🕯️Call of Destiny: Omens And Dreams (Part Three) 〰  Fantasy Story by MarvellousNightmare 〰 Aridia Cycle📜

Part One
Part Two

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination.

The heavy, inky storm clouds sprawled across the sky swiftly. There was no glimpse of rain, though the thunder rumbled on and on, promising, menacing… The stuffy air was electrified with foreboding suspense; the stillness was dense and unbearable… Until a sudden cluster of lightning shattered the sky to pieces and set the sparse rock woods ablaze. The mountains trembled in an instant, swaying, bursting, and crying in stonefalls. Their gray shapes surrounded Agenit, threatening to crumble, fall, and bury him alive.

The valleys below were damp and crimson with blood; heaps of corpses could be spotted everywhere. The moans and prayers of the dying people filled the air, imploring, cursing – nonetheless, their pleas hung unanswered.

It reminded the priest so vividly of what he had read about The World’s End Prophecy, it was uncanny. Now the Moons should fall on the earth and burst into pieces, ruining the cities, seaports, temples—all they built in their blind pride. And the Deities would step down to earth, walking among mortals, cleansing the planet of sinners and rewarding the worthy ones… Did he even believe in this nonsense from the sacred scrolls? There was no time for rumination, though.

Agenit looked everywhere, desperately searching, calling for someone, yet never finding even the slightest resemblance… His head was swirling from tension, his fists clenched, until finally he gasped in recognition. She is alive! Alive!

In this crazy, terrifying madness, when death seemed to rule the world, dead, blank eyes staring at him from every point and angle, and devastation absorbing everything around, he cared for no one but her. It was her he could never lose.

Half-blood she was, or some other kind of elven descendant. Anyone could instantly guess this just by looking at the woman’s luminous, deep, almost transparent eyes, with an electric quality in them. So humane, affectionate, and at the same time so bizarrely inhuman, they were almost the exact reflection of the sky’s insanity above them.

The sorceress stood upright, raising her hands to the sky. Her inner palms, covered with intricate tattoo patterns, shimmered mysteriously with tiny blue and silver sparks; she was evidently weaving a spell.

The woman remained on the cliff’s edge, shaking, almost embraced and destroyed by the imminent danger. She was just one tiny step away from it. Agenit’s heart scorched with pain at this sight. He knew that the impact of the spell could kill her at that moment; the air was electrified, overcharged with the storm and the energy left from the battle magic that filled the space not so long ago. The sorceress knew it too. Why did she wish to sacrifice herself like this? For what?

The man wanted to catch her in an instant, to press her tightly to his chest and never let go. He had never been the romantic type, really. He would laugh at the mere suggestion. Though, right now… He couldn’t help it.

Agenit ran to her, calling, cursing, stumbling, trying to reach his beloved so desperately… Embers from the forest fire were falling on his head, and stones almost hit him several times – just a few scratches. Still, he’d give his life to save her, to stop her from enchanting this murderous spell… The signs on her palms lit up brightly. Feeling his presence, the woman turned, looking him straight in the eye, as Agenit squeezed her at last…

The unfinished spell burst, creating multiple energy currents, igniting the air around them. The power wave threw their bodies away, smashing them against the rocks, and stones fell like rain, covering them and saving them partly from the destructive, poisonous impact. In other circumstances, it would have killed and buried their bodies, but the priest created an energy shield the moment he caught the woman.

It was almost quiet now. His beloved lay in his arms, so delicate, unmoving, so cold to the touch… Was the blow too powerful for her anyway? Or was she doomed the moment she started weaving her enchantment? He pulled her even closer in dismay, unwilling, refusing to let her die…

The man continued embracing his beloved in silence, shocked and confused, until he discerned a slight movement of her head. Agenit lit up in an instant, full of hope, however it was only a silent whisper, ‘It’s the end…’ Her voice was like the rustle of tree leaves gently touched by the wind, like the soothing song of the sea tide… Or was it all an illusion, these words? Her eyes were shut tightly, no breath was heard or felt, even though he tried desperately to catch it, and only tiny currents of blood from her temple were leaving wet stains on his hands and clothes…

‘You overslept,’ Torret reproached him dryly, shaking him energetically by the shoulder. ‘Wake up, you were chosen to be part of the embassy to Delvii during the sacred gathering an hour ago. In the name of Rogterr, I’d never give you such a responsibility! I wouldn’t trust you even with washing dishes after supper. They are crazy! Crazy! And they rely too much on astrology!’

