🪐Planetary Square-Based Sigils: Inspired By My Notes✍️

Hi, everyone!

Previously, I’ve written a post about sigil magic with some simple instructions from my notes. If you are interested in the topic, please check it out 🙂 I’ve explained the most crucial points there, though I’ll just repeat that the sigil is a graphic representation of our intent.

The planetary squares are numerological representations of planetary energy, doors, and keys with which we access it.

It is worth emphasizing, though, that this is not just sigil magic; it is planetary (or astrology) magic, combined with ancient (Kabbalistic) numerology. In Higher/Ceremonial Magic (hermetic orders), these squares were also used to summon the spirits, but I personally prefer using sigils as talismans/amulets, or magic that affects events/inner world, and I’ll describe it all from this perspective.

There are seven planetary squares in total, based on the same number of classical planets in Western Astrology. Each of these squares represents a unique numerological combination for the corresponding planetary energy. In other words, these are energy matrices that give us the fuel for our aims (sigils). The outline of each square is based on the planetary number (Kabbalistic numerology: 3=Saturn, 4=Jupiter, 5=Mars, 6=Sun, 7=Venus, 8=Mercury, 9=Moon; it’s all based on Sephiroth) and all their derivatives.

There are many mathematical equations that determine how each square should look (square from planetary numbers, the same sum in all lines, etc). However, we already have them nice and ready, like freshly baked pizzas just delivered to our doors. We can slice them and enjoy their deliciousness without thinking about which type of flour they used to make the dough. The squares are ready for you to work upon.

Though, if you are interested in details and history, take a peek at Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa, The Key of Solomon, or The Magus by Francis Barrett (by the way, heavily influenced by Agrippa).

Each planetary square is used for different purposes, as each planet has its own magical specialization. Once again, each pizza has its own flavor; it’s for you to choose which one you wish to consume right now 😉

Sun: Prana/Ki, Vitality, Ego, Power, Success, Leadership, Ambitions, Charisma

from this page

Moon: Prophecy, Sleep, Emotions/Subconscious/Psyche, Femininity, Fertility, Changes, Memories, Roots/Family, Care

from this page

Mercury: Intelligence, Communication, Writing, Contracts/Agreements, Information, Science, Memory, Learning, Exams, Connections

from this page

Venus: Love, Creativity, Art, Female Sexuality, Pleasure, Beauty, Luxury, Social Affairs, Reconciliation, Inspiration, Attractiveness

from this page

Mars: Masculinity, Sexuality, Strength, Lust, Anger, Destruction, Medical Issues/Healing, Winning, Persistence

from this page

Jupiter: Success, Money, Growth, Abundance, Influence, Luck, Travel, Spiritual Matters

from this page

Saturn: Real Estate, Banks, Debt, Obstacles, Binding, Protection, Time, Wisdom, Discipline, Cutting Cords

from this page

Now, after we’ve chosen which energy suits us the most, we create an intention: come up with a word or phrase that reflects your wish precisely. Then, we add some basic Western Numerology to it. Take a look at the table below: each letter of the Latin alphabet (it can be any alphabet, actually; the table is universal, just arrange the letters in their prescribed order between 1-9 numbers) is connected with a certain number from this table.


table from the cottage mystic site. I also was inspired in arranging planetary qualities by this author, though changed and added missing information according to my knowledge.

Write the numbers down, substituting the letters of your phrase with them. For instance, I used the word “inspiration” and now we have the following numbers: 95179912965.

Now, let’s cut our pizzas… meaning that let’s create our sigil by tracing the pattern of these numbers on the Venus square (we usually draw a little circle at the beginning of the sigil, marking the beginning, and a short horizontal line at the end of the pattern to show where the energy finishes its flow).

I tried by best, but I don’t have a steady hand for a perfect lining.

Redraw the ready pattern. You can put the sigil on any material of your choice; it is already charged by planetary energy (!) and you may wear it as a talisman if you like. However, if you want to intensify (additional energy!) the planetary influence and connection to the sigil energy source, you may paint it in green or rose color (still using the example of the Venus square), perform this magic on Friday, during Venus planetary hours (yep, I also promised to do a post on these ones to Laura), or when the Moon is in Taurus or Libra signs. You may choose apple tree wood or a copper base to carve it upon, anoint it with Rose or Jasmine essential oil, or carve it into a rose or green candle.

In other words, you may support this Venus energy source with additional planetary energy correspondences if you wish.

