The Witegungseld Spá and Oracular Seiðr Manual by Swain Wodenung – my review

Last year, I finished reading “The Witegungseld Spá and Oracular Seidr Manual” by Swain Wodenung, and I found it to be worthy of my attention, even though it could raise some questions and be seen as controversial.

I’ll be honest; it was the first book on which pages I found information about Spá as an independent kind of Norse magic or, more precisely, as a separate type of magic, more akin to shamanism or being an Oracle, distinct from Seidr which is more like witchcraft. The word Spá has a similar origin to the word “spying”, and basically means “having visions, spying for visions” . So, it is about visions, trance and working with spirits.

As it appears people usually mix both paths up. Nonetheless, they are often used together, because the witch stereotypically should be a Seer (this is reiterated in Eddas and Sagas). But the Seer will not always identify themselves as witch, so since that moment, the situation becomes quite complicated 😉

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