🧿Spirituality + Free Full Moon Reiki Sessions and Tarot/Astrology Readings 🌕

Daily writing prompt
How important is spirituality in your life?

As far as I know, the word “spirituality” has a very wide meaning in the English language and describes everything from belief systems to the typically esoteric-occult field.

Let’s check a definition in the Cambridge Dictionary, so that we’ll be on the same page:

If we approach it from this angle, I assure you, spirituality is a kind of natural, innate, inseparable part of my life. If not for my incessant, firm connection with the world that transcends the physical plane, I’d probably fall into a deep depression, stripped of any will to live. The dense, material reality is so dry and barren without spirit, like the desert under the fierce, searing rays of the vehement sun.

Not every person requires it, but I do. I need a glimpse of wonder to exist, I need a touch of the Absolute, a presence of magic in my life. Moreover, I feel it, I see it, I experience it with every particle of my being, so there is not even a question for me, not a tiny pin of doubt if something beyond the material and palpable exists. I see the representation of the divine or divinities in everything, even in the small things. I’m a whole-hearted believer, and I’m happy I have this gift.

Additionally, it’s not only about believing for me. I’m into the more practical side of spirituality as well. Call it psychic, magic, esoteric… I write a lot about this on the pages of my blog, so feel free to check it out.
I’m a Reiki Level II practitioner, I’m an astrologer and experienced Tarot reader. I’m into Sigil, Planetary, Norse/Runic and Fire magic, in every kind of magic actually. I meditate a lot and I’m fond of yoga 🙂

So, now that you know it, I also invite you to take part in my free-of-charge Full Moon Reiki group sessions and readings of your choice. I do something like this every month for free, and it will last 3 days: today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. You don’t have to pay anything, but if you want to express your gratitude to me, you can repost me or share your impressions/feedback under this link.

I don’t need any personal data from you. For either Reiki sessions or Tarot readings, the name of your blog and your current location (country) are completely enough 🙂 If you want me to perform a natal chart or any astrology reading for you, just generate the chart on astro.com, paint over your birth data, and send the result to me via leomoria93@outlook.com 🙂

Here you can see and check my previous Readings and Sessions to make up your mind. If you want to take part, just leave a comment under this post and describe which kind of reading or session you would prefer 🙂 In the case of Reiki, I’ll answer you in the comments with instructions on what to do and expect, and I’ll perform readings in separate posts on my blog.

By the way, Laura and I are planning to start our podcast dedicated to spirituality! We already have zero episode recorded, it just needs some editing 🙂

That is it! Thanks for reading and feel free to join my sessions 😉

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

❤️Love and Crushes in Astrology: Inspired By Daily Prompt🌌

Hi again 🙂

I was somewhat inspired by today’s daily prompt – yep, it happens sometimes. So, I decided to write a post regarding love and attraction through the lens of Western Astrology theoretically and using the natal chart attached below as an example. Which elements in our charts are responsible for that?

We typically look at these points:

Planets: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars:
☀️The Sun represents either the husband (long-term male partner) or our lifestyle/character, which is crucial for compatibility.
🌙The Moon indicates the wife (long-term female partner), emotional connections, and what we need for comfort and security (family and home life in general).
♀️ Venus signifies the ideal female lover or how we experience and express our love.
♂️ Mars represents the ideal male lover or sexual attraction in general.

Some astrologers also suggest that the planet indicating husband/wife depends on the time of birth (Sun/Moon for daytime, Mars/Venus for nighttime), but it’s a matter of interpretation. For me, Sun/Moon suffice for marriage/long-term partner analysis. Nonetheless, we should analyze all four planets in this context.

Houses and their components (planets inside the House and House Ruler):
The 5th House and its components show us general attraction, being in love, sex, and even children.
The 7th House signifies partnership/marriage, serious bonds.
The 4th House represents our home (which we share with our partners) and everything connected to family and roots (including traumas from our parental home carried into adult life).

Aspects are also crucial in determining our love life. For instance, we look for conjunctions, trines and sextiles between the mentioned planets to confirm that the person has no issues entering and sustaining love relationships, and accepting their roles, desires, urges, femininity/masculinity, while squares and oppositions could negatively influence these dynamics.

Let’s look at the example (with the full consent of the chart’s owner):

At first glance, we see that this person is very passionate, falls in love quickly and ardently (5th House Aries Venus + Leo Mars). There are no problems with entering relationships, as she has a perfect balance of feminine and masculine energy (Sun trines Moon, Venus trines Mars) and a good understanding of the opposite sex’s needs and ways of behaving.

She can’t really live without a relationship; love and being with somebody are crucial for her (7th House Sun, 5th House Venus). Even though you may think that she has numerous “strong signs” placements, she is a very dependable person in the relationship. The Moon in Capricorn is not the same as the Sun in Capricorn; it is a weak placement for a woman – restrictive, “in chains”. You may compare that with her Pisces Lilith if you know some astrology basics.

