🃏June Monthly Tarot Reading for My Client H.🔮

  1. The main events: The World + The Sun + Queen of Coins (the sum= the Emperor)
  2. The general mood: 10 of wands + 3 of cups + The Tower (6 of Coins) the sum=the Justice)
  3. Advice: 6 of wands + 7 of cups + The Priestess (the sum=The Devil)
  4. Influence she doesn’t notice: The Wheel of Fortune
  5. The conscious aim: The Emperor
  6. Beware: The Moon + 7 of coins + 4 of coins (the sum=The Justice)
  7. Positive events: 8 of swords + 4 of cups + 2 of swords (the sum=The Temperance)

The total sum is The Tower
Loose card: 4 of swords

Dear H.,

Thank you so much for letting me share this reading on my blog 🙂 It turned out to reach really deep levels, and I hope it will prove useful and interesting for you!

Let’s begin.

On the surface (the main events of the month), there is a promise of success and fulfillment (all of the cards), especially when it comes to the creative field (The Sun is represented by Apollo in this deck) or your presence online (The World). You will feel more valued and appreciated, your beauty will shine (Queen of Coins, as the coins shine brightly in the sunlight, so there can be a possibility of a certain fame). This is also a lucrative time (Queen of Coins, The Emperor Arcana as a sum). Actually, there might be a need for better boundaries and stability, but your partner could help. If you plan any travels (The World), they will go smoothly (The Sun), though it could be hot 🙂

Actually, you aim for stability, better control over your life, and being grounded and safe (The Emperor). However, what you seem to forget is that you can’t control everything that happens around you; events unfold on their own, and time brings the results of something that you started long ago (The Wheel of Fortune).

But that was just the tip of the iceberg. There are some deeper currents revealed in this spread.

What caught my attention from the very beginning is the total sum of the spread, which is represented by The Tower Arcana. Moreover, this card repeats in the general mood position. Based on that, I have the impression that the month could be emotionally tough; there will be too many social events (10 of Wands + 3 of Cups). Especially visibly cheerful communication with others (3 of Cups) may prove to be maddeningly overwhelming (10 of Wands).

This could be just way too much, and may somewhat threaten your inner balance (The Justice as a sum of the position) and lead to a nervous breakdown (The Tower), so take proper care of yourself.

The 3 of Cups is also a card that signifies the joy we get from our leisure time. The Justice stands for perfect balance and organization, and I pulled an additional card to clarify The Tower (as it is a gate card), which was the 6 of Coins. Basically, it is another sign of the great need for inner balance between work and leisure, giving and taking. You shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help too.

The 4 of Swords fell loose while shuffling, which I treat as another general insight into the spread. This card, especially in the Mythic Tarot deck, represents a need for stillness, pause, and meditation, a deeper look inside your psyche, and restraint from active actions in the outside world.

This is confirmed by the advice position, as it basically proposes working with dreams, meditating, reaching out to the subconscious and archetypes, and finding some inner wisdom there (7 of Cups + The Priestess). The Devil as the sum emphasizes some obsessions, fears, and possible addictions (and we see this motif repeated in The Moon and 8 of Swords cards) hidden in the roots of your psyche, and together with the other cards, it represents a need for deep shadow work.

The 6 of Wands advises treating your failures and the anxiety connected to them as a victory, and remembering that everything is a lesson, and we should take positives out of them, as they help us to become wiser (The Priestess). Also, it could be good to express and transform this work into something creative (7 of Cups), especially since some success may appear out of this (main events position).

The sign of emotional conflict reappears in the “beware” and “positive events” positions. Actually, these two positions mirror each other, as in the “beware” we encounter inner fears and anxiety (The Moon), which are consciously buried (7 of Coins, 4 of Coins) instead of being accepted.

The Justice as a sum may indicate the need for inner balance, but as an opposition to The Moon, it suggests a need for inner honesty with yourself and your emotions. It won’t just go away (7 of Coins); this requires a closer look, as we see in the advice position.

