⌛So Where Does The Time Go? Poem By MarvellousNightmare✍🏻

Daily writing prompt
How do you waste the most time every day?
So where does the time go?
I humbly ask the Universe
With a slightly trembling voice.
I wonder patiently - is there a choice?
No doubt, our memories are lies
Designed by our cunning minds.
Whatever happened once in the past
Lies crumbled, buried in the dust.
Illusions: future dreams and plans,
They won't exist, they'll turn into a haze,
Like clouds they will merge and phase,
Unstable to their core, fuzzed and erased.
What are they but the road signs?
The history is also a surmise
Composed by those who won and thrived.
Each second, every day we die only to rise
And our paths are densely paved
With memories of what's long dead.
We change with every move or breath
Thus shedding our skins, we burn to ashes
Step closer to the truth or passing flashes
Of our hopes.
Whereas the time… Time flows!
Time passes like a river shaping stones.
Its very pace chips off and hones
Illusionary sand from our hearts.
Each change is a Universal form of art.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

Beyond the Frame

Line, another line, let’s try to add some shadow to it, or perhaps press on the pencil at another angle… Rain lay on the floor, propped on the pillow, capturing another place from her dreams on the paper, but the work didn’t go well. The pencils—each and every one from her vast collection—were used and worn out, so the lines were smeared and soft, whereas for this very drawing she desired crispness and definiteness. The woman sighed with slight irritation; she was short on inspiration as well. Her hands were trembling and her grasp was faltering—no surprise, as she was leaning on her elbows—so the contours and shapes were uneven.

The thickness of the lines was perfect for making shadows, though, and Rain could play upon that, but she didn’t mean to compose anything blurred, mystical, and shaded. She drew the views hidden beyond the frame of the large forest monochrome picture hanging right in front of her, at least the way she imagined them to be, and this one was very realistic. Could it be her memory rather than her fantasy?

Drawing was her main source of entertainment—recently, anyway.

At the beginning, Rain had almost nothing, sitting alone constantly, enclosed in four walls when he was away. Like a spider confined in amber, or a fly caught in a web. The time passed slowly and seemed to stretch into eternity.

Each second felt like the gradual fall of a heavy water drop formed from the residue on the window glass or on the edge of the roof in the morning just before the first rays of dawn. The woman almost heard it crash on the ground. Someone with a different temperament would probably go mad from boredom, but Rain was endowed with a vivid imagination and infinite patience. At least she had that.

Thus, most of her time she read and reread all those books she picked from the vast array that rested lonely on the dusty, wooden bookcase shelves. Half of them were in German or some Scandinavian language. Rain was uncertain about that. She leafed through these hefty volumes, occasionally picking out rare familiar words, though still, she failed to grasp the whole meaning. Perhaps they were the Doctor’s; how could she possibly know? He avoided sharing too many personal details with her, as it was important that the memories came back to her naturally.

The woman pushed the drawing away and sat up in frustration, hugging her knees to feel safe and cozy, and staring at the photo on the wall.

After she read all she could again and again, she found another source of pleasure in her loneliness. Rain simply gazed at the landscape and imagined the world hidden beyond the frame, some people living nearby this lush, misty forest and their lives, all while caught up in a deep trance. After so much time spent scrutinizing every detail of this picture, it seemed to her she started discerning the colors. Sometimes, Rain observed and imagined long enough to feel that she herself was shifted into this golden-emerald world, strolling, sitting near the waterfall, bathing in its waters. Her imagination was so intense that the woman lost the sense of reality completely. She could indeed feel the warmth of the honey-colored sunrays, she could smell the damp earth and the fresh, poignant fragrance of the wild herbs. Her skin experienced the invigorating coldness of the water in which she was swimming, while her mind was caught in the soothing chirping of the birds. Once, her eye caught a deer silhouette, and another time she could distinctly hear the heavy steps of human boots. Or were they really human?

Dreadfully frightened, the woman suddenly became convinced that her imaginary trips could be unsafe for her. Shivering with fear, Rain realized she had been sitting in front of the photo all this time, lost in her fantasies. However, her hair was slightly wet, dewy waves weighing heavily on her shoulders, and she noticed tiny patches of dirt and a wet blade of grass glued to her bare soles. At that very moment, the Doctor entered the room, stirring the air around him, breaking the harrowing silence. His presence always brought changes. With an utterly concerned expression, he insisted that she never repeated these ‘imaginary strolls,’ for this was a perilous adventure that could threaten her life.

