❤️Love and Crushes in Astrology: Inspired By Daily Prompt🌌

Hi again 🙂

I was somewhat inspired by today’s daily prompt – yep, it happens sometimes. So, I decided to write a post regarding love and attraction through the lens of Western Astrology theoretically and using the natal chart attached below as an example. Which elements in our charts are responsible for that?

We typically look at these points:

Planets: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars:
☀️The Sun represents either the husband (long-term male partner) or our lifestyle/character, which is crucial for compatibility.
🌙The Moon indicates the wife (long-term female partner), emotional connections, and what we need for comfort and security (family and home life in general).
♀️ Venus signifies the ideal female lover or how we experience and express our love.
♂️ Mars represents the ideal male lover or sexual attraction in general.

Some astrologers also suggest that the planet indicating husband/wife depends on the time of birth (Sun/Moon for daytime, Mars/Venus for nighttime), but it’s a matter of interpretation. For me, Sun/Moon suffice for marriage/long-term partner analysis. Nonetheless, we should analyze all four planets in this context.

Houses and their components (planets inside the House and House Ruler):
The 5th House and its components show us general attraction, being in love, sex, and even children.
The 7th House signifies partnership/marriage, serious bonds.
The 4th House represents our home (which we share with our partners) and everything connected to family and roots (including traumas from our parental home carried into adult life).

Aspects are also crucial in determining our love life. For instance, we look for conjunctions, trines and sextiles between the mentioned planets to confirm that the person has no issues entering and sustaining love relationships, and accepting their roles, desires, urges, femininity/masculinity, while squares and oppositions could negatively influence these dynamics.

Let’s look at the example (with the full consent of the chart’s owner):

At first glance, we see that this person is very passionate, falls in love quickly and ardently (5th House Aries Venus + Leo Mars). There are no problems with entering relationships, as she has a perfect balance of feminine and masculine energy (Sun trines Moon, Venus trines Mars) and a good understanding of the opposite sex’s needs and ways of behaving.

She can’t really live without a relationship; love and being with somebody are crucial for her (7th House Sun, 5th House Venus). Even though you may think that she has numerous “strong signs” placements, she is a very dependable person in the relationship. The Moon in Capricorn is not the same as the Sun in Capricorn; it is a weak placement for a woman – restrictive, “in chains”. You may compare that with her Pisces Lilith if you know some astrology basics.

In the past, people chose the marriage date specifically so that the Moon was in Capricorn, meaning that the woman would be controlled and have no power or decisive presence in her new home, whereas a Cancer or Taurus Moon often shows a strong, resourceful hostess type of woman. But keep in mind there are always several variants in which the planetary archetype may express itself. For example, a Capricorn Moon may represent a dependable woman in one person’s chart and an anxious careerist in another’s; it all lies hidden in the details.

The same applies to Aries Venus; it is not the same as Aries Mars, as Venus is weak by sign in this case. Additionally, 7th House Sun is weak by House; here, the woman gives away her inner strength to her partner.

Having Sun and Dsc in Taurus, she values stability in her relationships, and despite all this smoldering, sizzling fire burning in her, she aims consciously to build something lasting. She is prone to keeping what she has and working on relationships. Tauruses are very stable partners, quite traditional in their approach to love and femininity. She looks for a partner whom she can trust, be supported by, and rely upon (Taurus), and to be guided and led – a leader (Sun in 7th House + Leo Mars).

Speaking of which, she is often attracted to the charismatic leader type (Leo Mars, Aries Venus, Sun in 7th House). However, it is not only the strength of character, inner shine, and valor that appeal to her, but also the intellectual part that is crucial and sets her heart and imagination ablaze (7th House Mercury, 9th House Mars). She yearns for interesting discussions with a worthy opponent (and it augments the passion in her). Intelligence attracts her in general; even an intellectual job could be a point of fascination. Additionally, intellectual connections make her feel safe and emotionally close with someone (3rd House Moon); her partner should be her friend (7th House Mercury as 11th House Ruler).

