🎵Musical Dreams ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁

Hi everyone,

This time I decided to write here about my two latest dreams connected by the same theme: music. What I mean is I literally dreamt about music, heard it as a background of the dream in one case, and it was a major theme of the dream in another case.

My first dream’s main theme mostly revolved around the song Persephone by Wishbone Ash.

There's a light that shines on Persephone
Always a fire in her eyes
And the last time that I went to her
I could tell things weren't right
I just don't care to see your years go wasting
There's no longer magic in your eyes
In your time, you could outshine everybody else around
But your off-stage ways might be a bore
You take a bow, you take a fall
I just don't care to see your years go wasting
There's no longer magic in your eye
I came to be here in the footlights
To live with you through every song
And your face displays a peaceful field
I can't believe the curtain has to fall
Now I know your years were never wasted
Tonight I saw the magic in your eyes

It is important to notice that I often associated myself with this goddess and her archetype, both because I’m a vulnerable woman and because I’m torn between contrasts, mainly between life (light, spring, creativity, love, life, maniacal phase, urge to create) and death (darkness, magic, transformation, painful past experiences, depressive phase, urge to destroy).

Goddess of the Spring and the Queen of the Dead, Eros and Thanatos of Freud: all these are close themes to my heart. In Norse mythology, we have Hel as a similar archetype, yet she is not so vulnerable.

And of course, because I’m caught in the constant cycle of rebirth, though aren’t we all?

The second dream had music in the background, namely Witch of Endor by Bloody Hammers (careful, some doom metal is here):

Ignoring divine instructions
Souls being released by my sword
Guidance from above departed
All my questions returning ignored

Yeah solution is raise the dead
And find the conjuring witch of Endor
Reigning in hell
Solution is find the conjuring witch of Endor

Pushing onward through the hail storm
There will be no turning back
Seek the eyes of the fallen prophet
My only chance in this attack

Ignoring divine instructions
Souls being released by my sword
Guidance from above departed
All my questions returning ignored

Yeah solution is raise the dead
And find the conjuring witch of Endor
Reigning in hell
Solution is find the conjuring witch of Endor

In the wake of this injustice
A beaten path to the unknown
Awaiting holy apparition
And my guidance to be shown

The story behind this song is a biblical one. It describes King Saul’s failure to connect to God before going to war; he receives no answer. He had previously driven out all magicians and witches from Israel, but he wants to receive help from the witch/sorceress of Endor, as it is his last straw of hope. So he disguises himself and reaches out for her help.

You can read more in the Bible or go through this link to become acquainted with the whole story…

As for my dream plot, I was actually a sorceress confined in the catacomb, waiting for execution by being burned. At the last minute, I received help from the guard. He let me out and showed me a way of escape through the tunnel. There were others waiting for the same fate, but there was no opportunity to save them, although I cried and implored this man to help them as well.

The tunnel was very narrow and dark. At some point, I needed to use some force to climb further. I even thought I was condemned to die this way. But finally, I found a clearing and appeared in a shady basement. I found the stairs there and climbed up further and further until I found a door.

I pushed it and entered a large, magnificent, well-lit hall, full of people with suitcases. It was something like a waiting room of some famous, high-class hotel. I moved around, tried to talk with people, but they avoided talking and drew back from me. I felt really sad, lost, and rejected.

There was no visible reason for this behavior, as despite climbing out from the catacomb, I was nicely dressed, and my hair was clean, thick, shiny, and reached the floor. However, I felt as if the word “witch” was branded on my forehead. So, finding neither solace nor any kind of reply, I retreated to a corner near a large bay window. There was a desk nearby, at which I remained further on, leaning on my elbows, lost in sorrow.

I watched the crowd, feeling, living through their pain and joy. I started reaching their minds telepathically to feel connected, to create an illusion that they were my friends, that I was not alone. I especially enjoyed observing and connecting with an old woman and a little girl, who sat facing each other and playing chess, surrounded by large bookcases. They were secluded in this corner in a way.