In the past, people chose the marriage date specifically so that the Moon was in Capricorn, meaning that the woman would be controlled and have no power or decisive presence in her new home, whereas a Cancer or Taurus Moon often shows a strong, resourceful hostess type of woman. But keep in mind there are always several variants in which the planetary archetype may express itself. For example, a Capricorn Moon may represent a dependable woman in one person’s chart and an anxious careerist in another’s; it all lies hidden in the details.

The same applies to Aries Venus; it is not the same as Aries Mars, as Venus is weak by sign in this case. Additionally, 7th House Sun is weak by House; here, the woman gives away her inner strength to her partner.

Having Sun and Dsc in Taurus, she values stability in her relationships, and despite all this smoldering, sizzling fire burning in her, she aims consciously to build something lasting. She is prone to keeping what she has and working on relationships. Tauruses are very stable partners, quite traditional in their approach to love and femininity. She looks for a partner whom she can trust, be supported by, and rely upon (Taurus), and to be guided and led – a leader (Sun in 7th House + Leo Mars).

Speaking of which, she is often attracted to the charismatic leader type (Leo Mars, Aries Venus, Sun in 7th House). However, it is not only the strength of character, inner shine, and valor that appeal to her, but also the intellectual part that is crucial and sets her heart and imagination ablaze (7th House Mercury, 9th House Mars). She yearns for interesting discussions with a worthy opponent (and it augments the passion in her). Intelligence attracts her in general; even an intellectual job could be a point of fascination. Additionally, intellectual connections make her feel safe and emotionally close with someone (3rd House Moon); her partner should be her friend (7th House Mercury as 11th House Ruler).

Her 7th House ruler is in the 5th House, so there is no marriage (long-term partnership) without love. Interestingly, when we observe the 5th House elements, we see that her crushes are kind of karmic, illusionary traps. She is prone to over-reaction, experiencing intense and whimsical feelings, and often attracting “interesting” people in a negative sense.

She tends to sacrifice herself and become addicted to people she loves (5th House in Pisces, Pisces Lilith, Aries Venus, and plenty of Neptune aspects, giving her imagination and empathy, but also a tendency to drown in delusions). Overall, it is better for her to be married in a stable relationship than to be only in love; it is a healthier version for sure.

As a woman, she is torn apart between her female roles, full of extreme contrasts (and so are her emotions, as the Moon and Venus also represent this part of our lives). Both Venus and Moon are weak, so these are not positive types of inner conflicts. She may be afraid of maturing.

As mentioned above, she is not a resourceful hostess, nor does she have warm connections with her family; she subconsciously tries to detach from them. This may also be caused by negative conditions and lack of warmth in the beginning of her life (IC in Aquarius, 4th House Saturn squared by Pluto, Capricorn Moon; Scorpio Rising also gives difficult beginnings of one’s life).

She may learn something of this kind during her life though, as the Moon has a lot of aspects in her horoscope (Queen of aspects), so it may provide some possibilities for growth.

An interesting fact: she is married, and even though her husband has Sun in an air sign, his Rising is in Taurus sign in conjunction with her Descendant, and his Moon and Mars are in a fire element, so it fits.

Thank you for reading this 🙂

The pictures were generated by me in various AI picture generators.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

☀️Solar Return Astrology Reading For My Best Taurus Friend A.🌌

My dear friend A.!

As you begin your new Solar Year, I want to share some insights from your astrological chart to help guide you through your Saturn Return. This can be a difficult period of time, as it is mostly an exam determining if we have lived our lives according to our spiritual task and if we are ready to become mature adults. In your case, it is happening in your first House, so it will examine everything connected to your individuality and self-expression.

In your Solar Return, Saturn is also placed in your 1st House, being at the same time the 11th House Ruler. In other words, your maturity may be connected with freeing yourself and gaining more independence in your life (especially emphasized by Pluto in the 11th House of Solar Return – some transformation may come in terms of freedom), and putting more emphasis on your needs and self-expression (4 planets in Solar Return’s 1st House, natal Sun in progressed 1st House, 1st House Ruler in 1st House, natal Sun conjuncts transit Jupiter). It can even be a good time to gain certain popularity (progressed stellium in 10th House).

Additionally, consider developing in a spiritual, magical way, and investing in your higher education (be careful though, progressed Jupiter – 9th House Ruler is in the 8th House), you may be in a very shaky position in your University, still invest in that. If you move forward in accordance with your spiritual mission (any mission or long-term plan will be beneficial for emotional stability – double Moon-MC conjunction), you won’t lose that much and won’t face many tough situations and decisions which are normal during Saturn Return.

This Solar year will be a very active, energetic, and communicative period of time (Aries Mars and Mercury in 1st House of Solar), but at the same time, it can be deeply emotional. Actually, I’d advise you to take care of your mental health, and don’t put too much pressure upon yourself (1st House Neptune, Saturn and Moon in the 6th House). There could be some problems not only with upset nerves but also with your stomach, headaches, blood pressure, and inflammations/infections (negatively aspected 6th House progressed Mars) so try to apply lots of care to yourself.