I think that is it. Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed it! 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

☀️Solar Return Astrology Reading For My Best Taurus Friend A.🌌

My dear friend A.!

As you begin your new Solar Year, I want to share some insights from your astrological chart to help guide you through your Saturn Return. This can be a difficult period of time, as it is mostly an exam determining if we have lived our lives according to our spiritual task and if we are ready to become mature adults. In your case, it is happening in your first House, so it will examine everything connected to your individuality and self-expression.

In your Solar Return, Saturn is also placed in your 1st House, being at the same time the 11th House Ruler. In other words, your maturity may be connected with freeing yourself and gaining more independence in your life (especially emphasized by Pluto in the 11th House of Solar Return – some transformation may come in terms of freedom), and putting more emphasis on your needs and self-expression (4 planets in Solar Return’s 1st House, natal Sun in progressed 1st House, 1st House Ruler in 1st House, natal Sun conjuncts transit Jupiter). It can even be a good time to gain certain popularity (progressed stellium in 10th House).

Additionally, consider developing in a spiritual, magical way, and investing in your higher education (be careful though, progressed Jupiter – 9th House Ruler is in the 8th House), you may be in a very shaky position in your University, still invest in that. If you move forward in accordance with your spiritual mission (any mission or long-term plan will be beneficial for emotional stability – double Moon-MC conjunction), you won’t lose that much and won’t face many tough situations and decisions which are normal during Saturn Return.

This Solar year will be a very active, energetic, and communicative period of time (Aries Mars and Mercury in 1st House of Solar), but at the same time, it can be deeply emotional. Actually, I’d advise you to take care of your mental health, and don’t put too much pressure upon yourself (1st House Neptune, Saturn and Moon in the 6th House). There could be some problems not only with upset nerves but also with your stomach, headaches, blood pressure, and inflammations/infections (negatively aspected 6th House progressed Mars) so try to apply lots of care to yourself.

This period of time is favorable for making money (2nd House stellium in Solar return, with Jupiter and Venus, Solar Mercury conjuncts Venus). Furthermore, the 6th House Virgo Moon and 10th House progressed stellium may denote some changes regarding your career life. You may find lots of comfort in your work, which may support you on an emotional and subconscious level. Though stay vigilant about financial matters, manipulations, and obsession on that point, as you have Solar Lilith in the 2nd House. Some money may also come as a surprise (2nd House Uranus).

Maybe it’s a good time to re-evaluate your value system and develop your talents. The period is good for creativity and earning popularity because of it.

Something may change in your private relationship. First, your attractiveness is increased now, and there are many possibilities for flirtation and new acquaintances, though you may be somewhat lost in the wide number of them. You are more open to understanding the opposite sex, but at the same time, there are some undercurrent conflicting tendencies you should be aware of – T-square Venus-Mars-Jupiter – it makes you irritable and unstable in your relationship, and instead of solving the problems you may try to look out for easier variants. Still, you are emotionally open to it, craving it, and it may attract some person into your life (7th House Moon 5th House Ruler). On the one hand, it will be a relationship full of emotional support; on the other, these emotions may become somewhat manipulative once in a while (7th House Lilith), so be mindful of that.

Your friendship circle will change, and some lessons may come from the past, which will also be connected with independence. Progressed Saturn in the 12th House may also accentuate the need for solitude, deepening spirituality, and a serious approach to your faith.


All in all, it’s a very important time, full of transformative events. Concentrate on yourself, your independence, spiritual mission, and inner world. This will help to avoid tough lessons and decisions. This time may be lucrative, and you may find a suitable job position that will give you lots of satisfaction. Take care of your emotional health. You may find a partner, but be mindful of manipulations and arguments.

I wish you plenty of luck this Solar Year, take care ❤

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

If you are interested in my readings and sessions (see the examples here), please take a look at my offer 🙂

False Memories (Part 2)

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination

And all of a sudden, the alarm went off. I was so astonished I sat up straight in an instant, looking around with incredulity: I was home! Could it all have been just a vivid nightmare then? Somehow, I seriously doubted that. I didn’t remember going to sleep; quite the opposite, I could perfectly recall every bitter detail of yesterday’s quarrel. I sneezed – exactly. I also had no doubts that I was drenched by rain while parading the night streets in shorts and unzipped. Still, I was in my bed, in pajamas, my yesterday’s clothes hanging on the chairs’ back. 

