❤️Love and Crushes in Astrology: Inspired By Daily Prompt🌌

Hi again 🙂

I was somewhat inspired by today’s daily prompt – yep, it happens sometimes. So, I decided to write a post regarding love and attraction through the lens of Western Astrology theoretically and using the natal chart attached below as an example. Which elements in our charts are responsible for that?

We typically look at these points:

Planets: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars:
☀️The Sun represents either the husband (long-term male partner) or our lifestyle/character, which is crucial for compatibility.
🌙The Moon indicates the wife (long-term female partner), emotional connections, and what we need for comfort and security (family and home life in general).
♀️ Venus signifies the ideal female lover or how we experience and express our love.
♂️ Mars represents the ideal male lover or sexual attraction in general.

Some astrologers also suggest that the planet indicating husband/wife depends on the time of birth (Sun/Moon for daytime, Mars/Venus for nighttime), but it’s a matter of interpretation. For me, Sun/Moon suffice for marriage/long-term partner analysis. Nonetheless, we should analyze all four planets in this context.

Houses and their components (planets inside the House and House Ruler):
The 5th House and its components show us general attraction, being in love, sex, and even children.
The 7th House signifies partnership/marriage, serious bonds.
The 4th House represents our home (which we share with our partners) and everything connected to family and roots (including traumas from our parental home carried into adult life).

Aspects are also crucial in determining our love life. For instance, we look for conjunctions, trines and sextiles between the mentioned planets to confirm that the person has no issues entering and sustaining love relationships, and accepting their roles, desires, urges, femininity/masculinity, while squares and oppositions could negatively influence these dynamics.

Let’s look at the example (with the full consent of the chart’s owner):

At first glance, we see that this person is very passionate, falls in love quickly and ardently (5th House Aries Venus + Leo Mars). There are no problems with entering relationships, as she has a perfect balance of feminine and masculine energy (Sun trines Moon, Venus trines Mars) and a good understanding of the opposite sex’s needs and ways of behaving.

She can’t really live without a relationship; love and being with somebody are crucial for her (7th House Sun, 5th House Venus). Even though you may think that she has numerous “strong signs” placements, she is a very dependable person in the relationship. The Moon in Capricorn is not the same as the Sun in Capricorn; it is a weak placement for a woman – restrictive, “in chains”. You may compare that with her Pisces Lilith if you know some astrology basics.

In the past, people chose the marriage date specifically so that the Moon was in Capricorn, meaning that the woman would be controlled and have no power or decisive presence in her new home, whereas a Cancer or Taurus Moon often shows a strong, resourceful hostess type of woman. But keep in mind there are always several variants in which the planetary archetype may express itself. For example, a Capricorn Moon may represent a dependable woman in one person’s chart and an anxious careerist in another’s; it all lies hidden in the details.

The same applies to Aries Venus; it is not the same as Aries Mars, as Venus is weak by sign in this case. Additionally, 7th House Sun is weak by House; here, the woman gives away her inner strength to her partner.

Having Sun and Dsc in Taurus, she values stability in her relationships, and despite all this smoldering, sizzling fire burning in her, she aims consciously to build something lasting. She is prone to keeping what she has and working on relationships. Tauruses are very stable partners, quite traditional in their approach to love and femininity. She looks for a partner whom she can trust, be supported by, and rely upon (Taurus), and to be guided and led – a leader (Sun in 7th House + Leo Mars).

Speaking of which, she is often attracted to the charismatic leader type (Leo Mars, Aries Venus, Sun in 7th House). However, it is not only the strength of character, inner shine, and valor that appeal to her, but also the intellectual part that is crucial and sets her heart and imagination ablaze (7th House Mercury, 9th House Mars). She yearns for interesting discussions with a worthy opponent (and it augments the passion in her). Intelligence attracts her in general; even an intellectual job could be a point of fascination. Additionally, intellectual connections make her feel safe and emotionally close with someone (3rd House Moon); her partner should be her friend (7th House Mercury as 11th House Ruler).

Her 7th House ruler is in the 5th House, so there is no marriage (long-term partnership) without love. Interestingly, when we observe the 5th House elements, we see that her crushes are kind of karmic, illusionary traps. She is prone to over-reaction, experiencing intense and whimsical feelings, and often attracting “interesting” people in a negative sense.

She tends to sacrifice herself and become addicted to people she loves (5th House in Pisces, Pisces Lilith, Aries Venus, and plenty of Neptune aspects, giving her imagination and empathy, but also a tendency to drown in delusions). Overall, it is better for her to be married in a stable relationship than to be only in love; it is a healthier version for sure.

