Why do we need to understand people

I don’t like to give the practical answers to such kind of questions, though I know they exist. Everyone dreams of being loved, have a plenty of friends and achieve successes in their life. Fine.
Nonetheless, these points lack something, at least in my opinion. First of all, what is a real understanding of others? What does it take even?

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Pexels.com

Personally I believe that a complete understanding of another person is impossible. We see only what we know, or what constitutes our background. When we get to know someone we simply study them through the mixture of our experiences, clasify and react accordingly. When we come from the similar enviroment, our temperaments, past lives and energy are quite alike, we understand each other better, quicklier, almost read in each others minds. There are also mysterious “our people” who attract and enchant us “simply because”. On the other hand, when we live in the completely different Worlds, with almost nothing similar, we cannot understand each other fully and we project our past experience on them to fill in this gaps, to make the picture complete.

Photo by Jessica Lynn Lewis on Pexels.com

The art of understanding could help here, perhaps, at some extent, but those “arts” are rarely designed for getting to know someone individually, they are mostly about how people behave in general, so you can actually win friends, love, success. Sure, I agree that we share some common features, which are innately belong to our kind, and these features we can easily learn. But we will never fully know our loved ones, friends, collegues and even ourselves. These strategies never work on the individual level. By the way the more I think, the more I want to just simply stay myself, except for the work-connected situations and maintain relations only with “my people”. That is why I also prefer the world of internet to that of the reality, I can simply be myself and express myself.

Photo by asap jpeg on Pexels.com

Ok, away from relations.
Why do we really deep inside our souls need to understand people? Because we are innate part of the humanity, and we only comprehend this perspective on the Universe, which our kind can grasp. We cannot think outside of this dimension, we can not live outside the history, the culture, the ways of our existence and the influence of the antique civilizations on our present lives. When we walk we feel their dust under our feet, and when we look around we see all existing signs of all epochs of human reign. And that shapes our reality.

Photo by Stefan Stefancik on Pexels.com

Moreover, it is an innate wish of everyone of us to find our place in this strange reality, to understand why are we here and where are we going, and it is a completely impossible task without at least a basic insight into human behaviour and way of thinking, because, dispite the fact we come here with a very different potential, it is a outer World which leaves its traces and influences on us, changing our initial form into what we are now. So, in order to find our own place, path and inner acceptance we are simply compelled to understand people 🙂

MarvellousNightmare on Coconut Doesn’t Exist
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