Her 7th House ruler is in the 5th House, so there is no marriage (long-term partnership) without love. Interestingly, when we observe the 5th House elements, we see that her crushes are kind of karmic, illusionary traps. She is prone to over-reaction, experiencing intense and whimsical feelings, and often attracting “interesting” people in a negative sense.

She tends to sacrifice herself and become addicted to people she loves (5th House in Pisces, Pisces Lilith, Aries Venus, and plenty of Neptune aspects, giving her imagination and empathy, but also a tendency to drown in delusions). Overall, it is better for her to be married in a stable relationship than to be only in love; it is a healthier version for sure.

As a woman, she is torn apart between her female roles, full of extreme contrasts (and so are her emotions, as the Moon and Venus also represent this part of our lives). Both Venus and Moon are weak, so these are not positive types of inner conflicts. She may be afraid of maturing.

As mentioned above, she is not a resourceful hostess, nor does she have warm connections with her family; she subconsciously tries to detach from them. This may also be caused by negative conditions and lack of warmth in the beginning of her life (IC in Aquarius, 4th House Saturn squared by Pluto, Capricorn Moon; Scorpio Rising also gives difficult beginnings of one’s life).

She may learn something of this kind during her life though, as the Moon has a lot of aspects in her horoscope (Queen of aspects), so it may provide some possibilities for growth.

An interesting fact: she is married, and even though her husband has Sun in an air sign, his Rising is in Taurus sign in conjunction with her Descendant, and his Moon and Mars are in a fire element, so it fits.

Thank you for reading this 🙂

The pictures were generated by me in various AI picture generators.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

🌌 Learning Astrology Basics: A Creative and Playful Approach✨

Hi, everyone!

I’d like to continue talking about my greatest passion with you 🙂

I decided to cover astrology basics in my next posts, and I hope you will enjoy reading about them. This time, I’d like to become playful and propose an approach that I find enriching, entertaining, and facilitating for astrology learning, especially at the very beginning when we can become somewhat frightened by the amount of material.

Western astrology is actually a very wide field. It contains various branches and approaches, for it analyzes not only our deep inner worlds, talents, paths, missions, and possible events in our lives (natal charts), but also the current events and their influences—worldwide and on ourselves (transits), our relationship with others (synastry charts and midpoints), world politics (mundane astrology), prognostics (solar and lunar returns, progressions, directions), finding the correct date for an event (electional astrology), and even divination (horary astrology).

It all can become very overwhelming, I know, especially since each of these astrology branches requires learning and operating so many details.

Additionally, let’s not forget planetary and elemental magic. All these days, phases, and hours we use to make spells more effective are also part of major Western astrology, which became separated from it because of the religious agenda. Many monks were astrologers (like Copernicus, for instance), and in order to do it, they needed to separate godly science from devilry (magic).

Don’t worry, we’ll get there. As with everything, we usually begin with baby steps or by analyzing the hidden beauty of our psyche and defining our paths. By which I mean taking a look into our marvelous natal charts 🙂

The five pillars on which natal chart analysis is based are represented by elements, signs, planets, houses, and aspects (which are basically the relationships between planets).

Instead of googling these notions or relying only on schemas and descriptions from astrology books, let’s determine the most important thing: what we do in astrology is study the human world and its connection with the natural, cosmic forces and elements.

As I wrote earlier, we are composed of these energetic currents. We are thrown into the radioactive river of this cosmic influence at the moment we take our first breath, and this gives us certain qualities and powers. It’s not that they consciously shape us into what we are. They can’t stop emanating these energy currents; we absorb them at the moment of our birth (natal chart) and during our life (transits, progressions, etc.).

The natal chart portrays the balance of these elements and cosmic forces at the moment of our birth. Practically speaking, it is a picture of the sky as it looked from Earth’s perspective at the moment we took our first breath. Yes, we are all imprinted with our own sky image, and we carry it with us for the rest of our lives.

The sky we have above our heads right now is the transit chart. When we communicate with someone, our skies unite into one—this is a synastry chart.

The signs and houses mark the sectors of our personal sky, planets are archetypes and forces active in our psyche and life. The elements, nonetheless, transcend everything.