The positive events position shows some calming and easing tendencies. These cards are similar to the ones in the previous position, but the fears are presented by minor arcana now, so they may not be as significant in reality.

Furthermore, here we see the Cups and Swords suits. They represent the emotional and analytical approach to the issue, instead of burying the unpleasant emotions. This is an attempt to analyze and better understand the tendency to suppress these emotions from the perspective of feelings. These cards correspond with the advice position as well, once again emphasizing the need for deeper emotional (and spiritual) work.

The Temperance is another card indicating the balance needed, but this card also signifies acceptance of the processes going on inside your mind, and merging them, refining, and purifying.

Summing up, the issue should go away if you work on it, and create a better schedule and balance in your life. Don’t be afraid to look inside your soul and let yourself feel 🙂 And the general events will turn out quite wonderful.

With the deepest gratitude and best wishes,

PS: I am the author of this spread 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look my offer 🙂

Collective (Un)conscious and Tarot: Do Birthdates Matter?

This post was actually inspired by my Tarot readings and Reiki sessions that I hosted on this blog, but it is another point I was contemplating upon a lot during my overall practice.

I mentioned that I can do Tarot readings and even send Reiki energy without gathering some very specific data details like photos or dates of birth, which are commonly asked for. I only require a name, country, and your blog.

Of course, I’m very well aware that typically this kind of data is a “must-have” for divination. It is an “anchor” that can help us to “catch and fix” a connection with a person in the informational field. This type of information is used in situations when we don’t see the person face-to-face and know nothing about them. In other words, if a client without a photo or any profile/background information sends us an email.

How does it work? Well, I’m pretty much sure that everyone is familiar with the concept of “collective unconscious” proposed by C. G. Jung. Growing up as humans, being part of the human society and culture (doesn’t matter which one), our psyche is rooted in the world of symbols, emotions, and dreams common for our species as a whole. We may even inherit it from our ancestors.

This is why we can, for instance, draw something, unaware we used the sacred and revered mythological motifs from unfamiliar cultures, or see some gods in our dreams (for example, I dreamed of Lakshmi when I was 13 years old, and I got to know about this goddess due to this dream). It is also the reason why all myths have similar features, and all book storylines are stemmed from the same prehistorical narratives. Speaking from a metaphysical perspective, we can theoretically connect it to the astral plane.

There is another concept of the collective conscious (noosphere by Chardin and Vernadsky, etc). It’s a living, breathing conglomeration of all the ideas, notions, knowledge, revelations… that is developing all the time, of course, and our minds are naturally connected with it.

Thanks to that, discoveries happen at more or less the same time, as well as the ideas for WP posts sometimes simultaneously visiting different people who don’t even know each other. The best example of collective conscious is various AI tools, as they literally are based on all the knowledge and ideas mixed together in one. From a metaphysical perspective, it is the so-called mental plane.

We are connected and exist in both planes, and when a psychic asks for your date of birth for the reading, they try to anchor you via these planes, finding a unique path to your psyche only among this ocean of information, ideas, and archetypes. With your unique date + name combination, you shine bright against this limitless ocean of information, and now they can connect with your energy to perform a reading.

Still, we have more “anchors” than that. Our art, our style of writing, and expressing ourselves are also kinds of anchors, because this is how we are uniquely attached to these planes; this is a path to our identity/energy. This is the shining thread that unites both of these planes, seams them together, and leads straight to you. Unless you use AI enhancements for your style, of course, then you can’t be found this way.

