🃏June Monthly Tarot Reading for My Client H.🔮

  1. The main events: The World + The Sun + Queen of Coins (the sum= the Emperor)
  2. The general mood: 10 of wands + 3 of cups + The Tower (6 of Coins) the sum=the Justice)
  3. Advice: 6 of wands + 7 of cups + The Priestess (the sum=The Devil)
  4. Influence she doesn’t notice: The Wheel of Fortune
  5. The conscious aim: The Emperor
  6. Beware: The Moon + 7 of coins + 4 of coins (the sum=The Justice)
  7. Positive events: 8 of swords + 4 of cups + 2 of swords (the sum=The Temperance)

The total sum is The Tower
Loose card: 4 of swords

Dear H.,

Thank you so much for letting me share this reading on my blog 🙂 It turned out to reach really deep levels, and I hope it will prove useful and interesting for you!

Let’s begin.

On the surface (the main events of the month), there is a promise of success and fulfillment (all of the cards), especially when it comes to the creative field (The Sun is represented by Apollo in this deck) or your presence online (The World). You will feel more valued and appreciated, your beauty will shine (Queen of Coins, as the coins shine brightly in the sunlight, so there can be a possibility of a certain fame). This is also a lucrative time (Queen of Coins, The Emperor Arcana as a sum). Actually, there might be a need for better boundaries and stability, but your partner could help. If you plan any travels (The World), they will go smoothly (The Sun), though it could be hot 🙂

Actually, you aim for stability, better control over your life, and being grounded and safe (The Emperor). However, what you seem to forget is that you can’t control everything that happens around you; events unfold on their own, and time brings the results of something that you started long ago (The Wheel of Fortune).

But that was just the tip of the iceberg. There are some deeper currents revealed in this spread.

What caught my attention from the very beginning is the total sum of the spread, which is represented by The Tower Arcana. Moreover, this card repeats in the general mood position. Based on that, I have the impression that the month could be emotionally tough; there will be too many social events (10 of Wands + 3 of Cups). Especially visibly cheerful communication with others (3 of Cups) may prove to be maddeningly overwhelming (10 of Wands).

This could be just way too much, and may somewhat threaten your inner balance (The Justice as a sum of the position) and lead to a nervous breakdown (The Tower), so take proper care of yourself.

The 3 of Cups is also a card that signifies the joy we get from our leisure time. The Justice stands for perfect balance and organization, and I pulled an additional card to clarify The Tower (as it is a gate card), which was the 6 of Coins. Basically, it is another sign of the great need for inner balance between work and leisure, giving and taking. You shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help too.

The 4 of Swords fell loose while shuffling, which I treat as another general insight into the spread. This card, especially in the Mythic Tarot deck, represents a need for stillness, pause, and meditation, a deeper look inside your psyche, and restraint from active actions in the outside world.

This is confirmed by the advice position, as it basically proposes working with dreams, meditating, reaching out to the subconscious and archetypes, and finding some inner wisdom there (7 of Cups + The Priestess). The Devil as the sum emphasizes some obsessions, fears, and possible addictions (and we see this motif repeated in The Moon and 8 of Swords cards) hidden in the roots of your psyche, and together with the other cards, it represents a need for deep shadow work.

The 6 of Wands advises treating your failures and the anxiety connected to them as a victory, and remembering that everything is a lesson, and we should take positives out of them, as they help us to become wiser (The Priestess). Also, it could be good to express and transform this work into something creative (7 of Cups), especially since some success may appear out of this (main events position).

The sign of emotional conflict reappears in the “beware” and “positive events” positions. Actually, these two positions mirror each other, as in the “beware” we encounter inner fears and anxiety (The Moon), which are consciously buried (7 of Coins, 4 of Coins) instead of being accepted.

The Justice as a sum may indicate the need for inner balance, but as an opposition to The Moon, it suggests a need for inner honesty with yourself and your emotions. It won’t just go away (7 of Coins); this requires a closer look, as we see in the advice position.

The positive events position shows some calming and easing tendencies. These cards are similar to the ones in the previous position, but the fears are presented by minor arcana now, so they may not be as significant in reality.

Furthermore, here we see the Cups and Swords suits. They represent the emotional and analytical approach to the issue, instead of burying the unpleasant emotions. This is an attempt to analyze and better understand the tendency to suppress these emotions from the perspective of feelings. These cards correspond with the advice position as well, once again emphasizing the need for deeper emotional (and spiritual) work.