The figures were silver, and they clicked melodically against the chess table. “Reverend Mother” (I love Dune) crossed my mind, and at that very moment, I was blocked out of the old lady’s head. She turned back and looked at me sharply.

I wiped a tear from my cheek. I got a roll of paper out of nowhere and started writing, to calm myself down, to muffle the pain overcoming me. It helped. I wrote a letter, or a book, or a post—I’m not sure, but it was the best thing I ever wrote; it was something exceptional.

And at this realization, I opened my eyes, the music still playing in my mind.

I have some ideas about the dream’s meaning, but the post is already too long for a decent interpretation.

I’ll just connect the magic in Persephone’s eyes with this long, healthy hair, as it is always a symbol of good health, energy, inspiration, and liking my own self. I wrote something… so perhaps something good may come from my literary endeavors. There will be some kind of positive resurrection for sure 🙂 As for the rest…

Thank you for reading this! 🙂

PS: all pictures were generated by me in WP AI Picture generator

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist, lyrics belong to rock bands 🙂

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A Recent Dream: Kabbalah and Fibonacci

I dreamt about this a couple of days ago…

The dream itself was short (or perhaps I have forgotten most of the details) and quite peculiar.

Official science recognized a link between Kabbalah and Fibonacci numbers, thereby confirming that Kabbalah really studies the structure of existence. The magic stemming from this system, and all interpretations linked to it, work. I was invited by a circle of people who aimed to study these “stemming” or “initial” numbers, and we meditated together, trying to tap into the key archetypes of these numbers and uncover the basic patterns lying at the core of our existence.

Some thoughts about interpretation:

There is actually none, except for the fact that I have slept with the Fehu Rune under my pillow for several nights, and I had dreams about roots, houses, and trying to remember my life since my first breath—in other words, everything that is about basis, foundations, something initial, planted deep in our subconsciousness, sort of the “bricks” out of which our existence may be composed. I’ll write a separate post on this Rune.

As for the more detailed and personal interpretation, I have nothing specific, though I thought this dream was interesting and something I’d like to memorize for later reflections 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

A Dream 15.04.2024: School, Social Anxiety, Healthy Adult Mode

I was back at school again, it was its last year. In reality, I had changed schools by this time, but in the dream, I was still at my first one. I was running errands for my “best friend”, whereas she never to appreciated it as was usual at that time. Others won more of her attention and she seemed genuinely interested in their personalities and thoughts. Everyone was more fascinating than me. I was a silent and obedient supporter, and it hurt terribly, the feeling of constantly being undervalued. Throughout the entire dream, I felt constant pain from being rejected and ignored, with a sense of grey uncertainty looming somewhere at the background of my psyche. I kept asking myself what had I done to deserve such treatment. And I tried to create as much distance from her as I could, not only emotionally, but also by being far away physically. Therefore, I ran out of the school building. It was very sunny and warm outside, I guessed it was spring time. The trees were all in bloom, the air was fragrant, white petals rained with each gasp of the wind. In front of the school, there was a large construction site, with piles of a brick and stone mounting everywhere, workers were yelling at each other, laughing, and smoking.
I didn’t have much time to rest in the warmth of the sunlight because I needed to be back on time when our school director arrived. But instead of turning back, I ran through the construction site, jumped over the brick piles, and climbed over the half-built walls. And, as no surprise, I was late – I always was late. Everyone commented on me and the way I looked, but the director intervened and protected me in that moment. Still, I woke up with a heavy heart.

My thoughts regarding the dream’s interpretation:

Continue reading “A Dream 15.04.2024: School, Social Anxiety, Healthy Adult Mode”

A Dream 11.04.2024: Sea, Snake, Amber, Grandfather

Photo by my Husband

At the beginning I was swimming in the sea. It was a sunny, warm day, perfect weather for enjoying the calm, transparent vastness of the water. At a certain point, my friend waved to me from the shore, and I joined her in a very short time, water dripping from me onto the soft, golden sand. She introduced me to a dark-haired, tanned guy and told me that he was “the one”. Sure thing, I was happy for her. We climbed onto the pier and watched the waves crushing against the stone. We discussed something, but I don’t remember the nature of the discussion, just the fact that we stood there watching until the sunlight lost its brightness, hiding shyly in the density of the clouds.