This period of time is favorable for making money (2nd House stellium in Solar return, with Jupiter and Venus, Solar Mercury conjuncts Venus). Furthermore, the 6th House Virgo Moon and 10th House progressed stellium may denote some changes regarding your career life. You may find lots of comfort in your work, which may support you on an emotional and subconscious level. Though stay vigilant about financial matters, manipulations, and obsession on that point, as you have Solar Lilith in the 2nd House. Some money may also come as a surprise (2nd House Uranus).

Maybe it’s a good time to re-evaluate your value system and develop your talents. The period is good for creativity and earning popularity because of it.

Something may change in your private relationship. First, your attractiveness is increased now, and there are many possibilities for flirtation and new acquaintances, though you may be somewhat lost in the wide number of them. You are more open to understanding the opposite sex, but at the same time, there are some undercurrent conflicting tendencies you should be aware of – T-square Venus-Mars-Jupiter – it makes you irritable and unstable in your relationship, and instead of solving the problems you may try to look out for easier variants. Still, you are emotionally open to it, craving it, and it may attract some person into your life (7th House Moon 5th House Ruler). On the one hand, it will be a relationship full of emotional support; on the other, these emotions may become somewhat manipulative once in a while (7th House Lilith), so be mindful of that.

Your friendship circle will change, and some lessons may come from the past, which will also be connected with independence. Progressed Saturn in the 12th House may also accentuate the need for solitude, deepening spirituality, and a serious approach to your faith.


All in all, it’s a very important time, full of transformative events. Concentrate on yourself, your independence, spiritual mission, and inner world. This will help to avoid tough lessons and decisions. This time may be lucrative, and you may find a suitable job position that will give you lots of satisfaction. Take care of your emotional health. You may find a partner, but be mindful of manipulations and arguments.

I wish you plenty of luck this Solar Year, take care ❤

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

🌌 Learning Astrology Basics: A Creative and Playful Approach✨

Hi, everyone!

I’d like to continue talking about my greatest passion with you 🙂

I decided to cover astrology basics in my next posts, and I hope you will enjoy reading about them. This time, I’d like to become playful and propose an approach that I find enriching, entertaining, and facilitating for astrology learning, especially at the very beginning when we can become somewhat frightened by the amount of material.

Western astrology is actually a very wide field. It contains various branches and approaches, for it analyzes not only our deep inner worlds, talents, paths, missions, and possible events in our lives (natal charts), but also the current events and their influences—worldwide and on ourselves (transits), our relationship with others (synastry charts and midpoints), world politics (mundane astrology), prognostics (solar and lunar returns, progressions, directions), finding the correct date for an event (electional astrology), and even divination (horary astrology).

It all can become very overwhelming, I know, especially since each of these astrology branches requires learning and operating so many details.

Additionally, let’s not forget planetary and elemental magic. All these days, phases, and hours we use to make spells more effective are also part of major Western astrology, which became separated from it because of the religious agenda. Many monks were astrologers (like Copernicus, for instance), and in order to do it, they needed to separate godly science from devilry (magic).

Don’t worry, we’ll get there. As with everything, we usually begin with baby steps or by analyzing the hidden beauty of our psyche and defining our paths. By which I mean taking a look into our marvelous natal charts 🙂

The five pillars on which natal chart analysis is based are represented by elements, signs, planets, houses, and aspects (which are basically the relationships between planets).

Instead of googling these notions or relying only on schemas and descriptions from astrology books, let’s determine the most important thing: what we do in astrology is study the human world and its connection with the natural, cosmic forces and elements.

As I wrote earlier, we are composed of these energetic currents. We are thrown into the radioactive river of this cosmic influence at the moment we take our first breath, and this gives us certain qualities and powers. It’s not that they consciously shape us into what we are. They can’t stop emanating these energy currents; we absorb them at the moment of our birth (natal chart) and during our life (transits, progressions, etc.).

The natal chart portrays the balance of these elements and cosmic forces at the moment of our birth. Practically speaking, it is a picture of the sky as it looked from Earth’s perspective at the moment we took our first breath. Yes, we are all imprinted with our own sky image, and we carry it with us for the rest of our lives.

The sky we have above our heads right now is the transit chart. When we communicate with someone, our skies unite into one—this is a synastry chart.

The signs and houses mark the sectors of our personal sky, planets are archetypes and forces active in our psyche and life. The elements, nonetheless, transcend everything.

It is not entirely true that Western astrology has only four elements. Well, in a way it is so, but spiritual/humanistic astrology adds a fifth element, and it is spirit. Of course, it is not added to our charts, but it is present in the way that we take into consideration the level of individual development in the charts.

When we approach it from this perspective, the most complicated questions become clearer. For instance, why are there ascetic, spiritual Earth signs, and why are there toxic, narcissistic, and manipulative Water signs (or vice versa)? You consciously choose your level of development and inner awareness, which helps you control some negative influences in your chart and develop the positive ones.

It still seems quite mind-blowing, doesn’t it? But I propose a key method in studying this.

