Norse magic, Poems about Gods and What I’m Planning to Share

Hi everyone,

I’m writing this inspired by my conversation with Judith in the comments section of my previous post. I noticed that there are some people interested in learning Runes and Northern mythology, who are reaching out to me, and perhaps it is a sign that the time has come to do something I’ve planned for so long already.

I’m going to compose some posts about the Elder Futhark, and possibly with time also about Younger Futhark and Anglo-Saxon Futhorc Runes. The latter ones are especially intriguing and tempting to me.

What I’m planning to do is to write separate posts dedicated to each Rune where I’ll share runic poems, classical modern interpretations, and results of my own meditations + my own experience of living through the Runes (by carrying them with me) and working with them. I’ll also probably include the practice of dreaming with the runes. I was subconsciously unwilling to try it out, but probably the time is right now. I’ll describe the results of this practice, provided I succeed. Anyway, now I have motivation for trying.

If you want to meditate or live through runes on your own, I advise performing this practice for 9 days for each Rune, similar to Odin’s sacrifice, or you may simply listen to your intuition; you’ll know when it’s enough for sure, especially if you work with other aspects of magic or divination. You’ll feel this inner ‘stop! enough.’ You may also live through the daily reading practice rune, pull a daily rune in the morning, and carry it with you all day. Notice the events that happen to you, people you meet, music that pops up on repeat, and other messages and how they correspond with the meaning of this rune, and note them down. It helps both in magical and divination practices.

I advise you to write the rune you will carry on paper or a piece of wood, but you may draw the rune on your skin as well. I wrote more about it here. I’d add that Wardruna’s music may help during meditations. Not only do they sing about runes, but their music is energetically charged, almost electrified. Sensitive people grasp it in an instant. I guess they do actually perform some kind of galdr (Norse song spells/magic).

I’d like to add that despite the fact that the Elder Futhark Runes are widely used for magic and readings today, it is worth remembering that the alphabet that was popular in the Viking Epoch is called Younger Futhark, and each of these alphabets was also used in day-to-day writing. By which I mean letters, notes, and messages on stones.

Moreover, I’m planning on writing about my own practice with Norse gods and archetypes, how I do it, and how I understand it, and write a poem to each of the most prominent gods and/or ones I work with, including their area of power, most-known myths, attributes, halls, and titles. I promised them this way of honoring them for a long time already, and I think that our conversation with Judith and the one I had with Laura (and her poem dedicated to Odin) are clear signs that I should finally do it.

And, of course, I’ll continue sharing with you my Runic Scripts and Bindrunes πŸ™‚ I can’t imagine all this work without them πŸ™‚

I’ll definitely write reviews for books about Norse mythology/traditions. I’ve already written about The Witegungseld SpΓ‘ and Oracular SeiΓ°r Manual by Swain Wodenung, and I believe I’ll eventually share my impressions from reading both Eddas, and more πŸ™‚

I just want to remind you that despite having so many plans, ideas, and interests, I’m a bit slow with their realization. English is not my native language, so I put a lot of effort and time into proofreading and editing as quality is really important to me. Additionally, I’ve observed that I need to have some rest and inspiration for writing; otherwise, my posts start to sound robotic and morbid, and I begin to hate my writing, whereas it should actually bring me joy, not distress. I guess I’m not as prolific after all πŸ˜€

That said, please be patient with my posts, and I’ll make them informative and engaging.

Thank you very much for reading and take care πŸ™‚

Β© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via

Runic Script for Better Mood (Calming Down and Healing Over-Sensitivity)

Hi, everyone!

I made this runic script (Elder Futhark Runes only ;)), because I’ve been feeling worse lately, full of self-doubt, oversensitive about everything, and have less energy. Mostly, I’m just worried and whiny. So I came up with this script to heal my aching nerves and to get out of this unhappy state.

I resolved to share it with you in case any of you also want to use it. You can find my instructions on how to make and activate the script here if you’d like to have the same for yourself (though an individual approach always works better) πŸ™‚

I should add that usually, I make Bindrunes; I enjoy seeing how the separate elements are entwining and merging into a whole new energetic graphic pattern πŸ™‚ But for these runes, I tried several combinations which left me dissatisfied. So I decided to continue with the script πŸ™‚

By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

As a base for it, I intuitively picked a stone, a common type of stone I found in my garden (fertile soil), so that this well-lit, joyful birch wood could grow and thrive in the earth that will nourish it. I used acrylic paints to trace the Runes; my hand is a bit shaky though πŸ˜€

I used the following Runes to compose my formula. This description is for myself and for any of you who work with The Elder Futhark and could be interested in my choice πŸ™‚

  1. α›ž dagaz. It’s a light of the day and the bringer of joy. This rune is widely seen as transforming and purifying, which suits me perfectly, as I suspect I should cleanse myself energetically anyway. In the runic poem, this Rune is mentioned as a source of joy for everyone. The daylight could stand for certainty and clarity as it banishes the darkness, which here could be represented by worse mood, doubts, and fears.