It is not entirely true that Western astrology has only four elements. Well, in a way it is so, but spiritual/humanistic astrology adds a fifth element, and it is spirit. Of course, it is not added to our charts, but it is present in the way that we take into consideration the level of individual development in the charts.

When we approach it from this perspective, the most complicated questions become clearer. For instance, why are there ascetic, spiritual Earth signs, and why are there toxic, narcissistic, and manipulative Water signs (or vice versa)? You consciously choose your level of development and inner awareness, which helps you control some negative influences in your chart and develop the positive ones.

It still seems quite mind-blowing, doesn’t it? But I propose a key method in studying this.

I mentioned that it is all about natural influences, so I propose you learn it not only from text but also from experience. Let’s bring some life to it, some hands-on practice, a connection with natural forces. Let’s become ancient philosophers ourselves—let’s experiment, let’s meditate. Let’s learn the qualities of elements, signs, and planets through examples from nature.

Look and study fire, water, earth, and air, their physical qualities, and what you would associate them with. We can learn by observing quick rivers (Cancer), rich soil with blooming flowers growing out of it (Taurus), warming, protective hearth fire (Leo), and by meditating, feeling the quick, changeable wind (Gemini). They surround us, full of this natural primeval aspect, and they emanate raw energy. We carry akin forces within ourselves, interlaced into a colorful tapestry, so let’s connect to it.

We can study the planet trajectories from the perspective of the Earth eclipses and meditate with NASA’s planet sounds during the matching planetary hours or days, or while the influence of a particular planet is strong in transits. We can step back and associate the planetary qualities with those of gods and myths connected to them (they were actually perceived as gods in Ancient Sumer, where the roots of modern astrology are). I mean, read the myths.

It is a very enriching experience, trust me. I really think that we should breathe more art, spirituality, and authenticity into astrology, and not be afraid to experiment. We should add a more personal touch 🙂

Let’s play, meditate, and combine book material with depth and playfulness. What do you think of it?
Now guess my Sun Sign if you still don’t know it 😛

The next astrological post will be about the elements—both traditionally and artistically 🙂

PS: all pictures were generated by me in WP AI Picture generator

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look at my offer 🙂

Me in 10 Years – Astrology Reading

Daily writing prompt
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I decided to conduct an astrology reading for this prompt. The techniques I used are Solar Return (2034-2035), and Secondary Progression, which are the most popular and commonly used ones in such readings 🙂 I should probably add that, honestly speaking, I hate performing such kind of analyses for myself because I become biased. But I really want to accentuate one of the main topics of my blog 🙂

Let’s go:

The first thing I noticed, is the fact that this will be a year of a certain success because Jupiter (progression) and Saturn (Solar Return) are in the 10th house (success). In both cases, the planet that happens to be in the 10th House is the Ruler of IC, which means that this success won’t be purely materialistic. Instead, it’s more likely that my inner, most cherished emotionally dreams will come true.

Could it mean that I will be published? It actually could, for I notice that transiting Jupiter is in the 5th House (creativity), progressed Venus is strong, in her own sign, and in exact conjunction with my natal Mercury (beautiful, creative writing). The Solar Ascendant is in Libra, another sign ruled by Venus, the planet of creativity. There are plenty of quintiles which are a so-called creative aspects. Progressive MC is in Virgo (ruled by Mercury=writing), in a decan ruled by Venus (again). Air signs are heavily accentuated in this Solar Return, and plenty of water element in progression, which is also a good sign for creativity.

What else? A favorable year for metaphysical and occult development and fulfillment. It will be also an excellent time for the deep emotional and spiritual transformation, as there are great number of Pluto aspects, a stellium in the 8th&9th House of Solar Return, and even the horoscope Ruler is in these Houses.

Another intriguing detail is overall emphasis on the roots of emotions and changes connected to this (Cancer Moon, Moon, Jupiter and Pluto in the 4th House, double Moon-IC conjunction in Solar Return). Could it be full remission? Such a nice Venus in the 6th House (health) can also confirm getting cured.

