🕯️Call of Destiny: Omens And Dreams (Part Three) 〰  Fantasy Story by MarvellousNightmare 〰 Aridia Cycle📜

Part One
Part Two

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination.

The heavy, inky storm clouds sprawled across the sky swiftly. There was no glimpse of rain, though the thunder rumbled on and on, promising, menacing… The stuffy air was electrified with foreboding suspense; the stillness was dense and unbearable… Until a sudden cluster of lightning shattered the sky to pieces and set the sparse rock woods ablaze. The mountains trembled in an instant, swaying, bursting, and crying in stonefalls. Their gray shapes surrounded Agenit, threatening to crumble, fall, and bury him alive.

The valleys below were damp and crimson with blood; heaps of corpses could be spotted everywhere. The moans and prayers of the dying people filled the air, imploring, cursing – nonetheless, their pleas hung unanswered.

It reminded the priest so vividly of what he had read about The World’s End Prophecy, it was uncanny. Now the Moons should fall on the earth and burst into pieces, ruining the cities, seaports, temples—all they built in their blind pride. And the Deities would step down to earth, walking among mortals, cleansing the planet of sinners and rewarding the worthy ones… Did he even believe in this nonsense from the sacred scrolls? There was no time for rumination, though.

Agenit looked everywhere, desperately searching, calling for someone, yet never finding even the slightest resemblance… His head was swirling from tension, his fists clenched, until finally he gasped in recognition. She is alive! Alive!

In this crazy, terrifying madness, when death seemed to rule the world, dead, blank eyes staring at him from every point and angle, and devastation absorbing everything around, he cared for no one but her. It was her he could never lose.

Half-blood she was, or some other kind of elven descendant. Anyone could instantly guess this just by looking at the woman’s luminous, deep, almost transparent eyes, with an electric quality in them. So humane, affectionate, and at the same time so bizarrely inhuman, they were almost the exact reflection of the sky’s insanity above them.

The sorceress stood upright, raising her hands to the sky. Her inner palms, covered with intricate tattoo patterns, shimmered mysteriously with tiny blue and silver sparks; she was evidently weaving a spell.

The woman remained on the cliff’s edge, shaking, almost embraced and destroyed by the imminent danger. She was just one tiny step away from it. Agenit’s heart scorched with pain at this sight. He knew that the impact of the spell could kill her at that moment; the air was electrified, overcharged with the storm and the energy left from the battle magic that filled the space not so long ago. The sorceress knew it too. Why did she wish to sacrifice herself like this? For what?

The man wanted to catch her in an instant, to press her tightly to his chest and never let go. He had never been the romantic type, really. He would laugh at the mere suggestion. Though, right now… He couldn’t help it.

Agenit ran to her, calling, cursing, stumbling, trying to reach his beloved so desperately… Embers from the forest fire were falling on his head, and stones almost hit him several times – just a few scratches. Still, he’d give his life to save her, to stop her from enchanting this murderous spell… The signs on her palms lit up brightly. Feeling his presence, the woman turned, looking him straight in the eye, as Agenit squeezed her at last…

The unfinished spell burst, creating multiple energy currents, igniting the air around them. The power wave threw their bodies away, smashing them against the rocks, and stones fell like rain, covering them and saving them partly from the destructive, poisonous impact. In other circumstances, it would have killed and buried their bodies, but the priest created an energy shield the moment he caught the woman.

It was almost quiet now. His beloved lay in his arms, so delicate, unmoving, so cold to the touch… Was the blow too powerful for her anyway? Or was she doomed the moment she started weaving her enchantment? He pulled her even closer in dismay, unwilling, refusing to let her die…

The man continued embracing his beloved in silence, shocked and confused, until he discerned a slight movement of her head. Agenit lit up in an instant, full of hope, however it was only a silent whisper, ‘It’s the end…’ Her voice was like the rustle of tree leaves gently touched by the wind, like the soothing song of the sea tide… Or was it all an illusion, these words? Her eyes were shut tightly, no breath was heard or felt, even though he tried desperately to catch it, and only tiny currents of blood from her temple were leaving wet stains on his hands and clothes…

‘You overslept,’ Torret reproached him dryly, shaking him energetically by the shoulder. ‘Wake up, you were chosen to be part of the embassy to Delvii during the sacred gathering an hour ago. In the name of Rogterr, I’d never give you such a responsibility! I wouldn’t trust you even with washing dishes after supper. They are crazy! Crazy! And they rely too much on astrology!’

Agenit cursed silently and opened his eyes. His dreams, foreboding and disquieting, still had a grip on him. The mesmerizing eyes of that unknown sorceress, the coldness of her skin… The man shook his head, trying to get rid of these confusing feelings while his neighbor continued his unending, maddening preaching.

Torret gestured dramatically, carried by irritation, then looked back and stopped abruptly. ‘A bad sign,’ he nodded towards the sacred lamp. ‘For fire’s sake, you can’t take care of one simple thing! Every neophyte can do it! And they chose you as the embassy member! Idiots!’

Agenit silently agreed with his friend. Maybe this is a sign that the time has come? His sacred fire went out, anyway. He’d go to the mages’ guild this evening; they must accept him. There was no time to wait. The man caught a tiny movement from the corner of his eye and turned swiftly to look at the window.

A black, four-winged bird sat on the windowsill, observing him triumphantly, with uncovered malice. As soon as it noticed the man’s attention, the creature shrieked sharply, eerily, declaring the disaster.

Agenit shuddered with unease.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

🎵Musical Dreams ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁

Hi everyone,

This time I decided to write here about my two latest dreams connected by the same theme: music. What I mean is I literally dreamt about music, heard it as a background of the dream in one case, and it was a major theme of the dream in another case.

My first dream’s main theme mostly revolved around the song Persephone by Wishbone Ash.