    I considered using Ξ£ Sowilo for a moment as well, but it embodies a much stronger joyful energy, which could sway me into a way too intense state of elation (please, not hypomania, please). Additionally, this Rune possesses strong fiery energy, and it would be followed by Berkanan or a ‘birch,’ which is a tree. My imagination instantly showed me the combination of all three runes of the script enticing a nice forest fire, no doubt, very happy and joyful (Wunjo). Metaphorically speaking, of course. Mmm, seriously, I doubted that I want it. So I settled with Dagaz πŸ™‚
  2. α›’ berkanan. The healing rune. Gently replenishes energy and positively affects our regeneration abilities. Especially beneficial for women’s health, and I saw instances mentioned when it was used as additional (!) help in hormonal treatment.

    Initially, I also considered using ᚒ Uruz – another rune of health and stability, which always gives me such grounded self-assurance when carried. However, another meaning of this Rune is rain/wetness. Used in combination with any “source of light” Rune, it will “extinguish” it. Quite obviously, I associate rain with tears, probably not the best subconscious link when we feel down. And yep – intuition also shouted ‘Berkanan!’, so I agreed πŸ™‚
  3. ᚹ wunjō. It is a “happy End” Rune, literally according to Runic Poems, goes as:

    Bliss he enjoys who knows not suffering, sorrow nor anxiety,
    and has prosperity and happiness and a good enough house.’

    A nice touch to add at the end of the mood-improving script πŸ™‚
By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

Divination check: must be fine, calm and fruitful, I could find consolation in my family, though Isaz could lead to a certain stagnation and slower development of plans, still the rest of the Runes are nice!

I will carry this stone with me, in my pocket perhaps. I’ll let you know how it will work with me πŸ™‚

© MarvellousNightmare onΒ Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via

πŸŒ•Full Moon Free Reiki Sessions (23.04-25.04) and More πŸŒ

Hi everyone πŸ™‚

For the next three days (today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow), I’ve decided to prepare something special for youβ€”namely, group Reiki Sessions (I’m a Reiki level 2 practitioner), along with Tarot/Astrology readings for those willing, and maybe some magic (Runic, Sigils, Fire) if needed. For now, I think three participants (the first three commenters) will be enough for this first time πŸ™‚

Participation is free, although if you want to give something in exchange, I’d highly appreciate likes, subscriptions, reposts, etc πŸ™‚

πŸ™Œ Reiki, also known as universal energy (life force, or ki/chi/prana), helps us stay healthy, alive, and regenerated. It is used as a healing technique through hands-on healing or sending energy over a distance using symbols.

🀝It doesn’t belong to any religion and doesn’t interfere with any official medical treatment; on the contrary, it is often used as an aid and supplementary technique alongside traditional methods. (Disclaimer: If you have a serious disease, treat Reiki sessions as a complementary tool and continue with your medical prescriptions; it will help you better that way. I don’t take any responsibility in case you decide otherwise.)

😌Reiki doesn’t harm anyone. Additionally, it promotes spiritual and self-development, helps with resolving and improving various life situations, and addresses inner worries, or even heals past life events. Most people (based on data from my teacher, the internet, and impressions from my own clients) feel deep emotional relaxation, pain relief, and increased energy after Reiki sessions.

🌎Reiki doesn’t know physical boundaries and can be sent anywhere in the world. I previously hosted distant group sessions on Facebook and Whatsapp, and they went smoothly and were really engaging, full of positive impressions. I’m aware of one important difference, though: the matter of privacy on WP, and I don’t want to infringe on that. So, I propose you give me a nickname (or your first name only if you wish), the year of birth and zodiac sign, and the country where you are currently staying: nothing more. Let’s see how the connection will work.


