Dune: Part Two – I’ll Never Base My Expectations on Random People’s Posts and Opinions Again

Image: Warner Bros.

I usually don’t write film reviews. Lately, I’ve become so lazy that I even stopped writing book reviews (though I still read a lot). But in this very case, I decided I should definitely share my opinion.

Why is it so?

Not so long ago, my husband and I went to the cinema to see “Dune: Part two”. But before experiencing it for myself, I, as always, decided to read opinions about this film and discovered plenty of negative reviews. Judging by what people wrote in these wretched FB groups, the film was: “a disaster, it differed from the book tremendously, Chani left Paul (which really didn’t happen in the book) because she was a spoiled brat, raging feminists were ruling the world, and Chani was ruling the Universe”. There were also claims about how “the director changed the film to make it approachable for new generation. Boo.”

I felt a pang of despair while reading these posts. Just to be clear – I love F. Herbert’s Dune; his novels are among my favorite sci-fi book series. So, the thoughts about the changes and simplifying hurt a lot.

Unfortunately, my brain likes to create the negative scenarios (probably so that it doesn’t hurt so much later). I went to the cinema with a heavy heart, trying to to relax myself by thinking “at least we went out”.

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Child of Earth and Fire

I’ve asked my friend for an opportunity to share my analyses of her natal chart in my blog, and she agreed 😀 It is very general analyses and to be honest I do it after a break in interpretations, still I’m very excited about doing it 🙂 So, if you love reading astrological interpretations you are welcome and please enjoy! 🙂

Photo by Vlad Bagacian on Pexels.com

Firstly, it’s important to notice that we see the chart with the dominance of Earth and Fire elements which give this person ambitious, self-assured character that is aimed to achieve success or perform a great work here on Earth (also emphasized by stellium in Capricorn), on spiritual or material plane and loads of energy and diligence will help her in this task. Additionally, this is a chart of the individualist, as the majority of her planets are gathered at the left hemisphere. It is a very strong character and very assertive. She will trust mainly herself and her vision, and will act according to her wishes, not because of her attachments or friends/family’s opinions.

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September reading (five books monthly)

Autumn is a time to study, to slow down, to reflect on something, to cough loudly, to embrace the sadness and the beauty of the season, to listen to the wail of the windy, mesmerizing patter of rain and… To read 🙂 By the way, I personally was spending last week just as descibed. I also wrapped myself in blanket, hugged my cat and lit the candles 😀 Also there was a great reading “revolution” in my life… But you will find the details at the end of this post.
I also decided to write a little bit on several books, because my first review written in this blog was somewhat looong and complicated. I like complicated things 😉 But no one except me does 😀

From this page

“Powrót z Gwiazd” – Stanisław Lem // Return from the Stars by Stanisław Lem

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