Some Myths About Astrology: Do Stars Care? (Updated Post, Originally Published on August 25, 2021)

Hi, everyone! 🙂

There are a lot of stereotypes and misleading ideas regarding Western astrology that irritate me personally and are very far from what it actually is. The last straw was the book His Master’s Voice by Stanisław Lem, if I’m not mistaken about the title, since some time has passed since I found that statement. In it, I found a passage where the author represented astrology with completely wrong ideas on the subject. What he described was evidently taken from gossip or newspapers. And, as a person who answers all these questions like “do you believe in weekly horoscopes?” with “no, because I’m into real astrology,” I decided to write some kind of explanation regarding what it is, or rather how I understand it 🙂

Also, I’d like to mention that all this stuff I wrote below concerns Western astrology. I’ve read some pieces of information, but I don’t have any clear knowledge on the topic of Vedic or Chinese astrology.

Let’s begin 😉

Stars, sky, planets, cosmic storms, and comets, clad in flames, don’t care about individuals. Planet Venus doesn’t even suspect that you exist, and it doesn’t want to personally engage in your life. Star Vega probably isn’t aware that the Solar System exists, and it becomes especially outraged when someone suspects that it is involved in the life of some miserable human who was so unfortunate to have one of their personal planets (or ascendant) in the middle of the Capricorn sign. So please just forget this nonsense about planets caring about you, especially if you heard this from your grandmother in her blooming eighties, who recently picked up that idea from some questionable sources. No, they don’t.

But they create a current of energies (Sun and Moon influences are the most vivid and the most obvious examples of such energy) and we are thrown into its current. So, it is not the Zodiac Cancer and its ruler—the Moon—who greets the newborn and whispers, “Oh, now you are one of us” and then helps or betrays each and every Cancer personally because it cares.

No, it looks more like we all fell into the radioactive river of cosmic influences, gaining our own character features and special abilities depending on what kind and how much radiation affected us. And then, as we are all changed and different, we will be carried further while being attacked by the radiation/currents/obstacles that are dangerous to us and, for a change, gaining more power from those that are benevolent. We can use our power for good or resign and create even worse situations for all of us. And this current will affect the whole society that swims in it. Moreover, we, mutants, will also develop and change with time.

Hmm, I imagine a film about the world of mutants where the superheroes Sagittarius and Leo fight the supervillains Scorpio and Capricorn. What could it possibly be? 😛

Another brutal fight between astrologers and everyone else occurs on the point of the planets and what they are. Yes, living in the 21st century, every at least half-educated person knows that from an astronomical point of view: A planet is an astronomical body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and – according to the International Astronomical Union but not all planetary scientists – has cleared its neighboring region of planetesimals (thank you, Wikipedia, I definitely wouldn’t write it better).

But in astrology, we use the ancient Greek or “Classical planet” definition, in which a planet is defined as a traveling celestial body (traveling star). So, astrologically speaking, the Sun is a planet, as well as the Moon. Moreover, Pluto is also still a planet (by the way, a good example of how quickly the definitions are changing and how it affects the way we see life). I understand why astronomers are infuriated.

Nonetheless, everyone should understand and remember that astronomers study the physical objects of the Universe, and astrology studies the human world and how the cosmic “radioactive current” affects it. In other words, astronomy is a natural science, and astrology is a hu… Wait for it 😉

Continue reading “Some Myths About Astrology: Do Stars Care? (Updated Post, Originally Published on August 25, 2021)”

Misty Stroll

The mist engulfed and fully drowned my mind,
Sheltered me tight from memories and sounds,
Pinned drops upon my hair to shine bright,
My eyes luminescent, reflecting stormy clouds.

The mist has filled my head with fuzzy thoughts,
Merged into muffled piles of tangled words.
What is my poetry but clash of rusty swords?
Dissatisfied, I’m stuck, I feel remorse.

Drowned in longing, soft and gray despair,
Sentenced to swim in humid, heavy air,
Struggling with questions, looming everywhere,
Well, am I worthy? How could I stop caring?

At times, I feel I’m nothing but a failure.
Not fit for this material existence,
Where one must be a quick decisive leader.
But in imaginative, misty distance,
Perhaps there is a place for such as me.

