The New Mythic Tarot Deck Review

The Mythic Tarot deck is my favorite one, and that is the reason why I decided to write this post 🙂 I have the new version of this deck painted by the artist named Giovanni Caselli, who is fond of mythology and classic European culture. I also received the book about the Mythic Tarot together with the deck, and the information I’ve written below is very much based on this book.
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September reading (five books monthly)

Autumn is a time to study, to slow down, to reflect on something, to cough loudly, to embrace the sadness and the beauty of the season, to listen to the wail of the windy, mesmerizing patter of rain and… To read 🙂 By the way, I personally was spending last week just as descibed. I also wrapped myself in blanket, hugged my cat and lit the candles 😀 Also there was a great reading “revolution” in my life… But you will find the details at the end of this post.
I also decided to write a little bit on several books, because my first review written in this blog was somewhat looong and complicated. I like complicated things 😉 But no one except me does 😀

From this page

“Powrót z Gwiazd” – Stanisław Lem // Return from the Stars by Stanisław Lem

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Lustrous sands of time or Dune by Frank Herbert

I will start with a small introduction: I actually wanted to share my impressions on four more books, but I had so many thoughts and impressions that this review became way too long. I wrote so much, because I adore this book series 🙂 That is why I hope it may be interesting, helpful or enjoyable enough. So… Let’s go 😉

Photo by Klaudia Ekert on

What are the books? Aren’t they the windows that give an outlook on something beyond the walls you are confined in? They give the view, the light, the blasts of fresh air, the world would be bleak and stuffy without them. Sure, nothing new was said, but still I’d like to share my opinion on Dune and its sequels written by Frank Herbert.

To be more precise I’m speaking about six of them: DuneDune MessiahChildren of DuneGod Emperor of DuneHeretics of DuneChapterhouse: Dune… I’ve read it two times, because some books, even when finished, leave behind that absolutely enchanting atmosphere, the rhythm, the melody innately intertwining the text, the World and the personages living there. You become so addicted to it that you come back for more, you can’t help it. But beside these charming, absolutely capturing and deeply hypnotizing descriptions there is something more in this case. Philosophy.
The Dune book series unravels the reader the story of the Adreides family: their honor, their fight for a better world, and their influence on the distant future world, the path of its development. In a way it is much bigger than that. It is a story about the whole of humanity, in which the author tries to answer eternal questions, some of them quite global, like the sense of life.

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