“Tropic of Cancer” by Henry Miller and my reflections

Sometimes it just happens that the author is highly recommended by people or the pages you trust, and these praises are even comparing this author to one of your favorites. “Sounds nice!” and with great interest and overwhelming wish to dive into the maybe not beautiful, but definitely thrilling world… But what you get is actually the liquid garbage smeared all over your vision of reality – just my honest opinion.
The main character (the book is autobiographical) is sociopathic. He sits in France, doesn’t earn much, he uses women (likes to call them with vulgar expressions) – married, unmarried, ones in serious trouble or distress. He steals money, betrays his friends and manipulates them in their life decisions, and despite the fact that sometimes he describes his friends and acquaintances as much worse people than him, they are not. They have empathy.

Actually by reading about the main character and his thoughts and feelings I understood that I have a lot of empathy in my heart, and ethical code as well. It was also interesting to analyze myself why and how it happens that I despise the main character so much? Is it me?

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