🕯️Call of Destiny: Omens And Dreams (Part Two) 〰 Fantasy Story by MarvellousNightmare 〰 Aridia Cycleđź“ś

Part One
Part Three

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination.

He observed the room again. So silent it was. His neighbor Torret, pious, honest, and well-versed man, was still absent. He would make a great high priest one day, at least Agenit would vote for him. No one can be more genuine, knowledgeable, or honorable than Torret. Definitely not him—man chuckled silently.

He took the last peek through the window, observing the chanting, swaying crowd, running kids, stumbling, laughing, crying, a somber procession moving towards the earth temple—someone’s funeral, no doubt… The distant sea waters were shimmering cold and bright, resembling a wide silver bracelet, thrown loosely at the place where the sands meet the horizon, reflecting the blinding sunrays…

A black feather slowly swirled down, as if falling from the clear, sizzling skies—straight from nowhere. Agenit blinked and headed towards his bed, falling down on the cool sheets.

His sacred lamp, composed of three divine metals, was burning steadily, placed on the bedside table among the paper rolls. They were taught that these metals represented the three kinds of fire: iron was an earthy fire, gold—a festive flame or sunray, and tin stood for a spiritual blaze. He should have cleared some space for his lamp, sure, put rolls in order, but a heavy laziness started to overcome him.

The lamp’s fire should never be put away. It was a representation of his vocation as a priest; it was a living, acting, undisturbed prayer to the Rogterr, which secured his guidance and protection. It would be extinguished only at the moment of his death… Or if he left the temple, which meant the same. The fire suddenly rose and jumped upwards.

The man laughed shortly to himself. You see? He is not made for being a priest, the divine Father knows it perfectly, sees him through in his highest wisdom.

Sure, Agenit was born under the sign of a warrior, in the month of high fires, conceived in chaos. On the day of his birth, all three Moons were aligned, forming the resemblance of a crown. Which happened quite rarely, actually. Because of this, the members of the fire order believed him to become their leader, a High Priest, and with time rule over Aridia, as part of a sacred council represented by high priests of all four elemental deities.

In truth, he was quite gifted, but had a completely wrong personality for becoming a priest—too exuberant, too brave, too independent. He wanted to fight in battles, build his own home, probably have a wife one day, if she won’t interfere much. Adventures! This word made his heart beat faster.

He’d travel this world all over. He would see all lands and their curiosities. He would never rest until his inner fire would be extinguished and his body would be but an empty cocoon, incinerated to ashes.

The fragrance of flowers in bloom, heavy and oppressing in such weather, made his head go round. Agenit loved the heat but was too dizzy already to adjust his body to it, so it started to overwhelm him. He’d go to the seashore and swim as far as he could see in the warm, clear waters. Later, he would dive deep and lie still in the depths, watching the sun mysteriously glow through the water layers, its light interrupted only by the motley schools of small fish. Ah, the refreshing coolness of sea waves. The man stretched out in his bed, dreaming.

There was another issue with this hypothetical “crown and might” notion—he was lowborn. No, his mother was a revered wise woman, and in normal circumstances, he would be respected as well, as her child, even though never taught or admitted to magic. But Agenit was a child of the war, a bastard, knowing nothing of his father, except that he was a Delvian soldier, who raped his mother. Delvian…

They called him that all his life. His very reflection told him so every morning. He inherited these sharp face features and black hair from his father, and wore it as a branded sign of shame. Not once did he wish that someone would break his nose in a fight. Shaving his head bald was another option. As a child, he often imagined dyeing his hair in the sun rays, so they lost their color; some women did that. But with time, Agenit learned to accept what he was.

Nonetheless, can you imagine a person looking like him entering the council? Walking apparition of their worst overseas enemy?

He bit his lip, still watching the dancing, restless movement of the flame. The music fell silent. Now he heard only the occasional bursts of laughter from the street, just under his window. “Neophytes having a break,” crossed his mind.

He often thought of joining the mages guild. They’ll accept him for sure with his talent and expertise. Then he’ll be under their protection and can quit the priesthood without the risk of being killed. They also had fewer oaths and rules, except for sticking for each other and taking part in increasing the overall magical knowledge. Moreover, the mages… They are way freer in their ways. He planned to join them for a long time already, he just waited for the right moment to do that… But this moment never actually came… Even now, he is putting off the final decision.

The movements of fire entranced him, lulling his mind, together with the insistent chirping and young voices coming out from the quarter’s garden. He closed his eyes, just for a moment, for a couple of minutes; he had some time before the next ceremony… Just for a minute, so that he could consider this change with a fresher mind. Maybe it’s time…

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

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False Memories (Part 2)

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination

And all of a sudden, the alarm went off. I was so astonished I sat up straight in an instant, looking around with incredulity: I was home! Could it all have been just a vivid nightmare then? Somehow, I seriously doubted that. I didn’t remember going to sleep; quite the opposite, I could perfectly recall every bitter detail of yesterday’s quarrel. I sneezed – exactly. I also had no doubts that I was drenched by rain while parading the night streets in shorts and unzipped. Still, I was in my bed, in pajamas, my yesterday’s clothes hanging on the chairs’ back. 

In addition to all that, I got a splitting headache. The light – even this murky tender morning light which happens only right before dawn – seemed to be dazzling. I was completely disoriented. I stood up with a moan, and the whole world became blurred and shaky. Besides, my feet were still in pain. I sat down again.

The light was a problem here; I knew that it somehow affected the way I feel, so I decided to pull down the curtains and think. My eyesight was distorted; I couldn’t look directly at any object: my headache immediately returned magnified one thousand times. So I closed my eyes and started retracing yesterday’s walk, or rather my escape from home. 

First and foremost – we quarreled. Two adult sisters living together is… hm, a challenging task. If only we had enough money and the place we could go we’d leave each other immediately. But as for now, we had neither choice, nor sources. 

We were so different: She and I. Martha was brave and charismatic, always the center of attention. The awareness of that made Her addicted to the admiration of the crowd. My Sister spent all Her time on social media, impressing the public with retouched selfies and generated quotes, forgetting that these were fabricated lies that had little to do with her real self.

Continue reading “False Memories (Part 2)”

False Memories (Part 1)

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination

I guess it all began the moment I slammed the door loudly, causing the tiny rivers and streams of stone dust and chalk to run down onto the floor. I quickly scrutinized the tiny crevices and cracks around the doorframe – eternal remnants of my mood swings and our bitter quarrels… I ran down the steps diving into the silver moonlight that stole all the colors of this world except for black and white… 

I could discern the catlike silhouettes in the silver slits of windows. All the voices from different flats were mixed and united in one preaching chorus, and all the graffities and scribbles that casually adorned the staircase during the day now were turned into magical patterns and figures. Like cavemen, we continue on and on to mark our achievements, wishes and feelings, etching them deep into the wall.

The entrance door swung open, welcoming the wet, damp wind to fill the darkness. A few rare cool drops of rain fell on my face, mingling and mixing with tears, calming me, reviving and suddenly filling everything with a sense of hope again. I went out, looking up at the sky and breathing deeply, trying to regain composure. My jacket was unzipped carelessly, my strides were long and bold… It was an attempt to become one with the wind, one with the coming storm, to cast off all formalities, reject the laws of physics, and fly over the earth in elemental fury.

A burning array of yellow windows was outlined brightly against the gray carcasses of the buildings, almost indiscernible in the surrounding darkness… I wish I could say the same about the drunken crowd of people, who were shouting and cursing loudly, while checking out the surroundings with an immense hunger for destruction. So I halted for a moment, praying to become invisible. 

Continue reading “False Memories (Part 1)”

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