The next day, to her utter surprise, the man brought her paper and pencils, and Rain started drawing and has continued ever since. Her technique was skillful; you could definitely say she had an experienced hand. After short consideration, Rain asked the Doctor to bring her paints as well, but he refused, once again reiterating that it was ‘due to the menacing danger.’

‘Seriously? Because of painting?’ she laughed sarcastically. But the man looked earnest, and not the slightest shade of a smile crossed his face.

He never gave her his name, seemingly expecting Rain to find an answer in her memory. So, out of necessity and having no other choice, she resolved to call him ‘Doctor,’ simply because he saved her from death and took care of her physical state, binding her wounds—the traces left by some sharp objects driven deep into her flesh. Rain also had a concussion, which was probably the reason she was stripped of her memories. The woman often wondered why she stayed in his custody instead of being held in a hospital, but never found any sound explanation except that it was potentially unsafe. Any electronic device—she remembered watching films at least—seemed to put her under threat as well. It had something to do with the colorful picture, she guessed. It seemed insane.

Rain stood up now, fetched her blanket, and wrapped herself tightly; it was so chilly in the room…

Well, this care, concern, and devotion… Who was he to her, really, in her previous life? A husband, a partner, a lover? She didn’t notice a ring on his finger, but not everyone wears them, even in marriage.

Still, she knew they were together at least at some point in their lives. You always know if you ever kissed someone; you could remember the passion, strength, and warmth of their hugs, which sheltered you so many times… The smell and heat of their skin… And you could definitely guess if you were intimate before. And definitely, undoubtedly, the very feeling, the very experience of love, is unforgettable. Being this emotionally close would always leave a mark, would always stay printed, if not in your memory, then in your soul. In the very core of your being.

The man kept his distance at first, probably trying to avoid damaging her health, or unwilling to intervene with her remembering process, but she—she wanted him closer, she wanted more of him, of his care, to hide in his arms, to find safety in his being.

Rain called him Doctor because it was way better than Savior with its imminent religious aura, and better than the rude, simple ‘hey, you’ lacking the personal touch. She needed a name for him, something personal, affectionate, binding. Something loving. Well, did this nickname express fondness? Anyway, she tried. He mocked it at first, but eventually didn’t mind her calling him that, so it stayed.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Misty Stroll

The mist engulfed and fully drowned my mind,
Sheltered me tight from memories and sounds,
Pinned drops upon my hair to shine bright,
My eyes luminescent, reflecting stormy clouds.

The mist has filled my head with fuzzy thoughts,
Merged into muffled piles of tangled words.
What is my poetry but clash of rusty swords?
Dissatisfied, I’m stuck, I feel remorse.

Drowned in longing, soft and gray despair,
Sentenced to swim in humid, heavy air,
Struggling with questions, looming everywhere,
Well, am I worthy? How could I stop caring?

At times, I feel I’m nothing but a failure.
Not fit for this material existence,
Where one must be a quick decisive leader.
But in imaginative, misty distance,
Perhaps there is a place for such as me.

The fog engulfed and fully drowned my mind.
The water drops are dancing in my hair,
As if I bathed in the primeval sea of light,
And plunged into its dusky depths prepared

Of finding jewels of the highest truth,
Scattered in the quietest seabed,
Mingled with the dark, cloudy sand.
I wake up from this fantasy, I move…

The trees became the castles and old bridges,
The music plays as always, storm and chaos.
I wish it rained at once.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Embers and Ashes – Poem for Daily Prompt about Risk-taking

Daily writing prompt
When is the last time you took a risk? How did it work out?

My blood is full of fireworks,
Bright, shimmering, delightful,
They can go wild and frightful.
I’m taking off, I fly, I soar!

Now it’s champagne that’s blazing in my veins,
Drunken with risk, I’ve lost hold of the reigns…
Torrents of fire are engulfing me again,
Intensive heat is muffling my brain,
Shutting down the soothing whisper
Of reason.

I’m obsessed with, I’m addicted to searing surges of adrenaline.
Impulsively, in blasts of lightning, I’m crossing all the lines,
Half-knowing, unheard, but fighting deep inside,
Hardly aware, but in the end I’ll lose and die,
Ravenous flames turning my life to ashes –
No more.

PS: yes, I’m crazy about images of fire, give me more 😀

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

My Experience With Social Media

Daily writing prompt
How do you use social media?