I mentioned that it is all about natural influences, so I propose you learn it not only from text but also from experience. Let’s bring some life to it, some hands-on practice, a connection with natural forces. Let’s become ancient philosophers ourselves—let’s experiment, let’s meditate. Let’s learn the qualities of elements, signs, and planets through examples from nature.

Look and study fire, water, earth, and air, their physical qualities, and what you would associate them with. We can learn by observing quick rivers (Cancer), rich soil with blooming flowers growing out of it (Taurus), warming, protective hearth fire (Leo), and by meditating, feeling the quick, changeable wind (Gemini). They surround us, full of this natural primeval aspect, and they emanate raw energy. We carry akin forces within ourselves, interlaced into a colorful tapestry, so let’s connect to it.

We can study the planet trajectories from the perspective of the Earth eclipses and meditate with NASA’s planet sounds during the matching planetary hours or days, or while the influence of a particular planet is strong in transits. We can step back and associate the planetary qualities with those of gods and myths connected to them (they were actually perceived as gods in Ancient Sumer, where the roots of modern astrology are). I mean, read the myths.

It is a very enriching experience, trust me. I really think that we should breathe more art, spirituality, and authenticity into astrology, and not be afraid to experiment. We should add a more personal touch 🙂

Let’s play, meditate, and combine book material with depth and playfulness. What do you think of it?
Now guess my Sun Sign if you still don’t know it 😛

The next astrological post will be about the elements—both traditionally and artistically 🙂

PS: all pictures were generated by me in WP AI Picture generator

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look at my offer 🙂

🌌List of Astrology Authors Who Have Had an Impact on Me📚

Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

Hi, everyone! 🙂

In all honesty, I feel that I have answered this question during this daily prompt—check it out if you are curious about my literary preferences 😉

I don’t want to repeat myself, and I read so many books that I can’t narrow it to the three most influential ones; each one transformed me and left traces in my thinking and worldview in general. Therefore, instead of doing the same exercise again and again, I decided to write about my best choice of authors in the astrology field 🙂

I’m into the spiritual and humanistic branch of Western Astrology (European Approach), so I’m into deep psychological analyses, karmic tasks, levels of spiritual development, talents, and that kind of stuff. I firmly believe that materialism depends on the level of your spiritual advancement, not on the planets in the earth element in your charts, and that your natal charts should be interpreted from a very personal and unique angle.

I am firmly convinced of the power of aspects, but as always, I connect modernity (spiritual astrology) and tradition (antique rules), as they work the best in terms of predictions.

In such a manner, let’s go! Here is the list of astrology authors (not books, too many of them) who affected my practice and approach the most!

1. A. Podvodny. His insights into human nature, development, and culture are profound and enlightening. He influenced my spiritual path and approach to astrology. His unique, personal take on astrology focuses on unlocking our potential and controlling our lives beyond planetary influence. He wrote excellent books for beginners, with clear explanations of aspects and deep insights into signs, houses, and planetary energies. His work, often intertwined with Kabbalah and yogic connections, is highly recommended for advanced astrologers. Though I’m unsure if he’s translated into English, his books are available in Polish. I never had the chance to be his student in real life, but I am in spirit.

2. S. Vronski. Another exceptional astrologer of the 20th century, former student of the German Academy. He wrote 13 very detailed volumes describing different areas of astrology. I also read his answers to his readers about love and marriage (there were some insights on death in astrology as well—the exact mixture I like). The knowledge he shares is very fundamental; he explains all the classic rules Western Astrology is built upon. You’ll be able to use various predictive techniques after reading, just remember that practice is key. He presents a perfect balance between practical and humanistic/spiritual approaches and introduces the cosmobiology concept.

3. D. Rudhyar. The father of humanistic astrology, profoundly affected by C. G. Jung, introduced the free-will concept to astrology and approached interpretation through an archetypal perspective. His insights are full of mythological and artistic influence. I also love his approach to zodiac degrees, as they contain really mesmerizing descriptions and fill you with a sense of destiny when you study them.

4. S. Arroyo. This author is a professional psychologist who emphasized a personal approach to the client (literally a lot on this point in the introductions to his books). He stressed the need for a “modern astrology” in his works. He wrote a lot of valuable material on interpersonal relationships and karmic astrology, full of enriching, professional insights. These books are a worthy guideline for astrologers on how to conduct their practice.

5. M. R. Meyer. He doesn’t only delve deep into the subject, but also teaches the astrologer how to do their work. He provides guidelines on how to discover and show a person their purpose, the main angles, and guiding light of their personality. It can be a great help if your aim is to understand yourself and unleash your potential, not just to study the events of your life.

6. M. D. March and J. McEvers. Despite my general affection for deep, psychological insights, which the books of these authors may somewhat lack, I also found them to be a very good course book for beginners. They share all the required practical knowledge in their books, which a reader may need to learn various basic techniques, and there are also examples included.