Agenit cursed silently and opened his eyes. His dreams, foreboding and disquieting, still had a grip on him. The mesmerizing eyes of that unknown sorceress, the coldness of her skin… The man shook his head, trying to get rid of these confusing feelings while his neighbor continued his unending, maddening preaching.

Torret gestured dramatically, carried by irritation, then looked back and stopped abruptly. ‘A bad sign,’ he nodded towards the sacred lamp. ‘For fire’s sake, you can’t take care of one simple thing! Every neophyte can do it! And they chose you as the embassy member! Idiots!’

Agenit silently agreed with his friend. Maybe this is a sign that the time has come? His sacred fire went out, anyway. He’d go to the mages’ guild this evening; they must accept him. There was no time to wait. The man caught a tiny movement from the corner of his eye and turned swiftly to look at the window.

A black, four-winged bird sat on the windowsill, observing him triumphantly, with uncovered malice. As soon as it noticed the man’s attention, the creature shrieked sharply, eerily, declaring the disaster.

Agenit shuddered with unease.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

Free-spirited Torrent Of Light – Natal Chart Reading For Stephanie

Natal Chart Reading for Stephanie 🙂

Gorgeous, powerful royal energy! The Rising sign in Leo gives a bright, brave, and charismatic personality, beautiful facial features, and a wonderful, thick mane of hair. It often brings strong artistic, especially acting, inclinations and a tendency to be the center of attention. Its ruler (Chart Ruler) is the Sun, which is in the 1st House and in Leo, emphasizing everything I said tenfold. You have a very strong character and leadership skills. I read in your blog about a beam of light, but I’d call you a dazzling torrent of golden light, which is strongly attractive and magnificent; you may lead people just like that. Your Sun conjuncts 1H Leo Mars, adding strength and energy to your personality. I believe you are very dynamic, enjoy motion a lot, and sometimes are very nervous and impulsive (especially with the Mars-Moon opposition in your horoscope). You are quick and energetic. You hate when the weak are offended and are like a guardian of justice. You also like to be appreciated and praised in your work or activities. A round of applause may be better than money; anyway, you value yourself highly.

Actually, and it is important, most of your planets are on the left side of your chart, which makes you an individualist and a very independent person. Consciously, you are very focused on this, thinking and acting accordingly. However, subconsciously, you feel an urge to open up to others’ needs as well (with the Moon and Neptune, as emotional planets, on the right half of the chart, although the Moon trines Uranus, indicating you still value your freedom). This opposition between your individuality and complying with others or stepping out of the boundaries of your ego is very important, as it is part of your spiritual mission.

You are a very empathetic person, understand me right (Neptune in the 4th House, water sign, 7th House Moon trine Venus, Sun square Neptune), but you are usually very stubborn and unbound when something touches you personally.

Your North Node is in the 7th House, and your spiritual task is all about cooperation and being able to work together, to live together, and to overcome this individualism. Additionally, the North Node is in Pisces, which means relinquishing your ego, mundane reality, and opening up to the transcendental, to the Absolute, walking the path of mysticism. When we talk about Pisces, we often mean faith, altruism, and sacrifice. I read your post; it’s for you to decide their place in your life, but this is important as a part of your self-development and your spiritual mission. Roots, home, and the subconscious are also very important notions for you (the North Node Ruler is in the 4th House). I feel that you can find spiritual and transcendental powers in love and partnership (the 12th House Ruler in the 7th House), especially since it is where you feel comfortable emotionally and where you open up (the Moon in the 7th House).

Coming back to spirituality, it is a natural part of your self-expression (Ruler of the 9th House in the 1st). It should actually be a very active, expansive element in you (Aries, Mars, Leo). You can pull others into spirituality with you, and the same goes for philosophy and mindset in general—you vibe it so strongly! If you travel, you do so actively and with utmost passion—it’s a part of you. You are a natural teacher, and you can teach by your very presence (9th House Ruler in the 1st), which is so cool! What interests me is the fact that you were led to philosophy and spirituality because of some kind of sacred wound (Chiron) and that you can simultaneously hold two belief systems (or more). It’s a good path for you anyway 🙂

You are prone to illusions (Sun square Neptune) and depressions (Sun square Saturn). Quite often, you sabotage both your spiritual mission and career (as Neptune is the Ruler of the North Node, and Saturn is the Ruler of the 6th House of work, and is in the 10th House of career). There could be some restrictions on your way to success. I think your emotionality can often be shaky, with impulsive outbursts and spontaneous, strange reactions being normal for you. However, you have a magnificent vent. First of all, being in love and together with somebody alleviates your troubles (7th House Moon, Moon trine Venus). Second, talking, reading, and writing are beneficial (7th House Moon trine Venus in the 3rd House). Engaging in intellectual activities, science, or even stargazing can also be relaxing (Moon trine Uranus).