The fog engulfed and fully drowned my mind.
The water drops are dancing in my hair,
As if I bathed in the primeval sea of light,
And plunged into its dusky depths prepared

Of finding jewels of the highest truth,
Scattered in the quietest seabed,
Mingled with the dark, cloudy sand.
I wake up from this fantasy, I move…

The trees became the castles and old bridges,
The music plays as always, storm and chaos.
I wish it rained at once.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

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Tarot Pictograms and Correspondences in Magic(k) for Sigil-making and Artistic Approach :)

Hi everyone 🙂

Mystery Monday is here, and it is a time to come back to the divination topics 🙂

I hope this post will be simple and concise, despite the fact I usually enjoy writing longer ones 😀

This post was inspired by our discussion with Judith on her blog 🙂 She proposed a very interesting, creative, psychological, and deep practices of working with Tarot (Tarot Dreamscapes in this case). Check it out if you are interested in this topic 🙂

It is true that when we discover the possibility of magic or spiritual work related to Tarot, we usually start with the physical use of the palpable paper cards. We carry them in our pockets (as simple as it sounds, it actually has powerful effects), put them under the pillow, attach them to candles, or sprinkle with water… Some spells even require burning the cards, or planting them somewhere, or sending them with the wind.

And of course, it leads a point, when we realize, that it’s a terrible waste. Some of us print cards for this purpose; I personally was initially inspired by the sigils and started to create sigils for each Arcana, but it was long and tiresome work, to be honest. Thankfully, I’m not as inspired by Chaos magic(k) to destroy these signs each time I use them, but still.

Soon enough, I realized that if I came up with this idea, someone else should have done it too, and searched the internet with “Tarot Gliphs”, “Tarot Sigils”, “Tarot Pictograms”…. and I found many variants of that.

Like this one, for instance (found it on Pinterest). It’s the easiest and the most intuitive one, I suppose. You can not only visualize them as seeds, but also draw this symbols on fruit pits and plant them – literally. Or draw it on your skin before falling asleep instead of putting a paper card under your pillow:

Or we can try using the correspondences from this table:


I saw a similar table in some works on hermetic/high magic(k) Golden Dawn related books, and I personally have it stored from D. Kraig’s book, but in my native language. Of course, some of these correspondences from the second table may sound weird. My version of the table also features colors, plants, and smells attached to the Major Arcana (which helps me in my meditation rituals).

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I have the Universe tattooed on me by Mother Nature

Daily writing prompt
What tattoo do you want and where would you put it?

To be honest, thanks to this prompt, I came up with an idea for another short story 😀

But, getting back to this question, I always dreamt about having a phoenix tattoo on my shoulder, due to the fact that this fiery bird reflects quite perfectly the ups and downs I’ve had in my life, the fact that I’m always back on my feet after some devastating experiences, which corresponds to rising back from the dead. Moreover, it surely reflects the fact that I have bipolar disorder (which is sleeping now, probably due to good medical help + my husband’s support + unconventional ways of healing), so…

But recently, I realized I don’t want it anymore. Why?

  1. It is so mainstream and fashionable to have a tattoo nowadays that I kind of see no point in having one. I hate to be like everybody else. Seriously, try to find anyone today who is not a walking advertisement of their tattoo master’s drawing talent.
  2. I’m covered with moles all over; my skin is like a map of a starry sky, and sadly I have plenty of dangerous (big, black, prominent) ones, which make the matter of having a tattoo really complicated and not thoroughly safe. On the other hand, I always can say that I have the Universe tattooed on me by Mother Nature.
  3. I’m into esoteric stuff, and I know that tattoos are actually power symbols that can change your life and personality 180 degrees. Unfortunately, people usually don’t think of that. Moreover, it is a widely known practice to never study the meaning of a beautiful enigmatic tattoo before getting one. Quite often, they end up with a Tao-Tao Chicken tattooed on their back in Chinese, or a perfect and shiny Elder Futhark runic tattoo that reads ᛁᛞᛁᛟᛏ (=idiot). Yes, masters can be mischievous. But I wandered off the track 😉
  4. I’m afraid of needles. What’s funny is I’m not afraid of pain, but I’m out of my mind and praying not to die when I’m at a blood collection facility. Despite my love for self-reflection, I’m still not quite sure about the roots of this phobia.