As a woman, she is torn apart between her female roles, full of extreme contrasts (and so are her emotions, as the Moon and Venus also represent this part of our lives). Both Venus and Moon are weak, so these are not positive types of inner conflicts. She may be afraid of maturing.

As mentioned above, she is not a resourceful hostess, nor does she have warm connections with her family; she subconsciously tries to detach from them. This may also be caused by negative conditions and lack of warmth in the beginning of her life (IC in Aquarius, 4th House Saturn squared by Pluto, Capricorn Moon; Scorpio Rising also gives difficult beginnings of one’s life).

She may learn something of this kind during her life though, as the Moon has a lot of aspects in her horoscope (Queen of aspects), so it may provide some possibilities for growth.

An interesting fact: she is married, and even though her husband has Sun in an air sign, his Rising is in Taurus sign in conjunction with her Descendant, and his Moon and Mars are in a fire element, so it fits.

Thank you for reading this 🙂

The pictures were generated by me in various AI picture generators.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

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Am I a Good Friend?

Daily writing prompt
What quality do you value most in a friend?

Why is it always about “me, me, me”? “I expect, I want, I look for.” “I value.” It is generally the same story when it comes to friendships or love.

I don’t really like the perspective of this question. For me, it is rather an introspective matter. Am I a good friend? What can I give others?

Though, probably it is best to begin with the essence of friendship. What is it? I suppose, just as with love or any other kind of human relationship, we all have a very subjective perspective on this matter. What is friendship for some people isn’t necessarily the case for others. There are instances of one-sided friendship, and I personally had an instance of this in my life.

There was a certain girl who enjoyed showering me with tears via phone for about 6-8 hours a day. I saw a friend in her, whereas she was constantly looking for friends somewhere, but never finding one. I’m a very patient type of person, but everything has its limits. Seriously, at some point, I just wished her “to find her own people” and stopped answering her calls.

Photo by Zachary DeBottis on Pexels.com

It was a time when I had my own fascination with trying to reach and fight for friendship and respect from people who were emotionally inaccessible in general. I fought for the love of my own parents through connecting with this type of person… Well, I had my own issues.

When I was 17 or so, I remember feeling that I missed something in my life. I felt a lonely, unfilled void inside my heart, and I usually told everybody that I was looking for a “true friendship”, which I characterized as understanding beyond limits, reading each other’s minds, feeling the same emotions with the same intensity, and of course, having deep, philosophical discussions non-stop. I was justly asked if what I was looking for was really a friendship. I was lonely and I craved understanding. I guess I was looking for the Divine acceptance and love in its true form (Dead Can Dance – Agape, my favorite band, by the way), but I looked for it on Earth, in it’s material reflection.

I don’t perceive friendship in such an exalted, idealized way anymore. People tend to romanticize relationships, trying—again—to reach out for glimpses of divine love in them (take the idea of twin flames, for instance).

Photo by Simon Berger on Pexels.com

Now I think of friendship as walking the same road and supporting each other along the way. Intellectual connection is important, yes (maybe that is what makes this road “the road”), but so are loyalty and trust. If I perceive someone as my friend, I can forget about little irritating things or some discrepancies in our views. I value the person, and I want to continue walking the same road. As simple as that. And of course, equality is really important, even though I’m naturally attracted to stronger characters.

Still… I wish I could call myself a good, valuable friend. I’m well-read and have hobbies, sure, but I can be monotonous and gloomy. I can be loyal and protective (Leo Mars), but I’m passive and keep to my mysteries (what do you expect from a Scorpio Rising and Capricorn Moon?). Relationships with me are shaky, and even though I’m supportive and full of empathy, it can sometimes turn out to be a toxic trait. I don’t party, I’m not an easy-going type of person, nor am I chill. I’m complicated af, and it spreads to my sense of humor as well (either too dark or too tragic – imagine Young Werther becoming a comedian for one day).

