Elements and astrology: footnotes (Air)

Key ideas: lightness, freshness, quickness, ubiquitous presence, changeability, space, freedom, sky, clouds, butterfly effect, sudden, changing, destruction, cold, outside, movement, breath, weather conditions, flash of lightning.

It is the quickest and the lightest of all elements: imagine the air, remember that it is about your imagination, not precision. So, once again, imagine the air which travels constantly around the Earth, visits various places. It is spacious, fresh and free, it constantly gathers, picks and spreads every kind of thing, smells, sounds it finds on its way. Then likewise when it comes to people with emphasized Air Element in their Natal Charts they are quick, they think playfully and in easy patterns, like to socialize, talk, spread news and rumors, they are curious and constantly gather some information, but have almost no memory.

Photo by Nita on Pexels.com

As a summer wind itself, representatives of that element are usually fast, easy going, very spontaneous which makes it nice and easy to spend time with them. That is the main reason why they usually have plenty of “friends”, with whom they have no real bond (it may be different with Libras). Children of the air element always have myriad ideas which are shaping and reshaping as quickly as the clouds in the sky. They create quickly milions of possiblities in terms of thoughs, place and time (butterfly effect). If there are no other prominent elemental influences in their natal charts, they have a bad sense of responsibility, and they tend to never finish their plans, because as soon as their curiosity is satisfied “air people” lose the aim and purpose. The temperament associated with air in classical astrology is sanguine, and the lifestyle and behavior of air signs may be recognized as somewhat childish with their complete lack of seriousness, but with the ability to get overly cheerful and the exceptional sense of humor. They can really and genuinely enjoy life and see it from every perspective. Their emotions are not very deep, but very flexible and not lasting long, as well as their reactions and thoughts.

Air is also a rational, cold and dry element (just think of a clear cold wind), so despite the jovial character, air signs are rarely empathetic (it is rather different for Libras who are Venus’ children), and all their relations are built rather on intellectual (social) interest. This element is usually associated with the outside, open ground so the people of this element with all their intelligence they are orientated on the outside search of information, topics, interests, but they are rarely looking deeper, almost never studying their inner world, rarely choosing the concrete area of interest.

Photo by Ralph W. lambrecht on Pexels.com

Then imagine the hurricanes or even the cosmic winds which are cold, forlorn, but in a way they create original Emptiness (Chaos) in which yet invisible imprints of ideas, potentials and the whole creation are awaiting formation silently. It happens because of the destruction that clears the all existing things and then brings this clear awaiting suspension, that also is a reflection of original Cosmic Chaos. This Emptiness left after a sudden act of destruction may be viewed as a holy space where you can find a divine inspiration or an enlightenment. The lightning from the sky may also be a similar symbol of a sudden revolution inside your very being, a creative force or an enlightenment. Air people often have such inspiration and transfer their ideas to the world, others, thus creating changes, trends, connections and new ways. By the way, the whole today’s world is focused on it as well as nowadays technologies. The energy of the Air Element is dominant at every level and area of life. Based on this I’m very much sure that we already live in the Age of Aquarius.

Photo by Rafael Cerqueira on Pexels.com

Air signs always have a sense of freedom around them. At their best (high level of development) they possess the sense of the utter clearness of consciousness that makes them the best and honest judges. Also they are great diplomats, inventors and scientists and they can gather all possible information and transform it in a new vision/theory, quick thinkers and doers, really free from other’s opinions and actions and out of box thinkers. It is them who forces changes into society, makes it move, gives freshness and life (breath). They are discoverers and rational prophets. At their worst (least developed) they are very shallow, irresponsible, destructive (esp Aquarius), stick to fashion and whatever is popular at the moment, don’t have their own opinion and forcibly try to be different, but it happens in a way that almost half of humanity does at the present moment. They ignore their inner world and the emotions of others completely. Such representatives of Air element are very dependable and have difficulties with creating their own life, and live the way they want to. Gossipers and people hunting for sensations and spying on their neighbors.

You may apply that description to yourself if you:

– Have Sun, Moon or Ascendant in one of the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius);

– Have at least two personal planets (or one personal planet and the ascendant Ruler) in the air signs;

– Mercury and/or Uranus should have a lot of aspects, especially with your Lights (Sun and Moon).

– Also if one of these planets is emphasized by essential (signs-related) or accidental (houses-related) dignity, conjunctions with Angles (Asc, MC, IC, Dsc) and sometimes stars and certain degrees.

– Accentuated Air Houses (III, VII, XI). In that case you will have qualities, interests and values of the air signs, but you will not have the specific air energy in you, unless you have other indicators or emphasized air elements in your natal chart.

Photo by Lisa on Pexels.com

I’d like to add something: Personally I, at this moment of my life, based on the observations I have, believe that elements are the most general characteristic of our Natal Charts. They describe mostly our temperament, our inner flexibility and type of reactions or mental processes. Even if you have the Sun or the Moon, etc. in one of the Air Signs this description may not suit you perfectly. It happens simply because our natal charts are like pictures. Each one is hopefully different. So, your picture may have a blue background (Air Element), but also have some green, silver and yellow spots and lots of figures, strokes. It may be composed in different styles. So… Yeah, your background is blue but it doesn’t constitute the whole picture 🙂

© MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
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2 thoughts on “Elements and astrology: footnotes (Air)

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  1. Ciagle pedzace gdzies, ciagle w pogoni za nowymi smakami zycia, polujace na nowe energie….towarzyskie, slodkie, niewinne, bywaja szorskie i zyjace tu i teraz…ludziom ciezko za nimi nadazyc, podobnie jak im ciezko nadazyc za swoim umyslem…energie powietrzne tak bardzo mi bliskie…Bliznieta, Wodnik, Waga…przyciagamy to, co mamy w sobie..

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