PS: I’ll definitely publish here this short story I came up with 😉

Artistic sigil “Inspiration”

I created this sigil using the letters from the word “inspiration“: taking the letters nsprt after eliminating vowels and repeating consonants. As always, I combined the letters into one whole shape. Later, I looked for artistic patterns to craft an image charged with creative energy and the power of the visualization. Moreover, I always seek the additional clues to sigil activation in the artistic representation of this sign.

Photo by samer daboul on
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Being myself and adulthood

Sad, but I’m not able to earn money with my passion: I’m not the type of a person who may become prosperous on social media, or who may trade her individuality to be liked or to earn more. I hate to be an advertisement to sell. I hate myself when I’m trying to sell something that almost defines my life, that it is worthy and wonderful. And I only can sell it, coating it with sugar, whipped cream and golden sprinkles and they buy it only because they want golden sprinkles, and only because it’s on sale. Those golden sprinkles btw have nothing in common with what constitutes my passion, though… Whatever. Probably doing that I feel like an Italian, who sits somewhere in America (just analogy, probably not so very accurate) around the students and has to eat these macaroni with ketchup and cheddar cheese. And they ask him:”oooh, this is what you eat in Italy, right?”

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Shadow Path (part 2)

1st part;
2nd part;
3d part;
4th part;
5th part

Ani had a lot of energy because of the long rest she had taken, and she didn’t want to sit still in one place. Once again, she crossed the room several times, looking out of the windows, or staring at random things on her way, she leafed through a book, then looked inside a cup, took her smartphone and found that the battery was dead as usual… She threw it on the sofa without looking. Nothing of importance.  After a second of silent reflection, she started searching on the shelves randomly, chaotically, looking for her pills. Nothing. ‘What does Leo think he’s doing? I can call the doctor on my own without a glimpse of hesitation and complain, and claim he’s lying, he can’t threaten me! Manipulator! It is all his fault anyways.’ The girl rummaged further angrily through the shelves, then pulled out the drawers sharply to check what was inside. She also examined the desk, the tops of the bookcase and the dresser, until eventually she stumbled upon the notepad with an intricate cover and wondered what it could possibly be. Finally, assuming that it was her brother’s, she opened it, out of spite, smiling vindictively. ‘I’ll show you’…

Continue reading “Shadow Path (part 2)”

Let’s welcome changes!

I’m a person with a plan. Despite all my philosophical views and convictions and I adore to create my own scenarios of how the things will look like, develop and end, even though I innately FEEL that life is changeable and people also, and nothing is the same, and even though I’m bipolar – in other words I’m quite unpredictable, I still want everything to look according to my expectations – I may have several variants of a plan, or several plans, but I will still have my own plotline(s) waiting for me. It simply helps me feel safe…

But I can’t feel safe. I have a great problem with enjoying the present moment: the past is too unpleasant for me to cling to, so I try to run as far as I can to the beautiful future realms which I create for myself… Wait, not so beautiful. Simultaneously I become obsessed with paranoiac thinking – “Oh my God, it will be terrible! It will lay in ruins! All of us will die!” It is irrational, because when I start thinking clearly, I understand how life works more or less, and how the changes occur, but still I’m caught in this loop most of the time – looking for the best while being sure that the worst will come. It’s everything, but safety.

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June Tarot of flowers and summer rains :)

I haven’t posted the monthly Tarot for a long time, and I came up with this idea unexpectedly, so there won’t be any photos of this very spread, so all these pictures don’t belong to me and were picked by me randomly so that I could decorate this post.
Anyways… Let’s see what will happen to me next month according to my cards.

Photo by Pixabay on
  • General atmosphere of the month: The Wheel of Fortune + The Queen Of Pentacles + The Fool + The Hierophant

    The quick, unexpected and inevitable changes will very much affect my system of values, self-esteem, and worldview: I see a completely new, but satisfiable perception of things. I also think that these changes may be spiritual in nature: Wheel of Fortune is also a “Wheel of the Spirit”, and Hierophant quite often denotes spirituality.
Photo by Veronika on
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