In addition to all that, I got a splitting headache. The light – even this murky tender morning light which happens only right before dawn – seemed to be dazzling. I was completely disoriented. I stood up with a moan, and the whole world became blurred and shaky. Besides, my feet were still in pain. I sat down again.

The light was a problem here; I knew that it somehow affected the way I feel, so I decided to pull down the curtains and think. My eyesight was distorted; I couldn’t look directly at any object: my headache immediately returned magnified one thousand times. So I closed my eyes and started retracing yesterday’s walk, or rather my escape from home. 

First and foremost – we quarreled. Two adult sisters living together is… hm, a challenging task. If only we had enough money and the place we could go we’d leave each other immediately. But as for now, we had neither choice, nor sources. 

We were so different: She and I. Martha was brave and charismatic, always the center of attention. The awareness of that made Her addicted to the admiration of the crowd. My Sister spent all Her time on social media, impressing the public with retouched selfies and generated quotes, forgetting that these were fabricated lies that had little to do with her real self.

Continue reading “False Memories (Part 2)”

False Memories (Part 1)

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

DISCLAIMER: the events and the characters mentioned in this story are the product of the author’s imagination

I guess it all began the moment I slammed the door loudly, causing the tiny rivers and streams of stone dust and chalk to run down onto the floor. I quickly scrutinized the tiny crevices and cracks around the doorframe – eternal remnants of my mood swings and our bitter quarrels… I ran down the steps diving into the silver moonlight that stole all the colors of this world except for black and white… 

I could discern the catlike silhouettes in the silver slits of windows. All the voices from different flats were mixed and united in one preaching chorus, and all the graffities and scribbles that casually adorned the staircase during the day now were turned into magical patterns and figures. Like cavemen, we continue on and on to mark our achievements, wishes and feelings, etching them deep into the wall.

The entrance door swung open, welcoming the wet, damp wind to fill the darkness. A few rare cool drops of rain fell on my face, mingling and mixing with tears, calming me, reviving and suddenly filling everything with a sense of hope again. I went out, looking up at the sky and breathing deeply, trying to regain composure. My jacket was unzipped carelessly, my strides were long and bold… It was an attempt to become one with the wind, one with the coming storm, to cast off all formalities, reject the laws of physics, and fly over the earth in elemental fury.

A burning array of yellow windows was outlined brightly against the gray carcasses of the buildings, almost indiscernible in the surrounding darkness… I wish I could say the same about the drunken crowd of people, who were shouting and cursing loudly, while checking out the surroundings with an immense hunger for destruction. So I halted for a moment, praying to become invisible. 

Continue reading “False Memories (Part 1)”

Artistic sigil “Luck”

Hi everyone 🙂
The waxing Moon is in Sagittarius now, so I think it’s time for us to ask Universe for a bit of luck.

This sigil was made by me using the letters of the Polish word for luck: it is longer and has a richer variety of consonants. I crossed out the repetitions and combined them into one shape (on the left). Later, I looked for artistic patterns to create an image charged with creative energy and visualization. I let the picture guide me, providing clues for additional keys to its activation if needed.

When I created this picture, I was almost feeling/seeing the golden light of Sun piercing the grape leaves that entwine the column. The rays are warming, cleansing and filling the whole space, exactly like the music coming from the harp. The sun depicted on the top of a column and the key hanging down from the harp could be the most important clue: string music and sun energy (both light and planetary) are vital here. This scene is definitely taking place in Southern Europe, and taking under consideration the vegetation, luck and sun energy, we can also possibly think of basil or bay leaf.

Continue reading “Artistic sigil “Luck””

Fire Magic(k): Correspondences

According to the hermetic approach, the process of manifestation is represented by the chain: fire-water-air-earth. Therefore, the fire is the most subtle of all elements. According to A. Podvodny, fire transmits the energy from the sky/divine on the earthly plane, so people with much fire in their natal charts are natural prophets 🙂

Let’s not forget the four pillars of Solomon, where fire is will, air is knowledge, water is action, earth is effect.
From a human perspective in order to ascend, we must start from low vibrational, dense energy and move to high vibrational one: earth, water, air, fire. This is also a Kabbalistic approach – we reach Keter starting from Malkhut.