There is always room for improvement, I guess. I wish I were a better one, but whatever I try, I still turn out to be imperfect. I have a small number of friends, but I have some, and I’m grateful for that ❤ Some people can accept my imperfections after all 🙂

Free-spirited Torrent Of Light – Natal Chart Reading For Stephanie

Natal Chart Reading for Stephanie 🙂

Gorgeous, powerful royal energy! The Rising sign in Leo gives a bright, brave, and charismatic personality, beautiful facial features, and a wonderful, thick mane of hair. It often brings strong artistic, especially acting, inclinations and a tendency to be the center of attention. Its ruler (Chart Ruler) is the Sun, which is in the 1st House and in Leo, emphasizing everything I said tenfold. You have a very strong character and leadership skills. I read in your blog about a beam of light, but I’d call you a dazzling torrent of golden light, which is strongly attractive and magnificent; you may lead people just like that. Your Sun conjuncts 1H Leo Mars, adding strength and energy to your personality. I believe you are very dynamic, enjoy motion a lot, and sometimes are very nervous and impulsive (especially with the Mars-Moon opposition in your horoscope). You are quick and energetic. You hate when the weak are offended and are like a guardian of justice. You also like to be appreciated and praised in your work or activities. A round of applause may be better than money; anyway, you value yourself highly.

Actually, and it is important, most of your planets are on the left side of your chart, which makes you an individualist and a very independent person. Consciously, you are very focused on this, thinking and acting accordingly. However, subconsciously, you feel an urge to open up to others’ needs as well (with the Moon and Neptune, as emotional planets, on the right half of the chart, although the Moon trines Uranus, indicating you still value your freedom). This opposition between your individuality and complying with others or stepping out of the boundaries of your ego is very important, as it is part of your spiritual mission.

You are a very empathetic person, understand me right (Neptune in the 4th House, water sign, 7th House Moon trine Venus, Sun square Neptune), but you are usually very stubborn and unbound when something touches you personally.

Your North Node is in the 7th House, and your spiritual task is all about cooperation and being able to work together, to live together, and to overcome this individualism. Additionally, the North Node is in Pisces, which means relinquishing your ego, mundane reality, and opening up to the transcendental, to the Absolute, walking the path of mysticism. When we talk about Pisces, we often mean faith, altruism, and sacrifice. I read your post; it’s for you to decide their place in your life, but this is important as a part of your self-development and your spiritual mission. Roots, home, and the subconscious are also very important notions for you (the North Node Ruler is in the 4th House). I feel that you can find spiritual and transcendental powers in love and partnership (the 12th House Ruler in the 7th House), especially since it is where you feel comfortable emotionally and where you open up (the Moon in the 7th House).

Coming back to spirituality, it is a natural part of your self-expression (Ruler of the 9th House in the 1st). It should actually be a very active, expansive element in you (Aries, Mars, Leo). You can pull others into spirituality with you, and the same goes for philosophy and mindset in general—you vibe it so strongly! If you travel, you do so actively and with utmost passion—it’s a part of you. You are a natural teacher, and you can teach by your very presence (9th House Ruler in the 1st), which is so cool! What interests me is the fact that you were led to philosophy and spirituality because of some kind of sacred wound (Chiron) and that you can simultaneously hold two belief systems (or more). It’s a good path for you anyway 🙂

You are prone to illusions (Sun square Neptune) and depressions (Sun square Saturn). Quite often, you sabotage both your spiritual mission and career (as Neptune is the Ruler of the North Node, and Saturn is the Ruler of the 6th House of work, and is in the 10th House of career). There could be some restrictions on your way to success. I think your emotionality can often be shaky, with impulsive outbursts and spontaneous, strange reactions being normal for you. However, you have a magnificent vent. First of all, being in love and together with somebody alleviates your troubles (7th House Moon, Moon trine Venus). Second, talking, reading, and writing are beneficial (7th House Moon trine Venus in the 3rd House). Engaging in intellectual activities, science, or even stargazing can also be relaxing (Moon trine Uranus).

You are actually very talented in writing, as you have a 3rd House stellium (Venus, Uranus, Jupiter=5th House Ruler=creativity in the 3rd House). Venus in its own sign (Libra) and Jupiter in this house show a significant talent and an easy path to popularity through your writing. Uranus often indicates genius. You also have a trine between a 10th House element and Mercury, which also confirms the possibility of popularity in this sphere. You asked about career specifically, so if you have a choice, try to write and get published. Or teach some courses; the 3rd House stands for that too. Additionally, you have Mercury in your 2nd House, so this can be money through writing or teaching (generally work with information) + 9th House-1st House connection. The problem is, it’s difficult for you to find a regular job, as you feel confined and pressured there and sabotage it (as I’ve mentioned above). So it’s probably better to work for yourself, especially with you being a torrent of light 🙂

You have very sharp analytical skills; you are attentive to details and see through people (Mercury in Virgo in conjunction with Pluto). You have very strong intuition. I guess your main values are your intelligence (2nd House Mercury), friends and freedom (Mercury is the 11th House ruler), family (Pluto is the 4th House ruler), and everything magical and transformative (Pluto). This is also a house of talents, so you are an intelligent, psychic writer

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