Apart from the emotional and occult world, this indicates great devotion toward family, being deeply involved in the life of the close ones, being a good wife (also stellium in the 7th House) and possibly a mom (Jupiter in the 5 House denotes not only popularity in creative activities, but finding joy and giving support to your children, for they are also the act of creation). There will be also major changes in my family life or house-related matters (Moon and Pluto signify change). I’m not sure, though, if it’s an addition to family, or just moving to a bigger House (Jupiter).

I often heard that this is the year when I should be very careful about my life (high risk of death). As I see from Solar Return, Progression and transits, there can be something challenging going on (but interestingly, not in terms of heath). This can be deduced from the emphasis on the 8th House (which also signifies death) and the transiting Pluto squaring my natal Sun, but I believe that it’s just an advice from the planets to be careful. It is not a fate, but the matter of choice.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Prophetic dreams: my experience

Once in a while I happen to have a prophetic dream. Unfortunately, I used to ignore the message they contained as if it was a product of my imagination.

Nonetheless, life shows that I should pay more attention to them, because they often contain various warnings, which could help me, if I paid enough attention. It is a nice talent though, and it could be cool, if it was consciously used, and I know there are a lot of people out there, who are like me and also seek for an answer.

Photo by Elina Fairytale on Pexels.com
Continue reading “Prophetic dreams: my experience”

Child of Earth and Fire

I’ve asked my friend for an opportunity to share my analyses of her natal chart in my blog, and she agreed 😀 It is very general analyses and to be honest I do it after a break in interpretations, still I’m very excited about doing it 🙂 So, if you love reading astrological interpretations you are welcome and please enjoy! 🙂

Photo by Vlad Bagacian on Pexels.com

Firstly, it’s important to notice that we see the chart with the dominance of Earth and Fire elements which give this person ambitious, self-assured character that is aimed to achieve success or perform a great work here on Earth (also emphasized by stellium in Capricorn), on spiritual or material plane and loads of energy and diligence will help her in this task. Additionally, this is a chart of the individualist, as the majority of her planets are gathered at the left hemisphere. It is a very strong character and very assertive. She will trust mainly herself and her vision, and will act according to her wishes, not because of her attachments or friends/family’s opinions.

Continue reading “Child of Earth and Fire”

Elements and astrology: footnotes (Air)

Key ideas: lightness, freshness, quickness, ubiquitous presence, changeability, space, freedom, sky, clouds, butterfly effect, sudden, changing, destruction, cold, outside, movement, breath, weather conditions, flash of lightning.

It is the quickest and the lightest of all elements: imagine the air, remember that it is about your imagination, not precision. So, once again, imagine the air which travels constantly around the Earth, visits various places. It is spacious, fresh and free, it constantly gathers, picks and spreads every kind of thing, smells, sounds it finds on its way. Then likewise when it comes to people with emphasized Air Element in their Natal Charts they are quick, they think playfully and in easy patterns, like to socialize, talk, spread news and rumors, they are curious and constantly gather some information, but have almost no memory.

Photo by Nita on Pexels.com
Continue reading “Elements and astrology: footnotes (Air)”

The Chestnuts of Celestial Time (Part One)

The second part is here 🙂

The Chestnuts of Celestial Time is an artistic experiment and my little invention that was spontaneous, curious and was a source of great joy. I wanted to do something of this kind for a long time already. This set of chestnuts was my first attempt to create my own divination tool and I was really amused by the result which was partly inspired by saying “you can tell one’s fortune using literally everything”, obviously by runes and, to be completely honest, by long-termed wish to make my own card deck.
So, one autumn day I picked about fifteen chestnuts and brought them home. I decided to use them somehow: for decoration purposes for example, but then it had been quite a challenging period for me, so these chestnuts stayed with us during the winter. As the spring had begun I suddenly felt a great amount of inspiration, and decided to make my own chestnut oracle. Part of it was created on the basis of my dreams and I simply came up with the rest on my own. By the way, those seashells surrounding the chestnuts are also a part of this Oracle. And yes, I said fifteen, but five chestnuts mysteriously disappeared. I have not a slightest idea of how and why, perhaps it was meant to be so 😀

Continue reading “The Chestnuts of Celestial Time (Part One)”

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