The Temperance is another card indicating the balance needed, but this card also signifies acceptance of the processes going on inside your mind, and merging them, refining, and purifying.

Summing up, the issue should go away if you work on it, and create a better schedule and balance in your life. Don’t be afraid to look inside your soul and let yourself feel 🙂 And the general events will turn out quite wonderful.

With the deepest gratitude and best wishes,

PS: I am the author of this spread 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look my offer 🙂

🌌List of Astrology Authors Who Have Had an Impact on Me📚

Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

Hi, everyone! 🙂

In all honesty, I feel that I have answered this question during this daily prompt—check it out if you are curious about my literary preferences 😉

I don’t want to repeat myself, and I read so many books that I can’t narrow it to the three most influential ones; each one transformed me and left traces in my thinking and worldview in general. Therefore, instead of doing the same exercise again and again, I decided to write about my best choice of authors in the astrology field 🙂

I’m into the spiritual and humanistic branch of Western Astrology (European Approach), so I’m into deep psychological analyses, karmic tasks, levels of spiritual development, talents, and that kind of stuff. I firmly believe that materialism depends on the level of your spiritual advancement, not on the planets in the earth element in your charts, and that your natal charts should be interpreted from a very personal and unique angle.

I am firmly convinced of the power of aspects, but as always, I connect modernity (spiritual astrology) and tradition (antique rules), as they work the best in terms of predictions.

In such a manner, let’s go! Here is the list of astrology authors (not books, too many of them) who affected my practice and approach the most!

1. A. Podvodny. His insights into human nature, development, and culture are profound and enlightening. He influenced my spiritual path and approach to astrology. His unique, personal take on astrology focuses on unlocking our potential and controlling our lives beyond planetary influence. He wrote excellent books for beginners, with clear explanations of aspects and deep insights into signs, houses, and planetary energies. His work, often intertwined with Kabbalah and yogic connections, is highly recommended for advanced astrologers. Though I’m unsure if he’s translated into English, his books are available in Polish. I never had the chance to be his student in real life, but I am in spirit.

2. S. Vronski. Another exceptional astrologer of the 20th century, former student of the German Academy. He wrote 13 very detailed volumes describing different areas of astrology. I also read his answers to his readers about love and marriage (there were some insights on death in astrology as well—the exact mixture I like). The knowledge he shares is very fundamental; he explains all the classic rules Western Astrology is built upon. You’ll be able to use various predictive techniques after reading, just remember that practice is key. He presents a perfect balance between practical and humanistic/spiritual approaches and introduces the cosmobiology concept.

3. D. Rudhyar. The father of humanistic astrology, profoundly affected by C. G. Jung, introduced the free-will concept to astrology and approached interpretation through an archetypal perspective. His insights are full of mythological and artistic influence. I also love his approach to zodiac degrees, as they contain really mesmerizing descriptions and fill you with a sense of destiny when you study them.

4. S. Arroyo. This author is a professional psychologist who emphasized a personal approach to the client (literally a lot on this point in the introductions to his books). He stressed the need for a “modern astrology” in his works. He wrote a lot of valuable material on interpersonal relationships and karmic astrology, full of enriching, professional insights. These books are a worthy guideline for astrologers on how to conduct their practice.

5. M. R. Meyer. He doesn’t only delve deep into the subject, but also teaches the astrologer how to do their work. He provides guidelines on how to discover and show a person their purpose, the main angles, and guiding light of their personality. It can be a great help if your aim is to understand yourself and unleash your potential, not just to study the events of your life.

6. M. D. March and J. McEvers. Despite my general affection for deep, psychological insights, which the books of these authors may somewhat lack, I also found them to be a very good course book for beginners. They share all the required practical knowledge in their books, which a reader may need to learn various basic techniques, and there are also examples included.

7. Jan Kefer. He was not only an astrologer but also a hermetic magician. He composed a very detailed astrological glossary, which is used by many professional astrologers. It can be really handy when it comes to active practice. Maybe somewhat complicated for a complete beginner, but once you know what you are doing, it becomes an exceptional guide.

8. Bill Herbst. He was the first Western astrology author I read, and I enjoyed his insights into Houses. It was a fresh perspective compared to general online descriptions. The 1st House is more than just looks, and the 2nd House is deeper than money and possessions—friends and talents are valuable too. Very curious comparisons.