You are actually very talented in writing, as you have a 3rd House stellium (Venus, Uranus, Jupiter=5th House Ruler=creativity in the 3rd House). Venus in its own sign (Libra) and Jupiter in this house show a significant talent and an easy path to popularity through your writing. Uranus often indicates genius. You also have a trine between a 10th House element and Mercury, which also confirms the possibility of popularity in this sphere. You asked about career specifically, so if you have a choice, try to write and get published. Or teach some courses; the 3rd House stands for that too. Additionally, you have Mercury in your 2nd House, so this can be money through writing or teaching (generally work with information) + 9th House-1st House connection. The problem is, it’s difficult for you to find a regular job, as you feel confined and pressured there and sabotage it (as I’ve mentioned above). So it’s probably better to work for yourself, especially with you being a torrent of light 🙂

You have very sharp analytical skills; you are attentive to details and see through people (Mercury in Virgo in conjunction with Pluto). You have very strong intuition. I guess your main values are your intelligence (2nd House Mercury), friends and freedom (Mercury is the 11th House ruler), family (Pluto is the 4th House ruler), and everything magical and transformative (Pluto). This is also a house of talents, so you are an intelligent, psychic writer

Continue reading “Free-spirited Torrent Of Light – Natal Chart Reading For Stephanie”

Nature Photos by MarvellousNightmare – Once Again! My Walks, Flowers, Moon, Golden Field, and Snails :D

The snail gave its full consent for this picture! 🙂

What kind of flower is that? Does anybody know?

They produce oil from the plants covering this golden field 😀

Delicate Moon apparition:

Sun is shining on me through the branches:

They either hold candles or don’t like me, I have no idea which one is right 😀

After the rain 🙂

Thank you for sharing this walk with me 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Misty Stroll

The mist engulfed and fully drowned my mind,
Sheltered me tight from memories and sounds,
Pinned drops upon my hair to shine bright,
My eyes luminescent, reflecting stormy clouds.

The mist has filled my head with fuzzy thoughts,
Merged into muffled piles of tangled words.
What is my poetry but clash of rusty swords?
Dissatisfied, I’m stuck, I feel remorse.

Drowned in longing, soft and gray despair,
Sentenced to swim in humid, heavy air,
Struggling with questions, looming everywhere,
Well, am I worthy? How could I stop caring?

At times, I feel I’m nothing but a failure.
Not fit for this material existence,
Where one must be a quick decisive leader.
But in imaginative, misty distance,
Perhaps there is a place for such as me.

The fog engulfed and fully drowned my mind.
The water drops are dancing in my hair,
As if I bathed in the primeval sea of light,
And plunged into its dusky depths prepared

Of finding jewels of the highest truth,
Scattered in the quietest seabed,
Mingled with the dark, cloudy sand.
I wake up from this fantasy, I move…

The trees became the castles and old bridges,
The music plays as always, storm and chaos.
I wish it rained at once.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Runic Script for Better Mood (Calming Down and Healing Over-Sensitivity)

Hi, everyone!

I made this runic script (Elder Futhark Runes only ;)), because I’ve been feeling worse lately, full of self-doubt, oversensitive about everything, and have less energy. Mostly, I’m just worried and whiny. So I came up with this script to heal my aching nerves and to get out of this unhappy state.

I resolved to share it with you in case any of you also want to use it. You can find my instructions on how to make and activate the script here if you’d like to have the same for yourself (though an individual approach always works better) 🙂

I should add that usually, I make Bindrunes; I enjoy seeing how the separate elements are entwining and merging into a whole new energetic graphic pattern 🙂 But for these runes, I tried several combinations which left me dissatisfied. So I decided to continue with the script 🙂

By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

As a base for it, I intuitively picked a stone, a common type of stone I found in my garden (fertile soil), so that this well-lit, joyful birch wood could grow and thrive in the earth that will nourish it. I used acrylic paints to trace the Runes; my hand is a bit shaky though 😀

I used the following Runes to compose my formula. This description is for myself and for any of you who work with The Elder Futhark and could be interested in my choice 🙂

  1. ᛞ dagaz. It’s a light of the day and the bringer of joy. This rune is widely seen as transforming and purifying, which suits me perfectly, as I suspect I should cleanse myself energetically anyway. In the runic poem, this Rune is mentioned as a source of joy for everyone. The daylight could stand for certainty and clarity as it banishes the darkness, which here could be represented by worse mood, doubts, and fears.

