about the dream’s meaning, but the post is already too long for a decent interpretation.

I’ll just connect the magic in Persephone’s eyes with this long, healthy hair, as it is always a symbol of good health, energy, inspiration, and liking my own self. I wrote something… so perhaps something good may come from my literary endeavors. There will be some kind of positive resurrection for sure 🙂 As for the rest…

Thank you for reading this! 🙂

PS: all pictures were generated by me in WP AI Picture generator

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist, lyrics belong to rock bands 🙂

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look at my offer 🙂

🌞🌊Lake Photos by MarvellousNightmare: Nature Is the Luxury I Wouldn’t Give Up for Anything🌳💚

Daily writing prompt
What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?

This weekend I was on vacation from WordPress (actually, I’m planning on doing it each weekend from now on). I hope it helped me a bit with overcoming my writing block. Anyway, I felt lately that my brain is on fire, and my ADHD symptoms had increased, so I needed to unplug 😉

So… yep, I did it! I didn’t post anything for the whole two days, and I feel more rejuvenated now. Of course, there were additional reasons why my inner batteries are recharged 🙂

The first one was the massage session I visited on Saturday. It was a wonderful, gorgeous, revitalizing procedure. I felt newly born; most of my stress and anxiety simply evaporated as a result of this wonderful treatment. It is definitely a luxury I’m planning to indulge in the future, and I strongly recommend it to anyone struggling with increasing stress and anxiety 🙂

Nonetheless, let’s come back to the most interesting part of this weekend. I often joke that I live in a village lost in the middle of the woods. In truth, we are also surrounded by several lakes in close proximity, and we visited two of them during this weekend. I took plenty of photos from these trips, so enjoy and share my journey with me 🙂

🌊The first lake:

🌊The second lake:

🌿The plant which I was holding on my palm (common horsetail) has stunning hair treatment qualities.

I was also lying down on my back among these wild herbs, as if on a silky mattress, feeling the earth’s coolness with my skin—it was a great experience. I felt connected to the four natural elements and soaked in their energies, allowing them to replenish mine.

🏊‍♀️I saw some people swimming there, so next time I’m definitely taking a plunge.

Coming back to the prompt question, my first guess was my ebook/kindle because I use it all the time. It’s practical and comfortable for reading. However, at this point, I think more of 🌿Nature🍃 as the kind of luxury I prefer to have around and wouldn’t give up for anything 💚

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look at my offer 🙂

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