And it’s always worth reading some of the ancient works, for they hold a lot of wisdom, which enriches your knowledge and changes your perspective. Just remember about the balance between tradition and modernity 🙂

I also deeply advise studying astrological magic along with charts (there are a lot of materials on it; even I. Regardie wrote some) as it is also a part of Western Astrology—forgotten and rejected because of official doctrines, but preserved in Higher Magic and traditional witchcraft. It is my firm belief that we should reunite these parts of Western Astrology.

But this is a topic for the next post.

Thanks for reading, and I hope it was useful 🙂

PS: As usual, the picture is generated in WP AI Picture Generator

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look my offer 🙂

Collective (Un)conscious and Tarot: Do Birthdates Matter?

This post was actually inspired by my Tarot readings and Reiki sessions that I hosted on this blog, but it is another point I was contemplating upon a lot during my overall practice.

I mentioned that I can do Tarot readings and even send Reiki energy without gathering some very specific data details like photos or dates of birth, which are commonly asked for. I only require a name, country, and your blog.

Of course, I’m very well aware that typically this kind of data is a “must-have” for divination. It is an “anchor” that can help us to “catch and fix” a connection with a person in the informational field. This type of information is used in situations when we don’t see the person face-to-face and know nothing about them. In other words, if a client without a photo or any profile/background information sends us an email.

How does it work? Well, I’m pretty much sure that everyone is familiar with the concept of “collective unconscious” proposed by C. G. Jung. Growing up as humans, being part of the human society and culture (doesn’t matter which one), our psyche is rooted in the world of symbols, emotions, and dreams common for our species as a whole. We may even inherit it from our ancestors.

This is why we can, for instance, draw something, unaware we used the sacred and revered mythological motifs from unfamiliar cultures, or see some gods in our dreams (for example, I dreamed of Lakshmi when I was 13 years old, and I got to know about this goddess due to this dream). It is also the reason why all myths have similar features, and all book storylines are stemmed from the same prehistorical narratives. Speaking from a metaphysical perspective, we can theoretically connect it to the astral plane.

There is another concept of the collective conscious (noosphere by Chardin and Vernadsky, etc). It’s a living, breathing conglomeration of all the ideas, notions, knowledge, revelations… that is developing all the time, of course, and our minds are naturally connected with it.

Thanks to that, discoveries happen at more or less the same time, as well as the ideas for WP posts sometimes simultaneously visiting different people who don’t even know each other. The best example of collective conscious is various AI tools, as they literally are based on all the knowledge and ideas mixed together in one. From a metaphysical perspective, it is the so-called mental plane.

We are connected and exist in both planes, and when a psychic asks for your date of birth for the reading, they try to anchor you via these planes, finding a unique path to your psyche only among this ocean of information, ideas, and archetypes. With your unique date + name combination, you shine bright against this limitless ocean of information, and now they can connect with your energy to perform a reading.

Still, we have more “anchors” than that. Our art, our style of writing, and expressing ourselves are also kinds of anchors, because this is how we are uniquely attached to these planes; this is a path to our identity/energy. This is the shining thread that unites both of these planes, seams them together, and leads straight to you. Unless you use AI enhancements for your style, of course, then you can’t be found this way.

You may not be a Tarot reader or any other type of psychic to know what I’m talking about. You definitely experienced irritation, elation, sudden closeness or synchronicity while reading someone’s thoughts, even when you were not acquainted with them. And you definitely recognize the unique style of a person many times, even when they wrote to you from a different accounts or tried to pass as someone else. Sometimes you think about someone, and they call or message you. It means you anchored them, reached out, and established a connection. And this is what I do 🙂

So yes, sometimes your blog is enough for reading if you don’t want to share your birth data, provided you write your posts on your own. The same is with your artistic works, poetry, and any other unique way of expression. It is also an anchor and a very good one 🙂

PS: All pictures were generated by WP AI Picture Generator

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look my offer 🙂

Free-spirited Torrent Of Light – Natal Chart Reading For Stephanie

Natal Chart Reading for Stephanie 🙂

Gorgeous, powerful royal energy! The Rising sign in Leo gives a bright, brave, and charismatic personality, beautiful facial features, and a wonderful, thick mane of hair. It often brings strong artistic, especially acting, inclinations and a tendency to be the center of attention. Its ruler (Chart Ruler) is the Sun, which is in the 1st House and in Leo, emphasizing everything I said tenfold. You have a very strong character and leadership skills. I read in your blog about a beam of light, but I’d call you a dazzling torrent of golden light, which is strongly attractive and magnificent; you may lead people just like that. Your Sun conjuncts 1H Leo Mars, adding strength and energy to your personality. I believe you are very dynamic, enjoy motion a lot, and sometimes are very nervous and impulsive (especially with the Mars-Moon opposition in your horoscope). You are quick and energetic. You hate when the weak are offended and are like a guardian of justice. You also like to be appreciated and praised in your work or activities. A round of applause may be better than money; anyway, you value yourself highly.