To be honest, the only social media I use at the moment are WordPress and my Pinterest. I’m not into using Instagram or TikTok, and as for YouTube, I despise it for supporting channels with animal torture. I use Spotify a lot, though I’m not sure if it’s a typical social media. It features interesting podcasts and audiobooks though, not only music. Perhaps, someday, I’ll also have a podcast there.

I deleted my Facebook account not so long ago, and it was a good, healthy decision. To be honest, I created the FB account for business purposes; I performed magical or esoteric services (like Tarot or Astrology reading, Reiki sessions, Runic scripts, Sigils, etc.) there. But you see, I’m not a saleswoman by nature. I’m terrible at active, pushy sales à la ‘your spiritual guides have a message about which kind of animal you are today’—not the right temperament, I guess, and I generally find it distasteful. In truth, I helped people using readings and magic for free for several years, so the habit stayed with me, together with empathy and moral values.

I couldn’t lie to people by telling them they had a deadly curse (it’s a rare occasion), like others did, because manipulating someone into paying me this way was against my code of honor. I didn’t like the idea of making someone dependent on my services either, especially frightened, depressed, anxious clients. When mentally ill people addressed me, and I saw that their problems were in the area of mental health issues, and no ghosts, demons, and other cute beings were visiting them, I told them politely that I believed a doctor could help them more. I also charged way less than a typical Tarot Reader, Witch, or Magician would, until what had initially been my business turned into a slightly monetized passion (donations instead of set prices or help for help/opinion/verification barter). Yes, I felt frustrated, but at least I can live with myself, look into the mirror without aversion, and can sleep soundly with a clear conscience. And generally, I just love it too much to treat it business-like.

But I didn’t delete my FB account only because of this frustration. I’m out of it because I was constantly attacked by other readers, witches, and ‘spiritual gurus’. I also experienced instances of mobbing because I was different or felt or thought unlike others, and because almost everything that Facebook proposed for me to look into augmented my anxiety, depressive tendencies, and pain of existence. So I decided that enough’s enough; I’m out of here, my mental health is more important. I also didn’t like the lack of privacy endorsed by Facebook. Though, it would be just to add that some groups like Synastry or those about Norse mythology and traditions were full very knowledgeable posts, which helped my self-development. Not so terrible after all 🙂

I’m satisfied with my decision to start writing more on the WordPress platform. First, there is constant motivation for writing, which helps my self-development as a writer, encourages me to draw once in a while, and positively affects my English language skills (I’m not a native English speaker, but looking into my older posts, I see the great progress I’ve made). So, it supports my passions. Then, it broadens my horizons, letting me read all these wonderful blogs, thoughts, poems, impressions, and insights into other cultures. I have the impression that people are curious and generally very polite, intelligent, and empathetic here, which I value a lot. Daily prompts, if used correctly, also help with self-development, and I see a great field for self-reflection while writing or editing my posts, stories, or poems. For instance, I see how I’ve changed and that my psyche is healthier now, I notice my inner child, critic, and over-compensator in my stories, and I think there is a lot of me in my poems, more than if I wrote posts about my daily routine. As for now I enjoy it here 🙂

WordPress can become a bit addictive, though, and I’ve noticed that sometimes it’s difficult to stop navigating the Reader or scrolling through answers to current prompts’ 😀 I should work on that.

Imperfection (Poem for Daily Writing Prompt)

Daily writing prompt
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

My constant fear of cold, imminent rejection
Electrocuting, thorny, poignant tension
That I suppress, cover, forget and hide
Until the moment this will tower up inside.
Self-conscious of each action, what I say,
I wish I learned to cope, to get away.
‘Relax, accept’ is never enough for me
Lack of spontaneity; I guess I’ll never be free
From paralyzing razor-sharp captivity.
I’m stuck, because I’m never enough
‘Breath in’, ‘acknowledge my childish half’…
But still, I’m so afraid to disappoint you.
Please don’t be angry, give me just a few
Seconds more, I will correct all that I made.
And yet, I’ve done another mistake, too late.
‘By mindful’ – I’m trying, but it’s so hard to breathe,
Sometimes, it’s even harder to forgive myself.
‘Breathe in, be mindful, relax, find peace,

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

Radiation (Black Wings)

Every night by the starlight, I dream
That I’m poisoned by radiation
And I’m burning in your damnation;
I’m rejected, I smolder, I gleam.