    I considered using Σ Sowilo for a moment as well, but it embodies a much stronger joyful energy, which could sway me into a way too intense state of elation (please, not hypomania, please). Additionally, this Rune possesses strong fiery energy, and it would be followed by Berkanan or a ‘birch,’ which is a tree. My imagination instantly showed me the combination of all three runes of the script enticing a nice forest fire, no doubt, very happy and joyful (Wunjo). Metaphorically speaking, of course. Mmm, seriously, I doubted that I want it. So I settled with Dagaz 🙂
  2. ᛒ berkanan. The healing rune. Gently replenishes energy and positively affects our regeneration abilities. Especially beneficial for women’s health, and I saw instances mentioned when it was used as additional (!) help in hormonal treatment.

    Initially, I also considered using ᚢ Uruz – another rune of health and stability, which always gives me such grounded self-assurance when carried. However, another meaning of this Rune is rain/wetness. Used in combination with any “source of light” Rune, it will “extinguish” it. Quite obviously, I associate rain with tears, probably not the best subconscious link when we feel down. And yep – intuition also shouted ‘Berkanan!’, so I agreed 🙂
  3. ᚹ wunjō. It is a “happy End” Rune, literally according to Runic Poems, goes as:

    Bliss he enjoys who knows not suffering, sorrow nor anxiety,
    and has prosperity and happiness and a good enough house.’

    A nice touch to add at the end of the mood-improving script 🙂
By MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

Divination check: must be fine, calm and fruitful, I could find consolation in my family, though Isaz could lead to a certain stagnation and slower development of plans, still the rest of the Runes are nice!

I will carry this stone with me, in my pocket perhaps. I’ll let you know how it will work with me 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Embers and Ashes – Poem for Daily Prompt about Risk-taking

Daily writing prompt
When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?

My blood is full of fireworks,
Bright, shimmering, delightful,
They can go wild and frightful.
I’m taking off, I fly, I soar!

Now it’s champagne that’s blazing in my veins,
Drunken with risk, I’ve lost hold of the reigns…
Torrents of fire are engulfing me again,
Intensive heat is muffling my brain,
Shutting down the soothing whisper
Of reason.

I’m obsessed with, I’m addicted to searing surges of adrenaline.
Impulsively, in blasts of lightning, I’m crossing all the lines,
Half-knowing, unheard, but fighting deep inside,
Hardly aware, but in the end I’ll lose and die,
Ravenous flames turning my life to ashes –
No more.

PS: yes, I’m crazy about images of fire, give me more 😀

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Nervousness – Another Pencil Drawing by MarvellousNightmare

Daily writing prompt
What makes you nervous?

Hi everyone 🙂

As in the title, I continue to treat daily prompts as a tool for self-development.

The model is from The Sims 3 (I still need to practice drawing people a lot), and the rest is from my imagination. I feel that drawing was a very therapeutic thing to do, as I needed a vent today. So thank you daily prompt!

As for myself, I’m often nervous because of people, job interviews, YouTube, and animal treatment in certain corners of the world, as well as being judged. I’m anxious because of the lack of perfection in myself, in the world around me, and in the things I do. Sometimes my inner critic is simply enormous.

I’m often worried about the well-being of my husband. I’m afraid of crowds because I was often mistreated by some groups and gatherings in the past.

But as life goes on, I’m learning to calm down and enjoy the small things 🙂

Thank you for reading this post, have a nice day and take care 🙂

© Drawing by MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Imperfection (Poem for Daily Writing Prompt)

Daily writing prompt
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

My constant fear of cold, imminent rejection
Electrocuting, thorny, poignant tension
That I suppress, cover, forget and hide
Until the moment this will tower up inside.
Self-conscious of each action, what I say,
I wish I learned to cope, to get away.
‘Relax, accept’ is never enough for me
Lack of spontaneity; I guess I’ll never be free
From paralyzing razor-sharp captivity.
I’m stuck, because I’m never enough
‘Breath in’, ‘acknowledge my childish half’…
But still, I’m so afraid to disappoint you.
Please don’t be angry, give me just a few
Seconds more, I will correct all that I made.
And yet, I’ve done another mistake, too late.
‘By mindful’ – I’m trying, but it’s so hard to breathe,
Sometimes, it’s even harder to forgive myself.
‘Breathe in, be mindful, relax, find peace,

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Unsafe Place: A Fictional Short Story Written For This Prompt

Daily writing prompt
What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why?