7. Jan Kefer. He was not only an astrologer but also a hermetic magician. He composed a very detailed astrological glossary, which is used by many professional astrologers. It can be really handy when it comes to active practice. Maybe somewhat complicated for a complete beginner, but once you know what you are doing, it becomes an exceptional guide.

8. Bill Herbst. He was the first Western astrology author I read, and I enjoyed his insights into Houses. It was a fresh perspective compared to general online descriptions. The 1st House is more than just looks, and the 2nd House is deeper than money and possessions—friends and talents are valuable too. Very curious comparisons.

And it’s always worth reading some of the ancient works, for they hold a lot of wisdom, which enriches your knowledge and changes your perspective. Just remember about the balance between tradition and modernity 🙂

I also deeply advise studying astrological magic along with charts (there are a lot of materials on it; even I. Regardie wrote some) as it is also a part of Western Astrology—forgotten and rejected because of official doctrines, but preserved in Higher Magic and traditional witchcraft. It is my firm belief that we should reunite these parts of Western Astrology.

But this is a topic for the next post.

Thanks for reading, and I hope it was useful 🙂

PS: As usual, the picture is generated in WP AI Picture Generator

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look my offer 🙂

Free-spirited Torrent Of Light – Natal Chart Reading For Stephanie

Natal Chart Reading for Stephanie 🙂

Gorgeous, powerful royal energy! The Rising sign in Leo gives a bright, brave, and charismatic personality, beautiful facial features, and a wonderful, thick mane of hair. It often brings strong artistic, especially acting, inclinations and a tendency to be the center of attention. Its ruler (Chart Ruler) is the Sun, which is in the 1st House and in Leo, emphasizing everything I said tenfold. You have a very strong character and leadership skills. I read in your blog about a beam of light, but I’d call you a dazzling torrent of golden light, which is strongly attractive and magnificent; you may lead people just like that. Your Sun conjuncts 1H Leo Mars, adding strength and energy to your personality. I believe you are very dynamic, enjoy motion a lot, and sometimes are very nervous and impulsive (especially with the Mars-Moon opposition in your horoscope). You are quick and energetic. You hate when the weak are offended and are like a guardian of justice. You also like to be appreciated and praised in your work or activities. A round of applause may be better than money; anyway, you value yourself highly.

Actually, and it is important, most of your planets are on the left side of your chart, which makes you an individualist and a very independent person. Consciously, you are very focused on this, thinking and acting accordingly. However, subconsciously, you feel an urge to open up to others’ needs as well (with the Moon and Neptune, as emotional planets, on the right half of the chart, although the Moon trines Uranus, indicating you still value your freedom). This opposition between your individuality and complying with others or stepping out of the boundaries of your ego is very important, as it is part of your spiritual mission.

You are a very empathetic person, understand me right (Neptune in the 4th House, water sign, 7th House Moon trine Venus, Sun square Neptune), but you are usually very stubborn and unbound when something touches you personally.

Your North Node is in the 7th House, and your spiritual task is all about cooperation and being able to work together, to live together, and to overcome this individualism. Additionally, the North Node is in Pisces, which means relinquishing your ego, mundane reality, and opening up to the transcendental, to the Absolute, walking the path of mysticism. When we talk about Pisces, we often mean faith, altruism, and sacrifice. I read your post; it’s for you to decide their place in your life, but this is important as a part of your self-development and your spiritual mission. Roots, home, and the subconscious are also very important notions for you (the North Node Ruler is in the 4th House). I feel that you can find spiritual and transcendental powers in love and partnership (the 12th House Ruler in the 7th House), especially since it is where you feel comfortable emotionally and where you open up (the Moon in the 7th House).

Coming back to spirituality, it is a natural part of your self-expression (Ruler of the 9th House in the 1st). It should actually be a very active, expansive element in you (Aries, Mars, Leo). You can pull others into spirituality with you, and the same goes for philosophy and mindset in general—you vibe it so strongly! If you travel, you do so actively and with utmost passion—it’s a part of you. You are a natural teacher, and you can teach by your very presence (9th House Ruler in the 1st), which is so cool! What interests me is the fact that you were led to philosophy and spirituality because of some kind of sacred wound (Chiron) and that you can simultaneously hold two belief systems (or more). It’s a good path for you anyway 🙂

You are prone to illusions (Sun square Neptune) and depressions (Sun square Saturn). Quite often, you sabotage both your spiritual mission and career (as Neptune is the Ruler of the North Node, and Saturn is the Ruler of the 6th House of work, and is in the 10th House of career). There could be some restrictions on your way to success. I think your emotionality can often be shaky, with impulsive outbursts and spontaneous, strange reactions being normal for you. However, you have a magnificent vent. First of all, being in love and together with somebody alleviates your troubles (7th House Moon, Moon trine Venus). Second, talking, reading, and writing are beneficial (7th House Moon trine Venus in the 3rd House). Engaging in intellectual activities, science, or even stargazing can also be relaxing (Moon trine Uranus).