Actually, and it is important, most of your planets are on the left side of your chart, which makes you an individualist and a very independent person. Consciously, you are very focused on this, thinking and acting accordingly. However, subconsciously, you feel an urge to open up to others’ needs as well (with the Moon and Neptune, as emotional planets, on the right half of the chart, although the Moon trines Uranus, indicating you still value your freedom). This opposition between your individuality and complying with others or stepping out of the boundaries of your ego is very important, as it is part of your spiritual mission.

You are a very empathetic person, understand me right (Neptune in the 4th House, water sign, 7th House Moon trine Venus, Sun square Neptune), but you are usually very stubborn and unbound when something touches you personally.

Your North Node is in the 7th House, and your spiritual task is all about cooperation and being able to work together, to live together, and to overcome this individualism. Additionally, the North Node is in Pisces, which means relinquishing your ego, mundane reality, and opening up to the transcendental, to the Absolute, walking the path of mysticism. When we talk about Pisces, we often mean faith, altruism, and sacrifice. I read your post; it’s for you to decide their place in your life, but this is important as a part of your self-development and your spiritual mission. Roots, home, and the subconscious are also very important notions for you (the North Node Ruler is in the 4th House). I feel that you can find spiritual and transcendental powers in love and partnership (the 12th House Ruler in the 7th House), especially since it is where you feel comfortable emotionally and where you open up (the Moon in the 7th House).

Coming back to spirituality, it is a natural part of your self-expression (Ruler of the 9th House in the 1st). It should actually be a very active, expansive element in you (Aries, Mars, Leo). You can pull others into spirituality with you, and the same goes for philosophy and mindset in general—you vibe it so strongly! If you travel, you do so actively and with utmost passion—it’s a part of you. You are a natural teacher, and you can teach by your very presence (9th House Ruler in the 1st), which is so cool! What interests me is the fact that you were led to philosophy and spirituality because of some kind of sacred wound (Chiron) and that you can simultaneously hold two belief systems (or more). It’s a good path for you anyway 🙂

You are prone to illusions (Sun square Neptune) and depressions (Sun square Saturn). Quite often, you sabotage both your spiritual mission and career (as Neptune is the Ruler of the North Node, and Saturn is the Ruler of the 6th House of work, and is in the 10th House of career). There could be some restrictions on your way to success. I think your emotionality can often be shaky, with impulsive outbursts and spontaneous, strange reactions being normal for you. However, you have a magnificent vent. First of all, being in love and together with somebody alleviates your troubles (7th House Moon, Moon trine Venus). Second, talking, reading, and writing are beneficial (7th House Moon trine Venus in the 3rd House). Engaging in intellectual activities, science, or even stargazing can also be relaxing (Moon trine Uranus).

You are actually very talented in writing, as you have a 3rd House stellium (Venus, Uranus, Jupiter=5th House Ruler=creativity in the 3rd House). Venus in its own sign (Libra) and Jupiter in this house show a significant talent and an easy path to popularity through your writing. Uranus often indicates genius. You also have a trine between a 10th House element and Mercury, which also confirms the possibility of popularity in this sphere. You asked about career specifically, so if you have a choice, try to write and get published. Or teach some courses; the 3rd House stands for that too. Additionally, you have Mercury in your 2nd House, so this can be money through writing or teaching (generally work with information) + 9th House-1st House connection. The problem is, it’s difficult for you to find a regular job, as you feel confined and pressured there and sabotage it (as I’ve mentioned above). So it’s probably better to work for yourself, especially with you being a torrent of light 🙂

You have very sharp analytical skills; you are attentive to details and see through people (Mercury in Virgo in conjunction with Pluto). You have very strong intuition. I guess your main values are your intelligence (2nd House Mercury), friends and freedom (Mercury is the 11th House ruler), family (Pluto is the 4th House ruler), and everything magical and transformative (Pluto). This is also a house of talents, so you are an intelligent, psychic writer

Continue reading “Free-spirited Torrent Of Light – Natal Chart Reading For Stephanie”

Astrology Reading for My Client (Psychic Abilities)

Dear D., you possess a very wide range of psychic abilities, in fact, and I understand that it creates an issue with clarifying your path. Well, let’s give it a try.

