⏰Reading, Meditating, Thinking… And The Collection Of Memes💻

Daily writing prompt
What are your daily habits?

Hi Everyone! 🙂

Let’s see what today’s prompt brought us… Thankfully, these are just habits, not duties 🙂

So… I read daily in three languages, about 30-50 pages per book, depending on the day. As you can guess, I usually read three books at the same time. I typically do this in the garden, but I can enjoy the process anywhere. I easily detach from whatever is happening around me and plunge into the narrative.

Earlier, I also read in German, but I kind of relinquished learning this language, as I have no spoken practice with real people. Thus, I couldn’t develop my skill above the upper-intermediate level. And I normally can’t stand talking with AIs, as they are boring and morbid. So, only three languages are left for me at the moment. I’m thinking about returning to extensive language learning though 🙂

I try to meditate daily, though I’ve been persuading myself to do this for almost a week already with no result. I normally do Yoga, Reiki, and other spiritual practices, which usually mean a lot to me and support me psychologically.

I play video games, mostly different parts of The Sims (except for 4th, which I can’t stand), Skyrim, and for nostalgia’s sake, The Heroes Of Might and Magic III. I also have ESO, Mount and Blade, Minecraft, and other games installed on my computer, but those are left for rarer occasions.

Additionally, I ruminate a lot, worry, and daydream – I love imagining different things and stories. Sometimes I’m so captivated, I forget where I am!
I over-interpret people’s behavior and enjoy pondering upon philosophical questions, analyzing everything over and over again 😀

Finally, I adore listening to music and walking in nature, taking occasional photos: I mention it a lot here on my blog, so you know it 😉

photo by MarvellousNightmare

I was caught by the rain on my way and got drenched completely 😀 As if after an intensive shower 😀

PS: After reading the last chapter of my recently posted short story, my husband asked me directly if the sorceress was, in fact, me, as she gave off a lot of my personal vibe. Of course, she wasn’t my twin or the personal projection of myself, but I must admit that the most female characters I write about have a lot of my energy and character features. It is easier for me to write this way, and it is difficult to create someone very different from what I am.

So, I thought carefully and set myself a challenge: my next story, I will write about a strong, independent, feminist woman. I don’t know what will come out of it, but if I managed to make male protagonist quite tolerable (?), why shouldn’t I succeed with a stronger female character? 🙂

After all, a good writer should be like a good actor, able to describe and impersonate everything. So wish me luck!

Thank you so much for reading this post! 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

🥣My Husband’s Cooking, Pasta and… I’m Officially A Vampire!🧛

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten?

Hi Everyone!

It is a difficult prompt, in my honest opinion. There are so many delicious dishes in the world, so many tasty experiences and vivid memories they bring! Should I really sacrifice them all for one? Hmmm.

No, I shouldn’t. My blog – my rules. And I refuse to narrow it down, though I did a bit anyway, otherwise, it would never end!

So enjoy this list of dishes, full of sentimental, wonderful, delicious memories and choices!

👩🏻‍🍳 My husband’s cooking, an example of which you can see in the photo, is always delicious and exceptional. He is endowed with true talent. I’m a picky eater, but when he makes something I generally don’t like – I eat it with pleasure. I’ve already shared some pizza photos with you, trust me, there is so much more to explore and enjoy!🥣

🥟My grandmother’s dumplings. I don’t know if it is me being sentimental or the unique herbal mix she always added to the boiling water, but she made the best dumplings ever. And these are nice, treasured memories because my grandmother, grandfather, and I made them together. I always added one with the surprise inside: I enclosed some salt, pepper, or raw dough instead of stuffing. The one who got this special treat on their plate was lucky… Or rather it was a demonstration of my vindictive character and vicious sense of humor! 😈

🍲Duck blood soup (Czarnina) 🩸 – yeah, I’m officially a vampire, give me some badge or sign of honor. I know that at first you’ll probably be disgusted. However, just trust me for a moment, close your eyes, cast off all your expectations and try this dish. I promise you it tastes like heaven. It is some kind of fairytale dish, with a multitude of shades mixed in one flavor. It is rich in plum juice as well, which balances its taste just perfectly. Worth trying 😉

🏺Yogurt + Honey and Greek Dolmades – we tried this during our vacation in Greece. It was a really wonderful experience to which I often return in my memories. If you are ever in Greece, try this, you won’t regret it 🙂

🥪Panini in British Costa Coffee – also an exceptional memory. They made it taste so stunningly there, so crunchy and nourishing. This melted mozzarella on crispy bread smeared generously with pesto – mmm. Worth every bite of it.