You are actually very talented in writing, as you have a 3rd House stellium (Venus, Uranus, Jupiter=5th House Ruler=creativity in the 3rd House). Venus in its own sign (Libra) and Jupiter in this house show a significant talent and an easy path to popularity through your writing. Uranus often indicates genius. You also have a trine between a 10th House element and Mercury, which also confirms the possibility of popularity in this sphere. You asked about career specifically, so if you have a choice, try to write and get published. Or teach some courses; the 3rd House stands for that too. Additionally, you have Mercury in your 2nd House, so this can be money through writing or teaching (generally work with information) + 9th House-1st House connection. The problem is, it’s difficult for you to find a regular job, as you feel confined and pressured there and sabotage it (as I’ve mentioned above). So it’s probably better to work for yourself, especially with you being a torrent of light 🙂

You have very sharp analytical skills; you are attentive to details and see through people (Mercury in Virgo in conjunction with Pluto). You have very strong intuition. I guess your main values are your intelligence (2nd House Mercury), friends and freedom (Mercury is the 11th House ruler), family (Pluto is the 4th House ruler), and everything magical and transformative (Pluto). This is also a house of talents, so you are an intelligent, psychic writer

Continue reading “Free-spirited Torrent Of Light – Natal Chart Reading For Stephanie”

🌕Full Moon Free Reiki Sessions (22.05 – 24.05), Tarot and Astrology Readings – Again! 🌙

Hi everyone 🙂

For the next three days (today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow), just like the last month I’ve prepared something special for you—namely, group Reiki Sessions (I’m a Reiki level 2 practitioner), along with Tarot/Astrology readings for those willing, and maybe some magic (Runic, Sigils, Fire) if needed.

I’m accepting 3 participants for this session 🙂

Participation is free of charge, although if you want to give something in exchange, I’d highly appreciate likes, subscriptions, reposts, etc 😀

I reserve the right to decline participation if I feel it may not be the right moment for you on a spiritual level.

🙌 Reiki, or universal energy (ki/chi/prana), promotes health, vitality, and regeneration. It is used for healing through hands-on methods or distance energy sending with sacred symbols.

🤝 Reiki is non-religious and complements medical treatments, often used alongside traditional methods. (Disclaimer: Treat Reiki as a supplementary tool and continue with your medical prescriptions for serious conditions. I take no responsibility if you choose otherwise.)

😌 Reiki is harmless, fosters spiritual and self-development, and aids in resolving life issues, achieving aims and healing past events. It heals on energetic, emotional and spiritual levels. Many experience deep relaxation, pain relief, and increased energy after sessions.

🌎 Reiki transcends physical boundaries and can be sent anywhere globally.

I deeply value your privacy. So, I propose you give me a nickname (or your first name only if you wish), the year of birth and zodiac sign, and the country where you are currently staying, and state the aim you want to reach or the area of your your life you can heal.

🌕The full moon in Sagittarius is the best time for spiritual healing, learning, teaching, and surpassing your horizons.♐

Photo by Samer Daboul on Pexels.com

🙌How Reiki sessions will look:

  • 🕒 I propose to begin the Reiki Sessions at 22:00 CET time (16:00 New York Time Zone), please let me know if it suits you 🙂
  • 📦I’ll place the cards with participants’ data, intentions, and location in a wooden box.
  • 💎The box will also contain white stones with Reiki symbols and a quartz crystal.
  • 🙌I’ll send the energy to everyone simultaneously, reaching each person and acting according to their greatest needs, directed toward their welfare.
  • 💍I’ll ask you to remove metal jewelry, and I recommend avoiding alcohol consumption on those days.
  • 😴Find a quiet place where you will be during the session. You can relax, close your eyes, meditate, read a book, or even take a nap!
  • 🧘The most important thing is to be at peace, both emotionally and physically. At the beginning, you say: “I accept Reiki energy from Marvellous, and ask your guides to connect you to this energy to aid your healing for your highest good,” then you relax.
  • 🌊After 30 minutes, you should thank Reiki and drink a glass of cold water.
  • 🙂 We can discuss everything in the comments 

🌌I’m willing to do free Astrology Readings as well 🙂 In this case, for instance, you can generate your charts on Astrodienst, then edit or paint over your birth data in some picture editor, and send me the chart. I’ll answer with the thorough analyses in the post on my blog.

🃏As for Tarot Readings, just state your question (try to make it precise); your blog and nickname will be enough, write me you request in the comments section.

I’ll post all the readings publicly, in separate posts or comments, because I want to be as transparent as possible 🙂

😊 Welcome!😊

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Some Myths About Astrology: Do Stars Care? (Updated Post, Originally Published on August 25, 2021)

Hi, everyone! 🙂

There are a lot of stereotypes and misleading ideas regarding Western astrology that irritate me personally and are very far from what it actually is. The last straw was the book His Master’s Voice by Stanisław Lem, if I’m not mistaken about the title, since some time has passed since I found that statement. In it, I found a passage where the author represented astrology with completely wrong ideas on the subject. What he described was evidently taken from gossip or newspapers. And, as a person who answers all these questions like “do you believe in weekly horoscopes?” with “no, because I’m into real astrology,” I decided to write some kind of explanation regarding what it is, or rather how I understand it 🙂

Also, I’d like to mention that all this stuff I wrote below concerns Western astrology. I’ve read some pieces of information, but I don’t have any clear knowledge on the topic of Vedic or Chinese astrology.