The first thing that strikes me is that you should work with subtle energy. This could be Reiki, but overall, any type of energy healing will suit you wonderfully, as well as yoga, tai-chi, and magic of any kind (preferably higher ceremonial magic or traditional witchcraft).

In favor are:
● Scorpio Rising endows you with a keen interest in the magical world, with magical abilities, and the talent for energy transformation and purification.
● Stellium in Aries – the influence of Mars/Aries is favorable for both warriors and healers. You naturally have a heightened level of energy and a better sense of it, which allows you to give energy to heal others. This is also supported by the Mars-Sun conjunction and the fact that both these planets are strong in Aries sign – you can heal, wield, and emanate tremendous energy. The important thing, however, is that you have your Rising’s second Ruler and the stellium (Mars) in the 4th house, as well as the stellium itself. Therefore, this energy work must be connected to the roots of the psyche, archetypes, or some specific tradition that nourishes your soul. Reiki requires working with the subconscious, psyche, and traumas; it also involves transformation and purification, so it is good for Scorpio Rising.

Reiki is also a path somewhat akin to higher magic, involving the refinement of the soul, pursuing high vibrational development, working with the archetypes of light and spiritual development. Over time, it will also require teaching others and initiating them into this energy – which connects to the fact that you have the North Node in the 9th house, as well as Jupiter in the 10th, which may point to the path of a spiritual teacher as a practical mission.

Chiron in the 6th house acts as a sacred wound that you should heal in order to become a healer yourself. It also indicates work specifically related to health/healing or, in general, an unusual job combining two paths at once.

As I said, it could be ceremonial magic or traditional witchcraft; it’s about connecting with higher forces, working with archetypes and rituals. On this path, you have to teach others (again) because this is your spiritual task, the course of your development – North Node in the 9th House. It is located in Leo as well, which points to using ritual and a certain theatrical drama while performing magic. The Node’s Ruler is in the sign of Aries in the 4th house, so again, we are dealing with energy and archetypes.

Witchcraft has a bit in common with higher magic, primarily through rituals and working with archetypes, but it is more intuitive, loose, and creative. Thanks to this, you can actually connect with your psyche’s roots, which is also advisable since you have a stellium in the 4th house. This can be combined with Reiki with ease.

Important: You have great clairvoyant abilities! People usually see auras when they heal with energy, but in your case, it is a huge gift, along with heightened empathy, which is indicated by:

  • Moon in conjunction with Neptune and sextile with Pluto,
  • Unaspected Mercury in the sign of Pisces – its weakest position (intuitive unusual thinking, based on impressions and intuition instead of logic),
  • Scorpio Rising and Uranus in the 1st house, which can also contribute to strong intuition. Uranus is also good for quantum healing (not only Reiki is possible; there are more variants to discover, as I have already mentioned), or for being a channel of the Absolute.
  • Divination and Tarot could be, but your target is clairvoyance.

Very important: In your life and path choice, you should listen to your intuition and heart, NOT analyze (NN in Leo, where Mercury falls, the sign that rules the heart. Mercury is weak by sign and unaspected). You are a person of feeling and action, not analysis. Therefore, astrology and numerology are unlikely to be for you. You can try it out of curiosity, but it is not the target path.

In summary, your predispositions are as follows:

  • Healing: Reiki, quantum, pranic, bioenergy.
  • Magic: Ceremonial/higher magic and traditional witchcraft, with ritual being important. Can also involve elemental practices, with your element potentially being fire.
  • Yoga (kundalini/tantra), Tai-Chi, energy work.
  • Clairvoyance, and divination.
  • Teaching others is a part of your path.
  • You can earn money with these skills; it is advisable for you (Moon and Neptune in the 2nd house).
  • On your path, follow your intuition and heart, not logic.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Norse magic, Poems about Gods and What I’m Planning to Share

Hi everyone,

I’m writing this inspired by my conversation with Judith in the comments section of my previous post. I noticed that there are some people interested in learning Runes and Northern mythology, who are reaching out to me, and perhaps it is a sign that the time has come to do something I’ve planned for so long already.

I’m going to compose some posts about the Elder Futhark, and possibly with time also about Younger Futhark and Anglo-Saxon Futhorc Runes. The latter ones are especially intriguing and tempting to me.