There's a light that shines on Persephone
Always a fire in her eyes
And the last time that I went to her
I could tell things weren't right
I just don't care to see your years go wasting
There's no longer magic in your eyes
In your time, you could outshine everybody else around
But your off-stage ways might be a bore
You take a bow, you take a fall
I just don't care to see your years go wasting
There's no longer magic in your eye
I came to be here in the footlights
To live with you through every song
And your face displays a peaceful field
I can't believe the curtain has to fall
Now I know your years were never wasted
Tonight I saw the magic in your eyes

It is important to notice that I often associated myself with this goddess and her archetype, both because I’m a vulnerable woman and because I’m torn between contrasts, mainly between life (light, spring, creativity, love, life, maniacal phase, urge to create) and death (darkness, magic, transformation, painful past experiences, depressive phase, urge to destroy).

Goddess of the Spring and the Queen of the Dead, Eros and Thanatos of Freud: all these are close themes to my heart. In Norse mythology, we have Hel as a similar archetype, yet she is not so vulnerable.

And of course, because I’m caught in the constant cycle of rebirth, though aren’t we all?

The second dream had music in the background, namely Witch of Endor by Bloody Hammers (careful, some doom metal is here):

Ignoring divine instructions
Souls being released by my sword
Guidance from above departed
All my questions returning ignored

Yeah solution is raise the dead
And find the conjuring witch of Endor
Reigning in hell
Solution is find the conjuring witch of Endor

Pushing onward through the hail storm
There will be no turning back
Seek the eyes of the fallen prophet
My only chance in this attack

Ignoring divine instructions
Souls being released by my sword
Guidance from above departed
All my questions returning ignored

Yeah solution is raise the dead
And find the conjuring witch of Endor
Reigning in hell
Solution is find the conjuring witch of Endor

In the wake of this injustice
A beaten path to the unknown
Awaiting holy apparition
And my guidance to be shown

The story behind this song is a biblical one. It describes King Saul’s failure to connect to God before going to war; he receives no answer. He had previously driven out all magicians and witches from Israel, but he wants to receive help from the witch/sorceress of Endor, as it is his last straw of hope. So he disguises himself and reaches out for her help.

You can read more in the Bible or go through this link to become acquainted with the whole story…

As for my dream plot, I was actually a sorceress confined in the catacomb, waiting for execution by being burned. At the last minute, I received help from the guard. He let me out and showed me a way of escape through the tunnel. There were others waiting for the same fate, but there was no opportunity to save them, although I cried and implored this man to help them as well.

The tunnel was very narrow and dark. At some point, I needed to use some force to climb further. I even thought I was condemned to die this way. But finally, I found a clearing and appeared in a shady basement. I found the stairs there and climbed up further and further until I found a door.

I pushed it and entered a large, magnificent, well-lit hall, full of people with suitcases. It was something like a waiting room of some famous, high-class hotel. I moved around, tried to talk with people, but they avoided talking and drew back from me. I felt really sad, lost, and rejected.

There was no visible reason for this behavior, as despite climbing out from the catacomb, I was nicely dressed, and my hair was clean, thick, shiny, and reached the floor. However, I felt as if the word “witch” was branded on my forehead. So, finding neither solace nor any kind of reply, I retreated to a corner near a large bay window. There was a desk nearby, at which I remained further on, leaning on my elbows, lost in sorrow.

I watched the crowd, feeling, living through their pain and joy. I started reaching their minds telepathically to feel connected, to create an illusion that they were my friends, that I was not alone. I especially enjoyed observing and connecting with an old woman and a little girl, who sat facing each other and playing chess, surrounded by large bookcases. They were secluded in this corner in a way.

The figures were silver, and they clicked melodically against the chess table. “Reverend Mother” (I love Dune) crossed my mind, and at that very moment, I was blocked out of the old lady’s head. She turned back and looked at me sharply.

I wiped a tear from my cheek. I got a roll of paper out of nowhere and started writing, to calm myself down, to muffle the pain overcoming me. It helped. I wrote a letter, or a book, or a post—I’m not sure, but it was the best thing I ever wrote; it was something exceptional.

And at this realization, I opened my eyes, the music still playing in my mind.

I have some ideas about the dream’s meaning, but the post is already too long for a decent interpretation.

I’ll just connect the magic in Persephone’s eyes with this long, healthy hair, as it is always a symbol of good health, energy, inspiration, and liking my own self. I wrote something… so perhaps something good may come from my literary endeavors. There will be some kind of positive resurrection for sure 🙂 As for the rest…

Thank you for reading this! 🙂

PS: all pictures were generated by me in WP AI Picture generator

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist, lyrics belong to rock bands 🙂

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look at my offer 🙂


Photo by Sabrina Wendl on Unsplash
I woke up, and I saw: the rain ceased crying,
In this gray season when whole nature's dying,
So interesting a view: the sun's rays shining,
Dissolving gloominess. The awe inside me,
My very being is lit up. How can I measure
This beauty? Every leaf was turned to treasure
Of ancient kings, who thrived in their leisure,
And now are long forgotten. The only pleasure

That's left is beauty of the sun translucent rays,
With frosty shades that paint in many ways
This landscape. All reminds me of those days
I was in love with Winter: gazed... and praised
Her art: the silver sparks of snow, gentle lace
On windows, as you know. The shiny coat on branches laid.

And me, enchanted, lost in her magic, icy maze,
Half-drowned in freezing sea of soft and tender snow.
Do you remember me? It’s shame I didn’t know...
And that I didn’t paint. Oh, I would show
The sorcery of ghostly, charming glow,
For those who’d neither seen it nor would follow…

Thus, deeply touched by magical sundown
My only wish was: please just take me home.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn't Exist
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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