You may not be a Tarot reader or any other type of psychic to know what I’m talking about. You definitely experienced irritation, elation, sudden closeness or synchronicity while reading someone’s thoughts, even when you were not acquainted with them. And you definitely recognize the unique style of a person many times, even when they wrote to you from a different accounts or tried to pass as someone else. Sometimes you think about someone, and they call or message you. It means you anchored them, reached out, and established a connection. And this is what I do 🙂

So yes, sometimes your blog is enough for reading if you don’t want to share your birth data, provided you write your posts on your own. The same is with your artistic works, poetry, and any other unique way of expression. It is also an anchor and a very good one 🙂

PS: All pictures were generated by WP AI Picture Generator

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

If you are interested in my readings and sessions please take a look my offer 🙂

Tarot Pictograms and Correspondences in Magic(k) for Sigil-making and Artistic Approach :)

Hi everyone 🙂

Mystery Monday is here, and it is a time to come back to the divination topics 🙂

I hope this post will be simple and concise, despite the fact I usually enjoy writing longer ones 😀

This post was inspired by our discussion with Judith on her blog 🙂 She proposed a very interesting, creative, psychological, and deep practices of working with Tarot (Tarot Dreamscapes in this case). Check it out if you are interested in this topic 🙂

It is true that when we discover the possibility of magic or spiritual work related to Tarot, we usually start with the physical use of the palpable paper cards. We carry them in our pockets (as simple as it sounds, it actually has powerful effects), put them under the pillow, attach them to candles, or sprinkle with water… Some spells even require burning the cards, or planting them somewhere, or sending them with the wind.

And of course, it leads a point, when we realize, that it’s a terrible waste. Some of us print cards for this purpose; I personally was initially inspired by the sigils and started to create sigils for each Arcana, but it was long and tiresome work, to be honest. Thankfully, I’m not as inspired by Chaos magic(k) to destroy these signs each time I use them, but still.

Soon enough, I realized that if I came up with this idea, someone else should have done it too, and searched the internet with “Tarot Gliphs”, “Tarot Sigils”, “Tarot Pictograms”…. and I found many variants of that.

Like this one, for instance (found it on Pinterest). It’s the easiest and the most intuitive one, I suppose. You can not only visualize them as seeds, but also draw this symbols on fruit pits and plant them – literally. Or draw it on your skin before falling asleep instead of putting a paper card under your pillow:

Or we can try using the correspondences from this table:

From janeadamsart.wordpress.com

I saw a similar table in some works on hermetic/high magic(k) Golden Dawn related books, and I personally have it stored from D. Kraig’s book, but in my native language. Of course, some of these correspondences from the second table may sound weird. My version of the table also features colors, plants, and smells attached to the Major Arcana (which helps me in my meditation rituals).

Continue reading “Tarot Pictograms and Correspondences in Magic(k) for Sigil-making and Artistic Approach :)”

Tarot: My Path, Decks, and Practice (Introductory)

Hi again 🙂

Now, as I promised to share my divination reflections and experience with you on Mondays, I’ve decided to make the introductory post on Tarot and everything connected to it. This is for you to get to know each other better and share some facts about MarvellousNightmare being a Tarot reader 😉

First of all, I’ve had a long interest in Tarot and magic in general, but started actively performing readings for others since 2010. Initially, I did this for people I knew, then there was an epoch of free consulting via the internet (remember the time of forums?), later I tried to establish my own reading business practice. Now, I treat it as my passion.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

Even though my great-grandmother did classic card readings for people, and my mom performed something of this kind for her friends, no one really cared to teach me. I’m sincerely marveled when I learn that some people are led by hand by their parents or teachers, but I’ve learned it all myself from books (my favorite author, whom I also consider to be my teacher, is Hajo Banzhaf), forums (it was really very evolving to watch how very experienced people perform these readings, learning their unique tips and methods they developed for years, I picked a lot from them, they all are also my teachers), and of course, through very intensive practice. Because only practice shapes our unique path and practice. And each and every Reader has their own way and methods of work; there is no Universal one.

That is due to the fact that every act of divination is our own, peculiar, and unique way we create so we can talk with the Absolute. It’s about how we, personally, tune it. There are no identical ways of feeling things, no identical styles of writing or drawing, and no identical ways of reading. We can learn basics, but through practice, we shape it according to how it would work better for us. The most important thing is to feel comfortable and that it works for us and our clients.