Let’s begin 😉

Stars, sky, planets, cosmic storms, and comets, clad in flames, don’t care about individuals. Planet Venus doesn’t even suspect that you exist, and it doesn’t want to personally engage in your life. Star Vega probably isn’t aware that the Solar System exists, and it becomes especially outraged when someone suspects that it is involved in the life of some miserable human who was so unfortunate to have one of their personal planets (or ascendant) in the middle of the Capricorn sign. So please just forget this nonsense about planets caring about you, especially if you heard this from your grandmother in her blooming eighties, who recently picked up that idea from some questionable sources. No, they don’t.

But they create a current of energies (Sun and Moon influences are the most vivid and the most obvious examples of such energy) and we are thrown into its current. So, it is not the Zodiac Cancer and its ruler—the Moon—who greets the newborn and whispers, “Oh, now you are one of us” and then helps or betrays each and every Cancer personally because it cares.

No, it looks more like we all fell into the radioactive river of cosmic influences, gaining our own character features and special abilities depending on what kind and how much radiation affected us. And then, as we are all changed and different, we will be carried further while being attacked by the radiation/currents/obstacles that are dangerous to us and, for a change, gaining more power from those that are benevolent. We can use our power for good or resign and create even worse situations for all of us. And this current will affect the whole society that swims in it. Moreover, we, mutants, will also develop and change with time.

Hmm, I imagine a film about the world of mutants where the superheroes Sagittarius and Leo fight the supervillains Scorpio and Capricorn. What could it possibly be? 😛

Another brutal fight between astrologers and everyone else occurs on the point of the planets and what they are. Yes, living in the 21st century, every at least half-educated person knows that from an astronomical point of view: A planet is an astronomical body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and – according to the International Astronomical Union but not all planetary scientists – has cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals (thank you, Wikipedia, I definitely wouldn’t write it better).

But in astrology, we use the ancient Greek or “Classical planet” definition, in which a planet is defined as a traveling celestial body (traveling star). So, astrologically speaking, the Sun is a planet, as well as the Moon. Moreover, Pluto is also still a planet (by the way, a good example of how quickly the definitions are changing and how it affects the way we see life). I understand why astronomers are infuriated.

Nonetheless, everyone should understand and remember that astronomers study the physical objects of the Universe, and astrology studies the human world and how the cosmic “radioactive current” affects it. In other words, astronomy is a natural science, and astrology is a hu… Wait for it 😉

Continue reading “Some Myths About Astrology: Do Stars Care? (Updated Post, Originally Published on August 25, 2021)”

Astrology Reading for My Client (Psychic Abilities)

Dear D., you possess a very wide range of psychic abilities, in fact, and I understand that it creates an issue with clarifying your path. Well, let’s give it a try.

The first thing that strikes me is that you should work with subtle energy. This could be Reiki, but overall, any type of energy healing will suit you wonderfully, as well as yoga, tai-chi, and magic of any kind (preferably higher ceremonial magic or traditional witchcraft).

In favor are:
● Scorpio Rising endows you with a keen interest in the magical world, with magical abilities, and the talent for energy transformation and purification.
● Stellium in Aries – the influence of Mars/Aries is favorable for both warriors and healers. You naturally have a heightened level of energy and a better sense of it, which allows you to give energy to heal others. This is also supported by the Mars-Sun conjunction and the fact that both these planets are strong in Aries sign – you can heal, wield, and emanate tremendous energy. The important thing, however, is that you have your Rising’s second Ruler and the stellium (Mars) in the 4th house, as well as the stellium itself. Therefore, this energy work must be connected to the roots of the psyche, archetypes, or some specific tradition that nourishes your soul. Reiki requires working with the subconscious, psyche, and traumas; it also involves transformation and purification, so it is good for Scorpio Rising.

Reiki is also a path somewhat akin to higher magic, involving the refinement of the soul, pursuing high vibrational development, working with the archetypes of light and spiritual development. Over time, it will also require teaching others and initiating them into this energy – which connects to the fact that you have the North Node in the 9th house, as well as Jupiter in the 10th, which may point to the path of a spiritual teacher as a practical mission.

Chiron in the 6th house acts as a sacred wound that you should heal in order to become a healer yourself. It also indicates work specifically related to health/healing or, in general, an unusual job combining two paths at once.

As I said, it could be ceremonial magic or traditional witchcraft; it’s about connecting with higher forces, working with archetypes and rituals. On this path, you have to teach others (again) because this is your spiritual task, the course of your development – North Node in the 9th House. It is located in Leo as well, which points to using ritual and a certain theatrical drama while performing magic. The Node’s Ruler is in the sign of Aries in the 4th house, so again, we are dealing with energy and archetypes.