How Reiki sessions will look:

  • I’ll place the cards with participants’ data, intentions, and location in a wooden box.
  • The box will also contain white stones with Reiki symbols and a quartz crystal.
  • I’ll send the energy to everyone simultaneously, reaching each person and acting according to their greatest needs, directed toward their welfare.
  • ⏰ We need to discuss the possible time to begin. That’s when I’ll ask you to remove metal jewelry, and I recommend avoiding alcohol consumption on those days.
  • Find a quiet place where you will be during the session. You can relax, close your eyes, meditate, read a book, or even take a nap!
  • πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ The most important thing is to be at peace, both emotionally and physically. At the beginning, you say: “I accept Reiki energy from Marvellous, and ask your guides to connect you to this energy to aid your healing for your highest good,” then you relax.
  • After 30 minutes, you should thank Reiki and drink a cup of cold water.
  • We can discuss everything in the comments πŸ™‚

🌌 For astrology readings, for instance, you could generate your charts on Astrodienst, then edit or paint over your birth data in some editor, and send me the chart.

πŸƒ As for Tarot Readings, just state your question; your blog will be enough πŸ™‚

I’ll post all my answers publicly, in separate posts or comments, because I want to be as transparent as possible πŸ™‚


Β© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via

I’ll keep these books for later reading ;)

Martin, Kontinentalgermanische Runeninschriften, 2004.

Barnes, The transitional inscriptions, 1998

Answers to the RΓ²k, Futhark journal, 2015

Codex Vindobonesis 795 and Cotton Otho B.x.165

Bernard Mees, Runic amulets and magic objects, 2006

First Grammatical Treatise/ Codex Wormanius

Runic Magic – How I Do It?

It is worth checking if the scripts and other runic formulas would work for this specific situation and person using a divination rune set. I don’t really use any ‘runic spreads’; I either take out a handful of runes from their sack or cast them on whatever clean and fabric-covered surface I can find. It’s not a very traditional approach, nonetheless, it works for me.

Runes are traditionally carved in wood, stone, bone, and candles. I also draw them on the skin, fabric, fruit pits and seeds, jewelry, and paper: I first create a deep trace, for instance, with an empty pen, but it depends on the material – it can be a needle, knife, or whatever is suitable (won’t do on the skin or other delicate base – just paint on it). I’m personally against permanent runic tattoos for several reasons, among which is the fact that a tattoo artist should not only know their trade but also master Norse magic. So, I simply stain my skin with acrylic paints or pen ink when needed without creating deep traces on my body.

Continue reading “Runic Magic – How I Do It?”

ᚨ Runescripts, bindrunes, galdrastaves and magic words αš¨

Runes were both magic symbols and the alphabet for Germanic people. There are a lot of runic stones, swords and other objects revealing the traditional usage of runes. Names and messages engraved there, as well as their purpose of use can be of great interest for reconstructionists, historians, linguists and… mages. I wrote about the material and shape of them earlier. I’m planning to write more about magical use now, and which form and shape it might take:

One Rune: a magic sign with a certain meaning (glyph like). You can use it with its general meaning or narrowly if this is your intention. I prefer to work with narrow purpose single Runes. Probably the best way is to wear them as talisman/amulet, I’m actually against wearing them as a personal tattoo: you may want to get rid of the rune, when you aim is reached, or it can become misshapen with time, or it could be just a wrong solution given by the beginner witch – like Nauthiz for a protection from illnesses 😞

Continue reading “ᚨ Runescripts, bindrunes, galdrastaves and magic words αš¨”

Good old Futhark Magic :)

Why did I call this post that way? The answer is right before your eyes πŸ™‚ As I say a lot – I love hunting for knowledge with obstacles, fighting challenges, that is why I’ve decided to shed some light on the traditional Norse approach to magic, plainly quoting verses from Havamal and Sigrdrifumal and adding some ruminations πŸ˜‰ So I’m not an author, won’t ask credits πŸ˜€

I put it here for myself mostly, but I’d like to think they will be useful for you too, and you can use the material stored in this post for your own good and guideness πŸ™‚ Brace yourself though, the poems are complicated, but the whole magic is complicated and not for the people (actually!), who look for a simple recipe for mending their lives.

Continue reading “Good old Futhark Magic :)”

Elder Futhark and Rune Poems

Why do I call my post this way? It is mostly because I tried to find the traditional poems and ways of using Runes and gather them here πŸ™‚ I started to look for more information on that topic because I tried to find a good magical protection/amulet. This was inspired by a book and also the consequence of my recent meditation, the plot and aim of which will be told only to the chosen ones πŸ˜€

The thing which surprised me the most though, is the fact that it is easier to reach the farthest stars in the Universe than to find something valuable on this point in the English internet. But I found them though πŸ™‚ I will also talk only about the Elder Futhark in this case.

The traditional meanings seem quite attractive to me: I feel it as more authentic and more challenging: you should fight for the meaning, turn difficult tests and symbols into beautiful poetic notions, and that is exactly what I value the most πŸ˜‰ Nonetheless…

Continue reading “Elder Futhark and Rune Poems”

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