The wind grew cooler, and I felt a cold touch on my elbow. As I turned, I noticed a giant black snake coiling around my arm, its long fangs sinking into the skin of my wrist. I felt pain even though I was sleeping. There was no blood from the bite, only two raised bumps on my skin. My friend and her suitor called for an ambulance, and I was taken to the hospital.

A strange thing followed, though. Instead of undergoing some kind of treatment for being poisoned, I went through a series of X-rays, which caused me to go back in time. I became younger and younger until I reached the age of 15. Then, the nurse took me to an even larger X-Ray chamber and took a shot of the right half of my skull; it was important for the research, as she stated. After she finished, she let me out of the hospital.

The next thing I remember is returning to the seashore again. The clear water, shimmering in the sunlight, reached my knees. Once again, everything was peaceful and very clean; the sand was sparkling with gold and creamy hues. There were almost no people there, except for my deceased grandfather, who was sitting on the shore and smiling at me. I kneeled in the water and started sieving the sand through my fingers. To my surprise, there were plenty of amber hidden in the sand. I gathered a huge pile of tawny, glistening pieces and handed them to my grandfather so that he took care of them because I wanted to swim. He told me, ‘Learn the language, it opens many gates.’

And I woke up.

Continue reading “A Dream 11.04.2024: Sea, Snake, Amber, Grandfather”

A dream – three branches

It is actually a quite short dream: I was sitting on my knees on a white cloth, spread out on the ground. and received three tree branches from my husband: oak, birch and pine. I was very excited and thanked him, and started to separate branches by parts: leaves, by buds, and by twigs. I remember that he asked me about this, but I’m not sure exactly what I answered, but the talk itself was warm and pleasant.

  • The dream was of course inspired by our walk in the forest and by late interest in herbs (leaves, trees, etc) 🙂
  • The trees, especially branches, refer to spiritual (or any type of) growth: the oak always was a god’s tree, the pine tree was a one for protection and the birch stood for fertility;
  • This partially describes the way Germanic tribes conducted their runic divinations;
  • If the dream is symbolic, not some incoherent thoughts and memories, I prefer to take close attention to its messages, so my next posts will be about these tree’s symbolic meaning, magical and health-related use 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

Two dreams with the similar scenario

The first: The walls and buildings of the city were built of the white wood, there was no artificial lights, nor there was any developed technology, so an eerie silence, a mysterious solitude flooded the city after the sunset. You could be lost there, got to the magical realms by the complete mistake and forget of the earthy life… They find you the next morning with your throat cut, and your pockets emptied – your payment for eternal fairytale happiness.

Still, at a certain point the silence came to its end, and the lives: there was a civil war and I fought against my father’s party. I was actually quite vicious towards him and his party, I wanted to hurt him and make his world crumble, but he seemed to never notice that. He thought it was just a game for me, or I was stupid and easily manipulated, everything that didn’t match his imagination of me simply didn’t exist. One day I was taken out of guard: several soldiers – our enemies – cornered me and later my father arrived. He looked at me with contempt, discarding my whole being, and dragging me through the city. The people gazed at us silently, the whole crowd looked like plastic manikins, like theatrical props placed here in order to create the illusion we are not alone on our way. My knees were scratched and bleeding: the road was bumpy. I scratched him violently my hands tried hurting him to the same measure… I was suffocating, so taking a quick, short breath (possibly the last one) and I yelled: “No! No! No! Help! Help! Help!” My fathers eyes were widening in surprise, he probably finally understood that he is hurting me, that I’m in great pain. His grip loosened and I fell on the ground. The people from my party ran towards us, and helped me to stand up…