What I’m planning to do is to write separate posts dedicated to each Rune where I’ll share runic poems, classical modern interpretations, and results of my own meditations + my own experience of living through the Runes (by carrying them with me) and working with them. I’ll also probably include the practice of dreaming with the runes. I was subconsciously unwilling to try it out, but probably the time is right now. I’ll describe the results of this practice, provided I succeed. Anyway, now I have motivation for trying.

If you want to meditate or live through runes on your own, I advise performing this practice for 9 days for each Rune, similar to Odin’s sacrifice, or you may simply listen to your intuition; you’ll know when it’s enough for sure, especially if you work with other aspects of magic or divination. You’ll feel this inner ‘stop! enough.’ You may also live through the daily reading practice rune, pull a daily rune in the morning, and carry it with you all day. Notice the events that happen to you, people you meet, music that pops up on repeat, and other messages and how they correspond with the meaning of this rune, and note them down. It helps both in magical and divination practices.

I advise you to write the rune you will carry on paper or a piece of wood, but you may draw the rune on your skin as well. I wrote more about it here. I’d add that Wardruna’s music may help during meditations. Not only do they sing about runes, but their music is energetically charged, almost electrified. Sensitive people grasp it in an instant. I guess they do actually perform some kind of galdr (Norse song spells/magic).

I’d like to add that despite the fact that the Elder Futhark Runes are widely used for magic and readings today, it is worth remembering that the alphabet that was popular in the Viking Epoch is called Younger Futhark, and each of these alphabets was also used in day-to-day writing. By which I mean letters, notes, and messages on stones.

Moreover, I’m planning on writing about my own practice with Norse gods and archetypes, how I do it, and how I understand it, and write a poem to each of the most prominent gods and/or ones I work with, including their area of power, most-known myths, attributes, halls, and titles. I promised them this way of honoring them for a long time already, and I think that our conversation with Judith and the one I had with Laura (and her poem dedicated to Odin) are clear signs that I should finally do it.

And, of course, I’ll continue sharing with you my Runic Scripts and Bindrunes 🙂 I can’t imagine all this work without them 🙂

I’ll definitely write reviews for books about Norse mythology/traditions. I’ve already written about The Witegungseld Spá and Oracular Seiðr Manual by Swain Wodenung, and I believe I’ll eventually share my impressions from reading both Eddas, and more 🙂

I just want to remind you that despite having so many plans, ideas, and interests, I’m a bit slow with their realization. English is not my native language, so I put a lot of effort and time into proofreading and editing as quality is really important to me. Additionally, I’ve observed that I need to have some rest and inspiration for writing; otherwise, my posts start to sound robotic and morbid, and I begin to hate my writing, whereas it should actually bring me joy, not distress. I guess I’m not as prolific after all 😀

That said, please be patient with my posts, and I’ll make them informative and engaging.

Thank you very much for reading and take care 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Tarot Pictograms and Correspondences in Magic(k) for Sigil-making and Artistic Approach :)

Hi everyone 🙂

Mystery Monday is here, and it is a time to come back to the divination topics 🙂

I hope this post will be simple and concise, despite the fact I usually enjoy writing longer ones 😀

This post was inspired by our discussion with Judith on her blog 🙂 She proposed a very interesting, creative, psychological, and deep practices of working with Tarot (Tarot Dreamscapes in this case). Check it out if you are interested in this topic 🙂

It is true that when we discover the possibility of magic or spiritual work related to Tarot, we usually start with the physical use of the palpable paper cards. We carry them in our pockets (as simple as it sounds, it actually has powerful effects), put them under the pillow, attach them to candles, or sprinkle with water… Some spells even require burning the cards, or planting them somewhere, or sending them with the wind.

And of course, it leads a point, when we realize, that it’s a terrible waste. Some of us print cards for this purpose; I personally was initially inspired by the sigils and started to create sigils for each Arcana, but it was long and tiresome work, to be honest. Thankfully, I’m not as inspired by Chaos magic(k) to destroy these signs each time I use them, but still.

Soon enough, I realized that if I came up with this idea, someone else should have done it too, and searched the internet with “Tarot Gliphs”, “Tarot Sigils”, “Tarot Pictograms”…. and I found many variants of that.

Like this one, for instance (found it on Pinterest). It’s the easiest and the most intuitive one, I suppose. You can not only visualize them as seeds, but also draw this symbols on fruit pits and plant them – literally. Or draw it on your skin before falling asleep instead of putting a paper card under your pillow:

Or we can try using the correspondences from this table:

From janeadamsart.wordpress.com

I saw a similar table in some works on hermetic/high magic(k) Golden Dawn related books, and I personally have it stored from D. Kraig’s book, but in my native language. Of course, some of these correspondences from the second table may sound weird. My version of the table also features colors, plants, and smells attached to the Major Arcana (which helps me in my meditation rituals).