Continue reading “Tarot: My Path, Decks, and Practice (Introductory)”

Long-promised Answer: My Experience With Self-Initiation

Hi, everyone 🙂

This post will be a short one, for it is a long-awaited answer to the question above regarding self-initiation (you can find more about initiation: here and here).

My answer is: Yes, sure!

I have a personal experience regarding the self-initiation, not only when it comes to Fire Elemental practice, but also concerning meditation with Tarot Major Arcana, working with Norse tradition, and with Magic(k) in general. However, in this post, I’ll concentrate on Fire Magic(k) specifically.

How did it all happen?

I had practiced all the exercises I ‘ve mentioned in previous posts, sometimes changing or adding new details, but it was a steady, continuous daily practice. The initiation itself happened during one of my fire meditations. It wasn’t an arranged occasion; it began with an impression like my collarbones suddenly were set on fire, with a very distinct strong heat, combined with an sensation of a heavy weight. It was as if I had a hot metal platter placed on them. I put my palms on my collarbones to reduce the heat, but the sensation persisted, nothing changed. A bit later, I saw certain signs and pictures in the fire flames. The fire, shadows, soot, and logs combined into a certain image, which was important for me on my path, a sort of personal revelation. I also saw three signs in the flame and logs, which somewhat reminded me of the fire signs in astrology, with some tiny differences. For instance, I rather discerned a sphinx, than the typical lion. I knew that these were confirmation of initiation, especially since at exactly that moment I also felt tingling, which together with heat or warmth often shows the signs of subtle energy at work.

Photo by Akil Mazumder on Pexels.com

What changed?

Continue reading “Long-promised Answer: My Experience With Self-Initiation”

April Monthly Tarot Reading for In your walllssssssss

As in the title 😉
This is my first attempt to perform a reading based on posts (I usually ask for birth data or a photo), so let’s see how it goes 🙂

  1. Main events: 10 of Swords (clarification: 3 of Coins) + The Hermit + Knight of Coins (the sum=The Fool) – a period of time when you are constantly judged or examined after intensive studies (3 of Coins) has come to an end (10 of Swords). Now, you have time to rest from activity, meditate, dive into your inner world; there you’ll receive wisdom (The Hermit). Knight of Coins shows the calm, slow, routine life. In other words, a difficult period of life has come to an end, and now everything is back to normal 🙂 The Fool emphasizes the fact that it is a new period in life, which is joyful, easy, and free – I think the end of the month will be the most stable (Knight of Coins is at the end), and in the middle of the month, you may find yourself distant and absorbed by your inner world (the Hermit). The beginning may be a bit harsh, but still, you will feel free 🙂
  2. The general mood of the month: The Devil + 7 of Cups + The Emperor (the sum=The Lovers) – this can be interpreted in two ways:
    – On the one hand, you may be obsessively (The Devil) in love (7 of Cups) with someone (The Emperor), and this feeling will dominate your April mood (The Lovers may confirm the love story). In that case, be very cautious of this person, as they may want to control you, and The Devil indicates the toxic traits of this relationship (jealousy/lies/manipulation)
    – Another possible interpretation is that the beginning of the month will be harsh, and you may be seized by anxiety, obsessive fears (The Devil), induced by your imagination mostly (7 of Cups). But towards the end of April, you’ll feel more stable, self-assured, and you will be able to define your plans and perspectives, be more grounded and have control over your life (The Emperor). In this case The Lovers may show the process of emotional healing, a certain freedom of choices.
  3. Advice: 8 of Swords + 5 of Swords + 4 of Wands (the sum=The Star) – Once again, it shows your fears and anxiety (8 of Swords). In this case, the cards propose to stop pursuing unattainable goals, something out of your reach (8 of Swords, The Star). Sometimes it is healthier to give up your fight (5 of Swords) and just enjoy the present moment and celebrate the beauty of life (4 of Wands). In addition to that, the Star once again might indicate deep emotional healing.
  4. Influence you don’t notice: 7 of Wands – you are still fighting for something, or you are trying to defend yourself from something, even though you may not notice this on the surface, consciously.
  5. Your conscious aims/hopes: The Justice – honesty, decisions made based on justice, truth, and thorough premeditation. It also may show your urge to have equal terms in a relationship with people around you.
  6. Beware: The Empress + The Fool + Queen of Swords (the sum=The Chariot) – be careful of new friendships (The Empress + The Fool), your friend may pretend to show you the maternal care and support (The Empress), but gossip or judge you behind your back (Queen of Swords). This person also may want to control you and push you to impulsive, inconsiderate actions (both The Fool and The Chariot)
  7. Positive events: 3 of Cups + Queen of Wands + King of Swords (the sum=The Empress) – nice time going out and meeting people (3 of Cups and the court cards), this could make you feel better about yourself (The Empress and Queen of Wands). You can also be asked out for a date (3 of Cups), and this also will positively affect your self-esteem.