Continue reading “Two dreams with the similar scenario”

A dream – Czech magic books (29.06.2023)

My husband and I traveled to the Czech Republic. I don’t remember the reason, but probably because of vacation plans, but I recall getting through Poland, especially southern one, and through the mountains. In the South people gathered crops, there were a lot of yellow hues, and the sun rays, but instead of cheering up this color gave me a feeling of pressure, of something piercing, hot and neon-acid in its qualities. People also were not really pleasant and observed us with contempt.
Everything changed as soon as we crossed the border though, not only did the atmosphere become nicer, but also the gothic mysteries were calling me from the far. Somehow I knew that I’m here because I’m looking for magic books/grimoires – the Czech Republic was the center of magic and alchemy once, wasn’t it?
We drove further and further, until in one village surrounded by forest and Slavic myths we found the rest. The middle-aged couple took us under their roof, and while our hostess was making us the tea, her husband offered to guide us to Prague and then to the library, where I would find the books that suit my taste. Our guide had a funny mustache, 80-s style, and he wore a straw hat. He was very knowledgeable, and I remember that he said: “Czech Republic is exactly like Poland but the other way round” .
We arrived in Prague quite soon. I remember that we really were walking through its streets, but it is a muffled memory. I don’t know what happened to the trip to the library, because I woke up.

Continue reading “A dream – Czech magic books (29.06.2023)”

A dream – debts (05.06.2023)

Just a “nice” dream in which I walked through my grandmother’s native town, I don’t really remember the setting, it was smeared simply on the tissue of this dream. Suddenly I was taken by hand and walked to the bank, where the middle-aged woman with a very kind and sweet face told me that my mother and great grandmother had/have terrible debts and a myriad of loans in this bank and I should pay for them. The woman went into another room, and I followed her. There was a large swimming pool and we sat on the plastic chairs observing the pool from above. “I’m so sorry, – the woman sighed looking at me and hugged my shoulders. – So sad you must pay that, it is not even your fault.” When I went out the bank I ran into my mother on the street. I told her about the debts and she just shrugged. She didn’t care, and wasn’t going to help me.

Continue reading “A dream – debts (05.06.2023)”

A short dream – sea shore (31.05)

It was much-much longer, but what I remembered after waking up was walking along the sea. The sand was very yellow and soft, and the sound of the sea waves was a little bit “stormy”, very solemn and rhythming, with a slow and heavy motion they crashed on the sand. After a while I sat on the ground. There was nobody around, the Beach was deserted, only sand and stones. I felt how the sand was touching my skin, as well as I enjoyed the drops of sea water on my face. It was immersive. I don’t know what was up with the fish, and how and where I got it, I just held it in my hands and ate, quite enjoying its taste. It was deeply fried, very fat and crunchy. Very delicious. I had been eating it until I woke up 😛

Continue reading “A short dream – sea shore (31.05)”

A dream – Grandfather, green dress, priestess (27.05)

I went forth and forth looking for my grandfather. Wherever I turned though, how many many times I called him – I found nothing and nobody. I knew he was dead, even in my dream, but I hoped to meet him at least there. I climbed up the hill, the grass turned to silver-green waves. I felt so overwhelmed with loss and despair, that I laid down on the grass and flowers and cried. I cried until I felt cleansed, going through catharsis. Standing up I said loudly: “You will still be forever in my heart!”. Later on I saw myself in the mirror, I had a green dress on me, a very long one, and my skirt touched the floor. I passed a dark hall, and I knew I should open the last door on the left. In front of the door I met a girl, I don’t know her in reality, but she asked me about whether I’m any sort of nun, if I wear such a dress. Opening the door, I answered: “I’m a priestess’ ‘.
I entered the spacious, good lighted room with columns and interesting frescos, and kneeled: “Help him and bless him, Amma. Let him be happy”

Continue reading “A dream – Grandfather, green dress, priestess (27.05)”

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