Continue reading “Tarot Pictograms and Correspondences in Magic(k) for Sigil-making and Artistic Approach :)”

Runic Script for Better Mood (Calming Down and Healing Over-Sensitivity)

Hi, everyone!

I made this runic script (Elder Futhark Runes only ;)), because I’ve been feeling worse lately, full of self-doubt, oversensitive about everything, and have less energy. Mostly, I’m just worried and whiny. So I came up with this script to heal my aching nerves and to get out of this unhappy state.

I resolved to share it with you in case any of you also want to use it. You can find my instructions on how to make and activate the script here if you’d like to have the same for yourself (though an individual approach always works better) 🙂

I should add that usually, I make Bindrunes; I enjoy seeing how the separate elements are entwining and merging into a whole new energetic graphic pattern 🙂 But for these runes, I tried several combinations which left me dissatisfied. So I decided to continue with the script 🙂

By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

As a base for it, I intuitively picked a stone, a common type of stone I found in my garden (fertile soil), so that this well-lit, joyful birch wood could grow and thrive in the earth that will nourish it. I used acrylic paints to trace the Runes; my hand is a bit shaky though 😀

I used the following Runes to compose my formula. This description is for myself and for any of you who work with The Elder Futhark and could be interested in my choice 🙂

  1. ᛞ dagaz. It’s a light of the day and the bringer of joy. This rune is widely seen as transforming and purifying, which suits me perfectly, as I suspect I should cleanse myself energetically anyway. In the runic poem, this Rune is mentioned as a source of joy for everyone. The daylight could stand for certainty and clarity as it banishes the darkness, which here could be represented by worse mood, doubts, and fears.

    I considered using Σ Sowilo for a moment as well, but it embodies a much stronger joyful energy, which could sway me into a way too intense state of elation (please, not hypomania, please). Additionally, this Rune possesses strong fiery energy, and it would be followed by Berkanan or a ‘birch,’ which is a tree. My imagination instantly showed me the combination of all three runes of the script enticing a nice forest fire, no doubt, very happy and joyful (Wunjo). Metaphorically speaking, of course. Mmm, seriously, I doubted that I want it. So I settled with Dagaz 🙂
  2. ᛒ berkanan. The healing rune. Gently replenishes energy and positively affects our regeneration abilities. Especially beneficial for women’s health, and I saw instances mentioned when it was used as additional (!) help in hormonal treatment.

    Initially, I also considered using ᚢ Uruz – another rune of health and stability, which always gives me such grounded self-assurance when carried. However, another meaning of this Rune is rain/wetness. Used in combination with any “source of light” Rune, it will “extinguish” it. Quite obviously, I associate rain with tears, probably not the best subconscious link when we feel down. And yep – intuition also shouted ‘Berkanan!’, so I agreed 🙂
  3. ᚹ wunjō. It is a “happy End” Rune, literally according to Runic Poems, goes as:

    Bliss he enjoys who knows not suffering, sorrow nor anxiety,
    and has prosperity and happiness and a good enough house.’

    A nice touch to add at the end of the mood-improving script 🙂
By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

Divination check: must be fine, calm and fruitful, I could find consolation in my family, though Isaz could lead to a certain stagnation and slower development of plans, still the rest of the Runes are nice!

I will carry this stone with me, in my pocket perhaps. I’ll let you know how it will work with me 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Tarot: My Path, Decks, and Practice (Introductory)

Hi again 🙂

Now, as I promised to share my divination reflections and experience with you on Mondays, I’ve decided to make the introductory post on Tarot and everything connected to it. This is for you to get to know each other better and share some facts about MarvellousNightmare being a Tarot reader 😉

First of all, I’ve had a long interest in Tarot and magic in general, but started actively performing readings for others since 2010. Initially, I did this for people I knew, then there was an epoch of free consulting via the internet (remember the time of forums?), later I tried to establish my own reading business practice. Now, I treat it as my passion.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

Even though my great-grandmother did classic card readings for people, and my mom performed something of this kind for her friends, no one really cared to teach me. I’m sincerely marveled when I learn that some people are led by hand by their parents or teachers, but I’ve learned it all myself from books (my favorite author, whom I also consider to be my teacher, is Hajo Banzhaf), forums (it was really very evolving to watch how very experienced people perform these readings, learning their unique tips and methods they developed for years, I picked a lot from them, they all are also my teachers), and of course, through very intensive practice. Because only practice shapes our unique path and practice. And each and every Reader has their own way and methods of work; there is no Universal one.