The sum of the whole spread is The Wheel of Fortune – most events will be out of your control, possibly influenced by cosmic forces (be careful on the 8th of April, because this is a solar eclipse). Don’t act in rush, think through everything and just trust the way life goes 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

April Monthly Tarot Spread for Myself

  1. Main events: 2 of Swords + 9 of Cups + 7 of Cups (the sum=The Moon) – distancing from people and finding comfort and satisfaction in the world of fantasies (7 of Cups and the Moon). Both 2 of Swords and 9 of Cups show the tendencies of isolation, but in different ways. 2 of Swords rather demonstrates coldness towards others, but 9 of Cups shows concentration on myself and my own world. It’s not a bitter distancing though; there is a lot of happiness and joy in 9 of Cups, which may come from reach imagination or creative activity (7 of Cups). The Moon (the sum of all cards from this position) confirms both creativity and loneliness, additionally with suit of Cups emphasizing absorption by my emotional, inner world.
  2. The general mood of the month: Knight of Wands + Ace of Cups + The Chariot (the sum=The Strength) – quite energetic and cheerful actually, with sure and active implementation (Wands, The Chariot) of my creative ideas (Ace of Cups). Additionally, this may indicate very intensive sexual chemistry, but that would contradict the general spirit of isolation (probably in the romantic relationship also) so vividly expressed in this spread.
  3. Advice: The Fool + The Death + The Strength (the sum=The Chariot) – to start anew, leaving everything that has passed and no longer lives behind. Believe in myself, take the life in my own hands and move forward. The Strength adds intensity and self-assurance, The Chariot tells that action and initiative are important. In my opinion, the combination of all these cards also shows the need for energy cleansing.
  4. Influence I don’t notice: The Hanged Man – the inner urge to slow down and see the things from the different angle, or maybe general stops and stagnation.
  5. My conscious aim/hopes: 10 of Coins – stability, assurance in relationships.
  6. Beware: 2 of Cups + Wheel of Fortune + The Lovers (the sum=The Moon) – I can see two tendencies here: once again isolation, distance in the relationships (if you look at 2 of cups you see that the personages are closer to each other, The Wheel of Fortune shows change and The Lovers are placed farther apart). Second possibility is that I should beware of sudden, impulsive (The Wheel of Fortune) choices (The Lovers), especially if they seem to be generally attractive and appealing to me (2 of Cups). The Moon intensifies tendencies of both distancing and illusion, and creates the connection with the 1st position of the spread (main events).
  7. Positive events: 7 of Swords + The Magician + 9 of Coins (the sum=The Star) – I’m revising my older stories and posts in the blog, I hope every spelling/grammar/technical issues will be mended and this place will be comfortable and full of quality content (9 of Coins). The Star may refer to blog in general and to my poems, stories and articles.

The sum of the whole spread is The Hermit – the main tendency of this month is isolation, concentration on my inner world, knowledge, learning from experience and becoming wiser.

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist

You can contact me via leomoria93@outlook.com

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