You deny my mere existence,
As if I were contagious with plague,
And you leave me as if by mistake,
For the future’s harmonious sake.

Now you fire at me from the distance,
On your arrogant journey to Mars,
To the planet which you all at once
Will demolish in less than an instance.

By denying the history’s wisdom
Yes, apparently, you never listen
To whatever is tagged “complicated”…
Slay each other in violent fit.
So be it. So be it. So be it.
And your graves will be paving the Mars.

While I am here, wretched outcast,
Left all alone, but I’m myself at last.
All of a sudden, in impulsive blast,
I’m opening the windows swiftly, fast,
To welcome colorful, inevitable death.
Wait… I still live, and with my every breath,

I cast off layers of my old bleak skins,
Transforming into something yet unseen.
I’m spreading my black wings, and in myriads of deadly flaming sparks,
I fly over the forests bathed in the distant light of the moon and stars,
Marveling at the reflections of fires and light on the dark, silky water surface.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

False Memories (Part 1)

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination

I guess it all began the moment I slammed the door loudly, causing the tiny rivers and streams of stone dust and chalk to run down onto the floor. I quickly scrutinized the tiny crevices and cracks around the doorframe – eternal remnants of my mood swings and our bitter quarrels… I ran down the steps diving into the silver moonlight that stole all the colors of this world except for black and white… 

I could discern the catlike silhouettes in the silver slits of windows. All the voices from different flats were mixed and united in one preaching chorus, and all the graffities and scribbles that casually adorned the staircase during the day now were turned into magical patterns and figures. Like cavemen, we continue on and on to mark our achievements, wishes and feelings, etching them deep into the wall.

The entrance door swung open, welcoming the wet, damp wind to fill the darkness. A few rare cool drops of rain fell on my face, mingling and mixing with tears, calming me, reviving and suddenly filling everything with a sense of hope again. I went out, looking up at the sky and breathing deeply, trying to regain composure. My jacket was unzipped carelessly, my strides were long and bold… It was an attempt to become one with the wind, one with the coming storm, to cast off all formalities, reject the laws of physics, and fly over the earth in elemental fury.

A burning array of yellow windows was outlined brightly against the gray carcasses of the buildings, almost indiscernible in the surrounding darkness… I wish I could say the same about the drunken crowd of people, who were shouting and cursing loudly, while checking out the surroundings with an immense hunger for destruction. So I halted for a moment, praying to become invisible. 

Continue reading “False Memories (Part 1)”


The clearest and fearless reflection of infinity,
There is no time, nor space within, nor remnants of proximity
Only unending light and joy mingled with sadness,
Enchanting rhythm of the unbounded vastness...

As if my heart leapt from the sky abruptly and exaltedly
Flew far away inspired, bright, than stopping, falling haltingly.
Bewildering and shocking passers-by
My shadow dances in the mirrors of their eyes.

As always laughing, chanting - then... it dies!
An instant and eternal burst of happiness!
Awe-stricken I am looking at the sky
My eyes are questioning the open heavens' emptiness.

While I am reaching out to your sacredness
Begging to cleanse me from the everyday profanity...
In a quick instant of my usual day insanity.
Though I have tried the mead of poetry one day
(Of doubtful quality anyway)

I've never drunk the finest wines of music - so you say.
My words are craving for you, melody, please stay,
But do you ever really need me?

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

Continue reading “Music”

Paleolinguistics, anthropology, socionics/mbti

Daily writing prompt
Are there any activities or hobbies you’ve outgrown or lost interest in over time?

I believe I’m quite a consistent person in this respect, if I pick a hobby it stays long with me. I’ve noticed that someone wrote in a daily prompt that they lost only the hobbies that were artificially endorsed by their parents… To tell you the truth, my parents didn’t care, and I was left on my own with my choices. Reading, or to be more exact, obsessive reading was my only way (except for my dreams) to get on with the life full of bullying – I was and I am strange and not really a people person. It also helped me to cope with unending family dramas constantly heated up by my relatives… I simply needed a way of escape from this difficult word, therefore I read. I was reading and reading. Reading when I woke up, eating breakfast with a book on my lap, dreaming on the road to school, hiding books during classes, diving into the narrative during recess, reading instead of doing homework, and forgetting to sleep because I must have finished this very particular book…

Continue reading “Paleolinguistics, anthropology, socionics/mbti”

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