Witchcraft has a bit in common with higher magic, primarily through rituals and working with archetypes, but it is more intuitive, loose, and creative. Thanks to this, you can actually connect with your psyche’s roots, which is also advisable since you have a stellium in the 4th house. This can be combined with Reiki with ease.

Important: You have great clairvoyant abilities! People usually see auras when they heal with energy, but in your case, it is a huge gift, along with heightened empathy, which is indicated by:

  • Moon in conjunction with Neptune and sextile with Pluto,
  • Unaspected Mercury in the sign of Pisces – its weakest position (intuitive unusual thinking, based on impressions and intuition instead of logic),
  • Scorpio Rising and Uranus in the 1st house, which can also contribute to strong intuition. Uranus is also good for quantum healing (not only Reiki is possible; there are more variants to discover, as I have already mentioned), or for being a channel of the Absolute.
  • Divination and Tarot could be, but your target is clairvoyance.

Very important: In your life and path choice, you should listen to your intuition and heart, NOT analyze (NN in Leo, where Mercury falls, the sign that rules the heart. Mercury is weak by sign and unaspected). You are a person of feeling and action, not analysis. Therefore, astrology and numerology are unlikely to be for you. You can try it out of curiosity, but it is not the target path.

In summary, your predispositions are as follows:

  • Healing: Reiki, quantum, pranic, bioenergy.
  • Magic: Ceremonial/higher magic and traditional witchcraft, with ritual being important. Can also involve elemental practices, with your element potentially being fire.
  • Yoga (kundalini/tantra), Tai-Chi, energy work.
  • Clairvoyance, and divination.
  • Teaching others is a part of your path.
  • You can earn money with these skills; it is advisable for you (Moon and Neptune in the 2nd house).
  • On your path, follow your intuition and heart, not logic.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

🌕Full Moon Free Reiki Sessions (23.04-25.04) and More 🌝

Hi everyone 🙂

For the next three days (today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow), I’ve decided to prepare something special for you—namely, group Reiki Sessions (I’m a Reiki level 2 practitioner), along with Tarot/Astrology readings for those willing, and maybe some magic (Runic, Sigils, Fire) if needed. For now, I think three participants (the first three commenters) will be enough for this first time 🙂

Participation is free, although if you want to give something in exchange, I’d highly appreciate likes, subscriptions, reposts, etc 🙂

🙌 Reiki, also known as universal energy (life force, or ki/chi/prana), helps us stay healthy, alive, and regenerated. It is used as a healing technique through hands-on healing or sending energy over a distance using symbols.

🤝It doesn’t belong to any religion and doesn’t interfere with any official medical treatment; on the contrary, it is often used as an aid and supplementary technique alongside traditional methods. (Disclaimer: If you have a serious disease, treat Reiki sessions as a complementary tool and continue with your medical prescriptions; it will help you better that way. I don’t take any responsibility in case you decide otherwise.)

😌Reiki doesn’t harm anyone. Additionally, it promotes spiritual and self-development, helps with resolving and improving various life situations, and addresses inner worries, or even heals past life events. Most people (based on data from my teacher, the internet, and impressions from my own clients) feel deep emotional relaxation, pain relief, and increased energy after Reiki sessions.

🌎Reiki doesn’t know physical boundaries and can be sent anywhere in the world. I previously hosted distant group sessions on Facebook and Whatsapp, and they went smoothly and were really engaging, full of positive impressions. I’m aware of one important difference, though: the matter of privacy on WP, and I don’t want to infringe on that. So, I propose you give me a nickname (or your first name only if you wish), the year of birth and zodiac sign, and the country where you are currently staying: nothing more. Let’s see how the connection will work.

Photo by KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA on Pexels.com

How Reiki sessions will look:

  • I’ll place the cards with participants’ data, intentions, and location in a wooden box.
  • The box will also contain white stones with Reiki symbols and a quartz crystal.
  • I’ll send the energy to everyone simultaneously, reaching each person and acting according to their greatest needs, directed toward their welfare.
  • ⏰ We need to discuss the possible time to begin. That’s when I’ll ask you to remove metal jewelry, and I recommend avoiding alcohol consumption on those days.
  • Find a quiet place where you will be during the session. You can relax, close your eyes, meditate, read a book, or even take a nap!
  • 🧘‍♀️ The most important thing is to be at peace, both emotionally and physically. At the beginning, you say: “I accept Reiki energy from Marvellous, and ask your guides to connect you to this energy to aid your healing for your highest good,” then you relax.
  • After 30 minutes, you should thank Reiki and drink a cup of cold water.
  • We can discuss everything in the comments 🙂

🌌 For astrology readings, for instance, you could generate your charts on Astrodienst, then edit or paint over your birth data in some editor, and send me the chart.

🃏 As for Tarot Readings, just state your question; your blog will be enough 🙂

I’ll post all my answers publicly, in separate posts or comments, because I want to be as transparent as possible 🙂


© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

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