That is due to the fact that every act of divination is our own, peculiar, and unique way we create so we can talk with the Absolute. It’s about how we, personally, tune it. There are no identical ways of feeling things, no identical styles of writing or drawing, and no identical ways of reading. We can learn basics, but through practice, we shape it according to how it would work better for us. The most important thing is to feel comfortable and that it works for us and our clients.

Continue reading “Tarot: My Path, Decks, and Practice (Introductory)”

Career Tarot Reading for Mrs. Claire Gutknecht

As I promised 😉 Sure thing, I’m just writing down what this gorgeous furry Tarot-reader has to say 🙂 She generously allowed me to take photos of the spreads as well, but only after hiding her delicate paws. ‘Need new manicure,’ she hissed indignantly while walking away towards the kitchen.
She used Mythic Tarot deck for this reading, she also used two spreads to make situation more clear:

1st spread: which type of job is the best for you:

By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
  1. What kind of job do you like to perform? Giving advice, fixing things—especially noticing small and valuable details (page of coins). You can meticulously go through something unpleasant, a source of negative emotions, again and again (8 of cups), until making it all perfect (The Magician). The Magician emphasizes intellectual work, which could be in IT, data, writing, advising, or text editing. It may also include professions like lawyer, doctor, or psychotherapist, provided you have proper education. The sum of these positions is 9 or The Hermit, once again emphasizing your intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom.
  2. Your career-related talents: You are a good helper (6 of coins) and a very diligent worker (8 of coins). You can approach problems in very practical ways. Once again, your remarkable talent for critical thinking and decision-making means you will do what needs to be done even if it’s tough (3 of swords). The sum of this position is 17, or The Star, which means you have impressive imagination and creativity and a talent for planning even quite distant events. In other words, you have vision. Judging by position 4, you actually feel better when working in a creative environment or, once again, helping people, fixing issues, and making things right. At this point, I would suggest either a creative IT field or maybe being any kind of psychological advisor. Copywriting is also possible, even as a meditation coach (7th position). The main point is that even though it could be creative, it should be very intellectual, detail-oriented, problem-solving, and more like a one-to-one kind of profession. Both The Priestess in the position of emotional comfort and The Hermit suggest that it could be difficult for you to work with a crowd.
  3. Your money-earning capacity: I think you would rather work because you want the everyday challenges and competitions to motivate you (5 of wands), to make you feel better emotionally (Queen of Cups). The 10 of wands suggests that you are looking for a job more out of necessity, or tiredness with things that surround you, than because of a wish to make great money. The sum of this position is 15, or The Devil, actually a very good card for material success, provided you are in the right job, but once again, you may subconsciously perceive it as something restricting you.
  4. Which type of job is comfortable for you psychologically: As I have already said, a creative, intellectual job where you can use your imagination, creative skills, empathy, and ability to make things right, to justly solve problems. As I wrote before, advisor, teacher, psychotherapist, or maybe something spiritual, especially considering the appearance of the Magician, The Hanged Man and The Priestess in this spread?
  5. The routine work (on contract) you are good at: once again, an intellectual, detail-oriented job 🙂 I can repeat it endlessly because it all shows the same 😀
  6. Which skills do you possess: family-related, diligent working (10 of coins), and soft/negotiation skills (The Temperance + 9 of cups, I was also guided by images of those cards; you can see one figure standing as if reconciling the other two).
  7. The ideal career path: I’d say meditation coach – once again observation, calmness, looking inward, meditation (2 of wands + The Hanged Man), intelligence, consciousness (King of Swords) or psychotherapist. If your education doesn’t suit it, it can be once again the IT field, writing, or editing.
  8. A piece of advice: don’t be afraid to embark on this journey, start taking small steps even now (6 of swords). Most importantly, believe in yourself; you have very impressive potential and are a very strong person (The Strength), and nothing should change this attitude – you are worthy (4 of coins). The sum of this position is 18, or The Moon – trust your inner voice and your psychological needs in this decision.

2nd spread: slightly modified Celtic Cross for three month:

By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
Continue reading “Career Tarot Reading for Mrs. Claire Gutknecht”

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