🍝Last, however insanely loved! Pasta – in each shape, with each sauce… If I were forced into eating one dish only for my entire life, I’d definitely pick pasta – it is my eternal love! I even had a period in my life when I ate pasta and fruits only and was very happy (my organism probably wasn’t as much but still…)

What about you and your list of the most delicious things? Let’s share 🙂

And thank you so much for reading my posts! 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

Ancient Helmet And My New Drawing🎨

Daily writing prompt
If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?

Hi Everyone,

I don’t know what kind of intelligent answer I could possibly produce for this prompt. And I marvel at the sight of people who managed to do so. Round of applause

So I asked this question to my husband, and he chose the Roman or any ancient helmet as his eternal outfit. Please count it as my reply 🙂

As for me, I’d better boast about my latest drawing. I’m an amateur artist, as you possibly know, and I draw mostly for fun. The shadow play and lights are my biggest weakness, but I tried really hard, using almost exclusively my imagination:

drawing by MarvellousNightmare

I hope you’ll enjoy it. This is also an illustration for the final chapter of my short story False Memories.

I should definitely exercise drawing more regularly; however, I have been rather preoccupied with some other aims and passions lately. Nonetheless, I went through a tiny crisis this Full Moon, and I guess I have my priorities slightly readjusted… which means you’ll see more of my creative attempts 😅

Thank you for checking out this post 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

💆🏻‍♀️My Self-Care Activities: I’m Aiming To Harmony And Relaxation!🧘🏻‍♀️

Daily writing prompt
How do you practice self-care?

Hi everyone,

It is a bit difficult question in my case because I have problems with relaxing myself, and I feel it especially acutely now, with the Full Moon in Capricorn. I have a natal Moon in this sign, so I’m overly sensitive at the moment.

There are some things and activities that help me to relax for a very brief period, but then it comes back to normal, and my back and neck hurt like hell because I accumulate all this pressure and emotions there, in my bones.

I also had problems treating myself; I had a tendency to reject some simple pleasures completely in the past, and I was really ascetic, which is not always good for my psyche. But I’m working on that and learning to find pleasure in practical things as well, and it’s going quite good!

So how do I practice self-care?

📖Reading, self-learning, and other intellectual tasks – when I’m absorbed by intensive thinking, I don’t concentrate much on negative emotions, worries, or self-criticism. I can even calm myself down this way quickly – I just recently discovered that, but it is helpful.

🚶‍♀️🎵Long walks with music: it reduces my levels of stress and releases negative emotions, especially when I move quickly and intensely – it is kind of a physical exercise too!
I mostly listen to heavy music like metal & hard rock & rock (you’d never think it if you saw me in real life), though I’m also open to darkwave, folk, ethereal, renaissance songs, some dramatic and intense classical tunes, and even some melodic rap (I mean, I’ve stolen something from my husband’s car).
I guess you really stop caring about staying true to one genre after 30. The most crucial thing is the dramatic, expressive, electrifying quality of these musical pieces, because my emotions have the same level of intensity, so when I listen to it, I feel… on my own waves and calmer.

💆🏻‍♀️Hugging my husband, good food, massage, spa (facial treatments, etc.), connecting to nature – it also helps me feel better and release my inner tension for a moment 🙂

🎨Creative activities like writing and drawing also help me to unload from my chest whatever torments me at the moment or any way-too-high level of unease. I kind of embody or pour it all out into my artistic pieces, and then I’m at ease for a moment, all anxiety and tension released.
That is why I enjoy writing horrors so much, btw 😀 Also because my inner child is frightened and gothic, but you get the point.

🧘Meditation, yoga, Reiki self-healing, and other forms of spirituality – this helps me to relax, reach inner harmony, get rid of tension, “touch the sky,” and talk with the Absolute. I feel like I’m in touch with the sense of my life then.

    And that is it 🙂 Thank you for reading this humble list of self-caring activities 🙂

    © MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

    If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

    ⌛So Where Does The Time Go? Poem By MarvellousNightmare✍🏻

    Daily writing prompt
    How do you waste the most time every day?
    So where does the time go?
    I humbly ask the Universe
    With a slightly trembling voice.
    I wonder patiently - is there a choice?
    No doubt, our memories are lies
    Designed by our cunning minds.
    Whatever happened once in the past
    Lies crumbled, buried in the dust.
    Illusions: future dreams and plans,
    They won't exist, they'll turn into a haze,
    Like clouds they will merge and phase,
    Unstable to their core, fuzzed and erased.
    What are they but the road signs?
    The history is also a surmise
    Composed by those who won and thrived.
    Each second, every day we die only to rise
    And our paths are densely paved
    With memories of what's long dead.
    We change with every move or breath
    Thus shedding our skins, we burn to ashes
    Step closer to the truth or passing flashes
    Of our hopes.
    Whereas the time… Time flows!
    Time passes like a river shaping stones.
    Its very pace chips off and hones
    Illusionary sand from our hearts.
    Each change is a Universal form of art.

    © MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

    If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

    🧿Spirituality + Free Full Moon Reiki Sessions and Tarot/Astrology Readings 🌕

    Daily writing prompt
    How important is spirituality in your life?

    As far as I know, the word “spirituality” has a very wide meaning in the English language and describes everything from belief systems to the typically esoteric-occult field.

    Let’s check a definition in the Cambridge Dictionary, so that we’ll be on the same page:

    If we approach it from this angle, I assure you, spirituality is a kind of natural, innate, inseparable part of my life. If not for my incessant, firm connection with the world that transcends the physical plane, I’d probably fall into a deep depression, stripped of any will to live. The dense, material reality is so dry and barren without spirit, like the desert under the fierce, searing rays of the vehement sun.

    Not every person requires it, but I do. I need a glimpse of wonder to exist, I need a touch of the Absolute, a presence of magic in my life. Moreover, I feel it, I see it, I experience it with every particle of my being, so there is not even a question for me, not a tiny pin of doubt if something beyond the material and palpable exists. I see the representation of the divine or divinities in everything, even in the small things. I’m a whole-hearted believer, and I’m happy I have this gift.

    Additionally, it’s not only about believing for me. I’m into the more practical side of spirituality as well. Call it psychic, magic, esoteric… I write a lot about this on the pages of my blog, so feel free to check it out.
    I’m a Reiki Level II practitioner, I’m an astrologer and experienced Tarot reader. I’m into Sigil, Planetary, Norse/Runic and Fire magic, in every kind of magic actually. I meditate a lot and I’m fond of yoga 🙂

    So, now that you know it, I also invite you to take part in my free-of-charge Full Moon Reiki group sessions and readings of your choice. I do something like this every month for free, and it will last 3 days: today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. You don’t have to pay anything, but if you want to express your gratitude to me, you can repost me or share your impressions/feedback under this link.

    I don’t need any personal data from you. For either Reiki sessions or Tarot readings, the name of your blog and your current location (country) are completely enough 🙂 If you want me to perform a natal chart or any astrology reading for you, just generate the chart on astro.com, paint over your birth data, and send the result to me via leomoria93@outlook.com 🙂

    Here you can see and check my previous Readings and Sessions to make up your mind. If you want to take part, just leave a comment under this post and describe which kind of reading or session you would prefer 🙂 In the case of Reiki, I’ll answer you in the comments with instructions on what to do and expect, and I’ll perform readings in separate posts on my blog.

    By the way, Laura and I are planning to start our podcast dedicated to spirituality! We already have zero episode recorded, it just needs some editing 🙂

    That is it! Thanks for reading and feel free to join my sessions 😉

    © MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

    You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

    🗡️Paul Atreides From The Dune Novel Series By Frank Herbert🏜️

    Daily writing prompt
    Write about your first crush.

    Hi, everyone!

    Answering today’s question, let it be Paul Atreides from Dune. Not Timothée Chalamet, but the book character from Dune novel series by Frank Herbert, which I read for the first time when I was in my teens.

    No doubt, he was utterly compelling to me. I’m easily attracted to charismatic leaders, and he was also very intelligent, decisive, shrouded in mystery, noble, an exceptional warrior and politician, and his spiritual aspect and gifts were really something captivating… And he was a pale brunet, which I find aesthetically pleasing.

    Summing up, he was everything I found attractive back in those days.

    So, you got it – Paul Atreides was a book character that agitated my romantic imagination when I was a teen (There was also the Phantom of the Opera, but let’s leave that for the next post).

    Never cared if he was a positive character or not… You can be deeply moved by a false messiah 🥰

    from here

    © MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

    If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

    📚I’m a Passionate Reader! + My Thoughts on The Whole Truth About the Planet Ksi by J. Zajdel📖

    Daily writing prompt
    What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

    Hi everyone 🙂

    I’m back to blogging after this somewhat lengthy weekend, and I’m ready to share my thoughts, art, and experience with you 🙂

    First and foremost, I’d like to answer briefly to this prompt.