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination

‘So, tell me, what brought you here?’ the flat owner inquired with a certain shade of irony, the corners of his lips almost unnoticeably risen. Emily observed her boots shyly, embarrassed by her decision to come here. She had no choice though; she had looked for this book in all the shops and libraries but found nothing. She searched the internet and found only quotes and excerpts.

Patricia, her friend, mentioned that this guy was a rare book collector, and he had literally everything here, starting from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, ending with unpublished stories by A. Blackwood or even A. Hitler, if you chose. The collector’s name was Vincent, and he didn’t believe in censorship, so it was no surprise to see Justine by de Sade lying on his desk next to Mircea Eliade’s anthology, battered from frequent reading.

‘Not bad,’ thought the girl, appraising the flat from the corner of her eye. What surprised her even more were the large bookcases carved out of mahogany wood, neighboring with an impressive wine collection. Patricia told her that Vincent also specialized in martial arts, but as of now, Emily saw no visible signs of this: no cups, no belts, no diplomas. She wondered for a moment what relationship connected her friend and this seemingly eccentric man. He was quite attractive, though.

‘Doesn’t matter, I’m here for the book,’ she finally raised her head and met his inquiring gaze. ‘To be honest, I need a book for my thesis, namely Initiation and Its Forms in Life and Magic by S. I. Capelli,’ she declared loudly, unable to modulate her voice due to nervousness. ‘Sure, I have it. Sit down for a moment, would you?’ the man waved towards the black sofa squeezed in the corner between the wall and one of the bookcases. There was a picture hanging above, portraying a crowd of young women picking grapes among ancient columns. Emily sat down with slight awkwardness, breathing in deeply the vague smell of mahogany and oil paints.

Continue reading “Unsafe Place: A Fictional Short Story Written For This Prompt”

Me in 10 Years – Astrology Reading

Daily writing prompt
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I decided to conduct an astrology reading for this prompt. The techniques I used are Solar Return (2034-2035), and Secondary Progression, which are the most popular and commonly used ones in such readings 🙂 I should probably add that, honestly speaking, I hate performing such kind of analyses for myself because I become biased. But I really want to accentuate one of the main topics of my blog 🙂

Let’s go:

The first thing I noticed, is the fact that this will be a year of a certain success because Jupiter (progression) and Saturn (Solar Return) are in the 10th house (success). In both cases, the planet that happens to be in the 10th House is the Ruler of IC, which means that this success won’t be purely materialistic. Instead, it’s more likely that my inner, most cherished emotionally dreams will come true.

Could it mean that I will be published? It actually could, for I notice that transiting Jupiter is in the 5th House (creativity), progressed Venus is strong, in her own sign, and in exact conjunction with my natal Mercury (beautiful, creative writing). The Solar Ascendant is in Libra, another sign ruled by Venus, the planet of creativity. There are plenty of quintiles which are a so-called creative aspects. Progressive MC is in Virgo (ruled by Mercury=writing), in a decan ruled by Venus (again). Air signs are heavily accentuated in this Solar Return, and plenty of water element in progression, which is also a good sign for creativity.

What else? A favorable year for metaphysical and occult development and fulfillment. It will be also an excellent time for the deep emotional and spiritual transformation, as there are great number of Pluto aspects, a stellium in the 8th&9th House of Solar Return, and even the horoscope Ruler is in these Houses.

Another intriguing detail is overall emphasis on the roots of emotions and changes connected to this (Cancer Moon, Moon, Jupiter and Pluto in the 4th House, double Moon-IC conjunction in Solar Return). Could it be full remission? Such a nice Venus in the 6th House (health) can also confirm getting cured.

Apart from the emotional and occult world, this indicates great devotion toward family, being deeply involved in the life of the close ones, being a good wife (also stellium in the 7th House) and possibly a mom (Jupiter in the 5 House denotes not only popularity in creative activities, but finding joy and giving support to your children, for they are also the act of creation). There will be also major changes in my family life or house-related matters (Moon and Pluto signify change). I’m not sure, though, if it’s an addition to family, or just moving to a bigger House (Jupiter).

I often heard that this is the year when I should be very careful about my life (high risk of death). As I see from Solar Return, Progression and transits, there can be something challenging going on (but interestingly, not in terms of heath). This can be deduced from the emphasis on the 8th House (which also signifies death) and the transiting Pluto squaring my natal Sun, but I believe that it’s just an advice from the planets to be careful. It is not a fate, but the matter of choice.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

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