Continue reading “Fire Magic(k): Correspondences”

Funeral of the Sun (daily prompt – favorite season)

I like the decadent, mysteriously farewell atmosphere of autumn. The Sun is dying and in order to say goodbye it fires up the leaves with its golden, still warm rays and scatters them everywhere – like pieces of jewelry, like ancient treasure torn in the tiny bits and thrown around. It is a Royal funeral. Later the season of rains begins. The trees are bare and gnarled, their branches are the hag’s hands stretching out to the skies and casting the curses in the fit of frenzy. Leaves are mixed with the sludge, but the smell of autumn, the naked trees outlined against the sky, the completely drenched with water trees are catching lightnings with their naked hag hands, scratching the sky. You feel the magic electrifying everything. You sense the atmosphere of unfathomable, unconceivable darkness, and you completely and fully believe that the gates to the different worlds open these days, you are but to follow.

Continue reading “Funeral of the Sun (daily prompt – favorite season)”

A dream – debts (05.06.2023)

Just a “nice” dream in which I walked through my grandmother’s native town, I don’t really remember the setting, it was smeared simply on the tissue of this dream. Suddenly I was taken by hand and walked to the bank, where the middle-aged woman with a very kind and sweet face told me that my mother and great grandmother had/have terrible debts and a myriad of loans in this bank and I should pay for them. The woman went into another room, and I followed her. There was a large swimming pool and we sat on the plastic chairs observing the pool from above. “I’m so sorry, – the woman sighed looking at me and hugged my shoulders. – So sad you must pay that, it is not even your fault.” When I went out the bank I ran into my mother on the street. I told her about the debts and she just shrugged. She didn’t care, and wasn’t going to help me.

Continue reading “A dream – debts (05.06.2023)”

Shadow Path (part 1)

1st part;
2nd part;
3d part;
4th part;
5th part

*Anima: soul (the meaning which was chosen by me for this story)

**Leo: (in astrology) the sign where the Sun is domiciled (Sun is the ruler there and it is strong). Leo and the Sun stand for the Ego and can symbolize utter selfishness at the low level of self-development (primitiveness).

‘To sleep, to dream, to dive into the depth of the endless ocean which hides millions of barely existing realities on the brim of your imagination. When you fall asleep, the warmth and softness surround you, lulling and carrying you to the void, to the darkest darkness where you do not exist anymore, where you feel pain no more, and where you are unified with the Universe. And then you find yourself diving into the utmost depth of the boundless ocean, where you become whole, accepted, and never alone. You sway in its waters and get carried away by its currents to all existing memories, hopes, causes, outcomes, futures, pasts, presents –  all possible variations of time. You can choose your favorite one… Why does anyone even want to wake up?

Sure, there are nightmares, but reality is also full of them, isn’t it? There are dark sides in every possible representation of infinity; otherwise nothing could be compound, complicated and mysterious, definitely not as intriguingly contrastive as any crowd would like. Though, in comparison with reality, our dreams are more subtle. Everything moves and shifts its shape like a fog, or like a cloud: now you see a forest, and than it turns out to be a castle, and later perhaps a ship, or isn’t it the old man’s bald head? Strange. But so vague, dynamic and playful. You can discover all the answers and the hints in your dreams; all kinds of knowledge: spiritual, psychological, or occult. Everything may reveal itself before you when you are open and sensitive enough – I am. I love to sleep. I live to sleep. I’d die…’

Continue reading “Shadow Path (part 1)”

Harvest and decay

It is full of symbols so yes, it has sense 😀

The golden leaves, still rare, 
But beware:
Of bittersweet nostalgia’s soft steps
And depths
Of memories and losses,
False prognosis.
They sing about diamonds and rust
Which you’ll receive at last.
My memories, alas,
Bring rather dust and ashes.
But with the ashes you can feed new life
It’s always so: you only learn new lesson
If the results of all YOUR faulty actions
Make YOU fall, suffer, ache until YOU die,
And still you’ll rise in resurrection.
You’ll never learn from books, without redemption…
The leaves are falling like the specs of gold,
The rays of evening sun from tales which won’t be told…
I feel regret and yet enormous longing
For yet unfound beauty or perfection
In all its ashen ancient passion
Filled with the festivals of harvest and decay.
I may reach out and become the forest witch,
And dwell the carcasses of long dead buildings - stay!
Dance with me, Autumn, in the gilded rays…
I know, my hands are shaking: thus I pay
For calmness and the sanity of mind,
But wait!
I see a great red moon up in the sky
And it’s a dragon’s figure or it might
Be any other beast.
And woman sits among the yellow leaves,
As if she’s dressed in Sun
With flowers in her hair.
The fruits are ripe - beware, beware!
And finally I’m done
With my plain autumn rumination
In search of fleeting inspiration.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com 

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