    My favorite thing about myself is that I always think with my own head and I’m not easily swayed by the opinions of other people. Additionally, I’m curious, inquisitive, experimental, and I’m constantly trying to broaden my horizons, which leads me to the fact that I’m a passionate reader 😉 And I love this about myself very much.

    from https://www.empik.com

    Speaking of which, this weekend I finished reading The Whole Truth about the Planet Ksi, written by Janusz Zajdel, a prominent Polish sci-fi and dystopian writer. Recently, I’ve written about his short story collection The Farewell Letter. For those who may not know, let me briefly remind you, that this author was a important figure among Polish sci-fi writers, helped and cared about younger writers a lot.

    Having worked in radiology safety and as a university professor, he tried to combine or even balance the fictional part of science fiction with scientific facts and rational logic. Zajdel‘s dystopian works reflected his criticism of the Polish socialistic reality of his life, and also the way any propaganda fogs people’s minds. He died of lung cancer at the considerably young age of 46.

    Speaking of The Whole Truth About the Planet Ksi, it is mostly a dystopian novel with some sci-fi elements (transplanetary travel and colonization of other planets than Earth). It revolves around the ideas of how totalitarian societies are created and why they thrive even if people suffer. Lies are a better basis for creating such societies because lies are flexible, and truths are often stiff and inconvenient. If you provide people with some outside enemy, the people will be connected, trusting, and praising the tyrants as their only protectors.

    The story unfolds through two perspectives: one is an expedition head, Sloth, who was sent to check what was going on with the group of colonists sent to planet Ksi, and the second perspective is that of the original colonization group’s captain, whom we know as 11, or great grandfather.

    Sloth is neutral, rational, and quite mature. He values the years that are left to him, remembers totalitarian societies on Earth, and does not rush into decisions or quick actions. He prefers the marveled eyes of women to any political power, giving us the impression that we can trust him.

    On the contrary, 11 has lots of dishonest desires and unhealthy ambitions, betrayed his friends, enemies, and people of this globe several times, and actually helped terrorists establish this totalitarian, even feudal, society, where your rank is based on the number tattooed on your forehead. This makes readers doubt his perspective on things; still, he was the one who saw everything from the very beginning.

    The author of the book does not force an opinion on you; you may choose what to think of the main character and even of the future destiny of the planet Ksi. When the second expedition arrives to spy on the Ksi’s society, they also are not sure of their next course of action regarding this society. They want to help, but they are unsure of how to do it without turning out as alien conquerors who took away the last straw of hope from this planet’s population.

    And I really appreciate this approach, this conversational, theorizing way which lets us, readers, decide for ourselves. The language is descriptive, the protagonists are multi-dimensional, and their emotions are genuine. Readers can empathize with their doubts, turmoil, and longings

    The society, though a bit caricatured, actually reminds us of the ones we have on Earth, and the author precisely demonstrates how they function. Yes, something like this, theoretically speaking, may have appeared in space at the early stages of colonizing. Well, such states are and were here, near us on Earth.

    However, I had uncertainties while reading the book. For instance, how did people age in space in this book? I thought that outside Earth’s gravity we remain unaffected by the flow of time (perhaps someone with a physics background can explain this to me). Another moment: planet Ksi had only a 16-hour-long day, I get it. However, human biological hours should still remain 24… Am I right?

    Additionally, the first generation of colonists was deprived of technology, which is understandable, but couldn’t they hunt with some handmade primitive tools? I believe J. Zajdel had explanations for that, but unfortunately, it is unlikely I will ever ask him…

    Overall, I took great pleasure in reading this compelling dystopian novel. It broadens your perspective and encourages you to think, speculate, come up with your own choices and solutions. And prompts us to analyze the roots of various social issues and the ways many modern totalitarian societies function and continue to develop.

    The Whole Truth about the Planet Ksi reminds me a bit of Eden by S. Lem, so if you are a fan of those authors or you really enjoy reading dystopian prose, it may be a great pick for you😊

    Thank you for reading this and I hope I’ve answered this prompt!

    © MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

    If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

    🔥My Poem “Fire”

    Daily writing prompt
    What are you passionate about?

    Hi, everyone!

    I wrote a long post today as an answer, but deleted it all. Perhaps, it wasn’t meant to survive and see the light.

    I’ll share with you my old poem instead, I consider it to be one of my best – so why not repost it?

    And it is about passion, fire and whatever meaning you will see in it 🙂



    I love to gaze at your bright flames
    Which shine like gems pierced by sun rays.
    I’d dive into these blazing waves!
    I love to think that you might save
    My soul if I could be so brave
    And enter, welcoming your light,
    Which cleans, then heals, kills and revives.
    Please let me rise from dead, my fire,
    Warm up and make me whole… Enlighten,
    Enlighten me!
    Burn like the deadliest desire,
    Soothe me like divine love… Inspire,
    Inspire me!
    Make me the flame that flies so high!
    I wish I were a gleaming star,
    A shiny sparkle carried far
    By wind. My dazzling, glaring passion,
    I cannot join your wild expression -
    It’ll kill me. So, in my obsession,
    I’ll light the candles white and ashen.
    I’ll stare and dream, and dream, and dream….

    © MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
    You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

    If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

    ❄️Between the Winter Death And Spring Rebirth🌷

    Daily writing prompt
    What is your favorite season of year? Why?

    Hi everyone!

    I feel like I answered this prompt once, but who knows—maybe my preferences have changed since then.

    Actually, I love all the seasons, every single one of them. So, I enjoy summer because of its warmth, fruits, and swimming, and autumn because of its awe-inspiring decadent golden mystery… ❤ All times of the year are charming and have their own enchanting mood and advantages 🙂

    Nonetheless, you wanted me to specify, so I picked these two most favorite seasons of mine for you. 🙂

    Before answering this prompt, I checked my old poems and photos, so enjoy! (Stoa – Soft Snow/My Dying Bride – The Cruel Taste of Winter).

    I wrote this poem about winter, for instance:

    I woke up, and I saw: the rain ceased crying,
    In this gray season when whole nature's dying,
    So interesting a view: the sun's rays shining,
    Dissolving gloominess. The awe inside me,
    My very being is lit up. How can I measure
    This beauty? Every leaf was turned to treasure
    Of ancient kings, who thrived in their leisure,
    And now are long forgotten. The only pleasure
    That's left is beauty of the sun translucent rays,
    With frosty shades that paint in many ways
    This landscape. All reminds me of those days
    I was in love with Winter: gazed... and praised
    Her art: the silver sparks of snow, gentle lace
    On windows, as you know. The shiny coat on branches laid.
    And me, enchanted, lost in her magic, icy maze,
    Half-drowned in freezing sea of soft and tender snow.
    Do you remember me? It’s shame I didn’t know...
    And that I didn’t paint. Oh, I would show
    The sorcery of ghostly, charming glow,
    For those who’d neither seen it nor would follow…
    Thus, deeply touched by magical sundown
    My only wish was: please just take me home.
    © MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn't Exist
    Some photos:

    Why do I love it so much? I believe it is because the world is represented by a different quality; it is covered in silver and white, it is brilliant and magical. There is a shade of solemn wonder in it. The winter nature is under a fairytale spell—sparkling, shiny, ethereal, otherworldly. As if there is a portal to a different reality opening, waiting for us to navigate and explore the different worlds. And each and every time we have a snowy winter, my heart is full of this anticipation. It has been with me since my childhood days when I believed in and searched for these magic doors and realities.

    I’m also bewitched by the winter fires: crackling wood in the fireplace, colorful lights on the Christmas tree, yellow windows shining in the early dusks of winter. This fills me with a wonderful, warm coziness, and of course, I’m mesmerized by this glow and twinkling.

    And I’m out of my mind with snow, a glistening, soft blanket covering the sleeping earth, and bare trees, adding a shade of cosmic, starry wonder to them. The delicate stardust spilled over the Earth—so I see it. My husband hates the snow because it is unsafe to drive during this time, but I live for it.

    And here comes the spring:

    Autumn solemnly came back to reign in its kingdom,
    Gilded leaves covered and buried the withering flowers.
    Strikingly beautiful, living in sorrow and sinking...
    Dreams, constant traps, deathly fears… You're counting hours.
    Anticipating the future, you are like frozen,
    Previous cycle is finished, the deeds of past will repeat,
    No blinks of sun, no more joy, but you have been chosen.
    Now you should wait for abduction, for a desperate pit.
    Being removed from above, hidden deeply in darkness,
    You are not able to breathe, seems, you'll never escape,
    Where're you lost, blooming Kore, captured, buried in madness,
    You'll become one with this World, step by step, day by day.
    But time will pass, Persephone, and the gates will be open,
    Ices of Lethe will be melted, new life will begin,
    Then, getting rid of all fears and having new hope,
    You will awake and exclaim: let’s enjoy the new Spring!

    © MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn't Exist

    Some photos:

    In truth, I adore spring as well, as it is an enchanting time of the Earth when everything returns to life from this death magic spell (winter). I always feel it so deeply; it affects me emotionally so much that I feel one with nature. I want to run barefoot in forests, gather flowers, and feel like I’m newly born.

    I feel pulled to nature and its rhythms then, and this is the time of the year I become a real pagan. I’m just open to the spirit of this undercurrent unity that transcends the Universe.

    Another reason may be that I was born in spring.

    That is it! I hope I answered this question, so thank you for reading this post!

    © MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

    If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

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